The Kraken's Last Stand |
Summary: | A massed assault is directed against the Bloody Keep. |
Date: | 11/04/289 |
Related Logs: | Before The Storm, more to follow |
Players: |
The Bloody Keep - Castle Pyke |
An enclosed stone corridor leading from the Great Keep to the Bloody Keep. |
11 April, 289 A.L. |
"For the Mire and Stonebridge, boys!" Riordan calls to the rest of the Nayland men as they move with the rest of those sworn to the Frey's. After that, he follow's the example of the more stoic of his comrades and falls silent, an impressive looking steel-clad figure in his harpy-decorated armor.
"Ser Rowan hasn't really mastered logical threats, yet," Gedeon opines to Jarod as they march. There is a small shake of his head and a wry smirk as the blond knight adds, "Gods be with you both. Even the old ones, in case the North brought them along." He glances back towards where the men of Oldstones are stationed, further back (what with their bows and the like). He hefts his blade and shouts "Oldstones!" which has the small contingent rattling their spears and hefting their bows, returning the call.
Riordan's prompt draws the appropriate cheer from the massed men of Hag's mire, who fill out the spearhead of the Frey assault party. As they face down the corridor of death, still splattered with the blood and unrecovered bodies of the men of the Reach who had sought to force this crossing before them, the riverlords spy the solid wall of Ironborn shields waiting at the end.
Rygar voices the first commands to the levy. "Prepare a skirmish line to draw them out. Bowmen fire as we close. Swordsmen, stand ready to counter-charge upon contact." A slow breath is drawn before the order is given, "Advance."
Pariston is following along behind Anders still, weapon ready to fire whenever possible. Keeping a few paces behind since he is carrying his bow.
Hardwicke jerks his chin in a nod at Jarod's replying wishes of good luck, as well as to Kittridge when he passes by with his own.
With the Nayland Knights and levies taking to the front of this particular battle, Aleister and the Charlton men are waiting behind them, at the ready. There's not much to be done at this moment, other then simply watch and wait and re-enforce the line where it becomes necessary.
Dominick lifts his crossbow as the call to charge begins, feeling the thudding in his chest as his heart speeds up just that much. With Kittridge in the corner of his eye he trains his crossbow on his Lord's target, trying to maximize a first burst of attack power.
"It's the usual, lads, or so they say." Bruce speaks quietly to the Nayland Guards, just enough so he can be heard over the din of voices and mass movement. "We're loosing from the back, and I suspect before long we'll be called to charge in and stem the tide. You know. Make sure you KNOW where you're shooting, we're packed tight! Alright, to it, lads." Ser Bruce picks a small piece of real estate in the back that he and his lads can safely loose bolts at the enemy from, driving their shields into the ground next to them. Having stopped next to Aleister, he dips his head at him and grins. Then he's aiming his weapon quickly over the head of friendly soldiers. "Guards - aim." There's a pause. "Loose!" A uniform twang sounds out as bolts volley towards the Greyjoy lines.
Anders gets his men at the ready- pikes at the front, bows and polearms to reach over. It's with a positive, assured posture now that he gets all in order, speaking quietly to his men as they advance to place. "For the Good King Robert, and the North!" is called, "May the gods aid us this day, men of steel, men of Flint!"
Eamon readies himself as their ranks draw up with the Greyjoy opposition. He grips his poleaxe, shifting his grip along it and lowering it infront of him, testing the familiar weight and feel as he prepares himself for close quarters combat.
Riordan takes his place with the skirmishers, wielding a spear as they are. His trades re-assuring and jovial smiles (even if one-sided) with the levies around him, and advances on Rygar's order. As they advance, he begins to him a tune, softly at first, then louder. At some point, it is likely recognized as a parody he made up some time ago based off the song the Bear and the Maiden Fair, which he dubbed 'The Harpy and the Squid Tarty' (working title).
Rutger is behind the inital charge, sword drawn as the levies make their push in. His own charge will come soon enough. And with him the
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Pariston with Thrown Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1 attacks Dominick with Thrown Spear - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Harlaw 2 with Hunting Bow - Moderate wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 2 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 3 with Polearm - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Greyjoy 2 with Crossbow - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Dominick has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Dominick spends a luck point to keep fighting!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Greyjoy 05 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 01 with Spear but Greyjoy 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 03 with Spear - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Chieftan with Polearm - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Maron with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Maron attacks Rafferdy with Thrown Axe - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 02 with Crossbow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 03 has been KO'd!
A spear is thrown towards Pariston, he tries to avoid it but the spear still hits his chest. Luckily ir is not a very great hit as it only causes a small wound and he is able to return fire. Letting his arrow soar between men and hit it's target in the leg. Not exactly where he wanted it but it did seem to cause some damage to the man. Pariston then makes himself ready to continue.
Eamon grunts as he joins the first wave of royal forces, swinging his poleaxe down in a vicious arc. His opponent must compensate somehow, for the blow that lands is light rather than the entended crippling dismemberment. Eamon simply grunts, pulling back his weapon and lowering it infront of him to brace himself for the coming attacks.
Dominick's arm twitches as a thrown spear goes *thwick* past him, tearing a bit of skin and welling some blood up under the maile. His hand clenches and unclenches, the minor sting registering as he finds his target under the ready point under his bow. "Bitch." That's a much bigger spray of blood sent up in return, splattering the wall. It was a man's arm over there.
The Nayland bolts are a mixed lot - some of them find targets, some do not. In turn, some thrown axes from Maron Greyjoy's personal guard find some of them. "Guards - reload, loose at will!" Bruce did not see his own bolt land, or not land in this case, over the ranks of friendly men. He leans down to pull up the string of the weapon with his belt claw, already reaching to fix another bolt in the weapon. But such things take time.
As the spears slam in, Theres a nod as Rutger's own sword moves to batter at his Shiield. "Nayland and the Mire!" his call rings out as the Knight leads in the rest to Join the fray. Close quarters makes it a bitch, but with his Shield hell push the squid back enough to gut. "Push in lads!"
The howls of Northmen resound through the stone corridors as the Mallister bannermen charge forward once again at the command of Lord Stark, the first few bolts fly between the two bodies of men, doing nothing to diminish the force of the coming clash. the Ironborn begin their steady cadence of weapons beating upon shields, with a rising battle cry from dozens of throats. Rallied by the voice of none other than Prince rodrik Greyjoy himself: "By all our fathers- GREYJOY!"
A hundred feet below them, a similar clash plays out, with the skirmish line of peasant spearmen doing little damage from long distance, but fulfilling their appointed task of drawing the Ironborn out of theirshield line in pursuit. A familiar face to some, the lower commander, Maron Grejoy gives an explosive oath as a crossbow bolt impacts his helm, glancing off, but not before putting a dent in the steel and starting a trickle of blood from a bitten scalp.
"Alright, Dom?" Kittridge checks. His own spear-thrust goes astray, the Greyjoy dodging, the Groves distracted by the missile flying just past him. He spares a quick glance for the cursing engineer, and then turns back to his work.
As the battle begins to unfold, Aleister and the Charlton's simply direct their attention to the fore, watching as the Naylands and the Greyjoy's begin to meet for the initial spray of blood. Casting a look over his shoulder, he's giving a nod of his head in the direction of one of the Sarjeants, "Ready your men. We'll re-enforce the Nayland line as it becomes necessary."
As the command calls forth, Hardwicke draws his sword and presses in with the rest of the host, silent and grim, for the attack.
It's always fun approaching a fight. "Here we go." At least there's cover from the archers, and that gives the men a chance to get closer, close enough to attack. "Mallister!" he calls out, as they near. "Mallister!" The cheer rings out, as Keelin finds a target and heads that way.
Jarod lets out four long, high-pitched whistles as he charges into the fray. He can't quite approximate an eagle's scream, but that's sort of the effect he's going for. He scans the heraldry on display on the Ironborn they face, as if searching for something among the squids. He doesn't seem to find it, and there's a flicker of frustration across his features. But rather than dwell, he charges in and puts his sword against the first Greyjoy man it can find. There's plenty of them to go around. "The River coasts've come for you, you Pyke sons of whores!"
"A harpy there was, a harpy, a HARPY!" Riordan cries out, singing the first lyrics of his song by way of battle cry as he and the other spears press in against the Ironborn. He presses in, whacking out with his shield, stabbing forward with his spear. "Forward!" he cries, urging the men beside him oneward.
"Paper cut," Dominick calls back to Kittridge. "Watch your ass, m'Lord." He draws the crossbow back, quickly loading the next bolt into the weapon's ready mechanical arms.
As usual there's no cry of any kind from Martyn as he moves in against the enemies. He takes a few moments to glance around, before he moves in to meet one of the Greyjoy men, sword raised to meet his foe.
With the stone corridor keeping them constrained, it seems like both sides are not fielding men who are shooting arrows or hurling spears which is to Kell's relief. It's always a tough feeling when one is unable to strike back because of distance. As the two sides call out their respective warcries and converge in a clash of steel on steel, the Hedge Knight is one of those in front of the collision. With his own target picked out with the Ironborn doing likewise, Kell raises his blade as he charges, cutting down swiftly with his oiled and sharpened blade.
In contrast with his kinsman's exhuberant cries, Rygar Nayland remains grimly silent as he steps to assault the foremost of the Greyjoy men in the forefront of the battleline, glancing a blow off the cheiftan;s helm, before stepping to match his crow's beak against the Chieftan's poleaxe.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 attacks Kittridge with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield but Hardwicke DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 8 attacks Gedeon with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 1 attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 3 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras passes.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Greyjoy 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 7 with Hunting Bow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 5 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 5 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Greyjoy 3 with Bludgeon but Greyjoy 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Greyjoy 1 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 8 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 3 with Polearm - Light wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 3 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 01 attacks Mire 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Mire 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 01 with Spear - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Mire 04 with Spear & Shield but Mire 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 03 with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Riordan with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 05 attacks Riordan with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Rutger with Bludgeon & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Rygar with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Greyjoy 05 with Spear - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 passes.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Chieftan with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Maron passes.
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 05 has been KO'd!
Drawn to one of the near Greyjoys, Hardwicke closes in with a sharp slash of his sword, even as the Ironborn thrusts his spear across the distance. They both manage to roll and evade each other, but it's the briefest of moments before they're closing again.
Eamon lets out a grunt of satisfaction as he dodges his opponent's strike, bringing the blade of his poleaxe sharply down on his foe's outstretched hand and allowing himself a brief smirk of satisfaction as his opponent crumples. He soon flashes Kamron a grin and lets out a cheer of "FOR SEAGARD!" before he moves to engage a new target
And it begins. Heading into the fray, Anders has no choice but to take on a man that is going for him, and he defends, swinging his sword around. The move causes his foe to miss him completely, while the armor that his own sword finds manages to deflect his landed blow. Next time.. it will be harder..
As he charges in, the Greyjoy he's facing gets off a shot first, but Keelin is quick enough on his feet to dodge. In return he swings back at the Greyjoy, hitting armour on the man's chest. Grumble. Following through the motion, he pulls his sword back to position so he can try again.
Kamron slams into the lines a moment after Eamon's first blow, coming in behind his shield and striking directly into the Greyjoy's shield, gathering it up so that Eamon gets a clearer line at their combined target's body. As they forces clash, he bellows, "SEAGARD! Mallister! The Riverlands!" His axe takes a chunk out of the shield of the man ahead of him, "Come on you fucking squids! Face the Eagles!" He flashes a grin back at Eamon, the light of battle flashing in his eyes.
In the battle above, the Ironborn stand firm behind their shields, putting the greater part of their efforts into physically stopping the headlong charge of howling Westerosi. Although one drops from their shield line, the remainder hold, and the charge of Starks and Mallisters is slowed. From behind the lines, Prince rodrik watches impassive in his ebon enameles armor, and great cloth of gold cape, greatsword at rest upon his shoulder. To the Prince;s side, Ser Harras Harlaw, resplendant in his own heraldic cloak, awaits his prince;s word to begin the counterattack.
In the battle below, the aggressive and repeated stabs of the Mire half-pikes well support the press of Nayland kngihts, and the Greyjoy line begins to falter, giving the assailant a first glimpse of the black mailed, kraken helmed House Guard axemen bodyguarding Prince Maron.
The armies clash and gedeon finds himself confronted by a Greyjoy man who stabs at the blond knight with a spear, which Gedeon manages to deftly avoid. He swings his own sword, and though it connects, the armor across the squid's stomach keeps the blade from doing any damage.
