Page 195: The Iron Eagle: II
The Iron Eagle: II
Summary: The massed chivalry of the Army of the Cape undertake their breakthrough; the fate of Seagard is decided.
Date: 28/01/289
Related Logs: The Iron Eagle: III
Alek Aron Brynner Gedeon Hardwicke Harlyn Jarod Lord-Jason Keelin Kell Kittridge Patrek Rodrik Rowan Tommas Horde 
Beginning at the edge of the Market Square, climaxing at Seagard Castle
28 January, 289 A.L.

The knights have led their horses on foot to the designated place: a warehouse on the street of the Ropemakers. A block distant, to either side, Stonetrees and Kennings have erected blockades to close the streets, but the haphazard arrangement of Seagard's streets has left this large building blind to weither corner, set as it is on a slight curve in the Ropemaker's street. To the south, trumpets sound, and the unmistakeable sounds of battle being joined are raised. As if on cue, the smallfolk in attendance with axes and picks set to work dismantling the warehouse's eastern wall.

Jarod is leading his sturdy brown courser among Lord Jerold Terrick's men. The charger is friskier than usual. With Ser Rivers fighting with the infantry for so much of the siege, his mount has seen little action, and has perhaps grown restless. His rider awaits the order to mount up with a similar sort of eagerness, looking once over his shoulder to his squire. "Idea's to surprise the squids, by coming through the walls," Jarod notes quiet to Rowan. "We'll see if it works."

Aron settles his visor down with a flick of his shield, using its rim to knock the sallet helm's visor down into place, all light vanishing apart from a slit of light. He grins beneath the darkness, testing the weight of his lance, hand sliding in just behind the protective cone toward its haft. The man's charger prances nervously to one side as he looks to his left and right, head moving in small semi-circles to preserve his peripheral vision.

Rowan shifts restlessly, watching the work on the wall. He nods as his knight brings him up to speed, flashing Jarod a quick, bright smile. "Whatever works." Just point him at it.

Harlyn is trot-marching along after Aron on his dapple grey gelding, his shield banging lightly against his side. His horse seems placid enough. Harlyn has his visor nicely down to keep whatever he's feeling hidden. Surely he is only feeling brave things anyhow.

Kittridge settles his mount, leaned down over the horse's neck, one armored glove removed so he can stroke the dark courser's neck and speak softly to him. When he straightens after a moment or two he checks Brynner and Tommas with a look, giving them both a nod, and then looking at those other knights about them. "You don't think they'll hear us hacking the wall down?" he says to Jarod, overhearing the Terrick bastard's conversation.

Keelin is wearing his Mallister colours today, leading his bay horse. He's attached himself temporarily to the Terrick men, all things considered, and is standing not to far from Jarod. He too is ready to go, alert, but with the experience of a few too many battles keeping him from showing his restlessness or worry.

Having spoken to Lord Jerold and asked for a favor, one that has been granted, Kell has found himself another steed for the duration of the Seagard campaign. The Hedge Knight is also amongst those leading their horses to the pre-determined place of appointment, armor already donned and repaired, weapon sharpened repeatedly on whetstone and oiled. Having fought house to house the other day in the Market Square, Kell is glad to have a chance to fight on horseback again, and hopefully the Ironborn are not able to dig pits from the streets.

"Brother! After today, no Oldstone hedge knight will ever have cause to bully you again, eh?" Aron turns his visored head to Harlyn, the sound muffled beneath layers of iron and leather padding. He absently pats something tucked behind his breastplate with his shield-bearing hand, then inclines his head deeply to Harlyn. Quite seriously, he says "I'm glad you're here. Will you do me the kindness of protecting my left again?"

In a surcoat of the purple and green of Groves, Tommas follows just behind his lord with what is likely the ugliest horse to be seen amongst the gathering knights. The beast is thick and densely muscled, approximately the colour of fresh mud with short combed hair. He returns Kittridge's nod and flashes Brynne an easy grin. "You ready, lad?"

Better late than never. Gedeon Rivers has been missing for much of the reclaiming of Seagard, injured and healing as he was in Stonebridge. But, now mostly recovered, Tordane's bastard arrived in camp late last night with those men of Oldstones who had accompanied him. And none too soon, it seems, as the following day brings the knights of the army mounted and marching the streets towards the castle. Gedeon looks a little pale and a little thin (even for him) in his maile, but his gaze is alert and clear and his dark bay courser, obliged to wait for his rider's recovery, steps high in eager anticipation of the encroaching fight.

Jarod shrugs to Kittridge. "Was your man Master Augusten's idea. He figured with the fighting afoot elsewhere, the Ironborn'd be too engaged to do anything about it. Commanders seemed to think it had merit. We'll see how it plays." He catches Rowan's smile, flashing a quick grin in return to the squire.

Hardwicke is a quiet sight astride Delylah, his armor secured and Terrick colors marked. He glances at Jarod and Kittridge as they discuss the benefits of falling walls, but offers nothing himself.

Brynner's horse dances skittishly beside him, the squire wincing and mumbling a few meant-to-be-soothing words. "Shhhh, s'just a wall, ay," he tells the horse, stroking a hand down her neck. "Ready, Ser!" Up he gets, struggling a little to make the saddle with his shield and spear in hand… but getting there eventualy, after a grunted rendition of, "Cheese… and… crackers."

"Bully —-" Harlyn's inward breath mid-pause is muffled by his helmet. "Ah, where did you hear that?" Harlyn is a poor horseman, but his horse is well-trained, which is all that lets him move up closer to Aron without running into him. It's a longer pause before he answers Aron's question. "I will do you the kindness, brother."

Kittridge nods to Tommas and Brynner, flashing the pair of them a brief, tight smile before he looks back to Jarod. "Oh, right. THAT was what Dom was on about the other day," he nods a bit and says, "Well, if he thought of it, it's probably right. He's brilliant, that one. Mad, 'course, but brilliant. Though he does blow stuff up now and then," he says, frowning faintly, head tilting, "And… not always with a care to where others are standing. I hope this isn't one of those."

Keelin listens to the conversation, not saying anything, just going through his own preparations. Tiny is good, check. Weapon's okay, check. Armour? Check. He makes sure his helm is right, and then he does speak up briefly. "Ought to be quite a surprise to 'em, if we've done it right," he observes.

A hand laid over his saddle, Tommas watches Brynner scamper into his saddle with some amusement. He waits until the lad has settled in his seat before lumbering into his own horse with a groan, the stout, ugly thing just whickers quietly. "Aye, m'Lord. He's not too good with the fall out, so long as it cares to land on the squid it'll be just like me mother's pudding," the big knight comments aimiably of their Dom.

"It doesn't matter where I heard it, brother. I intend to kill him for it after this is all through - or at least unhorse him, if the man'll meet me." Aron dips his head in acknowledgement as his brother's mount edges closer, his own turning to butt gently at the other's barded neck. "And if something untoward should happen, sweet brother, do tell our sister that I send my regards from the afterlife." He doesn't seem concerned, really - just covering his bases. "And mother and father, of course."

"Thank you, brother, but I can handle the Oldstones on my own. My way," Harlyn says, digging his knees into his horse's sides - out of tension, rather than the nudge of direction. The horse ignores him, paying more attention to his horsely buddy. "And, ah, same for you if I die. Which is certainly just as likely."

As the clash of arms and cries of the wounded and dying raise in intensity to the south, the men at work upon the timber planks and shingles of the warehouse wall. If it had been a worry that their work would be noticed, the clamor of battle seems to make such worries moot. In due course, a dozen men working together have opened a hole in the wall large enough for a horse to be led through.

Rowan hauls himself up into the saddle with only a tiny hitch — bit of stiffness in his wounded side, perhaps. Still, there's not so much as a wince or grunt to evidence any pain. This is, as they say, nearly good as it gets. Dragon snorts and paws at the ground, tossing his black mane across his scarlet neck. "Time to go, then," notes the youngest Nayland, glancing at his knight. "Warrior ride with you, Jare."

"Or just as unlikely, little brother. We are, after all, Haighs." Aron beams an innocent-seeming smile - invisible of course, beneath his visor. He checks his lance again, then adjusts the straps of his shield, busying himself with the small tasks always so important prior to a battle. "Did you hear that the Flint woman has been sneaking into Lord Ser Aleister's tents? Shocking. Simply shocking."

