Keira Knightley as Rowenna Nayland |
name: |
Rowenna Nayland |
house: |
Nayland |
father: |
Lord Ser Rickart Nayland |
mother: |
Lady Rhiannon Asterholm |
spouse: |
Jarod Half-Eagle |
issue: |
None |
gender: |
Female |
age: |
19 |
height: |
5'9" |
weight: |
150 lbs |
eyes: |
Dark brown |
hair: |
Chestnut |
honorific: |
Lady |
title: |
None |
position: |
Noblewoman |
predecessor: |
None |
heir: |
None |
Rowan Nayland, youngest son of Lord Rickart Nayland, came to Terrick's Roost from Hag's Mire six years ago, aged three and ten, a ward to bolster the fragile armistice between the fractious clans. A delicate, pretty boy in addition to being a swamp rat, he was subjected to more than his share of snipes and snubs, bullying and beatings. What he lacked in size, however, he made up a hundredfold in spirit — he never backed down, he never gave in, and through the cruel proving ground of experience, he came to win as many scrapes as he lost. Perhaps because of this, or because he naturally favored the underdog, Ser Jarod took the scrawny lad under his wing as his squire.
After years of service and inseparable comaraderie, Ser Jarod and his squire discovered irreconcilable differences, and Rowan was summarily dismissed from his service. Adopted into house Valentin of Oldstones and squired to Ser Gedeon Rivers, was released from that service as well after a handful of months. He's closed-mouthed about the circumstances in both cases, perhaps to his detriment. That he won't defend his situation may mean the truth is even worse than the rumors.
Rowan was knighted by Ser Jarod on the Iron Isles, and soon after the return to the Riverlands, revealed that he was in fact a she - Rowenna Nayland rather than Rowan, and that she and Ser Jarod were married. The rest of this page needs desperately to be updated accordingly but its author is a lazy git.
RP Hooks & Background Builders (some things your PC might have heard)
Scandal: Rowenna spent nearly six years masquerading as her brother, Rowan. From age thirteen to age nineteen, she served as a squire to Ser Jarod Rivers and, for a time, Ser Gedeon Tordane (nee Rivers). Rumors are rife that she was lovers with one, the other, or both — and as she wound up being knighted by, and married to, the former… maybe not much of a stretch. Her husband, Ser Jarod Rivers/Nayland/Half-Eagle, was cast out of his own father's service for knighting and marrying her — and for the compound sin of having known her gender for some time, but keeping it secret.
Ser Lady: Rowenna (as Rowan) won the squire's melee in Stonebridge, and was still a squire when she won her first joust (as a 'mystery knight') — though she was beaten rather badly when she attempted to melee with the full-fledged knights at the same tourney. She rode to repel the attack on Stonebridge in the first days of the Greyjoy Rebellion, was part of the siege to retake Seagard, and the subsequent invasion of the Iron Isles, where she was knighted (still a boy to the world at large). She stood vigil and was consecrated to Seven as a knight in their service by Septon Josse of Terrick's Roost, who had known her and her secret longest.
You Can Dress Her Up: But you can't really take her anywhere. Rowenna hasn't really modified her behavior since she was considered a boy. She still cusses, drinks, fights, and dresses (more often than not) like a man. She has been known to wear a dress when the occasion calls, but has also been known to fuck it up by throwing punches in the ballroom.
Ambiguous Standing: Rowenna is typically referred to as lady, except by a few who've known her long, fought beside her, and consider the title 'Ser' a thing she earned. And those are very few. Her accomplishments are generally considered dishonorable, even by her own family, since they were made possible by her lying about her gender and her identity.
Physical Features
She's pretty and fair skinned, a creature with dark, flashing eyes and lustrous, chestnut hair, standing somewhat taller than the average woman, perhaps three inches or so shy of a man. Her face is a pleasing oval; chin a bit pronounced, willful; jaw cleanly hewn and strong, saved from being masculine by a long, swan-like neck. Her nose is short and straight, set above lips curved like a bow, full and expressive, the shadow of a dimple hovering on her cheek. Her build is slender and fine-boned though uncommonly strong, arms and legs roped with graceful muscle, belly flat, posture proud. Her hands, delicate and feminine, wrists slender and fingers long, are not well cared-for enough to be those of a noble lady. Caloused and bearing a multitude of fine scars, they could easily be likened to the hands of a man accustomed to the sword and the pike.
Her hair is worn up, rolled about her crown, held in place with a fine circlet of abalbone-shell flowers. The wild ringlets that escape containment frame her face and grace the nape of her neck, their length suggesting that, overall, that dark mane does not much exceed the length of her chin. She wears a pale blue silk gown, full-sleeved and and flowing, girdled about her slender body with criss-crosses of white ribbon, from beneath her slight bosom to her narrow waist.
