Stafford Groves


Ser Staford is known to be a proud knight and a frequent tourney entrant. He squired at Old Oak, and keeps in contact with the Lords and Sers of the Reach he came to befriend during those happy years. Though sometimes derided by his own kin as having an overly developed sense of responsibility, he's not without a sense of humor once business is seen to. The Groves' fall in fortune is a matter that weighs heavily on him, and most of his time and effort is spent seeking to turn things back around.

He took some injuries in the war against the Ironborn, that were slow to heal. As such he's not been seen much outside of Kingsgrove since then.

Of late he was briefly engaged with Lucienne Terrick. It's said he was furious about the loss of the dowry that would have helped return some of their lost lands.

Of the Past.


Physical Features

Recent Activity
