The Iron Eagle: I |
Summary: | The diversionary frontal assault of the Nayland infantry on the Kenning/Stonetree barricades. |
Date: | 28/01/289 |
Related Logs: | The Iron Eagle: II |
Players: |
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Market Square - Seagard |
This area is under Harlaw control. A series of overturned carts, and other impediments form barricades against the Army of the Cape which occupies the Low District to the west. |
28 January, 289 A.L. |
When the news comes down they are to advance against a position, there were more than a few rumbles from the pikeman. The grumbles turned to mumbles, then silence in the ranks as Einion takes his position. Advance.. // the tanner turned serjeant has the men he's responsible for in proper formation, and ready. Tam's approach is noticed, as it couldn't //not be, and at the words, the man grins, a touch of both.. relief and a little healthy respect and fear as to what lies ahead. "You look good, ser. On your feet." He nods his head, and looks at the pikes, and back.. "I'll watch, ser.. but.. " if he's ordered to do else? But Ser Longbough is out of combat for who knows how long. "We've got it, ser." The decision made, the tanner nods once, decisively. "Understood."
Rygar is on foot at the front right corner of the advancing pike formation, a curt word is given for, "Silence in the ranks." A slow breath is drawn as the enemy barricade comes into sight. "Serjeants, bid your men stand. Crossbows. Open fire."
More lowly, Tam adds, "And don't go bein' a fucken hero, Einion Wycliffe, or I swear by the Seven I'll clip you over the head meself and carry you out'a this fight." When Rygar calls for silence, he obeys, reaching up to adjust his pot helmet atop his head and grin fiercely toward the barricades. The toughened hedge knight keeps the smile in place, though it is more of a grimace the now, his hands shifting and regripping on his bastard sword.
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 attacks Stonetree 01 with Crossbow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 attacks Kenning 04 with Crossbow - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Armsman 01's weapon clicks empty.
The first volley of crossbow bolts flies, despite the taunts and shouts of "Come get some, you cowards!" from behind the barricades. The men at arms reload thier bows, and the pikes are made to wait for a second volley to be readied. "No cause to bleed without need," Rygar comments evenly.
Einion shakes his head quickly at Tam, his eyes moving down ranks, making sure his people are silent and ready. Now, it's just a matter of waiting, and praying they don't have archers on their side. His grasp on the pike is tight, whiteknuckled, as he waits for the order to advance, finally ending the wait. "Wait, hold your advance.."
"I'm minded o' a joke I heard once," remarks Tam - loudly enough to be overheard by nearby pikemen, apparently the epitome of calm as he waits. He keeps perfectly still now, trying to lead by example, though a faint sheen of sweat beads beneath his helmet's linen padding. "How d'ye know the Ironborn are hard-arses? 'Cos you need a crossbow to bugger 'em proper."
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 reloads.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 reloads.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Lord Stonetree with Crossbow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
"Serjeants," Rygar bids evenly. "Advance, with the second volley." No great battle cries, or glorious invocations; the stern Nayland remains cold and steady even as he raises his crow's beak polearm in a mute salute to the enemy line before the advance.
Not fair that he can't reply to Tam, but a grin creases Einion's face at the jest, and there isn't anything he can do as a rejoiner, bid to silence as he is. Still, with the arrows flying overhead once again, he's reminded that within seconds, his feet will begin the march forward; alongside his men. "Pikes!" he begins, his voice loud so he can be heard, "Advance!". And it begins; the Nayland line begins to move, and with their weapons charged, any that seek to push through will see the points before them, the grim looks set upon the mens' faces. Kill or be killed.
As the line begins to move forward, Tam grits his teeth, keeping that nonchalant grin on his face by sheer force alone. A battle-leader's greatest strength, after all, is his ability to appear calm at all times - or, at the very least, to appear driven by blood-lust rather than fear. He moves forward with an easy, loping pace, only a very slight hitch revealing the wound in his leg. "They're rotted through, me lads! Just give 'em a hard push!" His stride carries him a bit ahead of the line and, protected as he is by pikes at his back, he leaps upward to hack at the Ironborn.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 04 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Cover).
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 04 with Pike but Stonetree 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike but Stonetree 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning passes.
<COMBAT> Tam passes.
<COMBAT> Rygar passes.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
Einion pokes his pike into a spot where he believes the attack will do it's best damage, but the tip of the spear doesn't quite make its target fast enough, and its intended target gets that opportunity to move.. and he does. The serjeant pulls his weapon back, charged and ready, his expression matching his mens'.. grim. Kill and be killed, indeed.
Standing atop the barricade, straddling a table as pikes stab around him on either side, Tam grins fiercely and lets out a wolf-howl. "A Coop!" he roars, spotting a polearm flashing toward him and hacking down in answer. "Come on an' kill me, then, y'fuck! If y'can!"
