Meleeing at Seagard Two |
Summary: | It's time for the Melee at Seagard! Boys put your weapons on! Tell me your favourite one! |
Date: | 06/20/2012 |
Related Logs: | Seagard Tourney Logs |
Players: |
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Tourney Grounds — Seagard |
The lists are prepared for a great number of both knights and spectators, the flat field already marked by the hooves of many practice-runs. It is surrounded by a rail, most of which borders only empty grass, where the commoners might stand and watch. On one side are stands built for the nobles, wooden bleachers topped with billowing silk awnings to help shade the ladies from the sun. At the centerpoint there is a raised platform, painted, shaded, and set with sumptuous-looking chairs for the most noble of noble guests. It is hung with the banners of House Mallister and House Redwyne, and many more are studded about the lists as well, to make sure everyone remembers who this grand affair is meant to honor and at whose pleasure they enjoy it. |
Wed Jun 20, 289 |
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Kamron with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield but Saethwyr DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Tommas with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Kamron with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield but Saethwyr DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Tommas with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kell has changed stance to Normal.
<COMBAT> Keelin has changed stance to aggressive.
<COMBAT> Kell will attack Nicodemus this turn. Options: called=Neck
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Kamron with Bludgeon but Kamron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Tommas with Polearm - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
Justin smiles faintly but says nothing more, turning to make his way down the steps carefully and then to start for the Terrick portion of the camp.
"Sounds good," Martyn comments, right before taking another hit to the chest. Stumbling back a step or two, he lets out another deep breath. "Nice one…"
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Kamron with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield but Saethwyr DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Tommas with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
'The Boy' (aka Hugh) is not so shocked at Jarod and Rowenna. "No…sorry. It's not mead. Shall i get you some mead instead?"
Kamron takes another hit hard enough to stagger him, even if it only leaves bruises beneath his armor. He continues hammering away at the hammerman. At this point, with sweat dripping down his body and bruises matting his arms, hands, and torso, he's not trying much fancy, just trying to divert the other man's strikes away from him or avoid them, and then put tourney axe to armor as often and as hard as possible.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Tommas attacks Kamron with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield but Saethwyr DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Tommas with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Tommas has been KO'd!
Swing — swoosh! It's a miss, but it's all good, made even more so because… he dodges! Then Saethwyr attacks again, landing a hit on Martyn only to be sidestepping away from another attack. He inclines his head to Martyn. "Thank you," he adds, giving a brief smile. The blows are quick enough to keep him attentive, and still he holds his attention on Martyn. They've been persistent, if nothing else! Then there's more clanging of weapons on armor, blows being traded between the pair of them. Then it's back to the dodginess!
Dmitry fights on, although he seems to now be working with a more contained tongue as the battle rages on; rather than wasting rapier wit, he keeps dancing, eeling back and forth between the swipes of bludgeon and greatsword. "I feel so popular, Sers," he puffs, as his tourney blade TINK TINKs off Garett's armor.
After the battering Tommas has taken and his inability to land a hit on the wiggly Karmon, this latest mark to the chest is — enough. Something doesn't feel quite right. The big man lifts hand with a wince and nods to the Mallister. "Level blows, Ser. I yield," he says with an easy, if rather pained, smile.
When the giant finally raises his hand for a halt, Kamron just stands there for a moment, breathing hard, then finally nods once, "Well fought." And then he's looking back to the combat as a whole. He studies the scene for only a moment, and then wades in, aiming to relieve his cousin and axe Saethwyr a few questions.
Nodding briefly, Tommas leaves the field.
More dodging and parrying until Kell gets nailed again, this time in the gut which has him stumbling a couple of steps back as the wind gets knocked out of him. "Nice hit there, Ser. Not down yet though." He manages to say before righting himself again and readying for the next strike from Nicodemus.
"Water's better for him," Rowenna assures Hugh, smiling. "And it's what he needs, after that kind of exertion — not mead. A world-class squire brings water and tells his Ser to suck it up, then brings mead later."
Bit by bit, those little cuts and hits on Garett begin to rack up, but he has yet to go down yet. "Ever read what the definition of monotomy is?" he asks, after taking the latest smack to his armor. "There's a sketching of us right next to it." Glancing at the others, Keelin. "Hey, I was popular earlier. Fame is a fickle thing."
Martyn lets out another deep breath as he seems to miss agaain. He doesn't say anything more, though.
It's another volley of misses and blades clashing, until Nicodemus manages to land a good strike to Kell's stomach. "Not yet," the Groves agrees somberly for the other knight's words, drawing in a slow breath before stepping in to attack once more.
Keelin flashes a smile at Garett. "I'm sure you'll be popular again later," he says. "Just give it a moment or two." Seems quite a few men are going to be bruised for a few weeks after all this fun. He might not be moving quite so quickly as earlier, but he's still standing, and that's reason enough to swing.
