Henry Cavill as Rutger Nayland |
name: |
Rutger Nayland |
house: |
Nayland |
father: |
Rickart Nayland |
mother: |
Rhiannon Asterholm |
spouse: |
Widowed |
issue: |
Arik, Arinn |
gender: |
Male |
age: |
29 |
height: |
6'2" |
weight: |
190 pounds |
eyes: |
Blue |
hair: |
Brown |
honorific: |
Lord, Ser |
title: |
Heir of Hag's Mire. |
position: |
Second eldest son of Lord Rickart Nayland, disgraced Knight- |
predecessor: |
Lord Rickart Nayland |
heir: |
Arik Nayland |
Born the second son to Lord Rickart and Lady Rhiannon, it was never made any surprise to Rutger what his role in the family would be. But that never seemed to daunt the young man. Instead, Rutger found himself in a healthy relationship with his older brother, Ryker whom he looked up to and whom he worshipped as a hero. Like all Nayland males, he was trained vigorously in the arts of warfare and in the arts of diplomacy-somethign he seemed to have a natural gift for understanding. As it was he could see the beginnings of a rift with his own brother and father- and even at a young age did his best to try and make the peace. Though in this he would fail and with that failure stewing he would act out in his own rebellious way.
At age fourteen, Rutger earned a prestigious placing as a squire under Edmont Frey, and went to the Twins for his tuteledge. Ser Edmont proved to be rather much of a bully, and rather overbearing, but still young Rutger did his best to please his knight and went with him amongst the towns and taverns, particularly the brothels as his master was prone to whoring and drinking his life away. It was in these times that Rutger got to know the workings of the smallfolk and their own plights, as well as the ways a knight should not have acted.
He would be knighted, eventually Edmont, before the rebellion, but that in and of itself would be considered a thing of mystery. Edmont Frey would claim, after the ceremony, that Rutger had blackmailed him into pushing for his knighthood, over some false rumor of Edmont having an issue with a whore that was known to visit other members of the family, and that it was infact a plot by the whore and Rutger in order to extract money.
Rutger would deny this, but to know avail. Rutger was stripped of his position within the Frey household and he was sent back to Rickart, broken and bruised. The whore in question was dead before any proof or confession could be extracted from her, leaving the whole thing a mystery. For his troubles, Rickart wrote the boy off as a failure, and this did much to sour relations between House Nayland and Frey.
As a result it would be some time before a Nayland would be back to squire with the Freys, as well as other restrictions that the House would have to work through to bring them back into Walder's good standing. As to Rutger he was kept back at the Fortress of the Seven, doing menial tasks. If he weren't already in bad standing with his father, Rutger worked his aggressions out with local maids, ladies in waiting and whores, giving the second born an even worse prospect of marriage. However in 279, when Ryker failed to return home Rutger saw a chance to redeem himself in his father's eyes and try to repair the damage he had done to the family name. Cleaning himself up, Rutger began working as an envoy and herald between the neighboring Houses for all things Nayland. Slowly, slowly he began to piece together the reputation shattered at the Twins. He made himself useful-and in time had almost washed the stain of the twins to whispers behind his back instead of open scorn.
And then the drums of war came. And in a brash move of youth, Rutger, like his cousin Rygar would prove to be a warhawk and Royalist sympathizer. He would ride early before the banners were called much to the chagrin of his Father. Even though the Freys would eventually join, Rutger rode out and fought in the trident and at the Bells. Both of which he did nothing of serious note. He too would surrender himself, and find himself back home and under the eyes of his father.
In order to make his father happy he married Emilia Masseult, and had two issues from her. It would be rumored that in this time he also had taken a common wife during the war, and had her killed before it was over to erase the mistake. Though these rumors were more prevalent amongst the Freys-they found their way through other houses. In time Emilia would die, and it was rumored that no tears were shed for her by her husband. Again rumors have a tricky way of sticking to a man.
Some rumored that it was indeed, Rutger that murdered his wife, as he did countless other common born women he has been with. Whether true or not, they stuck to the disgraced mud like pitch. In order to relieve his son of this stain-or simply have the scandal far away from Stonebridge and the Fortress of the Seven, Rickart sent Rutger first to Riverrun to serve as the House's representative there. And as petitions turned to the Iron throne, it was to King's Landing where Rutger again was sent to plead the Nayland case before the King and his Hand.