The push of pike grants the Riverlanders a moment's advantage as the men behind the barricades cannot reach then to strike back. In short order, however, the Ironmen fall back from the barricade, forcing the pikemen to walk up to that barrier to reach them, and then seeking to dashing under the pikeheads, to reach their foemen. It is an ugly sort of fighting.
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Sword & Shield but Stonebridge 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike but Kenning 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 attacks Stonetree 01 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Armsman 02's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 04 with Pike - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Cover).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike but Stonetree 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree attacks Tam with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 attacks Mire 04 with Polearm but Mire 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 attacks Mire 03 with Sword & Shield but Mire 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 04 attacks Stonebridge 04 with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike but Stonetree 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 04 with Pike but Kenning 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 attacks Stonetree 04 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning attacks Rygar with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Lord Stonetree with Greatsword but Lord Stonetree DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm but Ulfr Kenning DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Lord Stonetree with Crossbow - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Kenning 01 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 04 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Tam has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Tam spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Tam's sword is swept aside by the great polearm of Lord Stonetree, the big Ironborn's weapon smashing into his chest and sending him -flying- back off the barricade. The grizzled hedge knight lands in a crumpled heap, blood flowing from his chest freely; he is barely conscious, enough to try to drag himself backward and hopefully avoid being trampled.
The ugly battle at the barricade grinds on, with bolts flying between pike hafts and axes swung half blind over the improvised rampart. Close quarters fighting at its most claustrophobic continues to spill blood into the streets.
Rygar's coat of plates spares the lean knight his injury, but he cannot score a good blow on his Kenning rival.
The line advances, and Einion strikes with his pike once again, trying to give Ser Tam a little breathing room. He strikes, climbing through the detritus lying in the street that is being used as cover. As he pushes through, his foe strikes, and he's pushed to his knee, a bludgeon striking his leg from under him. He shouts out in pain, his weak leg crumbling.. and he fights to regain his footing. As he's working to his feet again, he shouts out, "Ser!". He can see the blood coming from the knight's chest.. and he can't help but try and keep the enemy lord from pressing advantage. "Dog! Son of a lord and a whore!" Probably not the smartest thing, but he won't break formation either..
Perhaps not the smartest, but Einion's taunting certainly draws the Stonetree lord's eye away from the wounded Tam.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Starling has joined the combat as a observer.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree attacks Einion with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 attacks Mire 04 with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield but Einion DODGES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Sword & Shield but Stonebridge 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 attacks Mire 03 with Sword & Shield but Mire 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 04 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike but Kenning 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning attacks Rygar with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Tam passes.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Lord Stonetree with Pike - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
Wheezing, his breath bubbling in his chest, Tam tries to rise as he sees Einion lunge for Lord Stonetree. "No.." It's probably inaudible, a gurgling murmur as he falls back on his shoulder. "Shiet." The man stares up at the sky, grasping blindly for his greatsword with one limp hand. His feet stir, pushing him further back through the pikemen as he strives to reach safety - and hopefully to reach someone willing to haul him out. "Should'a been quicker."
Einion sees that he's gotten the Lord Stonetree's attention, which in the second after he's gotten it, he's pleased. Then, however, reason returns to the tanner, and there's a healthy dose of fear that enters his face. Still, he's gotten— and with the attack, the Green Quarter's serjeant takes an axeblow to the chest.. opening his leather armour, the blood starting to drop from the wound. He's stricken, and he looks down at his chest, and.. it should have hurt more.. but the young man's probably a little shocked. That move grants Einion the opportunity to avoid the next attack of his former target, but the weak reposte has absolutely no chance of working against the noble armour.
Rygar fights on silently, having great difficulty in dealing with this combat across a barricade. The battle remains unresolved in the street, with either side standing to take the edge with the next moment's luck and skill.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 attacks Mire 04 with Polearm but Mire 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike but Stonetree 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree attacks Einion with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 attacks Mire 03 with Sword & Shield but Mire 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Crossbow - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 04 with Pike but Kenning 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike but Kenning 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 attacks Kenning 03 with Crossbow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning attacks Rygar with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tam passes.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm but Ulfr Kenning DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Lord Stonetree with Crossbow - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Lord Stonetree with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
Although Lord Stonetree finds his reach and lands a hideous blow to Einion's torso, he recieves the rude awakening of a crossbow bolt standing from his breastplate a moment later. Looking down, dumbfounded, the lord of Stonetree hall staggers backward, being ushered to the rear ranks by his men.