"Looks like this battle will determine if we can break the Ironborn backs and send them scurrying back to their ships." Kell says as he checks his armor and weapons again, making sure everything is strapped on securely before patting his temporary steed down, running a hand through the beast's mane before giving it a reassuring pat. He would liked to have more time to get acquainted with the warhorse but the Hedge Knight has faith that he is well trained.

"Well, well," Harlyn says, turning his head toward the wall. "I suppose women get hungry like the rest of us."

Gedeon watches as the wall is dismantled, patting a hand impatiently against his horse's neck. There is a small breath out as an opening appears and no Ironmen charge out from behind it. Radish must know by the way his rider shifts that they'll be moving soon. He lifts his front legs one, two, one, two and an equally restless cadence.

"Oh, yes. But I wonder if that makes the -other- rumors about Lord Ser Flint true? No, no, surely not." Aron's idle chit-chat is deeply amused, rather than malicious - and likely a subtle manner of cutting the tension. He absently ties his reins off on the saddle-horn, intending to rely on thigh and knee to guide him.

Jarod reaches over to clasp Rowan's arm briefly, in bro-y fashion. "Be ready on Lord Jerold's order. Warrior with us all." That's all he says, holding himself at the ready with his brown charger.

Keelin braces as the horse sized hole is made in the wall, looking to see who will be first through, and hoping that the ironborn haven't heard them. He takes a step forward but then stops himself, looking for the order to start through. "Warrior with us all," he agrees, with a nod of his head. And then he's ready to go, just now awaiting the word.

Rowan, perhaps overhearing the gossip on the breeze, casts the Haigh knights nearby a fairly incredulous glance — but says nothing.

The order is given to quickly move through the improvised sally port in the middle of Seagard, and the horsemen, with as much stealth as men on massive horses in full armor can manage, the knights of the Army of the Cape are rushing behind Ironborn lines, toward the massice stone ediface of Seagard Castle.

Although the stone walls and ramparts of Seagard castle are intact and largely undamaged, although armsmen in silvered armor and purple cloaks still man the walls and a host of Harlaw warriors arrayed before them, it is the ground between the forces which is of interest. For once, banners and standards are on full display as a man in silvered plate ornamented by a rich purple cloak engages a larger man in black enameled steel, decorated by a cloth-of-gold cloak. To one side stands the Mallister banner, while Ser Harras Harlaw stands behind the ebon armored warrior, holding aloft the Greyjoy standard. The Lordly champions have just begun, with blades leaving marks on armor, but neither man yet wounded.

"You mean it will turn out delicious?" Kittridge replies to Tommas, "Sorry, mate, but I think of all things this might be, that is well down the likely list. But aye, we'll muddle through, with Dom's help." He looks for a second as if he might turn that into a fake prayer of sorts, but aborts the gesture and instead nods, "Right lads, we'll follow the Terricks out. As the man says," and he nods towards Kell, "This might just be decisive. Let's try to make sure it decides in the right direction, aye?"

"And what rumors are those?" Harlyn asks, light and airy. But he's watching ahead.

Hardwicke glances over at Aron with some hint of irritation, but — like Rowan — offers no comment. His gaze focuses intently on the hole that's been made in the wall and what can be glimpsed beyond.

Leading his steed through the makeshift sally port, Kell vaults onto the horse as the others do once through to prepare for a clash of bloody combat once again. Though he isn't exactly a Terrick, during this campaign he has been fighting with them, the Banefort ribbon that was gifted to him as a favor still visible and secured on his longsword. The Hedge Knight can only give Kittridge a nod in agreement, "I don't have plans otherwise, the Ironborn have much to pay for and they will, including today."

Gedeon falls into the line of knights, Radish carrying him towards the wall and through as sneakily as a big horse might. Which isn't very, but A for effort.

"I'll tell you later, little brother!" Aron guides his horse through the hole before couching his lance, urging his mount on to a trot to clear the path for those following along behind him. He spots the knightly struggle ahead, and pointed with his shield-arm toward it, as he waits for the rest of the company to reform. "Seems we missed the glorious duels."

Keelin moves through the sallyport as his turn comes, vaults to his mount, and makes ready. Reins in one hand, sword in the other, the knight moves his horse out of the way of the oncoming others, his gaze noting the duel in progress. Visible from here it is, but likely to be lost once they get into the thick of things. Unfortunately. So far as the gossip goes, he's been merely ignoring it, bland faced and almost not noting it. But now, he's looking over the lay of the land for a likely target.

Brynner's wearing his grin for a long moment, as he leans forward to settle his horse, but all the talk of decisive action seems to sober him. He's got his own prayer, muttered under his breath… oh come on, you all were expecting it. "Seven stay with me, bless m'spear arm and send me home to Lady Rosie." A beat. "With enough stories t'impress her." Another beat whilst he's heading onward, and he flushes a little and adds in conclusion: "And smite her other suitors." Hopefully nobody heard that bit.

Harlyn rides ahead, silent now, to follow Aron through the gap at a more cautious distance.

"Aye, m'Lord. It's all good so long as it don't kill you," Tommas agrees with a short nod, scratching at the scruff on his chin his free hand. At Kittridge's order, he nods and nudges his horse into place just ahead of his Lord in the line to enter. If he prays it isn't voiced aloud to either the seven or other gods that be.

Jarod rides forth, sticking close to Rowan and Hardwicke as the horses advance. The sight of the men engaged under the Mallister and Greyjoy banners draw his gaze, and a narrowing of his eyes. But he tries to widen his concentration toward the larger Ironborn host.

Kittridge rides stealthily out between Tommas and Brynner, similarly silent in the prayer department. He readies his spear, and spends a moment watching the single combat across the way, squinting to try to pick out the individual combatants. "If that's Ser Harras holding the banner, it can't be anybody put the Prince of Pyke fighting for the Ironborn," he comments, "Do you think that's Lord Jason himself opposite?"

Aron just sits now, his mount drawn up, as comfortable in the saddle as though he were about to ride into a joust. Behind the visor, his teeth bare back in a silent snarl of concentration - he is likely unaware of the expression. Sliding back a bit in the saddle in preparation for the gallop, he turns his head aside briefly to Harlyn. "Jason Mallister himself. Quite the dare, eh, brother?"

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).

"Aye, that is, Ser," intones Jarod's squire, grimly, apparently in answer to Lord Groves. "Warrior stand stout beside him."

"A dare for some lucky, able knight, for certain." Harlyn is forward in his seat, leaned anxious, and breathing just a bit quickly. "I think I will content myself for any Ironborn of any rank. Or no rank at all."

The Greyjoy and Mallister continue their duel, with the Eagle lord briefly getting the better of his Iron rival in the pass, but Rodrik Greyjoy does not fall, the two men continuing their steel assault to the cheers and invocations of men on both sides of the walls.

"Ohhhhh," says Bryn, his jaw gaped open in awe as Kittridge drops names all over the place. He peers, eyes wide and starstruck, as he tries to make out the combatants. "Go, Lord Jason," he urges firmly, but his mare seems to think he's talking to her, and trots a little faster, almost bumping into the back of Kittridge's before he reins her up. "Cheese and bicuits, banners on rice. Whoa, girl, slow down!"

Jarod nods in affirmation of Rowan's identification of Jason Mallister himself. "And Father guide his sword. The Greyjoy fuckers' head on a Seagard pike would be Riverlands justice."

Hardwicke takes in a slow breath as he recognizes Jason Mallister, his grip on his reins tightening. Still he says silent, because he is a boring boringface.

Keelin doesn't have much to say, it's all been said really. That's his lord out there dueling the Greyjoy. Determination rises, and the man's face sets. It is definitely time to make those squids eat dirt, far as he's concerned. Time and past time. Tiny takes a little sidestep, and Keelin calms the horse automatically, his emotions reined in at the same time. "Go Lord Jason, indeed. Trounce the fucker!"

Eyes directed to the ring of steel watching the one on one battle, Kell is like the others as he observes the duel. As other identifies who the participants are, the Hedge Knight can only nod as he knows the name, just not he face.

