Non-conversations at the Inn |
Summary: | Jayana and Mortimer meet. Neither are particularly talkative. |
Date: | 09/Oct/2012 |
Related Logs: | Nothing in particular so far as I am aware |
Players: |
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Rockcliff Inn, Terrick's Roost |
The Rockcliff Inn is one of the better inns within the town and it shows with the well-lit interior and the relative cleanliness to the other locations in Terrick's Roost. The tables are polished with oils and the floor regularly swept. A set of booths towards a darker rear of the Inn's bottom floor, just beneath the staircase, are where whores generally socialize and eye prospects from when not waiting tables. Signs over the undersized bar area advertise prices for ales and wines as well as several different choices of food to be served at the small eating area by the bar or in the main open area in its comfortable seating. A door behind the bar leads to the kitchen and cellar while another near the staircase leads to a private room that would appear to be off-limits to the 'wait staff' except for food and drink service. |
Tue Oct 09, 289 |
[ Rockcliff Inn ]--------[ Terrick's Roost ]—
Tue Oct 09, 289 — Tue Oct 09 13:51:18 2012
The Rockcliff Inn is one of the better inns within the town and it shows with the well-lit interior and the relative cleanliness to the other locations in Terrick's Roost. The tables are polished with oils and the floor regularly swept. A set of booths towards a darker rear of the Inn's bottom floor, just beneath the staircase, are where whores generally socialize and eye prospects from when not waiting tables. Signs over the undersized bar area advertise prices for ales and wines as well as several different choices of food to be served at the small eating area by the bar or in the main open area in its comfortable seating. A door behind the bar leads to the kitchen and cellar while another near the staircase leads to a private room that would appear to be off-limits to the 'wait staff' except for food and drink service.
Tue Oct 09, 289 (Page: 443)
The chilly autumn day has driven quite a few people into the Inn to warm up by the fire or over a hot drink. Among them is Jayana, who's found herself a place close to the fire, where she is now sitting with both hands wrapped around a mug of something hot. Her hair and clothes are damp and her skirt is muddy. But for now she doesn't seem to care, looking thoughtfully into the flames.
It's been an uncertain day in the Roost and for his part, Mortimer has been doing what he can to make sure that life goes on as usual in the town below. Thankfully, not much has been happening it seems and the squares and streets have been quiet. Stepping into the Inn, a usual calling point on his rounds, he takes a brief moment to kick the worst of the mud off his boots before moving over towards the bar. Since all appears quiet, his immediate thought is on seeing if they have any hot stew left over from lunch time.
Jayana looks up as she always does when someone new enters, perhaps waiting or at least hoping for someone. Recognzing the vice sheriff, she makes sure to have a friendly smile on her face in case the long arm of the law looks into her direction, then goes back to sipping her drink when she sees him head for the bar to get some stew.
It seems that Mortimer is in luck, or maybe the barman just knows him well enough and kept some back. He isn't going to question and instead accepts the offer bowl in exchange for a small coin. Then comes the decision of where to sit and given the general miserableness of the weather outside he opts for near the fire. Warmth good.
Jayana is quick to smile again, when the man comes her way and looks around to make sure there's a free seat for him still left, so she needn't offer up hers. "Hi.", she greets when he's within earshot, but it seems that she is already out of things to say to him. So she just smiles shyly again and goes back to sipping her drink.
Mortimer ends up taking a seat a little further down the same table as Jayana. There's no particular reason for it, it's just free, close to the fire and not a complete arse to get to. A few spoonfuls in he hears her greeting and glances up, giving her a brief nod in return. "Afternoon Mistress." Her face is familiar, but it seems that for now he can't place it exactly, he recognises her enough to not ponder her presence though. "Lousy weather," he adds after a moment, feeling that politeness requires further conversation.
"Yea it is.", Jayana confirms before the conversation grounds to a halt again. Obviously the girl doesn't really know how to behave with the man. "Been working all morning.", she finally adds, "Was up over me ankles in mud. But I got an extra copper for me troubles, so I came here fer a hot drink. Ya…. ya out on patrol in this weather?", she wonders.
"All weathers," Mortimer responds with a faint nod in confirmation. He's just about on foot in the town, but there'll be others ahorse on the roads, watching for bandit activity. He nods to her account of her morning, it tallies with the state of her clothing and seems an entirely reasonable reason to boot. "All quiet?" he asks, having found it as good a way as any to find out about issues that crop up.