Bruce looks up as soon as he's loaded his second bolt. The sight that greets his eyes is pretty - the outnumbered men of Hag's Mire's levy are acquitting themselves well against their Greyjoy enemy, at least so far. The Ironmen, easy to spot from their simple mail shirts, are going down in number, or pushing to the rear of their formation and away from the combat. It looks like their formation, at least a part of the front, is becoming disordered, and the Stonebridge Captain of the Guard grins ferally. He takes the opportunity afforded by the disorder to shoot in a thicker press of enemy.
With the Naylands seemingly beginning to crush the Grejoy line, Aleister continues to watch from the rear, head canted a touch to the side as he leans his weight upon the polearm that he wields. A flit of his eyes shifts between the levies and knights to the fore, the smirk still resting light upon his lips.
Jarod's goal is a fairly rudimentary one. Cut through enough Greyjoy sworn to reach an actual Greyjoy. That's a bit of a job at present, though, and the squid he clashes with first doesn't fall easy. "One on you," he grunts quick to Rowan, gesturing at the Harlaw man with an eye for the newly-knight Nayland.
Ducking out of the way of the Greyjoy warrior's incoming blade, with the help of his shield, Martyn's own attack is similarily blocked. He doesn't pause for more than a few moments, before he tries attacking that enemy again.
As Kell engages his opponent in deadly combat, his blade strikes first before the reaver's axe cuts down at him. Though the tip of his blade breaks through some of the ringmail, it is only a light cut but enough to throw off the Ironborn's balance, causing the axe blade to miss. Without missing a beat and aggressively pursuing his opponent, the Hedge Knight then feints a slice at the chest and instead brings his blade across at the Ironborn's neck.
Blows clang off armor and shield as Riordan digs his heels in and presses harder against the shields set before the Nayland men. "…All orange and green, and…" the Nayland knight continues to sing, breaking off as another would-be blow bounces off the bronze harpy centerpiece on his armor. "Hey, watch that harpy. It wasn't cheap, you know!" Riordan stabs out with his spear, the tip finding purchase between a gab in the links of the other's armor, stabbing at his chest. "Press!" the knight calls, urging his compatriots onwards.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 8 attacks Gedeon with Spear & Shield but Gedeon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Kamron with Thrown Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield but Hardwicke DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 1 attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1 attacks Rowan with Thrown Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield but Anders DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 attacks Kittridge with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras passes.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Greyjoy 1 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 7 with Hunting Bow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 5 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword but Greyjoy 9 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Greyjoy 1 with Greatsword but Greyjoy 1 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 8 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Greyjoy 5 with Crossbow - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Leg.
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 07 with Spear - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 passes.
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Mire 04 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Rutger with Bludgeon & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Greyjoy 08 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 03 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Riordan with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Rygar with Polearm - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Chieftan with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Maron with Crossbow - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Maron attacks Rafferdy with Thrown Axe - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 10 with Crossbow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
<COMBAT> Chieftan has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 has been KO'd!
Eamon grunts furiously as he swings at another greyjoy, one that seems to be pressing hard against Kell. His polearm strikes true at the Greyjoy's abdomen, but the squid still stands so Eamon retracts his weapon, tenses, and lunges once more.
Anders grins as he makes his thrust again, his dodge sending him away from his foe's mark. He does, however, find his own mark on his foe- first blood as far as he's concerned.
Another swipe is taken at Gedeon Rivers, but Ser Rivers, leans the other way as he strikes again at the Greyjoy. This time there's a grunt as the sword cuts into the Ironer's armor and then the flesh beneath.
Though his aim was for the neck, Kell is hit in the hand as his blade begins to cut through the air and his intended strike is pushed a little lower where it bashes against the chainmail and nothing more. The reaver maile has stayed death this time though Eamon's assistance proves to be well timed. With a nod to the other knight, the Hedge Knight presses onward and more boldly with another hard strike.
Still in the dodging attacks stage with his opponent, Martyn frowns a bit as he once again misses. But at least the enemy is missing as well, so that's good. Moving in for another attempted attack now.
Despite the loads of Greyjoys piling through, it seems that Ser Rutger Nayland is able to accommodate each blow with a parry of his sword or the smash of of his shield. His original attacker dodges as Rutger, quickly has to move to hack back at another Squid who is sliding in. "Seven take you all! Nayland!" he cries out as he continues to dance with his two hairy paramours.
The figthing and moving between Anders and his opponent makes it hard for Pariston to lend any support as his arrows keeps missing it's target. A deep breath is taken by Pariston as he keeps calm and take careful aim.
The tip of the crossbow bolt is reflected for a split second in Dominick's sharp green eyes. It's loosed with precision, ripping apart a nice chunk of cheek and jaw of the enemy that had the poor luck to be fighting a Groves Lord. He pulls back again, yanking a new bolt out and reloading as quickly as he can.
Again, Hardwicke closes with his opponent, but the Greyjoy slides away so that his sword slices only empty air.
In the battle above, the Westerosi continue to batter against the Ironborn lines, drawing blood but failing to achieve a breakthrough. In the Ironborn rear ranks, the gilded Kraken turns to address Harras Harlaw, "Will your men draw swards and fight with me, my friend?" answered with a fierce smile and a brandishing of the valyrian steel sword Nightfall, Ser Harras roars, "For the Iron King!" as the Greyjoy reserves charge into the melee.
In the battle below, the tormenting that the Ironborn take from the Nayland peasants at last becomes too much, and they surge out of their defensive position to run down the unarmored spearmen. Although they take wounds in turn, half of the outnumbered Mire levies are driven back. Though the victory comes at a cost: in trading blows with Ser Rygar, the Greyjoy chieftan is dropped, dead in an instant, by the namesake crow's beak backspike of the pole hammer, which punches through maile, gambeson, and lung alike.
What was going well so soon is not going so well anymore, Bruce observes before he leans to reload his crossbow, the second bolt having missed just as the first one did. Part of the Mire line is bowing and bending badly under a renewed attack by the Greyjoys, causing the Captain's grin to reverse into a frown. "Reload, lads, and quick. We might be needed soon in there." His talking doesn't interrupt his work as he hooks the string up.
Keelin again plays chicken with his opponent, but he's starting to get a little impatient. It might be a mistake, but he starts trying to press his opponent more, wanting to draw blood. He glances around and calls out "For Seagard," trying to bring additional oompht to the attacking Westerosi.
What the hell! Kamron is just turning to help Martyn with his Greyjoy when a spear comes flying over the lines and slams not just into his shield, but right through it and driving the spearpoint into the mail just under his spaulder. He tries to continue turning into the new squid bastard before him, but the spear in his shield gets in the way, and his axe-blow misses. Instead, he chops at the leather strap holding the protection to his arm, cutting it away and throwing it down to take his axe in two hands. "Break their line! Push Riverlands! Push Seagard! Push the Roost! Push the North!" He might keep calling out people to push against the Greyjoys, but there are far more important things to do as the ironborn nobles are coming into the fray, "Greyjoy! Face me!"
Kittridge sees his spear point scrape across the armor of his foe just before a crossbow bolt finds the man's head. "I guess I don't have to watch my ass so long as you are," he calls back to Dominick, as he lifts his spear to try to put the wounded Greyjoy man down for good.
"Up from the ground he arose! And with a mighty shout he oe'r powered his foes. His sword did slash and his laugh grow. And a spear the Warrior did throw! He arose, He arose! Thank Seven Almighty he Arose!" comes a rather cheerful tune off of the flank of Ser Gedeon Rivers, as sfrom one dying squid comes the stained and brown robes halfsepton. "Ser!" the priest says with a laugh. "Catching your flank!" And like that shield comes out, and Spear does as well to an incoming Ironman. "Seven I should have been in the fighting chosen.." Marsden, despite the close combat is quite happy with himself.
"Just while I'm reloading, M'Lord," Dominick calls back, drily. As he does just that.
"Hold, you sons of whores, or by the harpie's teat I will string you up myself!" Ser Riordan Nayland cries out, his companionable joviality gone in an instant as he sees the Nayland levies falter. In it's place is his Nayland core, his hard and harsh sense of justice. "We will HOLD!" he cries out once more, stapping once more with his spear at the man who so impuned the honor of of the harpy on his breastplate.
As the Mire line begins to break, Aleister's giving a slight nod of his head to himself before casting a look to his right and the Sarjeant that stands there, "Prepare the first line to advance, Sarjeant. Lets make sure the Harpy line doesn't crumble entirely." The Sarjeant merely nods his head before turning to prepare the men to advance.
Hey, there's singing. And, hey, there's the half-septon. Gedeon flashes Marsden a quick grin, "Good of you to join us up here," he teases. "Get your foot caught on a fallen squid?" As Ser Harras and Prince Rodrik join the fight, Gedeon glances briefly towards Jarod. He leaves the Princeling alone, but when he steps away from the man he's wounded, it's to surge towards Ser Harras. "Glad to have you along," he calls to Marsden as he moves to meet the Ser belonging to the Ironers.
Rygar pries his polearm free from the dead Greyjoy chieftan, with teeth gritting together in pain, as fresh stitchs are pulled, but do not tear, beneath his armor. Left rather isolated by the half collapse of the peasant spear line, the grim knight draws in a fresh breath through flared nostrils, and silently lays about him, in an effort to stem the iron tide.
Jarod is still caught up in combat with the Greyjoy sworn he's been engaged with since clashing into the line. He only just sees Gedeon's look, green eyes narrowing as he sees the Oldstones man go for Ser Harras. There's a beat of hesitation as he tries to break away from his own foe, but he can't quite. Yet. He raises his sword again for another strike.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 1 attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1 attacks Marsden with Sword & Shield but Marsden DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 8 attacks Gedeon with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 attacks Kittridge with Spear & Shield but Kittridge DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield but Hardwicke DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Gedeon with Valyrian Sword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Greyjoy 1 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 1 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 7 with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Harlaw 1 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 5 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 5 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm but Prince Rodrik DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Greyjoy 1 with Greatsword - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 7 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 1 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 01 with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 07 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Riordan with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 passes.
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Rutger with Bludgeon & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Greyjoy 10 with Polearm but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 09 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 09 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Maron passes.
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
Rowan sees Jarod's attention follow Gedeon, then drives a shoulder into their mutual foe, stepping in to take over. "Go! I've got this one!"
Eamon watches in fury as the Greyjoy bears down on Kell and deals him a blow to the chest, bending to chop into the Greyjoy man's leg to return the favour. Eamon timed his chop luckily, as he by chance than waiting for an answer.
Again, Hardwicke manages to evade the cutting thrust of the Greyjoy's spear, but this time his own reply is not so ineffectual: his blade manages to cut through armor to slice against the man's arm.
In the battle above, the advance of the Prince of Pyke does stem the advance, but it does not break the Westerosi battle line, as the two sides constinue cutting into each other without relent, and without break.
In the battle below, the Ironborn are unable to take advantage of the numerical advantage they count, prompting a frustrated Maron Greyjoy to order the Greyjoy House Guard forward with the curse, "Go! Kill the bastards!"
Dominick turns his bow off the bleeding man that's flailing at Kittridge, apparently confident his Lord can handle that for a few minutes. The crossbow trains a ltitle further down the hall, where he spots Kamron holding against a greatsword.
And like that, the Halfsepton is using his shield to knock the man's arm open, and his arm strikes out like a hawk. His spear catching the man in his throat, a twist of his twist, and a boot up, he pries the spear out of the poor dying man's throat, before he is moving over the fallen Squid, as he moves to keep up with Ser Rivers. "That is another one. I'll make a prayer chord of teeth, Ser Rivers. And thus gain another step in my goal." Marsden cries out as he is quick to come along the Oldstones' knight again. "Right to your side Ser, The warrior is in my blood. I feel him. Alleju!"
Martyn has a sneaking suspicion that the fight between him and the enemy he fights looks like some kind of a ballroom dance for those not involved in it, as both of them seem to dodge the other's attack. But there's nothing to do but move in for another attack now, grumbling a bit in the process.
Jarod drives his sword hard into the chest of the Greyjoy sworn. Blood splatters, a lot, but somehow the squid still doesn't fall. The man doesn't look terribly good, though. He nods to Rowan, trying to break away and join Ser Gedeon's press on the Knight, moving to flank him. "Need a hand?" he asks.
Gedeon finds himself with two combatants and only one blade, so there's a slight wince as the Greyjoy man manages a scrape across his belly. (Why always the belly?!) For his part, the blond bastard swings at Ser Harras, but the armor on the Ironer's chest clangs, and the other knight's Valeryian blade makes another shallow gouge to chase the first.