Recent Activity
Allies and Foes
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Maya Angelou, Still I Rise
House Terrick Terrick's Roost is home to me in ways Hag's Mire never was. With some exceptions, and there are always those, the Terrick family has been gracious and good to me. Perhaps they're not saints, nor my kinsmen devils — but House Terrick has my heart. |
Ser Jarod Rivers: Steadfast mentor, boon friend — the best man I know. I broke his heart and mine, as well. |
Lord Ser Jerold Terrick: A somewhat distant figure to me, Lord Jerold has nevertheless shown me more welcome and concern for my well-being than my own father. Having lost his eldest son, Jaremy, to hubris and madness… I only want to embrace him and tell him it's not his fault. I must be far fonder of the man than I ever realised. |
Lady Evangeline Terrick: I wish I could feel as tenderly toward this tiny, formidable woman as I do toward her husband, but she is… difficult. We've rarely spoken and never on anything of note, but her… issues with Jarod has always chaffed with me. It might be wrong of me to expect that she should be kind to the the constant reminder of her husband's infidelity… but I do. I expect that all people be kind to Jarod, even when I am not. |
Ser Jaremy Terrick: Jaremy Terrick needs to die before he can do any more damage. What's the hold up? |
Lady Lucienne Terrick: Dulcet and clever and lovely, I would desire sweet Luci as a companion and confidant were I a lady. And were I a lad, I would probably be wholly smitten with her. As it is, I enjoy her devotion to her brothers, especially to Jarod. |
Ser Revyn Terrick: Ser Revyn is never easy. On anyone — and I'm glad of it. His relentless drilling put an edge on me that I might never have achieved via Jarod's friendlier, cheerful beatings. |
House Tordane Is there a house Tordane? Show me. Isolde lets herself be shuffled about the board like a winsome pawn, breaking her departed father's alleigance to the Terricks, violating his dying wish. She might as well have spit on his grave, as far as I'm concerned. Her mother, the Frey whore, is even worse, for she had the proof of Geoffrey's wishes in hand and hid it away until it seemed she might lose Stonbridge. The only hope for House Tordane is in the person of Gedeon Rivers, the bastard Geoffrey would have seen made legitimate, had he lived. Only on the day Gedeon Tordance is named lord and heir will things be right in Stonebridge again. |
Lady Isolde Tordane of Stonebridge: Useless kiln for my eldest brother's false heirs. See above. |
Lady Valda Tordane: Bitch. |
House Nayland |
Young Lord Ryker Nayland: Grandiose, paranoid and compeltely unstable, I can call my eldest sibling nothing short of dangerous. |
Ser Rygar Nayland: An honorable man and a good man are not always the same thing. I believe I have some affection for my cousin, and abundant respect, but I am wary. I wish I felt I could trust him more — there is so much I could learn from him. |
Rowan Nayland: Me. Love me or hate me, it's never dull. |
House Mallister (Thoughts on Mallister will go here) |
House Frey |
Igara Frey: I am engaged to marry Igara Frey. Sort of. I might still weasel out of it if I can manage to sweep a grand melee in the next few months — I made a deal with my cousin, Ser Rygar, to that effect. There are certainly things I wish to pursue which marriage would prevent, though… not really the Kingsguard. That just seemed like the most convenient explanation at the time. For herself, Igara is frail and sickly and terrified of men — she seems to like me well enough, though. I can only imagine the horrors of growing up a Frey daughter, so it's little wonder she's damaged. I wish I could offer her more than a brief reprieve before she's bartered off to some other match. I pray the Mother whoever she ultimately weds is kind to her. |
Lord Anton Valentin: Fuck you. |
Lord Anton Valentin: Fuck you with a serrated blade. |
Ser Gedeon Rivers: I will love you as long as I live and forever after — but fuck you, too. |
Amelia of Seagard My bastard half-sister. I believe you, Amelia, and I keep a candle for you at the sept. Your suffering is over now — I pray the Seven have welcomed you to a kinder place. |
Josse Kulick Josee is the kindest, wisest… most unsparingly honest person I have ever met. He's truly touched and inspired by the Seven and I love him madly — in the most platonic way, of course. Sometimes — often times — the things I hear from Josse are not the things I want to hear. It's not comfortable, but it's needful, and done in love. There's no one else whose hand I'd rather hold when walking in the dark. |
Tym Rivers The blacksmith and manwhore of Stonebridge. Tym Rivers has perfected the art of making good sex seem ill-considered and regrettable. |
Faith and Spirituality |
I was raised to pray the Seven in principle, though the practice of it lacked fervor in my house. Naylands are an exceedingly practical people. Through the friendship and example of Josse, however, I've come to have a closer relationship to the gods than I'd thought possible. |
War for the Throne |
As far as I can tell, Robert's Rebellion cost too many lives and left too many women weeping. I'm not saying he's not a better king than what we had before — he might be — but I sorely wish there were less bloody ways to play the game of thrones. |
Making the Eight |
As. Bloody. If. |
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