Volmark, Rise |
Summary: | The Ironborn raid the allied lines along the Seagard waterfront. |
Date: | 25/01/289 |
Related Logs: | The Siege of Seagard |
Players: |
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Waterfront - Seagard |
The merchant stalls, customs stations and seedy dockside taverns that once thrived here are largely burnt as well, the Ironborn having looted and gutted them before they were driven from this part of the city. The dock - one of Seagard's three major ones - is still intact, however, and there's enough raw space in the stone buildings that couldn't be burned to house supplies. ||
25 January, 289 A.L. |
The hour has arrived in which men are gathered around campfires or occupied hearths, cooking dinner. The grind of 'hurry up and wait' has worn on the patience of more than one man in the Flint encampment, dug in overlooking the captured pier along the waterfront.
The boredom is broken by a swiftly raised alarm shouted from the sentry post. "Ironborn from the east!"
The alarm is both a relief and something that fills the men with the dread of battle. Relief in that they're NOT going from house to house in a hunting expedition, but rather now there's some room to maneuver. The sound puts men at the ready; pikes grabbed, swords.. and it's been a standing order that those who have armour to wear it, perhaps minus a helm or gauntlets for the comfort, but they're in a war zone. There are calls made to organize.. "Archers! Pikes! Formation!" Those come from the various and sundry serjeants who take their positions quite seriously, as does their Young Lord.
Anders, for his part, once the alarum is raised, grabs his helm and shield, as he is not without his sword, to check on the news other than just 'from the east'. "How many men are seen?" is given as a cut, curt question of the man-at-arms.
For some reason, Aleister hadn't wished to attend to the discreet raid that was taking place. Perhaps it was simply because there were nobles of note in the vacinity. Or perhaps it was because it was another Nayland led offensive. Whatever the reason, he'd found his way to the Flint Camp, just in time to hear the sounding of the alarm. There's a deep sigh that escapes his lips and a slight shake of his head as he re-deposits the helm back on his head, "I'd have been better off sitting in my pavilion, drinking wine, it would seem." Never-the-less, his shield is unslung from his back and slipped onto his left arm, while the mace comes to the right. That done, he's simply beginning to weave his way in the direction of Ander's pavilion as he calls out, "Thought I'd come lend a hand! After all, wouldn't do to have the Northerner die in my presence, now, would it."
The Armsman is rushing to join the other footmen in this local camp, so he shouts back to Anders over his shoulder, half turned. "A dozen, Ser! A skirmishing band, coming fast-" Bows are strung hurriedly, and spears hurriedly taken to hand as the men of the North rise to meet the sons of the sea.
"You're welcome, if you wear the right colours!" is called back; Anders recognizes the voice, his tones amused. He's placing his helm upon his head as well, before strapping his shield to his arm. "But I won't be the one responsible for telling your lady that you got a cut.. so you'd better keep your eyes open."
And the news comes that they're quick… "Archers!" Anders calls out, "On the numbers!" which gives their serjeants the command to begin the counting in preparation for the skirmishers when they come into range. One is for nocking the arrow, two for targeting and drawing.. and the third for loosing. "Spears! Make ready!" His voice is strong, steady.. he's ready for this.
"I'm wearing the proper colours, Northerner, the only colours that matter in fact!" is the quickly voiced reply admist a chuckle, as if Aleister was merely showing up for a goblet of wine rather then now about to partake in a battle. "You needn't worry about that, my friend. I'll try to make sure that any blood on me is all theirs." Now, he's moving off in the direction of the lines and where Anders stands, his mace coming to be hefted a touch as he listens and watches.
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Volmark 07 with Hunting Bow - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 10 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 09 attacks Volmark 09 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Volmark 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
Although the Ironborn lack the hoped-for advantage of surprise, the men under thier Lord come howling down the street at the hastily assembled cluster of spearmen. A quintet of arrows fly out from the Flint rear ranks, taking one warrior heavilky in the chest, but though the raider staggers, he does not stay down. "Volmark!" is the shout raised by the chieftan of this band. "Volmark!" is bellowed again with a two handed war axe brandished overhead.
"You'll do," Anders quips as his sword is drawn. Immediately after it is drawn, the serjeant begins his count, 'One!' and the archers do as they're bid. 'Two!' and the arrows are nocked and raised.. 'Three!' and there flies arrows, some hitting ineffectually, but one lands true.. giving grievous injury, even if the skirmisher still stands.
Now, however, Anders is deathly serious, and the call rises, "Stand your ground!" though not as if it's necessary— the bastards are coming to them.. and battle is gained. Raising his sword, he makes his first attack, a sweep, going after the one who bellowed his house.. and echoes with a response, "Hard as steel, the House of Flint!"