Must. Not. Break. Einion feels the axe dig into his chest again, his ribs cracking in the blow. He's on unsteady legs, and bleeding now from two different wounds in his chest. And still, he pushes. He must not break the line, must not fall.. and he's force to use his pike more of a balance than use it as ineffectually.. but a hole means.. a hole. "Green!" comes weakly, his blood washing the cobblestones of the street. He can barely focus, but as he stares, he blinks as he sees the bolt newly sticking from the Lord's chest. He calls out, but he's not all that sure that he .. actually did. "Ser Tam?!" He doesn't see the knight down, and there's the dark fear that he'd failed.. and he turns his gaze, quickly unfocusing, to that Ironborn that he'd targeted before.
Strong hands grip Tam's shoulders and hoist him painfully to his feet. He growls as someone slaps his sword back into his grip, blinking to clear his vision. The sight of Einion up ahead has him gritting his teeth and staggering forward. "A Coop!" His war-cry is weak, choked, but the man is determined to get back into the thick of it, scrabbling up atop the barricade alongside the other man - blood pouring down his chest, breath coming in rasping gasps. "Fucken scratch," he snarls at Einion.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike but Stonetree 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 attacks Mire 04 with Polearm but Mire 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Sword & Shield but Stonebridge 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 attacks Mire 03 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 04 with Pike - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Cover).
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield but Einion DODGES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 reloads.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning attacks Rygar with Bludgeon but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Kenning 01 with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Kenning 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 04 has been KO'd!
Wheezing as he keeps his feet, Tam staggers forward and slashes out with his greatsword as his opponent lunges at Einion. "I told you.. Not to be.. a fucken.. hero." His sword connects, but the blow lacks the strength to cut through the other man's armor. He spits saliva and blood toward the Ironborn man, raising his sword overhead for a straight chop down at his opponent.
And there it is.. the old knight's call. Einion smiles, one of those that is given before a man falls.. to know that all is right. The snarled command is met with his head shaking in the negative, even as his lifesblood washes the shaft of his pike and the ground upon which he fights. He has no choice but to fight.. never had, never will. "No.. holes.." He's afraid, and it takes all he has to bring his weapon to bear again. "Green!" There are few in the pike line that respond, but to him it sounds miles away, "Orange!"
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike but Kenning 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 attacks Mire 02 with Spear & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Armsman 01's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike but Kenning 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 attacks Mire 03 with Sword & Shield but Mire 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Neck.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Cover) (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 attacks Stonetree 02 with Crossbow but MISSES!
<COMBAT> Armsman 02's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning attacks Rygar with Bludgeon but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Kenning 01 with Greatsword - COVER stops the attack.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Ulfr Kenning with Crossbow - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Kenning 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Ulfr_Kenning spends a luck point to keep fighting!
"Y'damn fool, ye'd have got the girl." Tam, too, is bleeding out - but this is how the old hedge knight wants to go, and so it's less of a burden. He forces a grin, blood showing on his teeth as the battle wages onward. His greatsword gets deflected off a post as he tries to hack at the man who strikes at Einion, and the big knight curses loudly. "Just let me kill /one/ man, Seven above, before I fucken die!"
Ulfr Kenning, having grown fristrated by the barricade which limits his ability to reach Rygar, takes a gamble and surges atop the low improvised wall, taking a mild wound to the arm for his effort. But it is while he is atop that barricade, swinging down hard at Rygar Nayland that the maile on his torso is pieced by another crossbow bolt, one that slams the Ironborn warrior hard enough to send him tumbling back over the barricade.
In that moment, inexplicably, a battle cry of "Groves! Groves!" is raised fto the north of the Ironborn line- behind the barricade, no less. This call, combined with the fall of their champions causes the lines of Ironborn to break and flee.
Einion stumbles again, the force of the blow against his neck sending him reeling. How in the hell the young man keeps his feet has got to be a miracle of epic proportion on the part of the Warrior. Blood comes from all wounds, and his breathing is heavy and laboured. He can't seem to focus on the man that hits him again, and he simply calls out, "Tam!" His voice is hoarse, ragged, and he searches. "I covered you.." and he's pleased he's done that which he was asked. He was asked to stay close, and.. he did. "Green!"
With savage fondness, Tam half-turns to look aside at Einion, his bloody features creasing in a hard grin. "You did, bucko, you surely fucken did." As the enemy begin to break, and the Groves close in behind them, Tam snarls and takes a step forward off the barricade, chasing after his foe. "No quarter!" He raises his voice to shout it out. "Kill every single whoreson here!"
<COMBAT> Armsman 02 reloads.
<COMBAT> Armsman 01 reloads.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Kenning 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 04 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Stonetree 03 with Pike - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Stonetree 01 with Pike - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Cover).
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Kenning 03 with Pike but Kenning 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kenning 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Kenning 02 with Pike - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lord Stonetree passes.
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning passes.
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Kenning 01 with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Ulfr Kenning with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Kenning 01 with Pike but Kenning 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonetree 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Ulfr Kenning has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Ulfr_Kenning spends a luck point to keep fighting!
