Zach Gilford as Pariston Vis |
name: |
Pariston Vis |
father: |
Rikard Vis (Appable) |
mother: |
Thatra Tollis (Deceased) |
spouse: |
None |
issue: |
None |
gender: |
Male |
age: |
25 |
height: |
6'7" |
weight: |
220 pounds |
eyes: |
Dark green |
hair: |
Brown |
honorific: |
Master |
house: |
? |
position: |
Hunter |
A crannogman dared her way out of the wetlands and after some time found herself at Flint's Finger. She met a man that fell for her beauty and after some time she gave birth to twins. Pariston and Galen. Their mother died after child birth and was taken care of by their northman father.
The two twins where opposites when it came to personality. Pariston was always calm and rarely got angry. While Galen could snap at the smallest of issues. Galen sought to become a knight, becoming a page for one of the knights of Flint. Pariston on the other hand started to hunt. At the younger age he hunted with his father. But as they grew older his father left all the hunting to Pariston, while he skinned the animals. The older he got the better he looked with a bow. Occasionally with a spear as well. Whenever possible Pariston would want to go to swim and/or fish. Living a rather normal life. Even though those who knew about his mother, would occasionally speak about the two twins having mystical powers. Neither of them seem to know anything about that though. As far as they can tell, they're normal.
Not much happens during the teen years of Pariston, just continuing his life. Just continuing in learning his profession and culture. A bit about the old gods for example. He also show interest in dancing. Often feeling the need to dance when music is around. He hasn't grown very good at it, but he still know how to do so. Other than that, he just keeps honing his skills. As for his brother, he becomes a squire for one of the knights.
Galen was able to become a knight. Even that was the difference between them, since Pariston still kept his belief to the old gods. So he did not even think about being knighted. With a lot of money put down for his equipment. All three of them help Galen to become a knight, and paying for his armor. Around the time of the rebellion, both Galen and Pariston went to fight. Galen as a knight while Pariston was a levie. Going to fight alongside the rest of the Flints and Starks. And also his brother. And his brother had sworn alligience to the house of Flint.
During the war Galen fought and died. But Pariston survived. Even though he, time after time, stood in the face of death to help his comrades and superiors.
The northerners does not really knight their folk, so Pariston got some praise, but not more than so. But he did swear alligeance to the house of Flint. Now a man at arms.
He was able to recover his brother, and given him a proper funeral, he took use of his brothers armor. Having it ready to use if needed. But he now stand with the Flints. Continuing on what his brother wanted. But also finding the Flint family rather interesting.
After the war he has continued to hone his skills to be able to be better. Also continuing on his normal profession, when able. But he is a smart person, and does seem a bit interested in the things that happen in the house of Flint. Other than warfare that is. He only fight because he needs to, and using weapons is the only thing he knows. But if someone were to try and teach him…
Now war has come again, and Pariston is one of the people preparing for battle with the ironmen. And also bringing his calm yet fun personality to the battlefield. One should be calm, not angry, when fighting.
Short brown hair a top of a rather squared head. Wide, dark green and almond shaped eyes. His nose is sharp with nostrils that are a little flared. His face has strong lines and a sharp jawline ending in a wide and flat chin. His mouth isn't very wide. His upper lip a little longer and thinner wile he has a small but rather fat lower lip. Long thin eyebrows that follow the curves of his face.
He has good posture and always stands straight. A muscular yet not extremly big man. His muscles seem more fitted into the body for maximum movement rather than brute force. His upper torso is rather large, with a strong neck and a larger chest. His waist going in a straight form down to his hips. Strong slim thighs and large calves. His hands long to easier get grip of things, not least easier to use the bow and arrow. Which his slim long arms also helps with.
A kind and helpful person that has loyalty for the Flints. A bit conflicted over things that has happened in the past and will always help others in need. Though he is for most parts calm and doesn't do too much to ruin things in that sense. Though given oppurtunity he can be quite a bit of a joker and so on. Weak for women, but who isn't? He will flirt with most women if given a chance, and wasn't one to be around nobles. But seems like time is changing that by the day.
Rikard Vis, Father NPC
Thatra Tollis, Mother Deceased
Galen Vis, Brother Deceased
- Born Dec 06, 264.
- Fought alongside Anders Flint throughout Robert's Rebellion.
- His identical twin died during the battle at Trident.
- Fought on the Iron Isles against the iron islanders.
- Won the archery competition in Seagard.
Allies and Foes
A man should aid when he can.