That is a lot of names. Unlike Brynner, Tommas looks grim at the idea of the star-studded bloodshed. He glances back at Kittridge, rebalancing his hammer in his hand as tips it from one side to another.

Kittridge nods to Jarod, both at the information and, it seems, at the invocation of the Warrior as well. "As he goes, so go the Riverlands," he mutters, and then lest that seem a bit too… something, he adds, "Or some bullshit like that." He shakes his helmeted head, and continues watching.

"He'd better win," Gedeon murmurs as he watches the battle between Mallister and Harlaw. "A fallen captain can turn the tide of a war."

Aron impatiently shifts his weight as he awaits the order to charge. He doesn't answer his brother as his mount prances forward a bit, as eager as its master to be moving forward.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Prince_Rodrik spends a luck point to keep fighting!

"If he falls, we shall avenge him," Jarod says to Kittridge, like he's making a vow. Though he adds, "Rather hope he doesn't fall, though."

"Me too, Kind of fond of him, all things considered," Keelin says, a feral grin on his face. He watches as the duel continues, patiently awaiting the command to attack. "Now would be nice," he murmurs, even if he doesn't get to watch the end of the duel.

Alek is here, as well, hopefully. Preparing in his usual fashion, he drinks from a stolen flask, watching the duel with amused interest for the ouptcome if not a person stake in it.

Kell smirks and shakes his head at Jarod's words, "If we can get to him fast enough, we may be able to get him back to to the Castle where Maesters have a chance to save him. But by the looks of it, the Ironborn is to be the one to fall first. Now, question is will their treachery come into play again." It seems like the Hedge Knight is eager to ride out into the rear of the Ironborn lines.

Hardwicke leans forward just slightly in his saddle, watching the duel intently as the others discuss it.

"He has the mettle to prevail," says Rowan with stout, blunt faith. "Rest is up to the Seven."

"Ser Harras Harlaw carries the Greyjoy's banner. He is a knight sworn, one of the few on the Iron Isles," Jarod says to Kell. "Though I have little trust in any honor from the squids. Lord Ser Jason's one of the greatest knights in the land. The Ironborn won't simply walk from the field if he wins. I wonder what they plan with this…"

That does sound a bit… something, Kittridge. Brynner regains control of his horse, and snaps his gaping jaw shut. You can see it in his eyes, his silent plea: please don't die, Lord Jason. Please don't die, Lord Jason. Please don't die, Lord Jason.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!

"From what I've seen of Ser Harlaw, he's honorable," is Gedeon's contribution to the conversation, his gaze on the battle of the two lords. "In the joust at Stonebridge, he refused to ransom Lord Valentin's armor, as the only reason he won was that a divot caused Ser Anton's horse to stumble."

A slow sigh escapes Aron as he waits, charger impatiently scratching at the ground with one hoof as though it can sense its rider's anxiety to be forward and into the battle. He watches the fight with a flat intensity, head tilting as best it can beneath layers of chain and plate. "Evenly matched," he murmurs softly.

"More honorable than many men we fight with," Alek allows dryly to his fellow knight, his gaze flicking towards no one in particular as he takes yet another bracing sip of his wine before offering it to Gedeon.

Rowan Nayland sits bolt upright in his saddle as Gedeon Rivers speaks — sort of the reaction one might evince to getting jabbed in the ass with a pin. The squire cranes around to bring the knights of Oldstones into view; his smile cannot be mistaken for anything but pleased, however wondering. "I'd have thought you abed another fortnight, Ser," he says to Gedeon. "Welcome back."

"May be evenly matched in that exchange but it looks like the Ironborn is slower now and Lord Mallister has the upperhand. With the Warrior's blessing, he will end it soon and end the Ironborn's life." Kell says as he watches on, the steed under him feeling a little restless, perhaps mirroring the Hedge Knight's feelings as well as he wants to draw his blade and ride.

"Different times, Ser Gedeon. When it comes to taking something they want bad enough, many men shed their honor quick as lightening," is Jarod's reply to Gedeon. He glances briefly between Rowan and the Oldstones knight, then fixes his eyes back on the duel.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

"That's true enough," Gedeon allows with a nod towards Jarod. "And then there are the men who don't." Rowan gets a small nod as well and a smile, though it's mostly polite. "I wouldn't miss this. Not to lie abed and wonder."

Keelin continues to watch, as the entire mass of knights does, hopefully unnoticed behind the enemy lines. While they all watch the duel that is currently underway. He murmurs under his breath briefly, a prayer perhaps of some sort, but then he takes a moment to look around the field, checking to see if their little group has been noticed yet.

The Nayland squire weight Gedeon's polite greeting in silence for a beat, then nods in return. "There are time I think you've missed your calling, Ser," the boy says, with something that sounds like regret. It's fleeting, whatever it is. "You should be in King's Landing with my sister."

Jarod's reply to Gedeon comes in grunted form, green eyes now firmly fixed on the contest between the Prince of the Pyke and Lord of Seagard. Jaw rather tight. The grunt's a simple, "We'll see how it plays."

Those few who might take note of Ser Hass, the Greyjoy bannerbearer, the progress of the combat leaves the man visibly concerned, but he does not stir to step across the invisible cirle about the Lord of Seagard and the Prince of Pyke. Although Lord Jason's blows land more often, the sheer force behind Rodrik's swings could end the fight in a moment.

"Well, that much is obvious, Ser Jarod," Alek further dries from atop his coarser, shifting in his seat and tucking away the wine where Gedeon does not take the flask.
<COMBAT> Tommas passes.

Kittridge looks between Jarod and Rowan, and Gedeon, and then looks back to the battle, instead. He does a good job not looking antsy, but his horse must sense it somehow, for the beast shifts and prances and takes some calming to stop.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Prince_Rodrik spends a luck point to keep fighting!

"Aye, that's what it comes down to for men like us," Gedeon opines as he watches the fight. "We do what we can, and then we must wait and see. Most difficult part, really." For Rowan's comment, the squire gets a glance and an arched brow. "Coming from you, my lord, that's a high compliment."

"It certainly is," agrees Rowan, all grim irony and bleak humor. His horse utters a well-timed snort.

Brynner does a pretty good job of ignoring all the sniping going on in the field about him, watching the single combat carefully. Each blow landed prompts a wince from him, as does each miss and each dodge, and the squire occasionally mumbles a curse. Like… "Rat's whiskers, that were close. Get 'im, m'lord!"

The hero of the Trident is showing his quality once again at the Prince of Pyke's expense. Rodrik Greyjoy is staggered and slips to a knee after Jason Mallister lands a stiff blow that creases the black enamel over the ribs of Rodrik's breastplate. Whether folly or high chivalry shall be seen, but Jason Mallister backs up a step to permit the Ironborn to rise again to his feet before continuing. The gesture is answered by a salute from Prince Rodrik, before the two set again to the end of this duel.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Leg (Reduced by Armor).

Jarod glances once between Rowan and Gedeon. Expression guarded, and hard to read. Then he just turns back to the duel, knuckles tight on his sword hilt. He looks grimly eager to go, whatever happens.

Kell keeps his own words and cheers in check for now but he can tell that the battle is definitely going well for the Mallister, well enough that the Hedge Knight is now looking at the Ironborn line intently. As if trying to see if he can see if there are any shenanigans being prepared where they may have to ride to the rescue.

Keelin glances to the battle every so often, but he is also busy looking at the ironborn lines, as well as nearer to their own position, making sure that at least if they are seen, hopefully they know it at the same time as the ironborn do. "C'mon, Lord Jason!" he murmurs, not too loud even with the clanging of the battle masking many sounds.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Lord Jason has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason spends a luck point to keep fighting!

The two champions continue striking, and if the Greyjoy begins to look winded, his blows are still heavy and forceful. One such blow strikes Jason Mallister's cuisse, likely not doing much more than giving the Ragle lord a bruise, but Rodrik is so strong that the blow still knocks Jason's leg out from under him, sending the silvered knight down. As an instant's collective breath is held among Riverlords, the Prince of Pyke also takes a step back to let his foe regain the feet.

Kittridge drums armored fingers heavily againts armored thigh, impatiently watching as the champions fight on. "Come on," he says under his breath, "Come onnnnnn."

