The Ice MILF |
Summary: | Some events create really awkward outcomes. Wayland breaks Valda's speech box. |
Date: | 11/Jun/289 |
Related Logs: | None |
Players: |
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Valda's Chambers |
A modest room but with a double bed that is crown in an oval headboard of maple, giving the room it's lighter look. A cream rectangular rug is angled in the center of the room. A chest for storing the visitor's goods is at the foot of the bed and a rich burgundy and cream cover settles over the bed. A hearth to the right of the windows which rests between it and the bed is done over with a iron screen meant to be removed when in use. A pair of chairs rest near the window and about a small circular table set with a candle. On the same wall as the door rests a low chest of drawers, a basin for water and a few wooden mugs rest there for use. |
Jun 11, 289 |
The remains of Valda's midday meal sit upon her small table, meant to comfortably seat two people. Her hair is down to her waist in a series of small braids atop a bed of her thick, raven tresses. Standing by the window, the Dowager looks out with grey eyes light enough to nearly be clear. Yet her gaze is turned inward, rather than at the lovely treeline or the water rushing beneath the bridge after which the town is named.
There is a knock on the door, because some people still knocks on her door, regardless her current status. Outside, stands Wayland Frey; he has been standing outside her door for quite a while now, but it is only now that he decides to knock. As usual, he wears his brigadine armor with the Frey colors, that almost never changes. "My Lady…?" calls the man from the outside, because perhaps his usual 'Sweet Cousin' might be heard by unwanted ears.
Knocking should always occur, whatever others might believe. Castellan or Dowager, Valda is a lady. The sound pulls her from her thoughts, prompting the woman to half-turn toward the door. Upon identifying the voice, she calls out, "Come in, cousin."
Wayland pushes the door open, steps inside and closes it behind him. "Sweet cousin" offers Wayland, showing a soft smile to the woman. He looks around the room for a moment and then at the food on the table as he walks towards her "I trust you enjoyed your meal?" asks the man. Now, he takes a moment to look at her a little more, perhaps now seeing an imagine that it's not usually seen, the long hair falling back down to her waist. "Something troubles your mind?" finally asks the man.
Valda dips her head to the man as he enters, politely nodding assent at his question regarding the food. His last query, however, earns a dry, "I am imprisoned within my own room in a Tower named after my House, of which I am the last member. I have been stripped of my title and duties as Castellan, and now watch as inefficiencies begin to show themselves due to the lack of knowledge that comes from having done this task for years. I am forbidden to see my daughter, my last living child who is about to have a babe of her own — and the Seven willing shall live through it without my aid. Why should anything be troubling my mind?"
The Knight just listens to her words for a moment and his expression is completely neutral. Finally, and with the same level of dryness, he replies back "The question was asked out of true concern, cousin…if you can't see things for what they are and need to always be your oh so lovely self, perhaps I should stop asking" Now, he stands right next to her and looks outside her window for a moment, in silence. His gaze moves to cover the oh so familiar scenario, but still, the words she spoke are true…things are slipping "I have to admit, that you being locked inside this room has brought something that I, I'm actually beginning to treasure"
Valda lets out a slow breath. "I apologize for being short with you, cousin. It is not as though any of this mess is your fault." As his gaze shifts to the town, hers remains upon him. A well-groomed eyebrow arches gently. "What is that, ser?"
Wayland takes a deep breath as he looks outside "It's alright, cousin" says the man. He places both hands on the warm stone of the window and then he turns his gaze to look at Valda "They way you look right now, it is not often I see this…as a matter of fact, I think it's the first time I actually see you like this." Now, he tilts his head "The hair, the dress…" He lets his gaze wander down to cover her figure and then back to her eyes "Normally you have a more, strict, look" Now, he looks outside again.
The leisurely assessment has the already-rigid woman stiffening a bit. "Normally, I have more to do and a position to uphold," Valda counters, the frustration as evident in her voice as it is in the fingers that begin to strum against the windowsill. "The Lord Regent will come around, if our talk yesterday was any indication. I only hope there is a Stonebridge left to manage by the time he does so."
The man nods his head "That you do, a great deal more…" Wayland looks at Valda again "It is not Stonebridge you have to worry about, it's the number of enemies the Lord Reagent is gathering for the cause…" He looks outside again and quietly says "It only takes for a group of houses to unite, or even less…" Finally, he moves away from the window and marches towards the table, doing a close inspection on the remains places on the table "It is my hope that you will soon enough, be free once again…and as always I say, be cautious, these are dangerous times" But now, he looks at her more fully and asks "Sweet cousin, allow me to ask you…does it make you so uncomfortable when a man looks at you?"