Keelin's impatience seems to pay off, as he manages a slash on the squid's left hand. Hey, it's not much, but it's better than nothing, first hit he's managed. He roars as he dodges the attack aimed back at him. He does catch sight of the nobility entering the fray and notes Kamron heading after one, but someone has to take care of all the rest of the squid tentacles. "For Seaguard!" he repeats as he swings again.
Again he is pressed hard. A blow catches along his armored arms, sliding off the thick metal that protects his wrist, but does ring through his shield arm. As the House arms and the Prince come in, there is a growl from Rutger, as he pushes himself forward. His sword swinging out as the beleaguered Nayland knight, fights to join his brother and cousin.
Bruce's eyes widen at the sight of new men being fed in against the already outnumbered Frey-sworn battle line. "Guards - loose your shot, pick up your shields and form on me. We're moving in!" Doing as he says, Bruce flicks the tickler on his crossbow and sends a bolt forward at the new enemy. He quickly puts the weapon down after, grabbing his shield and pulling his sword free. The Captain waves it in the air, nodding at his squire who raises the Guards' standard high. "On me!" Repeats Bruce. "That means you too, Lord Rafferdy!"
Kamron may be overtopped by a good seven inches, and probably outweighed by a good couple of stones as well, but he certainly isn't backing down. When the Greyjoy Pretender Prince comes to meet him, his grin widens even further. Of course, a hammerblow from Rodrik's greatsword clanging off his left spaulder-sending another little rivulet of blood from the stab-wound beneath but not penetrating the armor-causes his grin to falter a little. It's back in a moment, and he sweeps his axe in a heavy arc at the faux royalty, "Come down to my level, you fucking squid!" And then he's ducking a little low, sweeping his axe over his head and back in toward the taller man's near leg.
"A Prince can only bend so low, little Eagle," Rodrik Greyjoy returns with surprising dignity, given the life and death clamor all around him, as he again strikes against Kamron with the blade that had slain Jason Mallister before Seagard.
Rafferdy nods at Bruce's command, but as an archer, he's not going to drop a loaded crossbow. Snarling a bit, knowing he's about to switch to the blade, a weapon he's not as skilled with, he lifts the crossbow and aims hard at Maron. "Fall, you son of a bitch…" he mutters to himself, and pulls the trigger.
Blows are traded once more between Riordan and his Ironborn opponent, and this time it is the Regent of Stonebridge's turn to grun as a blow slips home, despite his heavy plating. "Bastard," Riordan says. Just then, Maron's guards move to slip in the gaps. Without hesitation, Rio leaves off his former opponent, and moves to strike hard and fast at one of the oncoming guards. If they can fall, they can break through. That is the hope. "A harpy there was, a harpy, a harpy," Riordan chants, though softer this time, urging those behind and beside him. "Let's show them what the Mire breeds, boys!"
As the House Guard begin their foray into the battle, Aleister turns his attention back to the fore, eyes focusing on how things begin to unfold. It would seem he doesn't feel the Nayland's need assistance, for the order to advance his men isn't yet given, though his hand has lifted, clearly in preperation of giving the order.
As the ebon mailed Greyjoy Guard wade in to the assault, Rygar follows suit with his kinsman and leaves off his assault on the pair of Greyjoy warriors to either side of him, stepping to stop the advvance of the foremost of the Iron Armsmen.
In this most recent exchange, it is the Ironborn that has gotten the better of Kell as the reaver draws another wound on the Hedge Knight, this time parting the links at his chest and drawing blood. Kell's own attack is only light hit on the Ironborn's neck. Taking a step back, he seems to take more caution in engaging his foe now, instead of trying to cut through the man for a chance at another.
"I'd a mind… for some proper single combat," Gedeon says, glancing briefly towards Jarod, though he doesn't dare take his eyes of Ser Harras for long, "Though if you could keep… his men off me… Thought your blood was boiling for the Greyjoys…" He calls to Marsden, without looking at him, "Your goal's to build a prayer-chain of bone?"
"A shame your countrymen lack such courtesy, Ser," Harras Harlaw quips back to Gedeon as he draws back his black bladed ancestral sword and strikes again against the Rivers knight.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 8 attacks Gedeon with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 attacks Kittridge with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 1 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield but Anders DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield but Hardwicke DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Gedeon with Valyrian Sword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Greyjoy 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 7 with Hunting Bow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 8 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 5 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword but Greyjoy 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Greyjoy 8 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Harlaw 2 with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Prince Rodrik with Crossbow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 1 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 8 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 01 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 07 with Spear but Greyjoy 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Riordan with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Riordan with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 attacks Rutger with Polearm - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Rutger with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 2 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks House Guard 3 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Maron with Crossbow - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Maron attacks Rafferdy with Thrown Axe - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Maron's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks House Guard 1 with Crossbow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
Eamon and his Hawlaw foe are testing each other, attempts trying and failing to work their way through either man's defence. Ser Eamon Carver lets out a great hoot of laughter "Come now, Harlaw man! Use your scythe-sigil! Reap! LEARN TO FUCKING SOW!" with this bout of condifent laughter he swings his polearm down vertically to chop at his opponent
"No, but one will wear a chain of bone for prayers if he cannot of peerage." Marsden calls out before his spear is coming out quick, and vicious. His weight pulled down into the man he's trying to pull off his Lord's knight. And like that as the man's arm extends, Marsden finds his place and sends the spear in through the man's armpit to catch his heart. Body down he twists and pulls with a grunt. " Another another, who will be buried in the sand, far, far from water." A grin holds there on Streem's face from his conical helm. "I'll cover you Ser Gedeon.." And so far he's not charged Harras, so apparently he will allow the knight to hold his own. Honor and all even from the Halfsepton.
"Your honors, Ser Rivers," Jarod says simply, turning his blade against the Greyjoy sworn who also has an eye for Gedeon. As that squid is apparently unconcerned with Jarod, that little fight is short and bloody, ending with Jarod's sword cleaving into the squid's gut, and the squid falling. Jarod does make himself watch the man as he falls, but then his attention is back on the fray. There's still plenty of fray.
It's a combat that is beginning to irritate Anders, and the darkening of his eyes behind his helm would show. He swings his sword, changing it mid-run as the Ironborn foe takes a perceived opportunity. The Northerner dodges the blow easily, but in return, his own strike misses it's mark.
"A prince?" A mocking laugh comes up to Kamron's lips, "I don't see any princes here. Just a squid grasping too high out of a tidal pool." Once more, that heavy blade clashes off his armor, this time driving links of maile into his aim painfully. It doesn't slow his own attack, however, his heavy blade rising in its arc as the pretender prince pulls his leg back and instead slamming heavily into his stomach. His hands twist on the haft of his axe, twisting it around so that the spike is foremost, preparing to try to punch through the Prince's heavy armor.
Quicker on his feet than might be expected of a man his size and age, Hardwicke deflects the Greyjoy's next attack with a slide of his shield to ward off the tip of his spear. With grim exactitude, his blade eats through the man's hand before the Ironborn manages to pull it back.
As the flurry of blows come in, it seems that Ser Rutger, manages to bat, and parry the men away again amongst hard odds. However in knocking back one squids that are caught on him like flies on shit, his shield arm is bit with steel. A turn of his head, as a cry of pain comes out. The Nayland knight brings his shield out to knock at the man, cause him to open up, so as his sword can bite into the Guard's side, if he is lucky.
At least Martyn hit something this turn, even if it was just armor and not what lies within. And all that while dodging the incoming attack. "Can't you just get hit and die or something?" he mutters at the enemy, moving in once more.
"Guards - into that gap, CHARGE!" The formed up men of the Nayland Guards raise their shields and sprint directly forward into close combat with the Greyjoys, swords hammering down on their counterparts. Bruce grimaces as his feet patter on the ground, leaning into his shield as he forces his way forward and lashing forward.
"My thanks, Ser Rivers," Gedeon replies, before offering Marsden a sharp nod. "To you as well, Septon." His blade meets only armor again, and Gedeon grits his teeth in frustration and perhaps a little in pain as Ser Harras achieves another stinging cut.
The battle above turns sharply in favor of the Westerosi, as the Ironborn shield line buckles, and the Prince of Pyke is staggered by a strong blow that leaves a line of chipped black eneamel, and a glinting silver line of bare steel from a telling blow to his breastplate. Grunting, pained, the Greyjoy grunts, "Well struck, little eagle," before striking anew at the next in a long line of Mallisters.
Ser Harras manages another slight blow against the claimant to the Tordane name, stealing a glance aside at the progress of rodrik's own combat.
The battle below grinds on, as the Greyjoy numbers surround the forward Nayland chivalry. Still they do not fall, and the line holds long enough for the Nayland Armsmen under their Captain, Bruce Longbough, charge to their assistance.
There's a faint cluck of Aleister's tongue and a slight shake of his head as he turns his attention back to that of his Sarjeant, "Did you happen to bring a wineskin, Sarjeant? I find myself with an odd thirst." The resulting question is answered with a shake of the man's head and a faint sigh escapes past Aleister's lips, "I suppose that is for the best, then. Advance just the first line, Sarjeant. Let's give the Harpy Lord's just a tad bit of help, hmm?"
Though he does have a battlefield awareness of what is happening nearby around him, Kell is focused on his foe as they both dance away from each other's attacks, coming out without a hit from this exchange. Without hesitating or giving the Ironborn too much time to recover or prepare, the Hedge Knight launches his own viscious attack, this time aiming at the neck once more.
As Ser Riordan Nayland clashes with the Greyjoy armsman, his world narrows to focus on defeating this man, punching a hole for his men to follow. He doesn't even react when yet another blow from his former opponent bounces off harmlessly on his armor, though he does grunt as his new opponent strikes home in the same place as the first. "Son of a squid fishwife," Riordan curses. Taking advantage of a lapse in the man's guard, he strikes forward, catching the man's left hand.
Ser Rowan finishes off the Greyjoy left to his tender mercies with a quick thrust, turning to rejoin Jarod. "Ser Gedeon not want your assitance?" he asks, guarding the Terrick bastard's back.
Keelin dodges once more, sidestepping the squid he's facing and slashing out with his greatsword. The squid's armour this time doesn't protect him quite so much, as Keelin inflicts a stinging cut that won't do much other than maybe serve as a distraction. He does try to keep track of what all is going on, around him, but this particular little squid is pesky.
"Single combat, Warrior be with him," Jarod replies to Rowan. "Keep the squids off he and Ser Kamron while they take the Pretender Prince and the Ser Harras." He prepares for another strike at the Harlaw lines, shouting, "For the Roost!"
Rafferdy scowls when the crossbow doesn't drop Maron. "Damn." He slings the crossbow over his shoulder and draws his broadsword, moving to join Bruce.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield but Anders DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 attacks Kittridge with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Gedeon with Valyrian Sword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Harlaw 2 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston takes careful aim at Ser Harras.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 5 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Harlaw 2 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Harlaw 2 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 7 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Gedeon has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 5 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Gedeon spends a luck point to keep fighting!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 has joined the combat as a soldier on team 2.
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 has joined the combat as a soldier on team 2.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Rygar with Spear & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Bruce with Spear & Shield but Bruce DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Riordan with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Riordan with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 attacks Rutger with Polearm but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 2 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 07 with Spear but Greyjoy 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 01 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 2 with Sword & Shield but House Guard 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks House Guard 3 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy passes.
<COMBAT> Maron passes.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 08 with Broadsword - Light wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Aleister passes.
<COMBAT> Riordan has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Rygar has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Rygar spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Eamon works his way past the Hawlaw man's sword thrust, and he brings his poleaxe down, wounding the man in the chest. Just as he does so, two others strike out at the same unfortunate Harlaw man's chest, one being deflected and the other finding purchase. Eamon lets out a roar of triumph to accentuate the deathblow he swings at the Harlaw man "SEAGARD!"
Jarod finds Rowan and himself fighting alongside Eamon against the Harlaw man. In lieu of another battle cry he lets out those four high-pitched whistles again. Perhaps he thinks it brings him luck, as his sword does find squid. His eye is still half on the battle between Ser Gedeon and the Knight of the Grey Garden, however, and he half-turns as the Stonebridge bastard is pressed under the Valyrian steel.
Anders swings.. his jaw clamped tight. "Just die… you bastard," is hissed. He reaches with his sword, but swings in the air, though thankfully, his opponent does the same. "Yield.. and I'll kill you quickly."