As the Lord of Mallister falls for a brief moment, Kell is one of those breath are unexpectedly held until the Eagle Lord rises up again. Grips his reins are tightened as the Hedge Knight grows more restless, as if wanting to fight.

Keelin's breath is held, and he sees red for a moment, when Lord Ser Mallister falls. His growl is audible to those near him, but he holds his spot, impatiently now. But still waiting, with as good grace as he can. Waiting may well be the hardest part of all this.

"Easy, my Lord," Tommas murmurs lowly to Kittridge, gaze flitting between the champions to the crowd that surrounds them. He pats the neck of his horse, hammer crooked in his elbow like a child. "Someone will fall…"

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

Bryn's mesmerised by the combat. That's really all there is to this pose, because he is not paying attention to anything other than how long he can hold his breath before he has to interrupt his silent observation with a gasp for air.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword but Lord Jason DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Lord Jason has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lord Jason spends a luck point to keep fighting!

Even watching the ongoing contest is exhausting. Rodrik, despite taking many more of the Mallister's blows, again cuts Lord Jason's leg from beneath him, to the cheers of the Harlaw men. Although Mallister again climbs to his feet, and the duel is not ended, a number of the Harlaws are at last becoming aware of the massed formation of knights to their flank, and many are dressing the line to face the unexpected equine menace.

Aron frowns as the men begin to turn in their direction, exhaling in annoyance as he looks up and down the line. "We need to charge," he announces loudly, heeling his mount forward a bit and raising his lance in salute to the other knights. "Leave the great duel for now, my Lords - for if we do not strike, we shall surely lose Lord Jason the city regardless!"

Kittridge hisses as Lord Jason is cut down again, fingers clenching into a fist and pounding once against his leg. "We're all going to die of suspense before the real battle even begins," he mutters, lifting the visor on his helm to swipe sweaty hair away from his face, "Fucking Seven. I thought Mallister had him, but now the Pyke's looking like he's got the momentum. Son of a bitch."

Rowan looks at Aron, glances at Jarod, and looks at Aron again. Blankly.

"Oh, I'm all right with waiting," says Harlyn. But gets his sword ready.

"Lord Jason's undertaken a challenge of honor, we cannot interfere," Jarod replies to Aron. "If he falls, he falls as a knight. And we avenge him and take Seagard for Lord Patrek."

"We're spotted," Kell says as he watches as the Ironborn line beginning to move in response to the cavalry's presence, "Looks like our charge will definitely be harder when we ride." It also seems like the duel between the Mallister Lord and Ironborn is slowly evening up.

<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik attacks Lord Jason with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Jason attacks Prince Rodrik with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Lord Jason has been KO'd!

Keelin knows they're spotted and he grumbles again. Though his heart is in his throat as the fight is going against Lord Jason now. He looks to spy Lord Jerold, for surely now the charge will be called. Preferably before the enemy lines are completely ready for their charge.

"The Lord Ser Haigh would not know anything of such challenges, ser. He's already proven that before," Alek answers to Jarod with the flash of an easy smile before glancing toward the Haigh contigent.

Radish gives an impatient snuffly-snort of a sound as the Harlaw men seem to remember that they, too, have weapons and mounts and reason to fight. "Of course we're spotted," Gedeon mutters. "We've been standing in the same spot, staring and we're a large band of men on horses…" And then the blond bastard shuts right up. Because something very bad just happened.

Hardwicke snorts thickly at Aron's words, though his attention remains on the single combat. His back stiffens and his jaw tightens as he watches what just happened.

For the second time, Rodrik had done the gallant thing and permitted Jason Mallister to regain his feet, and for the second time the Eagle of Seagard had done so, saluting the Greyjoy and being saluted in return before they return to the mortal melee. Although Lord Ser Jason had raised his longsword to parry the heavy overheaded blow of the Prince of Pyke, he is not strong enough to turn the blow wholly aside, and the Greyjoy steel bites into Lord Jason's pauldron above the already injured shoulder. The words spoken between the two men are inaudible above the roar of the Ironborn, but the aftermath is unmistakable. Rodrik Greyjoy, Prince of Pyke and heir of the Iron King, raises his blade overhead and brings it down upon the neck of the First Guardian of the Riverlands.

"Now, now," Harlyn says, ever so mildly. "Let's not start a fight. We have plenty of—" He takes in his breath, the action through the gap suddenly no longer the worn-exhuasted blow-by-blow, but a beheading. Of the wrong person. "Oh, shit."

Aron grimly watches Mallister fall, and then his execution, then circles his horse back around to look at the other knights. "It's over now, Ser Jarod," he calls flatly. Turning back to the fight, the man heels his horse into a slow walk forward - more symbolic of his eagerness to attack than any true desire to leave the other men behind.

Jarod can't hold back a gasp of shock as Jason Mallister falls. For a moment the Terrick bastard just stares. Waiting for him to get up. For he's Lord Ser Jason Mallister, and he must be getting up. But then he does not. Deep breath. Knuckles now locked in a death grip on his sword. He nods to Aron. Over it is. "Prepare charge on the order," he says, to Rowan mostly, but to the men near him as well. "We are not one man. We are the Riverlands. And it is time for vengeance."

"Fuck," says Kittridge as Lord Jason falls, "Get up. Get up, get up, get up— Fuck." He turns then to see the Harlaws, aware of their presence, massing to meet them, and repeats simply, "FUCK." Lance readied, he glances at his contingent, making sure they are ready also. Deep breath. "Ready, boys. For the Riverlands. Together, now, and we'll smash them."

Brynner gasps in horror as the Lord Mallister is ended, his blue eyes so bug-wide they might pop out of his head. "For the Riverlands," he exclaims, setting his shield and raising his spear to clatter against it. Underneath him, his horse dances nervously, and he's shaking in the saddle for a moment before regaining his balance. "For the Riverlands!" (And for Lady Rosanna. Now is not an approptiate time to be shouting that, but you know he's thinking it.)

Rowan utters a wrenched cry as the blade comes down on Jason Mallister. Sheet white, nostrils flaring and contracting with his breath, he looks to Jarod, then to Lord Ser Jerold. Waiting. Practically vibrating with fury. The boy raises his sword, stands in the stirrups, and shouts, "FOR THE RIVERLANDS! FOR HOUSE MALLISTER! KILL. THEM. ALL!"

Patrek Mallister has been a silent, pale shadow beside Lord Jerold Terrick, watching his father battle with wide eyes and silent encouragement under his breath. He's a lad of fourteen. His father is nigh invincible. The outcome of this duel was never in question. Until Jason falls and a blade pierces his throat. "No," the boy gasps. "NO! FATHER!" There is the soft sound of steel being drawn, and the young lord, young no longer, points his blade. He's a mere squire yet but now, suddenly, Lord of Seagard as well. And beyond his tears and the grief that chokes him, his voice bellows out the order and impetus for the men behind him. "FOR SEAGARD! CHARGE!"

Oh, what the fuck?! That is just not right. Keelin cannot contain himself at that, and his horse starts forward as well, the grumble of disbelief racing through fear into anger and then ice cold determination, as he hears Patrek Mallister give the command, and that sets him free to fly.

Tommas watches long enough to see the blade come down upon the Lord Jason's neck with a stony set to his face, eyes dark as he urges his horse to join the mass. He raises his hammer to his shield, hammering it like a drum and raising his voice to the call, bellow, "RIVERLANDS!"

For all his careless ambivalence, even Alek draws a breath as the Lord Jason Mallister falls, pulling himself straight on his horse and readying for combat. He wheels his own horse foward as well, crowding Aron's for a moment before he kicks into the charge.

As the sudden reversal occurs in the Lords' duel, Kell's expression turns grim as the Lord of Mallister has fallen to the Ironborn steel. He knows that was not expected at all, especially with how the fight had first started. Once the new Lord of Mallister calls out for a charge though, the Hedge Knight draws his longsword with a clear ringing of steel, "For Seagard! For Lord Patrek!" Kell can be heard shouting out as well as they will now be fighting for vengeance, for the freedom of Seagard. The new steed is urged forward into a full gallop as the distance closes very fast between himself and the Ironborn line as this will no doubt be a brutal battle.