With the current invasion of the Ironbonr, Rutger was sent with the King's men to the Iron isles. And he has served well with the men of the Crownlands-which hopefully will boost his reputation and help further Nayland interests.
He will do anything for his family. Do not get in his way.
Physical Features
The man before you is about normal sized, and can be described as athletic. He sports what is called the 'Nayland' nose, and the rest of their swarthy looks. His hair falls to his shoulders and is the same colour as the beard he sports as well.
A dark leather doublet is worn over an off white shirt, in which the frills of the collar and sleeves can be seen. About his waist he wears breeches of the same colour. Dark green hose is worn under and covered by black riding boots.
As signs of his station, A chain with the Nayland emblem is worn about his neck, where as a sword belt complete with sword and dagger are worn at his hips. And finally spurs can be noted on his boots.
The Game and its players
The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other
Mario Puzo
You a Frey? Rutger has some enmity with the Freys. They believe he blackmailed Ser Edmont for his knighthood and such. Rutger says this is false. Feel free to hate or mildly distrust. |
Naylands If you're a Nayland, or serve the Naylands or like Naylands, chances are Rutger knows you. Feel free to +mail for more info. |
Royalist Rutger fought in the rebellion on the Royal side. If you were a Royalist, please feel free to know Rut. |
Courtier Rutger mainly serves as the Nayland's Courtier. If he's come to your family to champion a cause, feel free to have met him at court. He's quite gracious. |
Common lover Rutger has had many of these and possibly bastards. Hooray? |
The Seven I believe in the Seven. I said my vows in a Sept. That being said, I don't think they listen to us, as much as we would like to think they give a shit. |
The Rebellion I will say this. You might not like your King, but he is your King. You serve them with your life. It's remembered who is not loyal. Robert is a thief-but I will serve him. If anything it lets us all know our blood means shit. |
The Greyjoy Rebellion Another sign that the world is in decay. When one steals a throne anyone believes they can steal one. Robert brought this on us, and when we responded loyally, he asked us to bend over so as to further fuck the Riverlands and it's lords up their ass. I foresee many rebellions to come. |
Arik - boy Age 8
Aronn - boy Age 6
Rumors: It is believed that Rutger is responsible for the following: The death of his wife, Emilia, A whore from round abouts the Twins. Two common born lasses in Stonebridge, and perhaps a few others. Also attempted blackmail of a Frey. Despite these storms, as well as thought to have illegitimate issues, Rutger continues on, but where ever he goes they hang on him like flies on shit. |
Truth: Rutger's wife Emilia, died of sickness. Though the marriage wasn't without it's troubles, Rutger did in fact weep for his wife. Also, Rutger has never had a common born wife. He has only been married once. Many of the rumors concerning him murdering come from relatives of Ser Edmont Frey.
And Rutger has murdered one hooker, as is related to his alleged blackmailing of Edmont Frey.
House Nayland
My House, my family. I will do anything and everything within my power to see us succeed. It is my father's wish, and so it is mine. Nothing is thicker than Blood. Remember that.
Lord Ser Rickart Nayland: Lord and father, able and strong. He knows how to rule and how to lead. I will do my damnedest to make him proud. His cause is my cause. |
Dowager Lady Rebekkah Nayland: TBD |
Ser Riordan Nayland My younger brother, and my father's favorite. If someone was to ask Rickart if he shat gold, I am sure Rickart would reply by trying to use it as currency. Am I jealous of the love my Father holds for him? Perhaps. But he is my brother. I do love him, even if he is naive. |
Ser Rygar Nayland A knight. He is a soldier, and a fine one. He has kept the levies going well. A good man. A loyal man. We served together in the War, and there is no one else I would want fighting by my side. |
Ser Lady Rowan(enna) Nayland: My sister? |
Lady Isolde Nayland: TBD |
Lady Valda Tordane: A dark and infuriating woman. Were she younger, she would be a fine match. However, I know I could never trust her. She tries to play the game with a simpleton's moves. And I am not a piece to be moved by her. |
Lord Rafferdy Nayland My youngest acknowledged brother. His heart is in the right place at times. Though with the news of him selling our sister's sexual history to the Blackwood, I am more apt to strangle him, than hug. |
Ser Bruce Longbough A good knight and a solid man in the line. I like Ser Bruce, and I would like him to remain within our House for as long as possible. |
Mistress Senna Delacourt A good lady. She's got smarts and a quickness about her. An ability to gather information and do other duties as well. Keep this one close. |
House Frey
I hate them. They have cursed my name and ruined my reputation. But, I will show them what a true Nayland is made of. Trust me, I have not forgotten what I learned there, and I will play their game, but for a time. Our liege lord.