"Too quiet.", Jayana sighs, "I just can't get interviews with ladies about hiring me. Maybe I was stupid coming here… ladies don't just hire strangers off the street anyway, right? Maybe i should just go home…", she says, looking weary suddenly.
Oddly, it's not something Mortimer has ever looking into doing so he has no specific advice readily available. He shrugs once, unhelpful he knows, but he's not sure what he could do that would be of use, well, bar suggesting, "Tried the newly arrived Terricks? Couple of ladies there." As for the old Terricks? Well, he suspects Lucienne won't be hiring any time soon.
"I haven't met any of the ladies.", Jayana replies, "Just one of their knights. Nice man.", she adds quickly, even if he was useless in her quest. But at least men are out and about. Females… not so much. "People had a couple suggestions earlier… Master Nathaniel wanted to introduce me…. but nothing came together. I work for a man now, help in the gardens an' such and I got a place to sleep and some food, but it's not what i came here far, ya know?"
Mortimer nods once more at that, taking another spoonful of stew as he does so. It makes him smile though, here is a woman in distress and Nathaniel is already on it. In reply he simply says, "Master Corbitt will see you sorted if he can. He's not the sort to take no lightly." And has a bit of a soft spot for a certain type it seems.
Nathaniel has that damsel-in-distress thing down pat indeed. But Jayana has a certain stubborn pride and doesn't accept more help than utterly necessary. And so it is she smiles weakly. "He's a good man, yes. And perhaps he can still arrange that meeting. But my Mom always said… never put all yer eggs in one basket, that's what my Mom said. And it's good advince, ya know? I try and meet other people too. And find other jobs, so i can send a bit home to Stonebridge."
"Good advice," Mortimer agrees simply, he's getting towards the end of his bowl now, but that isn't going to stop him savouring what's left. Stonebridge makes sense though, lots of displaced from there about. "There's at least one Lady Haigh about," he offers additionally, "maybe two. Sisters. They might be looking. Or Ser Kamron's new wife I suppose."
Jayana nods slowly. "See, I get suggested lots of names…", she tries to explain, "But it's like impossible to actually meet a lady. They never come out. And I can't just walk into a fancy mansion and say hello, right?", she muses, "So, I'm a bit stuck there. I thought they'd go out for shopping or go for rides or something, but they never do. Or I just miss them.", she sighs.
Mortimer knows that one of the new Terricks at least goes painting, but since she had a maid with her he figures she's probably sorted in that regard. "Thats where Master Corbitt comes in," he states simply, "or you could go ask at the gatehouse. Might get lucky." He shrugs once, not really sure what else to suggest.
Jayana nods and smiles. "I know… I mustn't lose heart.", she agrees and offers him an apologetic look, "An' I shouldn't bother you with my silly little troubles, Sir. I'm sure you got bigger worries on your mind, right?"
Mortimer shrugs again as he finishes his meal, collecting the empty bowl in his hands as he does so. "We've all got our own worries kid," he offers friendly enough, but not exactly cheerfully, "doesn't mean we can't try and alleviate 'em." Comminuty spirit or something, even if today the weather, or maybe something else, seems to be sapping the general enthusiasm levels.
"Suppose so. Ain't nobody happy when they're cold an' miserable, right? But you got a nice place to go home to? A wife, kids?", Jayana asks before she can stop herself, then blushes and looks away. "Sorry, I don't wanna be nosey. It's just… I don't know anyone here really… or how sheriffs live…"
"Wife," Mortimer replies laconically, "an' son." There is of course, more to it than that, as is often the case with people, but he's just really not feeling all that talkative right now. "We live like everyone else does," he then states, "'cept the Lord Sheriff of course, he lives up in the Keep what with being a Terrick and all."
"Ya might have wrong ideas about 'everyone' else.", Jayana points out with a wry smile, "But ya seem to be well off, with a roof over yer head, a fire in yer oven and a wife waiting for ya with food. Me… I got a blanket in a haystack right now and a coupla cats for company. Mustn't grumble though, right? Could be worse." She smiles faintly, sets down her empty mug and gets to her feet. "I gotta go now… gotta take care of the animals an' all before it gets dark."
Mortimer raises an faint eyebrow at some of that, but he'll let it pass. Casual conversation in the inn is one thing, but he;s not about to start giving details of his living arrangements and private life to strangers. Empty bowl still in his hands he pushes himself to his feet as well before starting for the bar to hand it back. "Good day miss," he offers simply.