They're routing. They're -routing-! Well, most of them are. Tam lifts his gaze, spotting Rygar still locked in a struggle with Ulfr. Looking aside at Einion for a moment, the hedge knight lumbers down off the barricade and staggers in that direction - one can move surprisingly fast when they have to keep stepping before their knees go out, coming at the Ironborn lord from the side. "I ain't dead /yet/, y'miserable fucks!"
The pikes take their toll, before the Ironborn can escape that brutal reach. A vicious blow of Rygar's crow's-beak takes Ulfr Kenning in the shoulder, sending the Ironborn nobleman to the gory cobblestones and as the pikes hold the line, raising a cheer, a few close-armed men climb the barricade. First among these is Ser Rygar, who commands of the felled and wounded Kenning, "Yield."
Ulfr, rolling in agony to get the crossbow lodged in his ribs off of the cobblestones on which it had fallen and pressed, he does not reach for the battleaxe which had fallen from his grasp in the tumble. "Aye.. aye." the Kenning gasps.
Einion leans heavily upon his pike, his blood dripping down the shaft of his weapon. He's having a difficult time remaining on his feet, but he knows that the moment he sits down, there is no regaining his feet. He calls out, "Pikes!", the sound weak and hoarse.. and he's doing everything he can not to look down. He's weak, and he can barely keep his feet.. and that's all he needs know. "Form up!" is croaked.
Seeing the enemy Lord yield, Tam wheezes to a halt and grounds his bastard sword, using it as a crutch to hold himself up. He wavers, but somehow manages to stay on his feet, despite blood streaming down his leg and pooling in his left boot. Grinning bloodily as he turns toward the pikemen, the grizzled hedge knight punches a fist into the air triumphantly. "Sons o' whores can fight," he murmurs - his voice, now that battle has broken, is surprisinly weak.
Rygar nods once and lowers the end spike of his polearm, which had been raised, poised for a deathblow, and nods once. "Ser Cooper," he speaks, preparing an order for the free rider. Upon sight of the man, however, the order is modified, "Instruct Lord Rafferdy Nayland that he is to stand forward and accept custody of this prisoner, and then see yourself to the chiurgeons."
As the ironborn run south, a formation of Groves men approach from what had been thier rear ranks, being greeted by a fresh cheer from the Nayland pikes.
"Right, Ser. I'll be takin' Sergeant Wycliffe wi' me - man deserves a reward, too. Saved m'life. Maybe thrice over." Tam has gone pale, one hand pressed to the left side of his chest, but his tone is firm - if a bit halting. He isn't asking permission, he's telling the other man. Turning away, he staggers toward Einion and the rear.
"Serjeant.." With some effort, Tam sheathes his sword. "C'mon. We got to find Lord Rafferdy. Then it's to the healers." He takes a look at the other man, and reaches to grab his arm. "Y'use the spear t'hold us up. I got yer other side."
Einion can't really hear now, the rushing through his ears is getting louder. He takes a tentative step, his weapon used as a crutch, after a fashion, his body coloured red. The line held, and the knight lives. The buzzing of commands causes the tanner to turn to his pikemen in question, looking confused. Have they been dismissed? Relieved? Do they march on? "We wait, serjeant.." until ordered. Einion nods in the answer.. and here comes Tam. He looks to the knight, and seeing the man's face, finally, he smiles in his victory. "We did it.." As if it was a battle in a war that would end all wars? He puts his arm around the knight, slipping until one of the other pikes supports him on the other. "I've got him, ser.." comes the comment from the other side.
Staggering toward the rear, Tam is ashen-faced, showing his age vividly. "We did it, lad. Y'did me proud. Y'really did." There is fear in his eyes as he glances over at the younger man - Einion has taken a half-dozen wounds, to Tam's one, after all - but he forces a crooked grin. "Ye're gonna be the hero of this fight, bucko. Pick of th' women, ye'll have." He spots Rafferdy, using the remnants of his considerable bull strength to call to the man. "Yer cousin says ye're to take charge'a the..the prisoner, M'lord." Weak from bloodloss, he doesn't wait for an answer, staggering along as he supports Einion.
There's that euphoria that the body uses as a natural painkiller, shock allowing movement even as there is more blood outside now than perhaps inside. Einion slips again, weakening with each step. His breathing is ragged, the effort of making his lungs fill and refill is getting more and more difficult. "Pick, huh?" His words are forced, more and more difficult to come after several steps. "A hero.. me.."
"That's right, Einion-me-lad, a hero. I'll sing yer fucken praises to the nobles, see if I don't. Y'saved my life, lad, an' neh mistake.." He leads the man further and further away from the massacre, toward the chiurgeons. "Ye're gonna be alright, me boy. Ye're gonna be fine." They depart the charnel field together, supporting one another with each step, just as they had done all the fight long, blood trailing behind them both.