Still managing to get out of the way of the enemy strike, Martyn gets another hit to the enemy's chest. Unvortunately, the armor's still in the way now. Glancing around for a few moments, especially over at Kamron and Rodrik, before he focuses his attention on the warrior he's up against again.
Finally, /finally/ Ser Gedeon's sword manages a small cut beneath Ser Harlaw's armor, but Ser Harras manages a deeper one across the bastard's chest, and Gedeon staggers back and down to one knee. Glancing towards the other Ser Rivers, he gives Jarod a quick nod. When he rises, he stays back to give the other man a chance at a bit of fame and glory. or, you know, terrible, bloody death.
Pariston spots Gedeon as he battles Ser Harras in which seems like a tough fight for Pariston's allied. So he takes aim on the head of Ser Harras. Just waiting for an opening to fire away. Taking a deep breath right before he is about to fire.
Perhaps Hardwicke has the particular blessing of the Warrior tonight: he remains untouched as he trades blows with the Greyjoy, though his next swing also fails to cut deeper than denting armor across the man's chest.
Kamron barks a derisive laugh at Rodrik's words, "You'll find I'm more than big enough for you, fish-fucker." He feints a punch at the bigger man's face with the hand grasping the base of his axe-haft, staggers as the greatsword comes down under his guard and slams into the side of his breastplate, drawing a pained grunt from him—and probably cracking a rib. He brings the spike on the back of his axe down hard in a vicious strike at the ironborn noble's head.
Turning his attention to the other Sarjeant, Aleister is giving a nod of his head and a quick, "Advance the next line, Sarjeant. I grow tired of the delays that are being caused." When the Sarjeant nods his ascent, the Charlton Knight is beginning his own advance forward now, clearly intending to enter the fray.
Finally, FINALLY, the Greyjoy warrior facing off with Kittridge Groves fails to dodge, the Riverlander's spear hits home, and is driven into the man's chest with fatal force. "About fucking time," grumbles Kit, tugging his bloodied spear fear and turning to assist the knight next to him, who happens to be Ser Hardwicke Blayne.
Dominick gets his crossbow reloaded, glancing Kittridge's way. A faintly proud smirk twitches across his face as the Groves Lord takes out that pesky one over yonder. The engineer digs his heel into the back of some warm Ironbonr body on the floor, vaulting himself neatly over it and much closer to the target he's trying to see more clearly — the one attacking Martyn.
Rowan hisses as he sees Gedeon fall. "This is bullshit — !" He glances at Jarod, seeing him aware of the same situation. "We are all going home — no showboating, no vendettas, no glory. Just an //end/." Thus spoken, he wheels around to take Gedeon's place, keeping his defenses up.
Riordan grunts as his opponent strikes hard a true once more. The blow passes over his shield, striking true into his shield arm. The force of the blow not only causes the knight to drop his Stonebridge shield, but slams his helmeted head into the nearby passage wall. His knees buckling, he slumps to the ground, his armored-form still, for the moment.
Bruce's sword lashes out in the crash of soldiers meeting, finding his enemy's hand but not opening it up but a scratch. It's then that out of the corner of his eye that he spots Ser Riordan Nayland going down. "Serjeant Turner, you've the line!" He yells, lifting his shield higher and sidestepping over to the nobleman. He gives him a kick. "Ser Riordan! Get on your bloody feet, you lout! This battle isn't done and it ain't over for you. Your men need you!"
As another of the iron men comes close, he checks him back with his spear. Allowing him to come into Keelin's swing. A nod is given to the knight, before he is turning his eyes on another combatant who is coming closer to interfering with his Lord's knight and Ser Harras. A sharp whistle is given, hoping to catch the squid looking, for either he, or Anders' own weapon to find some flesh. "The Warrior take you." called out soberly enough to the poor bastard he's aiming to stab.
"A Harpy!" Rutger announces back towards Riordan. "I'm on your left Brother!" or maybe it's right. It's hard to tell for Rutger as he continues to battle on with the three squids on him. Still he is hacking away trying to cut further in. And then in come Bruce and his men, followed by the Charltons. Grinning behind his face plate, the Nayland knight manages to slide through the hacks that come through, and continues to trade parries with the men hacked back. And as his brother falls down there's a turn. "Riordan!" comes the call-and there his sword moves, as he steps in to protect his fallen brother, until someone can help him up.
Keelin does spy that he's got a hand, and he nods to the fellow who is lending a hand, very briefly. He ducks under the swing of the squid, and then slashes out to smash against the fellow's helm, a head shot that might ring the man's ears, as well as do a little bit of damage. "For Mallister!" he calls out again, rallying the troops and letting them all hear his deep voice.
"I grieve that the last of Westerosi courtesy died with Lord Jason," is Rodrik's grave answer to Kamron's taunting, as the Prince of Pyke again recovers his blade and strikes against Ser Kamron.
Ser Harras strikes Ser Gedeon a telling enough blow to knock the riverlander from his feet, bleeding, and raises his sheild, passing a glance toward Rodrik's duel, but he does not interfere. Instead, as Jarod next steps against the Knight of Grey Garden, Ser Harras flips the point of his sword to the stones overhead in swift salute and strikes at the oncoming son of Terrick.
In the battle below, the Greyjoy House Guard continue to be unable to break the outnumbered Naylands, and now as more charltons begin their march forward, and as one of the black mailed elites is cut down, Maron Greyjoy gives a blistering curse and slips around a corner, lost to sight of the melee.
Jarod offers Ser Harras a knight's salute in kind, though he does not try to keep the Ironborn knight to himself. He has no particular illusion that he'll do well single-handedly against Valyrian steel. "We fight for the Roost!" he calls out, longsword coming up to meet the Harlaw's strike.
Rygar, having struck a deep blow against the House Guard before him, steps swiftly to one side, striking against the Greyjoy bodyguard who had knocked his cousin to the stones, suceeding for the moment in drawing the man's attantion and violence away from Riordan.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 attacks Hardwicke with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Left Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Jarod with Valyrian Sword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Ser Harras with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 7 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 2 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword but Greyjoy 9 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 2 with Broadsword - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Harlaw 2 with Polearm - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Ser Harras with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Greyjoy 7 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 7 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 2 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 has joined the combat.
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 has joined the combat.
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 attacks Rutger with Polearm - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 attacks Mire 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Mire 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 07 with Spear - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield but Charlton 1 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 2 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Rygar with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield but Charlton 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Bruce with Spear & Shield but Bruce DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 3 with Polearm - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 3 with Sword & Shield but House Guard 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan passes.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks House Guard 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce attempts to rally Riordan and SUCCEEDS. Riordan is back in the fight!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks House Guard 2 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 07 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 has been KO'd!
Eamon grunts as he dodges yet another of the Harlaw man's attacks, but the blade of his poleaxe clatters harmlessly against the Harlaw swords' armour. "DIE!" he commands, seeming to have a growing distaste for this man the longer he stayed standing "All you do is make your end slow! I'm a butcher by /trade/ you fucker! The name is /Carver/! Now meet your end!" With that, he lunges outwards, hoping to end the Harlaw man's life promptly.
Having been separated from his line, the Nayland soldier known as Jaksyn followed the sounds of combat. Having found himself amongst others in combat with Greyjoys, the young man let out a battle cry and attacked the nearest Greyjoy, his Axe biting armor and flesh with the screeching sound of metal on metal.
The words of the Pretender Prince slow the grin on Kamron's face, and dissolve some of the battle fury twisting his features. The Mallister man nods once, "He was the best of us." There's no epithet accompanying his words this time, but another grunt as the greatsword strikes once more, sending a few rings of maile flying from his left arm and starting blood oozing from the imprints below the armor. "I have no problem being considered less worthy than him." He has to reach up to do so, but the Riverlander jabs the unadorned top of his axe directly at the false prince's face. He should probably be watching the battle around him, to see if his fellows are carrying the day or being driven back, but he's far too busy trying to make the other bastard die for his house.
Jarod is lighter on his feet than one might expect of such an occasionally oafish fellow. He pivots quick to avoid Ser Harras swing, and it finds naught but air. His own longsword, alas, just clangs rather harmlessly against the Knight's quite impressive armor. He takes a step back. If at first you don't succeed, try try again.
Pariston let his arrow fly towards Ser Harras and does hit him in the head. It might not do any damage directly but hopefully it opened up the others attacks towards him. His attention turns as he is trying to target Prince Rodrik. Though the area might make it hard to actually hit.
The kick illicits a grunt from Riordan. "Agh, ya tough bastard. Five more minutes to nap, that's all I'm asking," Riordan mutters. Reaching for his spear, he manages to get himself on his feet. Searching about for a split second and finding his shield two far away, he grips his spear two handed and launches himself at the guard who, a second before, brought such indignity on him. "Have at you, then!"
And there house Nayland shows it's worth as Bruce comes in to help Ser Riordan, and With that, Rutger is quick to turn off from the other House guard. His sword moving to catch the other man he had been fighting, as it seems the Lord Charlton finally joins the fray. A grimace, as Rutger's sword knocks away another blow and he presses in further.
The appearance of Kittridge at his side, joining Hardwicke against the Greyjoy soldier, is enough to draw their enemy's attention. Hardwicke presses the advantage to close in hard and fast and dig the blade of his sword through armor into the man's chest. The Ironborn falls and does not get up. The Terrick Captain looks to Kittridge for the briefest of nods, all the time battle allows, before turning for his next foe — which, in turn, brings him to Marsden's side as he closes in to help him against another Greyjoy foe.
In the battle above, the beset Ser Harras shrugs off multiple blows to continue his sworn defense of House Greyjoy, but a crossbow bolt that bites into his breastplate does cause the Knight to stagger with a pained gasp. Not stopped by the wound, he continues striking against the Rivers who rushes toward him. Moving more sluggishly than he had before the walls of Seagard, Rodrik Greyjoy takes another blow to the gilded kraken helm, though his own blows do not lack for power as he retorts, "A man should aspire to match his betters, little eagle."
In the battle below, the bloodied Nayland and Greyjoy lines continue to dash against each other, even as the orderly ranks of Charlton Armsmen march in at their rear, pushing the Ironborn before them.
Keelin's swing is somehow dodged, as the squid is perhaps feeling a bit more desperate this time than previously. He cusses as he does his own sidestepping and continues his fight, glancing up occasionally to see how Kamron is doing, but mostly concentrating on his own target.
And this time Martyn doesn't even have to do anything to dodge the incoming attack. And although the Greyjoy man dodges his attack, that helped bringing him into Jaksyn's swing, right? Nodding to the Nayland soldier, he offers a momentary smile, before attempting to attack the enemy again, after very briefly checking how Kamron is doing.
As he's trying to kick Riordan awake and yell words of encouragement to the downed Nayland knight, Ser Bruce turns just in time to see a spear coming towards him. He lifts his shield full body and bats it away. "Good lad!" He yells to the Nayland, rushing forward for a dash at the enemy to his front, teeth bared in a savage expression.
Rafferdy moves beside Rygar, and lays his sword across the chest of the nearest house guard.
Leaving the Charlton men to their Sarjeant's, Aleister moved head long into the fray, his two handed mace swinging a large blow towards the abdomen of one of the House Guards. Pulling the weapon back and preparing for another attack, the Charlton Knight lifts his voice enough to be heard amongst the others, "Figured I'd come give you fine Naylands a hand so that we might get to the drink in a more timely fashion."
The Squid that had been focused on the Northern Lord, is now the sole focus of the Halfsepton. His spear continues to jab and strike, like a snake playing with it's food. Spear swung overhead as he moves to bring it down in a cracking blow. "Ser Rivers?" Marsden calls out, perhaps trying to see how his Lord's knight is faring.
Dominick keeps gaily shooting as he does, managing to soften up Ser Harras just that little bit on the next loosing of bolt through crowd. A little more blood for the floor.
Kittridge makes an excellent distraction, handsome as he is, and he steps up and strikes a pose, drawing the Greyjoy's attention his way. Of course, that pose is 'trying to stab you with a spear', which is extra helpful, especially since the handsomeness is more or less ruined by the helmet he's wearing. All in all, though, he succeeds in creating an opening for Hardwicke to stab the Ironborn to death, returns the Terrick Captain's nod, and moves on to his own next foe, turning to assist Keelin with his pesky opponent.
"Still here," Gedeon Rivers calls back to Marsden, as he takes up fighting an Ironer that's pressing Ser Drakmoor. "Press on, half-septon. Just press on."