With one smooth motion, Hardwicke draws steel with an expression of silent fury. And then, the charge sounded, he spurs his courser into the thick of the Harlaws, blade glinting.

Harlyn urges his horse forward, after Aron, swearing softly.

As the charge is sounded, Aron heels his horse first to a trot, then a canter, then lets it build up into a full gallop. "For Robert, for the Haighs, and for glory!" His voice carries over the battle-field, clear as a bell-note, his lips twisting in a savage grin as he couches his lance and picks his target. The thunder of the charging knights' hooves has the whole area shaking, and he brings his shield up tight against the left side of his body, ready to drive the charge home.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 06 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 08 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 05 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Chieftan passes.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 03 with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras passes.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Chieftan with Broadsword but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 02 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword but Ser Harras DODGES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 03 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Harlaw 02 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Harlaw 07 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 04 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Harlaw 01 with Spear & Shield but Harlaw 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 05 with Broadsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).

Jarod is loosed like a shot on the call to charge, and charge he does. Thundering forward near alongside his squire, Rowan's larger red horse making up for the difference in their height as they ride. "For the Cape of Eagles!" He veers just a little to one side before they crash into the Ironborn infantry, so his swordwork doesn't interfere with Rowan's. His foe is quicker at avoiding it than his sword is at finding its mark, though Jarod's arm quickly hefts up for another try.

"Yah!" Gedeon calls and his dark bay surges forward, hooves thundering across the field and towards one of Hawlaw's men. Gedeon strikes true to the chest, a gash fine enough to draw blood, but not so fine as to fell the Ironborn.

Where the lines clash, Alek swings his broadsword at the first man to meet him, only the armor the Ironborn wears saving him from missing a head. His gaze slides along the battle to find Ser Harras, though he quickly focuses again on dispatching the soldier at hand.

Harlyn rides forward and, well, poor Harlaw, he has several people poking at him as they thunder past. Harlyn is one of several, and manages to nick the fellow across the leg. For Harlyn, this /is/ an accomplishment.

The forehooves of Rowan's mount paw the air as he rounds hard to take another charge at the uncannily nimble chieftan. The Nayland boy hisses a curse and charges again, combining his efforts with Jarod's — two blades, no waiting.

Aron's spear catches only air, his opponent ducking at the last moment, but now he's among them and he wheels his mount around to come back at another Ironborn. The charger neighs loudly, pawing the ground before rushing at one of the men. Aron stands up in his stirrups, driving home with the tip of his lance, his shield slantwise across his body. "Hah!"

Hardwicke swings a heavy blow at the first of the Harlaw men he comes across, though it lands uselessly on the man's armor without cutting through. He pulls back in for another attempt.

Tommas charges into the frey, hooves thundering as he brings his hammer down one of the the Harlaw soldiers. It bounds against the Ironborn's gut, bounching off the armor with a shout. He catches his ugly horse in hand, reeling the beast back again at the failure.

Kittridge sends his lance squarely into the chest of one of the Harlaw men, though he fails to knock the reaver for as much of a loop as he'd hoped. Time to turn around and charge again, which he does with somewhat more grim enthusiasm than usual, which is still not very much. Dutiful, he is, enjoying this, he is not.

The Ironborn shield line holds firm against the charge of Riverlords clustering around thier Prince. Although blood flows, the Ironborn remain standing, swinging back at the cavaliers, even as they begin to move in unision toward the southern end of the square.

Revenge is going to taste so sweet! Keelin picks a target, Tiny hitting battle charge speed, and heads in after that target, roaring a battle cry. "MALLISTER!" His sword slashes at the Harlaw man's chest as Tiny thunders in, the horse finally glad to be moving and not just standing around all day. With the first swipe in, Keelin swings tightly around to swing again.

Riding forth, full of courage and anger with the fall of the Lord of Mallister, Kell finds himself lined up with Ser Harras, the legendary knight of the Ironborn who wields the fearsome Valyrian Steel, Nightfall. Instead of shying away and finding another Ironborn to slay, the Hedge Knight grits his teeth and rides on with the intent to kill. No words of belittlement or curses are made though as Kell knows his place, a simple knight of the hedges as his own longsword sings through the air and only air, missing the first strike. Instead of riding way, Kell slows his mount and engages Ser Harras in earnest, ready to clash blades, for better or for worst.

Brynner is right there with his knight, charging alongside and running toward the same target; his spear hits home, but is met by armor and so the squire curses ("Cheese and biscuits! For Lady Rosie!") and tries again.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 08 attacks Keelin with Polearm but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 05 attacks Harlyn with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 attacks Hardwicke with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 06 attacks Tommas with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 attacks Gedeon with Sword & Shield but Gedeon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 attacks Aron with Spear & Shield but Aron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 attacks Alek with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 07 attacks Jarod with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Rowan with Polearm but Rowan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 05 with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Kell with Valyrian Sword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Chieftan with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 01 with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 03 with Broadsword but Harlaw 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Harlaw 05 with Sword & Shield but Harlaw 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Harlaw 07 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 04 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield but Harlaw 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 05 with Broadsword but Harlaw 05 DODGES!

<COMBAT> Hardwicke has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlyn has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Harlyn spends a luck point to keep fighting!

"Watch your flank!" Jarod calls to Rowan as the chieftan turns his polearm on the squire. He rides hard at the Ironborn. Not hard enough to actually strike the man, but the chieftan has to dodge him. So that's something.

Hardwicke and his Harlaw opponent match blows, the Terrick Captain landing a slice on the Ironborn's middle, but taking one to the chest himself. He wheels Delylah back and angles in for another blow.

The Ironmen assembled around the Prince of Pyke are without doubt the most capable and disciplined warriors in the Harlaw host, and they hold together against the charge of horsemen. The black and gold Greyjoy standard at the center of the knot of shieldmen is held aloft by a man other than Ser Harras who draws his fabled sword and brandishes it against the charging Kell. "Harlaw!" he shouts, as the warriors continue southward.

As his target turns to attack Harlyn, Alek's blade misses its mark, his attention turning towards the younger knight as well. As such, he does not notice the other soldier attacking him until steel clashes against his maile. Jerking on the reigns, he turns his horse to come up beside Harlyn with a cried, "Here, you bloody, cock-eating bastard." To the man on his own side, he advises: "Do not get yourself killed."

Frustrated by the way his lance bounces off the armor of his foe, Aron rises up in his saddle to strike again, teeth gritted. He doesn't see his brother get struck, caught up as he is in the moment. "For the Haighs!" Again, he drives forward with all his weight against the other man, hoping to skewer him neatly as his horse trots forward.

Narrowing missing the edge of an Ironborne spear, Tommas swings his hammar hard into the side of the Ironborn harrying Harlyn. The big man narrows his eyes at Alek's proclamation, keeping his shield arm steady in the fray.

Harlyn rides around to attack the second Harlaw again, but notices the fifth Harlaw bearing down on him. He turns, but too late. His stroke goes wild, while his opponent staps his hand through. He wavers in his seat as his gelding trots on, but stays in the saddle for now. He angles his gelding back around, pacing Alek. "I'm fine," he mutters. Convincingly.

Keelin's second blow is dodged, but that might be partly because the Mallister man has to duck an unexpected polearm just as he's attacking. That is somewhat disconcerting, but the battle continues and Keelin makes sure to call out, "For Mallister!" as he tries to move in, but has to deal with the fellow in his way, blocking him from getting closer to the real target of his vengeance. His sword swings again, as he gets the opportunity.

Kell matches Ser Harras's shout with one of his own as he calls out, "Seagard!" Perhaps in honor of the fallen Mallister Lord as he throws himself into the battle with the Ironborn Knight and Nightfall. The first engagement seems to be in slight favor for the Hedge Knight, slight only because the Valyrian Steel swings through air while his own longsword digs into the plate armor of the other knight but causing now physical wound.

