Ser Rivers Writes from Stonebridge
Ser Rivers Writes from Stonebridge
Summary: In which Jarod corresponds with various individuals concerning Jaremy's incarceration.
Date: 20/11/2011
Related Logs: Black or Death
Sun Nov 20, 288

Three letters delivered via courier to the Roost and Riverrun respectively following Jarod's meeting with Ser Rygar on the 20th of November. Written in Jarod's scrawl, penmanship rather shaky, evidence of either haste or trembling hands.

To Lord Jerold

To Lord Jerold Terrick, Lord of the Roost, the Captain of the Four Eagles Guard, Ser Jarod Rivers writes,

I have ridden to Stonebridge, where Jaremy is presently being held as a prisoner of the Lady Valda Tordane for attempting to incite rebellion among the peasantry of Stonebridge.

As it was told to me, and I have seen the evidence of it and do not doubt the truth of the facts of the account: on the seventeenth day of the eleventh month (Nov. 17). the knights and men of Stonebridge entered into an engagement with a number of armed peasantry, under the leadership of Jaremy and a pair of sellswords he had hired to his cause in the fields north of town. Jaremy, along with several of the men he led, were captured. Ten were slain in all, including one Stonebridge pikeman, and the two sellswords and seven of the peasants Jaremy had gathered to his cause.

Jaremy was only injured lightly, but he awaits execution for treason in Tordane Tower. He has requested trial by combat, though I am unsure if this request shall be granted, as I do not know how he can dispute these charges. Still, it may allow him some more time as that is debated. I shall try to move for such.

I begged Ser Rygar to allow Jaremy to take the black and join the Night's Watch rather than face execution, but this request was denied. Ser Rygar did suggest concessions on the matter of Stonebridge may make the Naylands more amenable, though I did not hear what he would've asked. Perhaps this matter can be taken to the Lord and Lady of Stonebridge at Riverrun, if it can I am sure Jace and Lady Evangeline shall do it. They may have mercy in them to push for such, though I suspect the Naylands shall continue to try and leverage Jaremy's fate to stop whatever we do at Riverrun, and beggar us of what we still hold besides. Still, perhaps there is still time to strike an accord if you are willing to bend.

I have sent word to my brother and sister and Lady Evangeline at Riverrun as well, though this shall likely reach you first. I await your instructions.

I am sorry, my lord father. I failed you and Jaremy here.


To the Terricks at Riverrun

To the Lady Evangeline Terrick, Young Lord Jacsen Terrick, Lady Lucienne Terrick and Lady Anais Terrick, the Captain of the Four Eagles Guard, Ser Jarod Rivers writes,

I have ridden to Stonebridge, where Jaremy is presently being held as a prisoner of the Lady Valda Tordane for attempting to incite rebellion among the peasantry of Stonebridge.

As it was told to me, and I have seen the evidence of it and do not doubt the truth of the facts of the account: on the seventeenth day of the eleventh month (Nov. 17). the knights and men of Stonebridge entered into an engagement with a number of armed peasantry, under the leadership of Jaremy and a pair of sellswords he had hired to his cause in the fields north of town. Jaremy, along with several of the men he led, were captured. Ten were slain in all, including one Stonebridge pikeman, the two sellswords and seven of the peasants Jaremy had gathered to his cause.

Jaremy was only injured lightly, but he awaits execution for treason in Tordane Tower. He has requested trial by combat, though I am unsure if this request shall be granted, as I do not know how he can dispute these charges. Still, it may allow him some more time as that is debated. I shall try to move for such.

I begged Ser Rygar to allow Jaremy to take the black and join the Night's Watch rather than face execution, but this request was denied. Ser Rygar did suggest concessions on the matter of Stonebridge may make the Naylands more amenable, though I did not hear what he would've asked. Perhaps this matter can be taken to the Lord and Lady of Stonebridge at Riverrun. They may have mercy in them to push for such, though I suspect the Naylands shall continue to try and leverage Jaremy's fate to stop whatever we do at Riverrun, and beggar us of what we still hold besides. Still, perhaps there is still time to strike an accord if you are willing to bend.

I have sent word to Lord Jerold as well, it shall likely reach him before this does you. I await instruction, from Riverrun if not the Roost itself.

Ser Jarod Rivers

To Septon Josse


I am in Stonebridge, where my brother Jaremy awaits execution for attempting to incite rebellion among the peasantry.

As it was told to me, and I have seen the evidence of it and do not doubt the truth of the facts of the account: on the seventeenth day of the eleventh month (Nov. 17). the knights and men of Stonebridge entered into an engagement with a number of armed peasantry, under the leadership of Jaremy and a pair of sellswords he had hired to his cause in the fields north of town. Jaremy, along with several of the men he led, were captured. Ten were slain in all, including one Stonebridge pikeman, and the two sellswords and seven of the peasants Jaremy had gathered to his cause.

I begged Ser Rygar to allow Jaremy to take the black and go to exile on the Wall rather than die, but this request was denied. Jaremy had requested trial by combat, though I am uncertain it shall be granted, as I see no way to dispute his crimes. I shall try and buy time but I doubt my success in this.

I would ask you to come to Stonebridge so that his body may be properly attended and seen to the Seven in knightly fashion when he is dead. I think he would be grateful for this, I know I would be.

Your friend,
Ser Jarod