House Camden
All they are, are dust in the wind. That's the price of being a pawn in the game.
Lady Tiaryn Flint: An interesting sort. She knows bawdy songs, and comes from the doomed house. She is a Flint by marriage. Which I think is another tragedy that has been thrust upon her life. I will say this. She is a kind soul, and plays well. |
House Haigh
Vassals of the Freys.
House Erenford
A vassal of House Frey. Said to be good with spears. They are our neighbors to the North. A strong alliance with them, would mean a foothold for Nayland interests.
Lady Emylie Erenford: A rather canny young woman. She is her family's representative to Stonebridge. She has a fair voice and can sing rather wonderfully. She would be an in road and a fine one at that to House Erenford. |
House Groves
House Groves, were Loyalists. For that they earn a golden mark in my book. Small, but so are we. I feel there is much to be gained here.
Lady Rosanna Groves I have had the honor of running into Lady Rosanna, while in Stonebridge. She is an excellent dancer, and has a fiery wit about her. She can hold her own with my grandmother, and with a Sea Captain. She is a fine Lady, and one I can see deftly handling a household… |
Lord Kittridge Groves I met Lord Kittridge while on the Iron Isles. He's a rather lax man, from what I could tell. By that I mean, he is at ease in his skin. I would like to get to know him more. |
Ser Tommas Belte Ser Tommas the tall. He is a rather looming man, prone to a countrified quietness and wonder for nature. I am sure he could crush my skull with his palm. |
House Charlton
The richest vassals of the Freys. Still despite being wealthy I've not seen them deal in Stonebridge yet. Maybe they prefer being in the back while we soak up trouble in the front.
Ser Aleister Charlton I remember when you watched us bleed on Pyke before you finally came into the fray. Looking to soak glory. You are not a trustworthy man. But then again, how can you trust a man who throws off his pregnant wife? " |
House Valentin
A small House, but they are movers and shakers in their own right. They haven't decided which side of the fence they will fall on. It should prove interesting.
Lord Ser Anton Valentin A smart, if not secretive man. He hasn't gone over to the Terrick side, though he's not see us kindly either. |
Mistress Anneke Steward A common born woman, but that does not matter to me. I met he when we were young, and I woo'd her till father made me stop. Given the current circumstances, she could prove useful.. |
House Flint
A North man's house. Why they are in the Riverlands is beyond me. Personally they should keep to their cool shores and stay out of our politics.
House Westerling
The Men and women of the Crag. They are pets to the lions, and know their way amongst the Merchants, or so I am told. My dealings with this house has been sparse.
Lady Danae Westerling Danae, is something of a mystery to me. I can see the appeal she has, and why my brother fancies her. She is well spoken, and canny. We have promised to dance at some point. Then I will see if she is graceful as well. |
House Banefor
Guardians of the Westerman's coast. Ruler's of the Banefort. Nothing important to note in the Riverlands.
Lord Torsten Banefort: The Captain is an interesting man. I will say that. I do not know where he intends on making a splash. But he will go far with his swarthiness. |
All of them are gone. And all of them died alone.
Lord Ser Ryker Nayland: My late older brother. Seven watch over him, and Father judge him kindly. He may not have loved this family, but we loved him. Also. He was pretty much a fuckwit of a person. But, is that such an unforgiveable sin? |
Ser Gedeon Rivers Geoffrey Tordane's bastard. There is a reason the harpy is on our crest. Ferocity under provocation. I am glad that the Gods gave us justice where as King Bob gave you pity. May the worms eat you. |
ENFJs are the benevolent 'pedagogues' of humanity. They have tremendous charisma by which many are drawn into their nurturant tutelage and/or grand schemes. Many ENFJs have tremendous power to manipulate others with their phenomenal interpersonal skills and unique salesmanship. But it's usually not meant as manipulation — ENFJs generally believe in their dreams, and see themselves as helpers and enablers, which they usually are.
Rutger is an ENFJ (50/55/60/73) according to the Keirsey Typology personality test. If you want to know more about ENFJ's you can read so here.
A version of the test you can take "in character" (or out) can be found here.
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