Kittridge avoids being targeted, though in his effort to dodge his strike doesn't do much damage to his enemy. He keeps an eye on Tommas and one on Brynner as well, the squire in particular, as he strikes out with his lance once again, trying to knock his foe off his horse as they fight their way through the Harlaw line.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 attacks Brynner with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Rowan with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 08 attacks Keelin with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 attacks Aron with Spear & Shield but Aron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 06 attacks Tommas with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 attacks Alek with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 07 attacks Jarod with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 05 attacks Hardwicke with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 attacks Gedeon with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 05 with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Kell with Valyrian Sword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Chieftan with Broadsword but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 01 with Lance & Shield but Harlaw 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword but Ser Harras DODGES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 03 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlyn passes.
<COMBAT> Hardwicke passes.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 04 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 05 with Broadsword but Harlaw 05 DODGES!

<COMBAT> Hardwicke has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 05 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Rowan has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Rowan spends a luck point to keep fighting!

Driving his lance into his opponent's arm - at just the same time Brynner hacks at his other - Aron grins mirthlessly behind his visor and shouts to the boy, over the roar of the battle. "Rosanna would be proud, young man!" He has no idea who the girl is, but he keeps hearing Brynner scream it, so it must be important. And one can afford a bit of graciousness at times like these. Wheeling his mount around, he searches the battlefield, spotting the chieftain and galloping toward him, lance leveled.

Jarod picks up Keelin's call of, "Mallister! Mallister!" Then, a touch louder. "For the Cape! For the Riverlands!" He continues striking at the chieftan, though so far to little avail, even in distracting the Ironborn from Rowan. It's only when another Harlaw man's sword bounces off his armored chest that he notices the man aiming at him.

Harlyn actually ends up half-slid off after his ever-so-brave mutter to Alek and has to struggle to seat himself properly. Which means by the time he's ready and able to fight again, his target is well and down. He scans the field for someone who looks likely.

Again, the soldier attacking him throws off Alek's sword, though as the fifth Harlaw is dealt with so efficiently by Tommas, he shifts to throw his full attention towards the one who attacks him.

Harlyn notes who his brother is attacking, sighs ever so deeply, and rides on in.

A whistle of wood and metal splits the air as Tommas brings his hammer down on the Harlaw scum's neck, slamming solidly into the armor there with a grin from the big man. The thrust of a spear catching again in his vision as the gorram-fish-sucking squid keeps jabbing at him like he is some sort of pin cushion. Some of that is uttered verbally has he takes out his frustration on the man he is currently bludgeoning.

The Ironborn Knight is certainly skilled and Valyrian blade deadly as Kell manages to dodge most of the slash directed at his chest though instead of a harmless grazing strike, the links part easily to the superior weapon and a shallow wound occurs. The Hedge Knight's own attack cleaves through air once more as he grits his teeth to steady himself on his horse. Staying engaged with Ser Harras, Kell strikes down with his blade again, from a higher position and this time he focuses on a solid strike, hoping his sword arm is strong enough to cut through that plate armor.

Two unfortunate blows land Hardwicke on the ground despite an attempt to remount. Though the Harlaw man who was attacking him has been felled in the intervening time, and he turns to his last target.

Rowan shouts — more in surprise than pain — as the Chieftan's spear catches in his armor and topples him from the saddle. He'll feel the pierced leg later, probably — but for now he falls as he's always been taught, rolling back to his feet and swinging back into the fray, barely missing a beat.

Which is perhaps why the big giant looks a bit baffled when the Ironborn cum slumps to the ground, good stress relief. Then with a grin and a shout, Tommas turns towards the man with a spear to engage.

Keelin's sword slices into the man's chest a second time, but the knight has to duck a polearm again, and that irritates him so he turns his attention to that squid. "Mallister! For the Riverlands!" he calls out, echoing Jarod's addition to the call deliberately as he charges with deadly intent, leaving his previous target on his own for a moment. He'll come back to that fellow, but that polearm has to go. Hopefully the change in direction will surprise the ironborn enough to let Keelin get in past that longer weapon and slash him open.

<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Aron with Polearm but Aron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 07 attacks Jarod with Sword & Shield but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 attacks Alek with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 08 attacks Keelin with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 attacks Brynner with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Harlaw 06 attacks Tommas with Spear & Shield but Tommas DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 attacks Gedeon with Sword & Shield but Gedeon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 06 with Bludgeon & Shield - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Kell with Valyrian Sword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Harlaw 07 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 01 with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 08 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Harlaw 07 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Harlaw 07 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 04 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Chieftan with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 01 with Broadsword - NEAR MISS!

<COMBAT> Harlaw 06 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 07 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 08 has been KO'd!

Rowan braces his foot on the Ironborn he and Ser Hardwicke felled, pulling his sword free and rounding on the next man, focused and sharp as his blade.

Jarod's courser rears as the Ironborn sword slices toward him. It's controlled, however, a bit of dodging on horseback. "Rowan!" he calls down, tensely when he sees the squire unhorsed. And still hacking at Ironborn. He cracks a quick grin at Rowan, and Hardwicke. "Thanks for that."

With a grin and a fiercely growled "I didn't know squids were so slippery" as his attack swipes just above the man's head, Alek attacks again, not allowing himself to get distracted by the fight around him for all that he glances towards Ser Harras for a moment.

Hardwicke grunts a wordless reply to Jarod, lifting his sword in silent salute before turning for the next man with a war-worn diligence.

Aron's lance drives through the top of the Chieftain's bicep, leaving a broad gash, as he trots by. He spots his brother and grins tightly, wheeling his charger around and thundering back toward the Chieftain, meeting his polearm with shield - remarkably skilled, the Haigh knight deflects it out wide and prepares to drive home his lance a second time - into the man's throat.

Harlyn soundly misses the chieftan, but trot-trots his horse around for another go. He gives his brother a flick of a salute.

"Well done, Bryn," Kittridge says, spotting his squire's blow. He continues lancing away at his opponent, trying stubbornly to take down the same fellow he's been hacking at this whole time. He mutters curses under his breath as he fails once more, and tries again.

Some Ironborn just wound die. Three times, Gedeon has cut the Harlaw man deep, and still the fellow stands. With grim determination, the bastard readies himself to try and end the Ironer. Again.

Keelin blows past the guy with the polearm, his sword slashing through and at least disorienting the fellow enough that he ends up out of the fight. He then aims his horse at one of the big names, as he spies Ser Harras in the fight, and Tiny willingly carries him that way. "For Mallister! For the Riverlands! MALLISTER!" he calls out, as much to let the fellow fighting Harras know that he's incoming as anything else.

Kell's longsword manages to pentrate the plate armor worn by Ser Harras but only slightly, drawing blood. The Valyrian Steel does worse though, much worse as it parts the links of the Hedge Knight's chainmail like a red hot blade through butter. This time the well forged blade digs much deeper into the man and the best he could hope for is a nice healed scar. But despie the hot flash or pain and being out-skilled in the art of the blade, Kell fights on, willing his body forward. Grip tightening on the longsword wrapped with Banefort colors, he vows vengeance in silence and slashes at Ser Harras once more, focusing on offense instead of defense.

There is the sick crack of a neck as Tommas's opponent falls without a crow of vicory. The bludgeon is an ugly weapon. The groves knight kicks his horse, urging it closer to Brynner and Kittridge in the chaos.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Aron with Polearm but Aron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 attacks Brynner with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 attacks Alek with Bludgeon & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 attacks Gedeon with Sword & Shield but Gedeon DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 02 with Bludgeon & Shield but Harlaw 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ser Harras attacks Kell with Valyrian Sword - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Harlaw 03 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 01 with Lance & Shield - Serious wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword but Ser Harras DODGES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Ser Harras with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Ser Harras with Sword & Shield but Ser Harras DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Harlaw 03 with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 04 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Chieftan with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 01 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Harlaw 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 03 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 04 has been KO'd!

"For the Riverlands! For vengeance!" Jarod shouts, riding hard along with Keelin to Ser Kell's aid. Or perhaps as unable as any other man on the field to resist a crack at Ser Harras Harlaw. The Ironborn knight dodges his charge. Jarod wheels around, hefting his sword again.

Finally! Gedeon swings agin, leaning forward as a different Ironborn tries to take a swipe at him. The Ironer's blade misses and Gedeon's sword bites into the Harlaw man's left arm. The Ironborn's blade falls and, a moment later, so does the ironer.

Kittridge finally cuts his opponent down, and then glances aside at Tommas just in time to see the man's hammer crush the Ironborn in a spray of blood. Wince.