Rygar says nothing aloud as he notes Riordan regain his feet, simply giving a slight, pained nod and redirecting his efforts against his former foeman. Snarling mute behind his faceplate, the stern Nayland offers no answer to Aleister's merry greeting.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 attacks Eamon with Sword & Shield but Eamon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 tries to attack but has no target!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Jarod with Valyrian Sword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 7 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 7 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Serious wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 7 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Harlaw 2 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 2 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 09 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Riordan with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 attacks Aleister with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Bruce with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm but House Guard 1 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 2 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks House Guard 3 with Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks House Guard 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 08 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 08 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks House Guard 2 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
The Ironer that is pressing Kell is indeed formidable though bleeding from various wounds whereas the Hedge Knight is only a bitch cut and scratched, not in a bad of a shape just yet. Whether he notices Gedeon coming in to assist or not, he doesn't show as he continues to focus his eyes on the reaver in his front.
With a twirl of his poleaxe Eamon deflects the Harlaw's blow, then lungess outward and impales the man through the abdomen. Eamon struggles to pull his weapon free of the Harlaw corpse for a few moments, then leaps over his foe's collapsed torso to rush to the aid of his comrades.
Nodding in return to his newfound companion, Jaksyn swings again, missing completely as he growls. "Pretty quick for a dead man!"
"My story is still beginning, Greyjoy." Kamron is staggered by another blow to his chest, his breastplate being well and truly dented now, and that cracked rib fully broken. Drawing in a painful breath and doing his best to straighten up, the Mallister lashes out as Rodrik recovers from the blow, sweeping his axe-blade down on the pretender prince's hand, "His is sadly over, and yours is coming to an end quickly."
Pariston fires and hit Prince Rodrik on the hand, though no damage is made. But perhaps it did grab some attention as he notices others injuring his target. So he instead turns to one of the other greyjoy soldiers.
Oh, and there is Hardwicke, MArsden jerks his spear back, giving the Terrick knight, a slight salute with the spear, before he's going back to poking at the now double teamed squid, trying to get the bleeding man to misstep. "Ser." the Septon calls out with a grin. "Let's see if we can net this little fish again.."
Using the unexpected press of his attack to his advantage, Hardwicke joins Marsden's battle and draws in close to slice the Greyjoy soldier across the arm. He jerks his chin to Marsden, but that is all the camaraderie he spares. (It's not personal.)
The bloody battering match grinds on. whereas on prior fields, the Ironborn might have withdrawn after taking such injury, here- on the doorstep of their last great redoubt, they fight on, and on. Ser Harras takes injury from all sides, but still does not fall or falter in his ferocious defense of the Bloody Keep. Prince Rodrik takes another staggering blow, akin to the worst of what he recieved from Lord Jason, weeks prior. He staggers but does not fall. "All stories end, little eagle. It is the worthy which are remembered."
Dominick has practically got a throne of dead bodies to chill out on in his little corner of death, using some poor dead Ironborn at the top of the heap to brace against as he gets reloaded and lifts to fire.
Rutger has no qualms attacking a man when his attention is on another. And so when the guard tries to face off with Aleister, Rutger does what any smart man would do, he hacks into the man's rips and comes back with grin. "Ser Charlton." the muffled greeting comes, as the Nayland knight swings in again, forcing the guard to choose a target, and hopefully slip up.
For all that it may not be the most glorious way to go about it, Jarod fights well alongside Ser Rowan. They've been at it a long time, and he's well-practiced as he flanks Ser Harras to serve as a mirror for his former squire's strokes. And this time his sword actually finds this time, making a dent in the Knight's torso. Albeit not a lethal one.
Bruce's lashing out doesn't seem to work. It's too hasty, too wild, and the Ironman whom Bruce faces simply swats it down with a bash of his shield. His foe's thrust lands dead centre in the Captain's gut, but the hauberk of mail refuses to give way and Bruce stepts back, resetting his stance into something a bit more aware of his surroundings.
With another knight getting to the same squid, Keelin's grin becomes a little more ferocious. He does nod to Kittridge, not objecting to the help at all. "You are going to die, squid," he says, tempting fate, but throwing insults at his target in hopes of breaking the man mentally if nothing else. There's confidence in his tone, and the Mallister sworn is perfectly willing to follow it up with another swing of his two handed sword.
Gedeon's not really very much help, is he? Perhaps he helps distract the Greyjoy from Kell a little, his blade knocking a glancing blow off the other man's armor. Gedeon offers a quick nod to the other Ser for his superior strike.
"A Harp-bleh!" Riordan begins to sing out his battle song once more, but is stopped by the force of his opponent's polearm, opening up the hole in his chestplate further and digging into the padding underneath. The force of it takes out most of the impact of Riordan's own strike as he stumbles back a pace, though he successfully manages to pierce through a layer of the Greyjoy armsman's armor. "By the Stranger's hairy balls," Riordan blasphemes, pinkish spit being spat with his words at his opponent's face. "I am not. Dead. Yet." Once more, he strikes out, though the force of his blows is beginning to weaken, and he is now turned slightly to better ward off blows at his much-battered chest.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 attacks Hardwicke with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Jarod with Valyrian Sword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword but Ser Harras DODGES!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 6 with Hunting Bow - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 7 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 7 with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Ser Harras with Crossbow - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 7 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Riordan with Polearm - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield but Charlton 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield but Charlton 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 attacks Aleister with Polearm but Aleister DODGES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Bruce with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 09 with Spear but Greyjoy 09 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 2 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks House Guard 3 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks House Guard 1 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 08 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks House Guard 2 with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 2 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Riordan has been KO'd!
Growling again, Jaksyn Steps in, swinging his axe once more, his nice sharp sword has stayed in it's scabbard since the battle started. Axe upraised, he swings at the greyjoy man once more, parting his armor again, though barely more than a scratch is opened on the man under his armor.
Eamon arrives in time to see Kell still struggling with the Greyjoy guard from before. Confident from his two kills thus far, Eamon takes a great swing aiming to decapitate the Greyjoy, who seems to have fared poorly against Kell. He misses, and Kell is the one to land a good blow. Eamon throws Kell a encouraging nod, before he lowers his poleaxe and stabs forward at the Greyjoy man once more
Jarod has to dive out of the way to avoid the crossbow bolt headed toward Ser Harras. So his sword bounces rather harmlessly off the squid knight's armor. He manages to dance out of range of the Valyrian sword again, though, so perhaps it worked in his favor. "Yield, Ser," he says to Harras when he's raised his sword again, panting. "And my word as a knight I shall not kill you. You shall be afforded the mercy and courtesy befitting your chivalry."
Dominick takes a sizeable *CRACK* and chunk out of Harras' breastplate and the tender flesh underneath. One blond brow arches sharply as still the man fails to fall, and he sets up to reload yet again. His eyes flicker to Kamron and Rodrik, his heel digging back against his comfortable perch of cooling Ironborn corpses.
"And all you'll be remembered as is the son of a failed rebel." Kamron's bravado may have come out better if he weren't slammed in the stomach with a greatsword right at the end of it. The blade scrapes down his breastplate and then catches under the steel plate, drawing a slice across his stomach that immediately starts bleeding profusely. The Mallister's face starts to pale a bit, but he slams his axe-blade back down on the Greyjoy's grip again, spinning his axe around to present the spike once more as he steps forward, doing his best to close with the taller man and take the fight to him once again.
And there it goes, the spear comes in and slides up again under the man's arm, catching the bastard in the armpit. Again there is a twist of his spear and out it comes. Marsden nods once to Hardwicke "Thank you, Ser." given, before he is moving on to do as Gedeon called out to do. Press on.
It's a bit distracting, the fight between Rodrick and Kamron. Still, Keelin continues his attack against his foe, though between looking at the other fight and all, his neck shot hasn't got the strength it ought to. So, the greyjoy lackey stays on his feet and Keelin cusses some more as he tries to get trhough the man so he can do something. Help … somehow.
Despite his words, or perhaps because of them, Riordan's opponent keeps on coming. Perhaps if he had been able to retrieve his shield, the next blow would have meant little. Instead, it strikes just under his previous wound, causing Riordan to grunt and spit blood. His knees buckle for a second time, and for a second time, down he goes, the spear he grasped so tight rolling away from his hand.
Kittridge offers no snappy threats to echo Keelin's, just focused on trying to bring the Greyjoy man down. Or, well, not that focused, since his head turns briefly as Rodrik swings at Ser Kamron and that bolt streaks past to lodge in Ser Harras's chest. His distraction sends his spear off the mark, and he turns back to aim better the next time.
Hardwicke serves as a distraction, it would seem, for his latest joined combat. He stumbles under a heavy blow of bludgeon to breastplate, but it gives Marsden the room he needs to pierce under the Ironborn's arm and take him down. Again he nods to his latest comrade in arms and moves on to find another. Or several, what with the grouping.
Another hacking blow is given to the preoccupied House guard. The blade breaks through the armor, and the Nayland knight twists his blade that lies impaled in the side. Yanking his arm out, Rutger offers the sword up in salute to Aleister, before he is moving to help his kinsmen out in clearing the room.
Pariston shoots his arrow through the midst of men and hits his target in the arm. His arrows starting to run low, but there are still enough for this battle it would seem. Since most of their foes seem to be down. Hard to say for Pariston since he only targets one at a time.
In the battle above, the Prince of Pyke- showing the same endurance in the face of injury as he had at Seagard, weathers the storm of Kameron's blows, and lands a powerful riposte, slamming into the Mallister's breastplate. To Kamron's insolence, the fair haired rebel royal intones, "I am Rodrik Greyjoy, the Prince of Pyke. whatever else I am on the day I die, no man shall take that from me, Ser." He is distracted from his answer by a pained gasp near at hand.
Ser Harras Harlaw does not lack for courage. He continues holding off two knights, single handed, but again it is the crossbow he cannot avoid. A brutal blow knocks him reeling, with only the fletching of the quarrel left above the line of his breastplate. He keeps his feet only because he staggers into the wall of the corridor, but there is no mistaking the depth of the knight's injury. To Jarod's offer, the son of Lord Rogr Harlaw answers after a pair of pained breaths, "So long as my liege lord stands, Ser, I can do no less."
Below, the desperate dicipline of the Greyjoy elites continues to stop the ranks of Riverlords from clearing the corridor, though blood continues to flow upon the stones.
Dodging the attack of the House Guard, Aleister strikes the man down before catching sight of Rutger's salute. A nod is given in return before he's turning to survey the scene. Catching sight of the fallen Riordan and the fact that Rutger is moving to assail that particular guard, the Charlton Knight is moving to try and rouse the fallen Nayland. Perhaps a little more roughly then intendend. With an armored foot to the side, "Sleep later, Harpy."
That's a bit better. Gedeon's next swipe hits home and leaves the Greyjoy bleeding heavily. But, not quite heavily enough, since the man yet stands.
Jarod merely nods to Ser Harras. "Fair enough, Ser. Let's see what the Warrior makes of us today." Sword raised and prepared to sweep, to see what the Warrior'll bring.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Jarod with Valyrian Sword - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Greyjoy 6 with Hunting Bow - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 6 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 9 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Prince_Rodrik spends a luck point to keep fighting!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Aleister with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Left Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 attacks Bruce with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 09 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield but Charlton 2 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks House Guard 3 with Sword & Shield but House Guard 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan passes.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks House Guard 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 08 with Broadsword - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aleister attempts to rally Riordan and SUCCEEDS. Riordan is back in the fight!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 08 has been KO'd!
The right arm is gashed, followed by the left as Kell delivers punishing strike after strike on the Ironborn yet the squid refuses to fall. One can see that the reaver is slowed by his wounds as the Hedge Knight is easily dodging the counters, if one can call the weak attacks such. With a grim frown, Kell advances once more, sword held in both hands as he aims to decapitate the Greyjoy after ducking another attack aimed slowly at him.
Eamon lands a blow on the Greyjoy man at arms, and with Kell flanking him The Carver knight swings his polearm once more, hoping to make short work of the Greyjoy and claim his third kill of the day
Ye gods, these ironborn are tough! Even with three men on him, even with Ser Gedeon slicing into his neck, the Greyjoy man stands, yet. "Almost inclined to take him prisoner, lads, he fights so furiously…"
Still growling, Jaksyn scores another light wound on his opponent, Stepping forward he snarls. "Just Die so I can get on with my job!"
It appears that Rutger can't keep the guard's attention as he does manage to get his poleaxe down on the Charlton knight. His own sword swipe misses as the man skillfully dodges. And Rutger is quick to turn as another Greyjoy comes in and hacks away at him. Turning, Rutger tries to stave off this new attack.