There's a faint cluck of Aleister's tongue as the arrow's are loosed and when they strike only a single man and fail to take him down, there's a slight shake of the Charlton's head. But, there's bigger things to worry about and when Anders goes directly for the one shouting the house, a soft grunt escapes past his lips, "Damnit, Northerner." A flit of his eyes is given to Lord Volmark as his lips curve into a smirk, "Just so you know, I'm going to enjoy placing your head on a pike so as to carry it around." There's no move made to attack the Lord at this time, for his attention flits to one of the other men as he moves closer to the frey, his mace lifting upwards to offer the man a rather viscious strike to the chest.
<COMBAT> Volmark 06 attacks Flint 02 with Spear & Shield but Flint 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 04 attacks Flint 04 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Volmark 02 attacks Flint 02 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Volmark 07 attacks Aleister with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Volmark 05 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Volmark 07 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 03 attacks Volmark 03 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 09 attacks Flint 03 with Spear & Shield but Flint 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 08 attacks Aleister with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Volmark 03 attacks Flint 03 with Spear & Shield but Flint 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 01 attacks Flint 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Volmark 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Volmark 05 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 04 attacks Volmark 04 with Spear - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 02 attacks Volmark 02 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 10 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 09 attacks Volmark 09 with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 01 attacks Volmark 01 with Spear - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Armsman attacks Volmark 06 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark attacks Anders with Polearm - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Lord Volmark with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Volmark 07 with Bludgeon & Shield but Volmark 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 02 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 04 has been KO'd!
The armored charge of Volmark men, clustered about their Lord, hits hard into the Flint spears. One of the Ironborn breaks through the front ranks and makes a dash at the archers, while Lord Volmark himself brings a vicious overhead blow of his cruel axe down hard and heavy on the young Flint Lord. "Sons of the Leviathan! Volmark, rise! RISE!"
Anders makes the strike against the Ironborn lord, but for whatever reason— his reach was too great, or the fact that Volmark's reach was better, and he is taken.. stabbed in the neck, the muscle and sinew torn from the strike, which in turn, caused the Flint's strike to meet only air. He's.. injured. Badly.. and there's only a couple of options open.. continue the battle, though there's no great ability from the blood that pours upon his armour.. and the dizziness that will keep his weapon from biting too deeply, or to fall back and defend.. which seems to be his best option at the moment.. and he calls it. "Close ranks! Close the ranks! Guard the archers!" And he just has to fall back.
The armor upon Aleister's thigh deflects one attack, while another lands lightly upon his shield armor, causing the Charlton to growl lowly. Any response is cut off by the viscious blow that is dealt to Anders and it immediately causes him to switch his attention to that of Lord Volmark, "Why don't you pick on someone your own size, squid? 'fraid I'll ruin that fancy armor of yours?" Even as the words are escaping his mouth, Aleister is lashing out at the Volmark Lord, clearly intending to try and take the man down with a single blow.
<COMBAT> Volmark 09 attacks Flint 03 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Volmark 07 attacks Aleister with Bludgeon & Shield but Aleister DODGES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 06 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Volmark 01 attacks Flint 01 with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman attacks Volmark 06 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Volmark 05 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Volmark 04 attacks Flint 05 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Flint 10 attacks Volmark 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 09 attacks Volmark 09 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Volmark 05 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 03 attacks Volmark 03 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Volmark 08 attacks Aleister with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Volmark 03 attacks Flint 03 with Spear & Shield - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Volmark 02 attacks Flint 05 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck.
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Volmark 07 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Volmark 01 with Hunting Bow - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 01 attacks Volmark 01 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark attacks Aleister with Polearm - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Lord Volmark with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 03 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lord_Volmark spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Lord Volmark's grandoise challenge results in the Leviathan Lord taking a mace to the helm, that sends him staggering to the ground. Although the bloody pass has set the Flint lines to wavering, Volmark's response is neither to die nor scream. Instead he laughs. Behind the steel crested helm, Lord Volmark orders, "LEave him be, men! I want this one.." He surges back to his feet and again hefts his axe, moving on Aleister, even as his men back off of the Charlton knight.
Anders manages to make it back those few steps to relative safety. He's bleeding profusely, and unsteady on his feet. Sheer willpower keeps him upright, however.. and he winces, his eyes watering from the pain and the effort. "Flint! Fall back!!" It'll give the men something to hold on to— they're getting hit, and hard. Nothing that can be done for that. "Al— fall back!" is called to his friend. His voice is hoarse, and he's not all that certain he can be heard. Thankfully, the serjeants take up the call, and the command comes down the line.. "Fall back!"
Anders manages to make it back those few steps to relative safety. He's bleeding profusely, and unsteady on his feet. Sheer willpower keeps him upright, however.. and he winces, his eyes watering from the pain and the effort. "Flint! Fall back!!" It'll give the men something to hold on to— they're getting hit, and hard. Nothing that can be done for that. "Al— fall back!" is called to his friend. His voice is hoarse, and he's not all that certain he can be heard. Thankfully, the serjeants take up the call, and the command comes down the line.. "Fall back!" Anders calls to one, Jamys.. a young lad.. one seen about the fires. "Jamys! To the Charlton's. Lord Aleister calls for their aid!" The lad, catching his order, tears out..