The Ironborn shield line had held firm for the first charge of armored horse. It had held firm through the second and the third. But by the fourth charge of Riverlords, the Harlaws are dropping as the cluster of warriors near the southern edge of the square. Although the doorstep of Seagard castle has been swept clean, and the surviving Harlaws are fleeing south, amidst an increasing body of Ironborn falling back on the waterfront. Harlaws, Myres, Stonetrees, and Kennings falling in about the Greyjoy standard.

As the Ironborn chieftain manages to retreat, Aron signals for Harlyn to remain put. He lets the man go, blood dripping from the point of his lance, and reaches up to lift his visor with the rim of his shield. "We're going to have to reform and charge again," he murmurs aside to his brother in explanation. Wiping sweat from his forehead, the Haigh knight adds, "Are you hurt, little brother?"

Another Ironborn falls, and Squire Rowan turns quickly, locating Jarod and sprinting to aid his cause. Pile on Ser Harras! He's the one with the extremely valuable blade.

Harlyn draws back on his reins. His hand is slick on his hilt. He takes a deep breath and says, low, "I'm fine." That may be all he says for the rest of the day, repeated over and over.

With a moment to catch his breath, Alek does so, putting aside metal to instead press fingers where they can reach inside maile to check on wounds. He even winces at one, though he does not seem inclined to leave the field to find a chirgueon.

In the moment of lull, Gedeon guides his horse over towards Alek as the other knight, woah… winces. "Are you hurt?" he asks softly, gaze flicking over the other man.

Hardwicke fells another Ironborn with the help of Rowan once more, and gives the squire an acknowledging nod before turning away. With the Ironborn retreating, he takes the time to retrieve Delylah, soothing her with a stroke of his hand on her neck. He moves a bit stiffly, but he's not bleeding profusely in any obvious way.

The lull of the Ironborn retreat makes Jarod fall back as well. To rejoin his squire. "You all right?" he asks Rowan. "Hard fall from horseback." He adds, "Mount up if you can. Day doesn't feel done yet."

"M'lord," Tommas barks, whiping a smudge of sweat away from his face as he brings his horse to settle next to Kittridges, watching the Ironborn begin to pull back. "Are you injured?"

"Better on my feet, Ser," says Rowan, catching his breath. He looks ready — so very ready — to spill more blood. "Should have done, to begin with."

"One of their bludgeons caught my chest. No blood," Alek answers in a dry murmur, annoyance flavoring the words instead of his usual amusement. "I hate when they retreat. I hate giving chase."

"No," Kittridge says to Tommas, shaking his head, as he finishes asking Brynner the same question, "Not a scratch on either of us, thanks to the Seven. You? I assume that blood isn't yours," he says, gesturing, and then sighing and slapping his visor down once more, "Here we go again."

Jarod reaches down to clasp Rowan's shoulder. "Just need more practice ahorse is all. Stick with me best you can, and keep your guard high."

Kell is certainly feeling a little weaker as he begins to lose some blood while the area around him is sort of tunneling as he is only able to focus ahead of him. The attack on Ser Harras misses again though lucky for the Hedge Knight, the return strike glances off his armored hand, breaking links but not skin. Instead of falling back, the knight is still mounted and he continues to fight on, not caring if he falls or not as long as more Ironborn bleed. "For Seagard! For the Fallen!"

As the Ironborn manage to pull back towards where their freinds are, Keelin too pulls back along with the others, readying for the next charge. He's not saying much, out of battle, perhaps a little taciturn, or just really upset about the fall of his liege. And as the call to charge is given, he moves forward, urging Tiny forward, as he aims for the nearest squid he sees. "Mallister! Seagard! Riverlands!"

Miraculously, Aron has not been touched throughout the struggle. He smiles toward his brother, then reaches up to drop his visor once more. Raising his voice, he yells "For the Seven!" After all, this is a -heathen- enemy, not just a wicked one. Heeling his horse to a quick hand canter, and then a full gallop, he chases after the polearm-wielding chieftain, his eyes narrowing with the effort. "/Haigh/!"

"Not a drop nor a drizzle, m'Lord," Tommas replies with a crooked grin. "It's like my ma' says, 'It don't rain but it pours.' It pours squids sometimes." He gives his shield a light hammering as a call goes up from the crowds. "Groves!"

"Hooray for Haighs," Harlyn rather mutters, and he trots his horse after Aron's. Like a good brother.

"I don't know, It's not unpleasant to see the back of them, rather than their axes aiming for our heads," Gedeon muses with a faint smirk towards Alek. He kicks Radish into flight and the horse charges towards the retreating Ironborn.

Remounting Delylah with a practiced, efficient motion, Hardwicke settles back into the saddle and spurs her back into battle.

"I am going to tell them you like staring at your asses, when we catch up," Alek replies with easy humor to his call over towards Gedeon before he spurrs his own horse into a charge after his fellow Oldstones knight.

"I am going to tell them you like staring at their asses, when we catch up," Alek replies with easy humor to his call over towards Gedeon before he spurrs his own horse into a charge after his fellow Oldstones knight.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Aron with Polearm - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Myre attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kenning attacks Rowan with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw attacks Keelin with Bludgeon & Shield but Keelin DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree attacks Kell with Bludgeon & Shield but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Myre with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Ser Harras passes.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Kenning with Broadsword but Kenning DODGES!
<COMBAT> Prince Rodrik passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Harlaw 02 with Lance & Shield but Harlaw 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Stonetree with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw with Broadsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kenning with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Kenning with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Serious wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Chieftan with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Harlaw has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Stonetree has been KO'd!

A blow to a Kenning soldier lands against the armor on his chest without biting beneath, but Hardwicke draws back without hesitation to attempt another.

Rocked back in his saddle by a blow to his temple, Aron's lance bites into the man's side rather than his heart, ripping free as he rides past. He keeps his mount, however, taking a moment to clear his head. The sallet helm has held, though it is dented inward considerably, and the man likely has a nasty concussion - and certainly a huge bruise rising on his temple. He raises his lance in brief salute to the Chieftain before hurtling back toward him - assuming he can actually see only one of him.

Rowan's a damn sight more nimble on his feet than he is a horse. A failing? Perhaps. But he's been honing his blade Braavosi style, these past months… and horses don't dance on water. He ducks the Kenning's swipe and presses the attack.

Jarod's blow doesn't bite either, blunting against the protection of the Kenning's helm. His horse does more constructive rearing to avoid the Myre's bludgeon, while his rider's attention is focused elsewhere entirely.

Despite Kell's wounds and the steady loss of blood, years of experience on a horse has his body acting instinctively as he rides down one of the Stonetree reavers. First the bloodied blade finds purchase once more as it cuts thorugh an unarmored arm while the steed that Lord Jerold had loaned the Hedge Knight is a true warhorse, hooves kicking up and bashing the stunned Ironborn in the face. That kill was definitely all courser, not Kell but the wounded knight rides on, selecting the next closest target to ride down and apparently it would be the Chieftain.

With a solid strike to a Harlaw's chest, Alek actually makes no such comments about Ser Gedeon. Instead, he takes aim at a Myre nearby, with a finally cried "Oldstones!"

"God damn it, these bastards are tough," Kittridge says, shaking his head as the already-greivously-wounded Harlaw he seeks to put out of his misery still manages to dodge away from his lance. He changes targets, giving the hardy fellow a pass this time, and rides again.

Jarod adds to the battle calls to the retreating Ironborn, "Riverlands!" And, for good measure, "Terrick!"

Keelin flies in, near enough to Alek it seems, as they both are aiming at the Harlaw with due consideration. And once that Harlaw goes down, Keelin's sword as bloodied from the man's chest as Alek's weapon, Keelin too turns on the nearest Myre with vengeful determination.

Horses may not dance on water, but they're damn fast and they get a man closer to his target. Gedeon, too, has the Kenning in his sights, and with a rough shout, he swings and his blade cuts a deep gash into the man's left leg. It's a good change, to be giving the deep gashes rather than getting them. Well. For now.