Whether it is through pure luck or the will of the reaver's Drowned God, the tip of Kell's blade whistles just short of the Ironborn's throat as the raider receives more wounds from other knights. Instead of going for another stab or cut, the Hedge Knight lowers his shoulders to bowl over the reaver and take him out of the fight that way.
Pariston let his arrow fly and just misses the head of his soldier. But it seem to help the others to get in clean hits to bring the target down. Prince Rodrik's stubborness causes Pariston to turn his bow in that direction. Arrows has had no effect on the armor of the prince earlier, but perhaps this time is different.
Trying to kick Riordan into some conscious state has the effect of leaving Aleister woefully unguarded and it seems one of the House Guard's takes full advantage of that, for the Charlton Knight finds his other leg sweeped out from under him, causing him to stumble down to one knee. With a grunt of pain and a staggered rise, he turns to the Guard who just assailed him, grunting out, "Fuck you," before charging the man in an attempt to wrestle him to the ground.
Rafferdy continues to hack and slash at the house guard, but can't seem to drop him.
It seems despite the blows Martyn, Hardwicke and Marsden bring down on this one squid, he does not break knee, nor does he simply die. The sellsepton whistles softly, as he pulls his spear from the man's neck, and then brings the spear back down in a very stabby motion. "Another one to be buried in the earth, where no water'l touch."
"History can and will take that away." Kamron has to bring his axe-haft up to block a swing at his head, and the greatsword glances off his gauntlet before notching the wooden haft of his axe, "Ow, fuck!" It's not that the wound across his stomach isn't much worse, it's just that the surprise of the pinching cut to his hand. His over-hand chop down at the side of Rodrik's neck slides just off-target, failing to plant the spike on the back of his axe through the ironborn's gorget, but still managing to at least land a powerful blow.
Dominick casts a quick glance at Rodrik, but with the other archer keeping tabs on the bleeding Prince he keeps his own attention trained on covering Jarod. He pushes off the heap of bodies, sidestepping around part of the fray to keep the damaged Harras in his sights.
"Why… must everyone… insist… on kicking me?" Riordan asks. He forces himself to his feet. He is now minus a spear AND a shield, so he draws forth his sword. "Hold the… line!" he calls out, and if his call to his compatriots is weaker, now… well, chest wounds will do that. "Now take that, you Squid Tarty," he growls, moving forth to, yet again, try and take down this staunch defender of the Greyjoys.
Keelin swings again, hitting the greyjoy in the chest, and dodging the fellow's return attack. It's perhaps due to Kittridge's distraction that Keelin's blade finds the target and digs in, adding more blood to the mess on the floor. A nod to Kittridge, as Keelin continues the fight.
After a few bouts of inconclusive combat, Bruce finally strikes crimson. With a well timed thrust, the Stonebridge Captain of the Guard puts his sword through the grey eyed foe in front of him. As soon as he withdraws it, half of the man's head comes lose and he drops to the ground. Still, the man doesn't seem to relish it - he's busy looking around, and again he spots Riordan. This time, someone else has taken the initiative and kicked him up. He grins, then moves on to his next target - the man attacking Rutger. "M'lord Rutger, I'm at your side - don't swing here!"
Kittridge is little more than a distraction, today, drawing attention so that other knights can strike killing blows. His own more often than not fail to strike his targets, the frustration of which seems to be getting to him, causing him to lash out more aggressively than before.
Rodrik Greyjoy trades blows again with Kamron, the armor of both men keeping them from death, but this time the Mallister's blow to the arm upsets the heavily wounded Greyjoy's balance, and he slips to one knee, falling with a grunt. But not yet spent, he conjures up a measure of the fabled Ironborn endurance and struggles back to his feet. "What is dead cannot die, little eagle. And what is forgotten cannot be lost. Send me to my ancestors, Mallister.. if you can."
Leaving a smear of blood to mark his place against the wall, Ser Harras staggers drunkenly again to the attack landing a blow upon Jarod's cuisse, and leaving a shallow cut through the maile links.
Below, the Greyjoy elite Guard stand their ground, even as the tide turns steadily against them. Still, the desperate defense of the aptly named Bloody Keep continues, as if the Ironborn prefer death to its loss.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Jarod with Valyrian Sword - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Marsden attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield but Greyjoy 9 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell subdues Greyjoy 4!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 4 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Ser Harras with Crossbow - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Jarod has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Jarod spends a luck point to keep fighting!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 09 with Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 attacks Rygar with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 attacks Rutger with Sword & Shield but Rutger DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield but Charlton 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 attacks Aleister with Polearm but Aleister DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield but Charlton 1 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks House Guard 1 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 09 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks House Guard 3 with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks House Guard 1 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 09 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Aleister subdues House Guard 3!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 09 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> House Guard 1 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> House Guard 3 has been KO'd!
Eamon's poleaxe cuts into the Greyjoy's hand and draws a thin trickle of blood, but the man seems to not care overmuch, fighting on through a plethora of wounds against two opponents. Ser Eamon shoots Kell a disbelieving look as the stabs sharply forward as if to impale the Greyjoy guard.
Another swing and Jaksyn pulls it as combatants on either side of hm aim for his target at the same time. Axes were great weapons for close quarters, unless you intended to refrain from taking your allies limbs as well. that took a little more finesse it would seem.
Gedeon gets in a final light jab before Kell topples the Greyjoy. The blond knight laughs, lowering his sword for the moment. "Unorthodox but effective, Ser."
And there, as if the buzzing of the fly had alerted the horse that had been swatting it away, Rutger turns, allowing Bruce to take his side. "Go right." he calls out, before he feints to the left. Waiting for the stone bridge captain to strike, Rutger, brings the sword out, in a low stab for the man's guts, and opens him wide, with a tearing of sword to armor and flesh. Out comes the blade, as the man falls with his own cry. And the helmeted head of Rutger looks towards Bruce. His fist comes out, still clutching the sword, and reaches to dap, Bruce's shield.
Seeing Ser Aleister coming at his intended target, Riordan slashes downward with his newly drawn blade, putting his remaining strength behind it so as to create an opening for the Charlton knight. He practically crows with victory as the blade bites home in the back of the Elite Guards's leg. Seeing the backbone of the Greyjoy defense weaking as another nearby guard is taken down, he calls out, gesturing with his sword! "Forward the Harpy! They falter!"
In the battle below, the decisive moment has come. The last of the Black Kraken, the elite House guard of the Greyjoy pretender, are cut down by broadsword and hammerblow, as the Frey bannermen shatter the Ironborn battle line, a handful of beset stragglers the last obstacles to the long ranks of men pressing from behind. Rygar raises his voice for the first time, to give the barked order, "Grasp Further!"
The battle above may no longer be in doubt, but neither is it decided. Harras Harlaw, crippled but unbroken, strikes with all his might against Ser Jarod, armor serving him well as he wheels to the shield side to strike at the other of his tormentors: the newly minted Ser Rowan.
With there a vertiable stabbing party on his prey, Marsden turns and look towards Prince Rodrik, and Kamron, It's only there, that the septon moves, spear brought around, though he dares not interrupt the combat, it seems he waits, in case the Mallister knight is brought low, to at least step in, if need be.
If blades and sharp edges won't stop the Ironborn, atleast his heavy mailed shoulders will. Bowling the reaver over, the Hedge Knight tries to keep the Iron Warrior pinned down while he grits out an ultimatum, "You've fought valiently, squid warrior, your brethren are dead or dying, your side has lost. Yield, or die. Choose."
Kamron murmurs, "Warrior guide my arms…" and his axe swings over-head, again, only to catch nothing but air—and another clout to the breastplate. He's definitely going to need to have it hammered out after this, and his ribs hammered back in. "You people keep saying that. I don't think that means what you think it means."
The man attacking Rutger obviously wasn't expecting three people to be on him, but that's what he got. As instructed by the senior Nayland son, the Captain darts right. A spear in his chest, drawing blood, a much more serious sword blow to the adbomen from Rutger, and then as he falls the foe's arm cut off by the other sword. He goes tumbling down in a heap of screaming and bleeding, and Bruce raises his bloody sword. "NAYLAND!" He grins at Rutger. Meanwhile, the rest of the Nayland Guards are pushing the Ironborn back seriously. Bruce's squire, Amos the standard bearer, sidles up to his knight - the tip of the standard spear is bloody from a stab the young man must have given someone. Bruce looks over to him. "Amos, my lad, I'll be telling my brother about this! Guards, on me!" As they gather in a thicker knot, he brings his sword forward. "CHARGE!" Amos blows the loud charge sound on the bugle, the men dashing forward with reckless abandon.
Jarod is still spry enough to carry on relatively light on his feet against Ser Harras. But though he's only sporting cuts, and the Ironborn knight now bleeding quite profusely, the combined assault still can't put him away. When the Valyrian steel cuts his armor again he stumbles, losing his footing. He rolls just in time to avoid what could've been a very unfortunate meeting between his throat and squid sword. "Fuck," he mutters under his breath. It's unclear whether the curse is for his own lack of a killing blow, or Harras' sudden interest in Rowan.
Concentrating on what he's doing, Keelin's focus is on the greyjoy lackey, and he takes advantage of a chance to hit him again in the chest, but the booger is stubborn, here on his own turf. He stays standing, so Keelin gets ready to swing again, and then he does so, one more time trying to lay the buggered squid low.
Between Riordan and himself, Aleister finds their intended target quickly dispatched and once he's back upon his feet, the Charlton Knight is turning his attention to those that are left. Spotting a group harassing his men, he's moving quickly in their direction, mace once more being lifted as he takes a swing at the closest of the men.
Pinned beneath Kell, the trapped and mangled warrior struggles feebly, hissing in pain and anguish, "We had it.. We had it.."
Kittridge flails aimlessly, hits nothing, tries again.
Rafferdy continues to slash at the house guard, and between his sword and Rygar's polearm, the guard finally falls.
"And now you've lost it," Gedeon answers, leveling his sword on the struggling Greyjoy in Kell's grasp. "Surrender or we will kill you. What is dead may not die, but neither does it get to go home."
"I know death, little eagle," Prince Rodrik returns through his kraken-faced helm. "Death is an old friend to me, whose company I will welcome after a life of courage and great deeds. Can you say the same?"
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 attacks Keelin with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Rowan with Valyrian Sword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 6 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marsden passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Greyjoy 9 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Greyjoy 9 with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Gedeon passes.
<COMBAT> Eamon passes.
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 9 has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield but Charlton 3 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Greyjoy 06 with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Greyjoy 02 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 10 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Greyjoy 02 with Polearm but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
Though Hardwicke is not the only to land a blow on this particular Greyjoy soldier, still he stands. Stubborn lot.
Eamon leaves the heavily injured man to be subdued, instead approaching and poking tentatively at the sole remaining man not of noble blood bearing the Greyjoy colours
Kamron responds to Rodrik with a pained laugh, "I'll meet death when I'm old and grey, Father willing, surrounded by family. Until then, I'll introduce it to others." He ducks under a sweep of the heavy sword, slamming his axe-head into the ornate breastplate, "Then again, you're already old and surrounded by family, aren't you?" Ahh, the bravado of the young, even if it's the pained, battered bravado of someone who's starting to breath heavily.
Pariston aims and fires a shot right to the chest of prince Rodrik. But without effect. Instead dropping his bow and running in with his blade. The arrow doesn't seem to want to go through the armor, not that it's odd.
Eyes continue to dance between Harras and Rodrick's fight, and even as the knight strikes out and catches the newly knighted Ser Rowan, Marsden takes a half step in that direction, his spear still poised but, he does not attack. Instead the septon in brown and splatters of red looks towards the Knight. "Ser Harras" the septon calls out. "Should you fall before your lord, I do promise to see you to the grave." Rebel or not, everyone deserves some peace.
The last Greyjoys are a hardy bunch. Though the charge hits them, they do not buckle. Ser Bruce forces forward, his sword slashing at the enemy's chest but doing very little actual damage; only split rings. He reaches back for an overhead chop, looking for a swing at the man's neck.
As the Ironborn finally utters those pained words, Kell keeps the brutally wounded reaver pinned as he moves one of his own gauntleted hands to disarm his opponent since 'we had it' could mean two things, they had enough of the fighting and losing. Or they had the freedom they wished, even if it was brief and fleeting. So now, the Hedge Knight is maneuvering to remove the reaver of his axe before looking around finally, to see the Ironborn that remain in the fight.