Aleister manages to dodge one of the attacks, which sets his shield arm up for another grazing blow, something that draws another growl from his lips. Volmark's axe manages to bite into the armor of his right thigh, sending the man to wobbling and threatening to knock him off balance. Thankfully, he holds and after his blow strikes the Volmark Lord and sends him to the ground, there's a quick chuckle of satisifaction that escapes his lips. That chuckle quickly fades when the Ironborn gets back to his feet and when the offer of single combat is offered, there's a simple step back as his shield lifts a touch, "What say you, m'lord. I win, you're men pull back and try for this area again another day. You win, you claim the district as your own." That step is reclaimed, now, as the Charlton Knight once more advances on Lord Volmark.
"Done," the Volmark behind his sea-beast helm, smile audible in his voice though his face remains unseen. Poleaxe drawn up in a salute, the two lords set again to battle, the roars of the Volmark warriors raised to urge on their chieftan.
Anders is out.. though he stands through sheer force of will, his men bidding a tactical retreat, the commanders (that still have their feet) make the attempt to make it orderly, though at the moment, with the blood and the injuries and simply the unknown, it's.. a little less than. 'Form up!' can be heard ineffectually, though there are a few that actually slow their jogs to a walk. The Flints are a ragged mess, but truly through no fault of their own. They were organized, they were set and ready.. but the Volmarks simply pushed, and hard.
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark attacks Aleister with Polearm but Aleister DODGES!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Lord Volmark with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
The two lordly champions trade blows, but- as the two veteran warriors they are- neither leaves a glaring opening in their defense, and the match continues.
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark attacks Aleister with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Lord Volmark with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
The Gods simply do not smile upon Aleister in this particular battle. Whereas before, the Knight had emerged unscatched from battle .. this time, he seems to be taking a beating. While his blow strikes Volmark upon the hand, it's only a glancing thing and he winds up leaving himself wide open to that viscious axe, which promptly connects with his chest, biting through armor, clothing and into skin. A gasped breath is taken and a staggering, sway of a step, but the Charlton remains standing.
A round of cheers from the Ironborn meet the blow, but they are answered by shouts and trumpets that signal a looming Riverlord counterattack. More than a few among the Volmarks voice the need to move, but their chieftan does not appear ready to leave, as of yet.
<COMBAT> Lord Volmark attacks Aleister with Polearm - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Lord Volmark with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aleister has been KO'd!
Weakened by the blow to his chest, Aleister's attack offers little more then a bounce of his mace off the opposing Lord's arm and even such a light thing sends his body into that staggering sway. It's made worse by the swing of that large axe and as it connects with his right arm, tearing through the armor and just biting into his skin, it's enough to cause the Charlton Knight to fall to one knee. Ragged breaths are drawn amongst short gasps of pain and after a moment, he's gasping out, "You have proven the better Champion this day. I yield."
Lord Volmark raises his poleaxe victoriously overhead, to the cheers of his men. "Aye, Riverlord. But you and I both well know that your oath is worthless. Your kin will never vacate the quarter. Ought to take your head for my trouble," he mutters from behind the Leviathan helm. "Good thing that taking your ground weren't what I came for, eh? Until another day, Riverlord," Volmark offers in parting, voice colored with the edge of a taunt, to lead his men south toward the docks at a swift jog, looking to clear the area in advance of the arrival of reinforcements.
A simple grunt comes to be offered to Volmark's words and when he begins to lead his men southward, Aleister is forcing himself back to his feet. His shield is discarded so that the hand can lift to his chest, the armor now baring a gash in which blood begins to seep through. For a moment, eyes turn in the direction of the Ironborn, watching as they begin their southward departure. It's only then that he begins to move in a slow shuffle in the direction to which the Flints had gone.
Anders waited.. his sword still drawn, though there isn't a hope in hell he could have raised it. Not now.. and as Aleister begins shuffling in the direction the Flints had gone, he approaches, his pace.. unsteady, his wound ugly and bleeding. He's.. bad, though his friend is not that much less injured. "Aleister.." he begins, his voice barely a whisper. There are a couple of men, however, that find their courage to approach, and one takes hold of Anders to steady him, and the other, Aleister.. to give aid where he can..
Raising a hand and giving a slight wave of it to stem the aid from one of the Flint's, that hand then lowers to point in the direction of Anders, "Tend to your Lord. I will live." He's bleading from a few places, including his leg and a couple of wounds upon his left arm, but it's only the chest one that seems to have really caused any damage. Now, his attention shifts back to Anders, the bare hint of a smile crossing his lips, "Bloody Northerner. Few things to teach you, it would seem." A light jest and as the sounds of approaching men begin to draw closer, he's casting a look in the direction from which they'll arrive, so as to begin moving in that direction, "Come .."