Tommas's attack of comes in the form of a solid blow to the Myre's arm. Crunch. It follows on the tails of the Ironborn's attack on Jarod.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Aron with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Myre attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kenning attacks Rowan with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Myre with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Kenning with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Kenning with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Chieftan with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Myre with Broadsword but Myre DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kenning with Sword & Shield but Kenning DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Chieftan with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Myre with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Hand.

A laugh spills from Alek where Kaelin fights beside him, calling over an easy "Good swing" when the man makes his hit before he attempts his own again.

The battered line of Ironborn shieldmen continue to hold together as they back down the streets of Seagard, bloodied but for the moment unbroken, continuing to hold off the knights of the Cape.

Jarod is a big guy, and more nimble on a dancing horse than afoot. He seems confident that his courser can avoid the Ironman intent on him while he concentrates on the Kenning who likes Rowan so much. Thus far he's correct, the charger dodging lightly out of Ironman reach.

"You also," Keelin replies to Alek. Though with all the attackers in the area, his sword misses his next attack, bringing a rueful bit of a laugh from him as he turns to try again, still hoping to get back at that bloody greyjoy prince.

Intent with his hammer, Tommas rains another blow down against Myre with a long armed swing. The blow rings as it connects solidly to the man's armored chest, still blooded from the touch his kin.

Harlyn is manfully swinging 'round and missing a whole lot. No fear! He has to hit sometime. Statistically!

Again Gedeon slices into the Kenning, this time his sword cutting the other man's chest. "Made of sturdy stuff, aren't they," the blond bastad mutters as the Ironman still stands.

Kittridge deals only a glancing blow to his Kenning foe, while Brynner's solid strike still fails to fell the Harlaw. The two stab at their opponents again, the knight calling to Tommas, "I'm going to have to switch to a hammer, with this kind of luck!"

Aron manages to get his shield up, this time - the heavy blow from the doughty Ironborn chieftain nearly dislodges him from the saddle, and splinters his shield's wooden backing in part, but he recovers. His lance glances off the other man's maile as he rides by, and silent as death, he wheels around to come again. Another brief salute before he couches the lance and charges.

This time, Hardwicke's blow to the Kenning man's chest bites a bit deeper in the armor. He wrenches it free, eyes dark and grim, and then moves in to attack again.

Reining in his mouth, Kell slows the pace of the warhorse so that he is able to stay paced with the wounded Ironborn as his first strike of blade hits the armor at the reaver's stomach but doesn't find flesh. He slashes down again as he growls out, "Die, Ironborn! Go to your Drowned God!" The Hedge Knight will fight with all his energy till the end when the Ironborn are all dead or gone, or he falls unconscious to a blow.

<COMBAT> Kenning attacks Rowan with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Chieftan attacks Aron with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Myre attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Myre with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Kenning with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Kenning with Lance & Shield - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Chieftan with Broadsword - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Myre with Broadsword but Myre DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kenning with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Chieftan with Sword & Shield but Chieftan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Kenning with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Serious wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Chieftan with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Myre with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Chieftan has been KO'd!

Again, his sword rings against an Ironborn chest, biting in to taste more blood before Alek presses his attack since the man still stands.

"Gods," Gedeon murmurs, shooting in incredulous look towards Kittridge, Hardwick and Rowan, all of them pursuing the Kenning man. He wasn't the only one to slice the man this time, but onward the Ironer goes!

Aron's shield is hammered into his side; this time, the polearm bites through his maile, opening up a gash in his side. He doesn't let it bother him, keeping himself rigidly in the saddle and driving his lance neatly through his opponent's throat. Twisting and ripping it free, Aron leaves the Ironborn chieftain to bleed out as he looks over the battlefield. He picks his next target and, with a salute toward Harlyn, trots forward.

Hardwicke fails to slice up the Kenning berserker, but he can't be blamed for that, because clearly he's a berserker. Not their fault they can't kill him.
ooc The Ironborn are still in front of you. Have been for quite a few rounds. Going down a street (which is why you had 4 rounds before they got here) its not possible to just go around them.

Cling, cling, cling goes the swordswings. Zing, zing, zing goes the pell. Crunch, crunch, crunch goes Tommas's hammer as he keeps giving Myre some hell. "Maybe. But not today, my lord!" He calls back with a grunt, replying to Kittridge's complaint.

Harlyn returns the salute a little wanly. His hand is still bleeding nice and steady. But onward. To miss again!

Rowan nimbly sidesteps yet another blow from the Kenning — providing excellent distraction for the men actually hitting the son of a bitch, if nothing else. He takes a quick look about and emits a shrill whistle, summoning his mount. Time to get back in the saddle — pursuit should be afoot soon!

Jarod moves to cover Rowan, best as he can, when the squire whistles for his horse. He may not be hitting the Kenning, but he's a big guy with a big horse and sword, so he adds to the press in quantity.

Kittridge nails the Kenning in the head, the tip of his lance piercing the reaver's helm, and surely drawing (a great deal of) blood beneath. Still, the fellow doesn't fall, and with a shake of his head, and a "I know, Seven," in response to Gedeon, he tries once more.

<COMBAT> Kenning attacks Rowan with Bludgeon & Shield but Rowan DODGES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 attacks Alek with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Myre attacks Jarod with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Myre with Bludgeon & Shield but Myre DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan passes.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Kenning with Lance & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Myre with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kenning with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Harlaw 02 with Sword & Shield but Harlaw 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Kenning with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Myre with Spear & Shield but Myre DODGES!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Myre with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Myre has been KO'd!

"Push through!" Jarod yells. Perhaps more to motivate himself than the others, as everyone seems to be trying. "We bring the Greyjoy's head to Lord Patrek."

As his man goes down under a blow that does not even have his full weight behind it, Alek huffs a breath of laughter and turns to deal with the man attacking him.

Keelin's sword hits armour this time, doing little to no damage, but perhaps offering a distraction. He turns to face whoever is left in the enemy lines, aiming at what Harlaw he can identify. And at Jarod's yell, he continues to press forward, willing to try for that goal. "Mallister!"

Hardwicke continues to fail to help kill the Kenning berserker, but he keeps trying.

His HEAD. His sword cuts into his HEAD, knocking the Kenning's helm from his hair. Gedeon expects the man to fall at last, as he was not the only one to land a hefty blow on the bloodied Kenning. But the man yet remains and Gedeon can only shake his head, incredulous. "Should I be inspired or horrified?" he growls as he tries again.

"It took your delicate touch Oldstones," Tommas quips after his own swing goes wide. There other knight is offered a twisted grin, the large man adjusting his grip on his hammer.

Rowan swings back up into the saddle, bringing Dragon around hard and sweeping an arc of steel that looks meant to take the Kenning's head from his shoulders. Wouldn't that be nice?

Kittridge sighs as the Kenning takes another barrage and still stands, only to find himself the target of even more knights as his fellows don't fare so… well, the Harlaw nearby in the same situation. "Gods, I hate it when it's five on one," he mutters, underestimating, even, the strength levied against the Ironborn.

"I do have a way of bringing people to their knees with my hands," Alek agrees in his own easy returned call towards Tommas even as they move for the same man.

<COMBAT> Kenning attacks Rowan with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 attacks Alek with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 02 with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Kenning with Lance & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kenning with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Harlaw 02 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Hardwicke attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Kenning with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Kenning has been KO'd!

Aron misses his kill - because the man is already dead. He wheels his mount around, charging toward a Harlow and driving his spear through the man's throat. Continuing on, he wheel around to see Keelin practically cut the man in half - and stares, as the berserker somehow remains on his feet.

Rowan yanks his blade free of the Kenning's neck, releasing a lovely spray of arterial blood. He turns his horse, then, to bear down on the unfortunate Harlaw who — to his credit — stands as the entire Riverlord line turns upon him.

Keelin's anger at missing his past couple of shots seems to have worked as he just about slices the Harlaw in half, but the berserker ironborn stands. Unbelievable. These Ironers don't know when they're dead. He turns to try again, wanting the bloody Harlaw to fall, in hopes of continuing the attack.

<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 attacks Alek with Spear & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Harlaw 02 with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Harlaw 02 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Harlaw 02 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Hardwicke tries to attack but has no target!
<COMBAT> Gedeon attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Brynner attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Harlaw 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Harlaw 02 with Broadsword - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Harlaw 02 has been reduced to a fine red mist.