Rodrik Greyjoy is curiously heedless of the Westerosi arrows, giving his whole attention to Kamron, a smile audible in his voice. "Then I pity you, little eagle: a great man's death should come in battle, not from letting an ancient last breath slip from a body too weak to rise. All men should aspire to greatness, little eagle- not age."
Ser Harras can only manage a nod to Marsden's courtesy, his every pained breath devoted to the ongoing fight. Even as his blood stains the stones of Pyke underfoot, the Knight of Grey Garden defends his liege with all his strength.
Rowan has disconnected.
With the charge sounded, the remaining Naylands smash into the Greyjoys who are occupied with the bloody Charltons. Amongst them is Rutger, his sword hacking, though only catching at armor. A grimace as the knight continues to hack on the man. After all you hack something enough, it does eventually die.
Rejoining the fray, Ser Riordan slashes out with his sword. Though he does not fell any foes, his main purpose is to continue the momentum that the Nayland and Charlton forces have begung to gain. And to not stop, to not think about the pain. "There was a harpy, a harpy, a harpy!" He calls out, if less loud then on previous occassions. One of these days, that song will catch on.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 passes attempts to escape and fails!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Rowan with Valyrian Sword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Marsden passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge passes.
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Ser Harras with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod subdues Ser Harras!
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Gedeon passes.
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 6 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dominick attacks Ser Harras with Crossbow - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Dominick's weapon clicks empty.
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton 4 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 attacks Charlton 3 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Greyjoy 06 with Polearm - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Broadsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Greyjoy 02 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Greyjoy 10 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aleister subdues Greyjoy 02!
Eamon lets free a satisfied grunt as his polearm pierces the Greyjoy soldier's armour, then quickly jabs again to hopefully yield the same result and skewer the squid
Swinging hard in a wide arc, Jaksyn's Axe strikes the Helm of his opponent though does no actual damage. Muttering all the curses he could think of from childhood on, he quickly repositions his grip on his axe and swings again
Kamron shakes his head at Rodrik, "The hells you say. If I live that long, I've done my duty protecting those around me." The pair trade blows to the breastplate, another flake of purple lacquer crackling off, and another groan of pain wrung from his lips. He's limping now, sweating hard and with blood trickling down the steel of his maile leggings, but the Mallister shows no signs of backing off. And then there's an interruption. Kamron may not have noticed crossbow bolts coming into the fray, but he certainly notices Pariston charging in with his sword, "Gods damned it!" There's a moment as his distracted brain gropes for the name for a familiar face, and then comes up with, "Master Vis. I have this."
With the nod seen, there's a turn of Marsden's head, back towards Rodrik and Ser Kamron. Again the spear is brought up, as the Septon turns to watch those two face off. "Ser Mallister?" The half septon calls out the question there in his tone. He won't join in to help him, unless it is needed clearly, but…he does edge closer.
Ser Bruce seems at home in battle. His normally sleepy blue eyes focus on to the man in front of him as his sword chops into his neck, only to be stopped by the maile there from actually doing any more damage. "This one is mine!" He yells, lowering his sword and trying to bowl the man over with a short smash of his shield. For whatever reason, the Stonebridge Captain has singled him out.
Jarod lets out a guttural yell and throws himself bodily at Ser Harras as the squid's Valyrian steel has little trouble finding weak spots in Rowan's armor. He's not so much trying to kill the man now as tackle him. Which he has some amount of success at. "I got him down!" he hollers to the knights descending on Harras. He tries to keep him that way, but he's in no particular hurry to try and kill the Ironborn.
Keelin takes a swing at Ser Harras, but inflicts no more than a scratch before Jarod throws himself at the squid. Hah. He nods to Jarod and leaves off that attack, instead moving over to watch Kamron. "Ser Kamron, we have your back," he calls out, his attention now on Rodrik, but he does not interfere either.
The battle above continues, even as another Westerosi swordsman dashes into the contest between Greyjoy and Mallister. Rodrik shows the same odd disregard for the incoming attack as he had for the arrows, swaying out of the blade's path and trading blows anew with Kamron. Although he again is staggered by the eagle's axeblow, the Iron Prince does not fall.
Though not dead, Ser Harras is borne to the gory stones under Jarod;s weight screaming in pain as the quarrel is wrenched in his torso with the shifting of his armor, but his struggles to rise again are immediate.
In the battle below, the charltons and Naylands surround the remaining Greyjoys, although the odd blow of desperation finds a Riverlord, the fight is one sided.
Managing to get at least a little bit of a hit to his opponent, Martyn mutters a bit to himself, before he moves forward again.
Pariston swings a miss and then looks over to Kamron, a shrug though. "Then get him." The Flint soldier replies. Standing and being ready, but not swinging for now. But he will if this is not over soon.
There is a brief groan as he misses, however with Bruce there beside him, Rutger is able to recover lest the Greyjoy turns on him. His shield is swung out for the man's side, to knock him into another blow by the Stonebridge captain, before he brings his own sword back in to help finish him off.
Eamon grins with satisfaction as two blows in a row slice into his foe, and paying little attention to how his allies are faring, he moves again to impale his opponent
"Ser Cousin!" Riordan calls out, finding himself once more fighting side by side Ser Rygar. "Join me in song?" he asks, as he slashes out one more. The soung of steel against armor is music to his ears as he continues to sing his rendition of 'The Harpy and the Squid Tarty'. Refersing the sword, Riordan moves to strike his opponent in with his sword pommel, in the hopes of momentarily dazing him.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attempts to escape and fails!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attempts to escape from Jarod but fails!
<COMBAT> Rowan passes.
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Kamron with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pariston takes careful aim at Prince Rodrik.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Marsden passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge passes.
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin passes.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod continues to subdue Ser Harras.
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Gedeon passes.
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 6 with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Dominick reloads.
<COMBAT> Kamron has been KO'd!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 04 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 attacks Charlton 4 with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 tries to escape but fails!
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Greyjoy 06 with Polearm but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rutger attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Greyjoy 06 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Greyjoy 02 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Bruce tries to subdue Greyjoy 10 but fails.
<COMBAT> Aleister continues to subdue Greyjoy 02.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 04 has been KO'd!
Dominick reloads his crossbow, the bolt making a satisfying metallic click once it's settled. He lifts his eyes, wiping the back of his hand across his dirty face. With Harras under Jarod's weight, he looks over at Rodrik — and though the crossbow is ready he doesn't quite aim yet.
While he lacked the advantage against Ser Harras' superior armor and fancy Valyrian sword, Jarod is in far better shape for down and dirty brawling. He sticks his knee in the squid lord's armored chest and brings his arm down on his neck. Not hard enough to cut off breathing (not that the Knight is in terribly good breathing shape). All in the interests of (reasonably) a clean pin.
Pariston stands ready to attack, but respecting Kamron. Once the Mallister falls though, he jumps in. Already having been aiming and now letting his sword go towards Prince Rodrik's neck.
With so many of the keep's defenders killed or taken prisoner, there is little for Ser Kittridge to do but watch, and wait. Ser Jarod keeps Ser Harras pinned, Ser Kamron's epic battle against Rodrik Greyjoy rages on… until the Mallister knight falls, and then the Groves is ready with his spear, stepping quickly into his place to take aim at the would-be Prince.
Hardwicke slices and stabs at the Greyjoy who will. Not. Go. Down.
Another Swing of the axe finds it's mark in the neck of the Greyjoy guard though it is partially deflected by the armor. Stepping back, the young man spits on the ground. "By the 7 you're a tough one!"
Somehow, the man, beset on three sides by enemies, manages to avoid Bruce's shield charge. Instead of getting mad, Bruce pulls back to be closer in line with his own men, turning to his squire. "Amos - blow something disheartening." He turns to the defenders, and in his loudest and clearest command voice yells, "Men of the Greyjoys - yield, and you will be spared!" Whether or not the others around him will honour that claim is another thing entirely.
"No!" Keelin is ready, as much as Pariston or anyone else, and as Kamron ends up going down, Keelin's charging roar comes in as he attacks with all his strength and skill. "Mallister!" he calls out. No more Mallisters are going to die by this squidprince's hand, not if Keelin can do anything about it.
Aleister continues to remain atop one of the Greyjoy men, allowing one group of Charlton's to try and literally club the man to death. Doesn't seem like the Charlton Knight is much for taking prisoners.
Distraction is a killer. Kamron looked aside to recognize the interloper, and although he manages to catch Rodrik's arm again, a back-swing by the Pretender Prince catches the join between his left spaulder and his breastplate, wrenching the metal and driving him back onto his ass. He tries to raise his left arm to defend himself again, but metal squeals, and the armor catches, holding his arm down and him undefended.
And finally Martyn gets a hir in on his enemy, avoiding hits in other diretion. But the man's still standing. "You remind me too much of… myself," he growls at the enemy, moving forward again. He hasn't noticed Kamron's situation yet.
"That's right! Yield, you sons of wet bitches!" Riordan calls out in favor of Ser Bruce, interrupting his song to do so. And he emphasizes his point by again trying to smack on of the Greyjoy soldiers in the face with the pommel of his sword.
Ser Gedeon moves in a little closer to where Jarod has Harras pinned and where Rodrick fights. Kamron, as he falls and is trapped, gets the blond Ser River's attention. "Master Streem!" he calls. "A bit of aid, here!" And then, to Kamron as he offers his hand. "Come, my lord. On your feet."
Prince Rodrik Greyjoy one again drives a Mallister from his feet with a powerful blow of his greatsword, shoulders heaving with exertion as he draws back his blade, voicing to the fallen Kamron, "I am glad to kill so many Mallisters before I die, little eagle: a man should have good company on the far side of death." His execution stroke is interrupted, however, as numerous foes leap to stop him. the sight raises an agonized snarl from the incapacitated Ser Harras, unable to step to his liege's defense.
As the Mallister goes down and Kittridge steps in there, Marsden is quick to come in, placing his body between Kamron and any incoming blows, the septon drops his spear for a moment. One hand grabbing the armor of the bloodied knight, the other catching the man's helmeted head. "Whoah now brother.." His voice loud as the dying cry out and the fight continues. "It's not your time yet. The Stranger hovers, but he is not for you, Knight of Cape. He is for another here. But there is another. It is the warrior with his red right hand. And he is reaching for you Kamron." And there, he tries to pull the knight to his feet and to his wits. "And he's saying. Kamron, my son. I want that bastard's head. Be my instrument my boy. And get your red right hand."
"Naylands, if they don't yield. Cut em down!" comes the senior of the sons of Rickart. Still, sword gripped in hand, Rutger pauses to see if any of the standing squids will ask for quarter, or if they will simply die with the rest of em and join the sluice on the floor.
Rygar draws back his hammer, striking again for the still defiant Ironmen. For one with little love of the King for whom he fights (and little love for a song, it seems), the stern Nayland is an implacable foe.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 passes.
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attempts to escape from Jarod but fails!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Keelin with Greatsword but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Marsden attempts to rally Kamron and SUCCEEDS. Kamron is back in the fight!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Prince Rodrik with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron passes.
<COMBAT> Jarod continues to subdue Ser Harras.
<COMBAT> Jaksyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 6 with Polearm - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
In the battle below:
<COMBAT> Charlton 3 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Charlton 4 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Charlton 1 attacks Greyjoy 02 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 attacks Charlton 2 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 attacks Greyjoy 06 with Sword & Shield but Greyjoy 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Greyjoy 10 with Spear but Greyjoy 10 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 10 attacks Charlton 1 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Greyjoy 06 with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Rutger tries to subdue Greyjoy 10 but fails.
<COMBAT> Riordan tries to subdue Greyjoy 06 but fails.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Greyjoy 02 with Broadsword but Greyjoy 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Bruce subdues Greyjoy 10!
<COMBAT> Aleister continues to subdue Greyjoy 02.
<COMBAT> Charlton 2 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 06 has been KO'd!
Eamon barely blinks as his poleaxe grazes harmlessly off the Greyjoy mans armour. He simply aims and thrusts again, having all the time in the world with which to savour the kill
Continuing to hold down one of the Greyjoy guards, Aleister looks about and then simply grunts, "For the love of the Seven, will someone come kill this fucking guard already?"
Kamron looks up at the bald, scarred head leaning over him. He bows his head a moment at the benediction, taking his right hand off the haft of his axe and slamming down on the outside of his spaulder. The blow draws a cry of pain, and he wavers again, only drawn up to his feet again by the half-Septon's assistance. There aren't many parts of Kamron that aren't red right now, but he clenches his right hand and grasps the haft of his axe again, "I will, half-septon. I will be the Warrior's hand…" And then he's charging forward again, joining the others around 'Prince' Rodrik—as best as he can shuffle-charge with his wide and varied wounds.