House Flint: |
The house that I serve. Have done so since Robert's Rebellion and will continue to do so. It was my late brother's wish to serve them, I just continue his wish. |
Young Lord: |
The young lord and heir to Flint's finger. I serve him well and will continue to do so. A good man that seems to do what he thinks is right. Seems to love his wife quite dearly as well. |
Young Lady: |
The young lady Flint, being a rather pleasant person. A nice lady and I do like her personality. She had her small outbursts, though I hope she has enough medicine and help to make her be able to fight those thoughts of hers. |
Sweet Lady: |
I remember her from when we were all young. Being in Flint's Finger. Though I haven't seen her since after Robert's rebellion, as she left for a foster home. It will be nice to get to know her once more. |
House Ashwood |
Seem to be friends of Anders. Not met them too often, though they seem arrogant. |
No Comment: |
I fear what will happen if he keeps pushing things. |
Ser: |
Cocky and speaks his mind. Fancies Lady Tiaryn it seems. Not sure how Einar feel about the man. |
Intellectual Lord: |
A lord that I have gotten an understanding with. I teach him the skills of a marksman, he helps me with reading and writing. I got my eye on him though. |
Favorite Lady: |
Lord Einar's deceased brother's widow. Fascinating and fun to be around. She treats me well and with respect. I do like being her guard, quite nice as she is a rather calm and open person. I look over her as more than a guard, but rather an elder brother over his younger sister. Or something, can't be sure as I do not have a younger sister. But I did have a brother. She recently married ser Saethwyr Ashwood. |
Mistress Confusion: |
Lady Tiaryn's handmaid. Don't know too much about her. Though she did give me a surprise hug before I left for the Iron Isles and when I returned we have barely met. She keeps seeming a bit odd and I have no idea what is going on in her mind. |
House Terrick: |
A vassal of Mallister and a house that has been through a lot of misfortune. |
Head of House: |
I know not a lot about the man. |
Sheriff: |
A newly knighted man and a pretty good tracker. Seems like a good enough man and went diving for oysters when I helped him once. He is a bit too cocky even if he acts all nice. |
Young Lady: |
She seems fun and like to talk a lot with others. |
Master Corbitt: |
Seems nice. A courier actually, though he keeps helping with repairs. Or at least so he told me. |
Master of the Hunt: |
Seems to be a good tracker and hunter. Though his skills seem to be mostly in stealth. |
House Mallister: |
They had suffered quite a bit by the invaders from the Iron Isles. But it seems that they have been able to rebuild quite a bit. |
Lord Patrek Mallister: |
Head of House. |
Brave Ser: |
A kind man. Married to lady Saffron. Saw this coming ever since we rescued the ladies from the bandits. |
Kind Ser: |
A knight that is quite kind. |
Lady Kind: |
Ser Kamron's wife. Don't know her that well. |
Silent Ser: |
A knight and veteran soldier. Seems nice enough. |
House Frey: |
Wealthy house that has a lot. Greedy from what I know. |
House Nayland: |
Seem to be growing. One side of the ongoing conflict. |
Commander: |
Seems like a good enough man and a commander in the Naylands. |
House Haigh: |
Vassals to Frey. Haven't met a lot of them as of yet. |
Scarred Lady: |
Not met her often. But when I did meet her I tried to convince her that what she thought of as an awful scar was actual not as bad as she found it. But perhaps we have different ways of looking at things. |
House Erenford: |
A vassal to Frey and also seeming to be a house that has been a bit in between the latest disputes. What I know they sided with Naylands in the recent battle. |
Lady Aemy: |
A kind lady from what I know. |
Seductress. |
Aemy's maid. She is quite the forward kind of gal. And I fell victim to that. |
House Westerling: |
Seem to be siding a lot with the Charltons. |
House Camden: |
A fallen house. Lady Tiaryn's maiden house. |
House Vance: |
Apparantly a smaller house. |
Flirty Mistress: |
First time I met her I got a kiss. Seems to be really fun and wont take harm in some teasing and playful behaviour. |
Incredible Barmaid: |
A great barmaid. Though she does not seem to want to meet me any longer. Which pains me a bit. But I have moved on. |
Healer: |
Ser Keelin's sister. Midwife and healer. Really kind and stubborn. Does not think anyone would like her, though I think she is quite nice to spend time with. Also making her blush is a joy that I will try and exploit often. |
Forest Girl: |
A kind woman that has given me food when I have been out in the woods. Having her tent out there. Wanting to start an inn of her own. |
My Mistress: |
Used to be a barmaid yet different from most others. She's kind and cute. I like her, enough to ask her to join me to Highfield. Indefinitely. For now is serving the Flints with me. If perhaps a bit unsure what she will do. She will most likely be needed with the new manor for the Flints. Do know that I will always love you, despite my mistakes. I just hope we can make it through any storm now. Because I would never wish to lose you. |
Brother-in-Arms: |
Anders cousin and also a rather good tracker and does well with the crossbow. Could become a really good hunter if he wants to. A brother-in-arms to me, sort of. Hearing of his death was a great blow. I will miss him dearly, despite giving me orders from beyond the grave. |
Lord of Highfield: |
Smart man. Well mannered. A fighter. Though perhaps a short temper. |