Valda sighs. "If he had simply killed the whore when I told him to, this would all be moot. Feathers might be ruffled, but they would get over it soon enough. After I spoke with Lord Rickart, even the Westerlings would be well placated." With a shake of her head at the lost opportunity, the pale woman again glances out the window.
Yet the query demands her attention return to her man-at-arms. "Uncomfortable, cousin?" A wry chuckle escapes. "When I was young and fair, I was showered with such looks. Now…" Her hands spread, the way another might shrug. "My daughter gained that much from me, at least."
"No Valda, if he had simply killed the whore, it would have provoked the wrath of many…of oh so many. You might speak of Lord Rickart as the solution of everything, but while the Naylands are known to be fierce, there are other houses that outnumber them, greatly." says Wayland to the woman, looking at her straight into her eyes. Now, as for the second part, her chuckle brings a slightly amused smile to his lips. "Now.." repeats Wayland and then waits for the rest. The man tilts his head a moment and walks closer to her again, by the window. "I said that, seeing you like this is something I've grown to treasure. I said this because it confirms a thought that I've always had, for years now. My sweet cousin, you are a beautiful woman and I don't mean this in the 'pretty' sense, you have undeniable beauty, you had it then and you have it now, more than ever"
Valda lets talk of the contest over rights to Stonebridge lie for the moment. It may be becaue she is tired of the topic. Or, perhaps, it is for another reason entirely. Brow lifting, she suddenly watches Wayland's movements with sharper eyes. A brief, almost instinctual glance is sent toward the closed door before settling on the guard again. "You are one of very few who believe that, as I understand it. Most consider me carved of ice and entirely undesirable."
Wayland looks at the door, and then back at her "And you know this for certain? What other people thinks matters nothing to me" adds the Knight, still looking into Valda's eyes. He half smiles and then takes a deep breath "The ice does have beauty, and undesirable? Not even close to that, sweet cousin" Then again, that look towards the door brings a question from him "Should I leave, cousin?" asks the man now, tilting his head and waiting for her answer.
For a long moment, Valda simply stares at Wayland in silence. Once can almost hear the spoke and axle turning in her mind, reviewing all of their previous interactions. Finally, she says, "Ser, I believe you may be missing the truer object of your desire. As there is resemblance between us, your sentiment is understandable." A pause. "Why are you telling me this, cousin?"
Valda's words bring a bright, amused smile to his lips. He's by no means making fun of her but her resolution is funny to him. "I will, avoid that first part you said, sweet cousin. As for why am I telling you this? Because it deserves and needs to be said, because I don't see why I shouldn't say it when they are honest words coming from me" Now his smile is faint, but still there, still warm. However, he takes a few steps away from her, away from the window "I won't try to put more color to it, or find other ways to explain things, sweet cousin…I am just telling you what I really believe"
Something being said simply for the sake of saying it. This does not reconcile in Valda's mind and her eyes narrow a bit suspiciously. "I see." The moment passes with her face smoothing again. "Thank you for your kind words. They will not be forgotten, cousin."
Wayland runs his fingers over his hair and then he takes a deep breath. Oh yes, he noticed that reaction, who wouldn't "Is that…is that it?" He nods a couple times and actually snorts "Countless of times I've wanted to have you in my arms, cousin. And the reason I say this now is because this look…" says Wayland, waving his hand in front of her "…and, all of you.." He nods to this "Well, you are making me want you in my arms even more" Yep.
Of all the things the former Castellan expected to hear, those words would be only slightly higher on the list than 'the sky is falling.' So it is that Wayland Frey accomplishes what no man ever has: he causes the ever-composed Valda Tordane to stand like a deer watching an innocuous rabbit turn into a direwolf. Eyes widening, words fail the shocked lady. And the silence grows ever more awkward.
Yes, this particular silence is most definitely awkward. Wayland looks at that reaction from her and in truth, he was expecting a slap in the face. The man lightly clears his throat and looks at the door "I'll be outside…cousin" says the Knight now. Because really, what else can he say at this moment? With that said, he just turns, looks around the room and starts making his way towards the door.