As Bruce takes on the man that they were both jumping, Rutger sets down his battered shield. The broadsword held in both hands there's a grunt given over towards Bruce. "Kill 'em." As it seems there was no surrendering when they came in. Because well it seems the Nayland knight has no trouble killing subdued men. At all.
Rodrik Greyjoy raises his voice and briefly brandishes his greastsword. "I am the Iron Prince, Rodrik Greyjoy of Pyke! Who among you will win remembrance by my death?" There is no shortage of takers to his challenge, as Rodrik recieves a trio of telling blows, worst of which is one from Keelin's hand which visibly creases the steel of his breastplate, deeply enough that blood begins to well through the rent. Balon Greyjoy's heir seems intent on making an end worthy of song.
Jarod continues to hold Ser Harras against the floor of the now-very-bloody Castle Pyke. He looks up and over at the fight with Rodrik Greyjoy, biting off a curse as Kamron falls. He doesn't ask for a yield again yet. But he also doesn't try to cut the rather sprawled Ironborn knight's throat.
Hitting the Greyjoy man in the head, Martyn grimaces a bit as the enemy doesn't seem to be able to fall over now. "Time to die, you little…" he begins, moving foreward again. He's noticed Kamron being down now, and that seems to make him more intent on bringing down this man, in case nobody else manages to take down Rodrik. And speaking of Rodrik, as the man speaks, Martyn pauses for a few moments, before he calls out in the man's direction. "Iron rusts!" Then focuses back on his own enemy.
Rygar cuts down another of the Greyjoy warriors with an overhead hammer blow that drives the Ironborn unmoving to the stones underfoot. Shoulders heaving with measured breather, he turns from the waist to survey the corridor, finding no remaining Ironborn standing to oppose them. "Nayland!" he shouts aloud.
"Back off the rest of you!" The half septon barks from behind Kamron as it seems the Mallister knight has rallied and is making his charge for Prince Rodrik. "The warrior will show this heathen, that what is dead can die. An the smith will bleach out his bones in the sun-while the stranger takes his flesh to be the feast of crows!" Nothing like some religious fervor to help out in a fight right? Still Marsden is trying to cheer on Kamron the bloody, in order to end this little dance.
"Fine steed you've acquired, Ser Rivers," Gedeon calls to Jarod, his gaze moving from the Harlaw knight to the Prince of Pyke. Glancing to Marsden, he quirks a faint smile. "Not bad, half-Septon. Not bad at all."
Ser Harras continues to struggle, with a very distinct desperation in his eyes, visible through his visor. It is a look Jarod has seen before, in the eyes of the Targaryen faithful at the Trident, as they watched their rightful liege slain, and their hearts' cause lost. Such is the look in Harras Harlaw's eyes, now.
So much for getting a nice undamaged breastplate out of this fight. But - Keelin definitely is trying his best to finish off the pretender prince and fuck the armour. He just steps back, out of the way of Rodrik's attack, pleased to see that he's given the honor of the attack from Rodrik, with Kamron down. But not out, as Kamron manages to get back to his feet. Keelin gives Kamron a look, but he's not going to take his attention off of Rodrik while that prince has Keelin targetted.
Maybe Kittridge does not hear Marsden, or does not see Kamron's return, or maybe he just elects to proceed anyway. His first blow turns Rodrik, aiding Keelin in finding the center of the 'prince's' breastplate with his blade. He lifts his spear and to strike again, the small group of knights working to finish off the unyielding Greyjoy.
"Nayland!" Riordan takes up the cry, lifting his sword. He moves over to where Aleister has his man pinned down, and points his sword at that man. "Submit, squid. All of you, submit!" This last is directed at those remaining of the Ironborn forces.
Bruce lifts his shield and bashes the Ironborn in front of him to the ground as the man reacts to his offer of quarter by charging at him. "What will be done will be done later, m'lord!" The soldier's foot gets lodged on his throat, sword pointing downward. "The rest of you Ironborn - you've fought well. Yield now, your cause is lost! Look, your Lord Maron deserted you. THat is what he thinks of you! You are lower than the scum of his boots."
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attempts to escape and fails!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attempts to escape from Jarod but fails!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Keelin with Greatsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Greyjoy 6 with Sword & Shield - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Marsden attempts to rally Kamron but they are not KO'd.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Prince Rodrik with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod continues to subdue Ser Harras.
<COMBAT> Jaksyn subdues Greyjoy 6!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Greyjoy 6 with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
The sword remains pointed down to the surrendering squid's throat, only to come up and he looks back towards his cousin. One gauntled hand moved and tears open the faceplate to his burgonet. "Nayland!" comes the shout back in reply, as his sword raises in salute back to Ser Rygar. It seems the boys from Hag's Mire have done well for themselves-even if some of their spearmen and squires lay bloody on the ground.
Pariston just wants this fight to be over and without more losses and continues to throw attacks of his own. Though there is a possibility that Marsden isn't heard at all. Hitting Rodrik again, but the man just…won't…go…down.
The reaver of Seagard, slayer of the silver eagle Jason Mallister, and the foremost warrior of the Iron Isles, Rodrik Greyjoy fights on. His heavy sword misses its mark, visibly weighing in his hands, as the blows rain all about him. "what is dead cannot die-" he invokes, "But rises again.."
Kamron isn't too worried about single combat at this point. That's already out the window. So he merely wades back into the fight with the Iron Prince, moving around to help flank the man and try to batter him down to the bloody ground. The fact that he's starting to get light-headed from the blood he's lost may have something to do with the fact that he's not bothering with banter at this point.
There's a grin that comes on Marsden's face before he is looking back towards Ser Gedeon. A pause as he drops down to pick up his spear, before slowly coming up into an easy lean. Eyes flickering back to the chaos he has been egging on. "See what you get with me, Ser Rivers? Heavens and morale." A wink is given to the younger man before he is looking back towards Prince Rodrik. "Someone should tell him, the seven hells have no water..In case he wishes to convert."
Keelin ducks the attack, as he presses his attack, finding that his sword doesn't cut through the armour. Maybe it is better than his after all. "But any man can die, including you, Greyjoy," he retorts, as he swings.
Eamon looks around him. Two greyjoy soldiers subdued, Ser Harras subdued, Prince Rodrik drowning in enemies… but he could always use another
Letting out another Snarl, Jaksyn drops his shoulder employing a trick learned from his uncle in more than one tavern brawl, the Smith's son from Hag's Mire launches himself forward, wrapping an arm around the Greyjoy's neck, almost twisting the helm from the man's head, he wraps his leg in the other mans and drives him tot he ground, keeping his body straight and arching the Geryjoy's back at an uncomfortable angle. "Yield or I tear your fucking head off!"
Kittridge is not having much luck with his spear today. Probably mis-weighted. Given the wrong sort of tip. All Brynner's fault, obviously. At any rate, as the Iron Prince and his armor weather this latest round of attacks, Ser Groves gives up trying to poke at him, and makes a run at the much larger knight, pulling a Jarod Rivers and trying to tackle him to the ground, hoping that the combined weight of wounds and plate armor will help bring the prince to the ground once and for all.
Martyn seems to have the same idea as Eamon as he sees the enemy being subdued. Moving to help the others take down Rodrik. "That guy talks too much," he mutters.
In the battle above:
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 4 attempts to escape and fails!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 attempts to escape and fails!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attempts to escape from Jarod but fails!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Keelin with Greatsword but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Pariston attacks Prince Rodrik with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Prince Rodrik with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge subdues Prince Rodrik!
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Greyjoy 4.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod continues to subdue Ser Harras.
<COMBAT> Jaksyn continues to subdue Greyjoy 6.
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Greyjoy 6 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Eamon attacks Prince Rodrik with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Greyjoy 6 has been KO'd!
Hardwicke does not kill that Greyjoy on purpose. Honest. He is totally honorable!
As Ser Kittridge slams bodily into the Iron Prince and bears him to the gory ground, amist a further hail of blows to the already ruined black and gold armor of the Greyjoy heir, there is a collective moment of held breath, as the Westerosi watch to see whether Rodrik will seek excape, or finally yield the lost fight. The moment stretches into two heartbeats, and gradually the realization sets in that neither will occur, as Rodrik Greyjoy does not rise.
Ser Harras' armored head slups to the stone beneath him, and the fallen knight breathes, not without pain, "I am sorry, my Lord."
As the Lord Groves takes down the big prince, Marsden moves to lean on his spear. A faint turn of his head, as a few of the blades come down, and a scarred frown is given. He looks back once, before he finds himself looking over to Ser Harras and Jarod. There's a slight nod, as he moves over to go and see to the Knight and knight subduer.
With that the Half septon squats by down by Jarod and Ser Harras. "Wounds, Sers?" he asks softly.
Perhaps the Warrior actually is watching over Kamron, because one of the many hammering blows that come crashing down on the ironborn's breastplate dents it in further, and then the past-tense prince falls under Ser Kittridge's assault, and he holds, his axe upheld in both hands, his entire armored frame wavering slightly as if in a strong, gusty wind.
"It was an honor to face you on the field," Jarod says low to Ser Harras. Since they apparently have some time for conversation while Rodrik Greyjoy stubbornly clings to life. "Will you yield, Ser?" He adds, "The septon shall see you live to see the morrow."
"I have failed my duty, Ser," Harras voices wanly to Jarod, with a small nod. "My fight is over."
The Greyjoy soldier can barely even speak through the blood of his multitude of wounds. Hardwicke looks grimly down upon him as he lays there, more than half-dead already. Glancing at Jaksyn, he says in a low voice, "He's dead already." The final thrust of his sword is a mercy.
As Rodrik falls Pariston stands and watches, letting his eyes look over at Ser Harras as well. The battle seeming to be over as the men seem to be subdued. Breathing and looking to those speaking around of him.
Kittridge just tackled Rodrik Greyjoy. That happened. Is still happening, in fact, as the Groves remains where he is, pinning the prince to the floor. "Greyjoy," he demands, "Do you yield? Yield!" He listens for a response and when none is forthcoming, lifts a hand to open the prince's visor, though he's careful to use an elbow to pin the arm his hand was on, releasing his grip for only a second. Is he dead? Let's check.
Bruce begins to round up the surrendered Greyjoy men in a tight group, marshalling the miraculously unscathed Nayland Guardsmen to surround them. "Your weapons on the ground. We will march you back to our camp, and you will be held there. And fed. Your war is now over, men." Despite the fact that mere minutes ago he was hacking and slashing away at the men and still wears their blood on his sword, armour and face, Bruce is taking the high road, for once.
Keelin is unaware of Kittridge's plans, his sword slicing into Rodrik one more time, before he is startled by Kitt's tackle, stepping back abruptly. He watches in case the pretender prince tries to escape or anything, holding his breath along with everyone there watching. Keelin does keep his sword to hand, in case there is some sort of ironman feint.
As Hardwicke kills the Greyjoy, Jaksyn stands quietly and nods to the man. "As you wish, (ser?)" Dusting himself off, the Nayland soldier looks around with a frown. "I am definitely not supposed to be here."
"There now, Ser." Marsden says as he comes closer to the downed knight "You followed them, that followed the false. Your duty was already done.." The septon offers with a half smile. "Come now, Ser Harras. Allow me to your wounds." Once he is of course walked back down to camp, he will see to him. There's a look given to Jarod as he rises. "Half eagle." Marsden adds with a toothy grin. "You an your knightly friend alright? I can see to you both here…" And do some lovely field medicine amongst all the sharp things and the blood.
Martyn steps back a bit after he sees the excellent tackling from Kittridge. Waiting to see what's happening, sword at the ready in case it should be needed. But mostly just looking thoughtful at the moment. "Looks like we managed to do what we were supposed to do…" he offers, quietly. Moving over in Kamron's direction. "Still alive?" he asks a bit quietly.
Once the visor is opened, Ser Kittridge releases his hold, and gets to his feet. "Rodrik Greyjoy is dead, sers," he announces. Duh.
Jarod nods, easing off Ser Harras. He'll relieve the man of his sword before he offers a hand down to assist the Ironborn knight to his feet. He's up just in time to hear the news of Rodrik's death. A low whistle escapes his lips. "That's done, then."
Eamon coughs, then sighs. Sweat was on him, but no blood of his own, and two men had fallen to his blade. A well earned boost to confidence. "What of the younger sons? And the pretender King himself?"
"That's done," Gedeon Rivers repeats with a soft nod. "Whatever loose ends that must be tied shall be, and we can all, finally, go home."