Hugh blinks and glances from Rowenna to Jarod. "Um. Yes. Water is good..Ser…do you want to drink that. …water, or shall I bring you something else?" The world class squire tries to be helpful.
"He fought well. There is something about his character that seems to lend to the more vicious of duels," Danae agrees with a light quirk of her lips, meeting Cherise's look. "Ser Saethwyr is rather fine as well. Perhaps it might be a house win yet for you."
Tia continues to watch, keeping company with those ladies who are still in the stands. It's an exciting thing but it does take a while, and certainly doesn't seem to be as clean as the joust. In fact, it is a big mess, but it's still somehow glorious.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Kell has changed weapons to Broadsword.
<COMBAT> Kell will attack Nicodemus this turn.
<COMBAT> Dmitry has changed stance to defensive.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Jarod shakes his head at Hugh, swigging enthusiastically once he's sniffed it. "Whiskey?" Grin. "Even better." He snorts at Rowenna. "If you go being all sensible I'm not going to share."
The fluid rhythm of the dance does not serve Ser Dmitry so well in one of the many passes; he dodges out of the way of Keelin's greatsword just to get the hefty crunch of the bludgeon against his helm. He shakes himself to shake off any passing dizziness from the blow, lifting his shield and drawing in on himself as he peers a little muzzily for any hole in Garett's guard.
As the duel between Kell and the Groves Knight continues, the Terrick Sworn changes tactics once more as he takes another hit, a light one this time though. He relinquishes the two handed grip on his hand and now holds the blunted blade with his dominant hand while angling his body slightly, perhaps hoping to provide a smaller profile to his opponent while hopefully quickening his own blade. It seems like Kell is trying to remedy all the misses on his end while getting clobbered in turn.
Kamron provides a nice distraction, coming charging in and hooking his axe in behind Saethwyr's shield to get to his hand. "Hello, Ser Saethwyr." Did he forget to give advanced notice of his impending arrival? Well, this is the melee after all, and sometimes you have to grow eyes in the back of your head. Apparently, seeing off the giant has recovered Kamron's good humor, as the words are accompanied by a crooked grin.
Oh no, Tommas. Bright eyes watch the combat between Groves and Mallister, Merel leans forward, fists clenched through a series of hard hits until Tommas finally has to yield and leave the field. She blows out a sigh, watching the combat only a moment more, before turning and weaving her way through the crowd. Escaping the press of people, she darts towards the giant, skidding to a stop just short of barreling into him, and leans against his side instead, one arm wrapped around him. It's a hug that gives the appearance of her being there to give him a shoulder to lean on, impossible as that seems.
Garett was not expecting that. At all. He was expecting him and Dmitry to snipe at each other for the rest of the night until someone stepped on either side. And that still might happen. He didn't expect his mace to come right down on the other knight's head. "Yeah. I owe you a round for that." he says almost apologetically. Almost. He's not out here to hurt anyone, he's not at war.
If Nicodemus has managed a small scrape on Kell, he's clearly getting exhausted as the duel continues on. He rolls his neck as the other man shifts his stance, something in his neck popping as it does so. "Maybe more than one drink," he muses, picking up a talking point from rather a ways back.
Martyn yakes the opportunity as Kamron joins in, to aim a solid slash for the opposite side of the Charlton knight now. Letting out a bit of a pained sound in the process.
Rowenna snrrrrrks, grinning at Hugh. "Whiskey? Really?" She rolls her eyes at both boys, then attempts to snag the wineskin from Jarod.
Seems that Keelin is having a little trouble hitting the ever moving Dmitry, even if the Terrick is aiming at Garett and not Keelin. Sad that. Still, he keeps trying to hit Dmitry. "I think we should go out drinking together, and we can each buy a round. Or three."
Hugh winces and looks at Rowenna, "I'll get him some water, too." And there actually is some water close by that Hugh fetches. This will make Rowenna happy at least. He hopes. "My father says it's good for you. Put's hair on your chest." he pauses, "Well…not /your/ chest…." He furrows his brow and starts to get Jarod out of the armor.
Jarod swigs again before relinquishing his skin. "Now he's a proper squire." It's teasing, and very fond. To Hugh he says, "Best I can do for the squire's melee is to help you practice." A wince as he shifts. "Or…perhaps Rowenna should. I figure I'm going to be laying low for a few days. The Tordane nee Oldstones knight can punch, I'll give him that." There's grudging respect there, if no fondness.
Cherise grimmaced as more left the field and dwindling the fighter count. "Perhaps." She says in regards to the win, hardly considering it a true win with so little representation on the field. "Is he wounded?" Her eyes turn to Danae now. "Ser Alek?"
And then Saethwyr's back up to two attackers on him again. And so he divides his attention between the pair of them, or at least attempts to. His attempt to hit Martyn fails, alas. If only his two attackers had similar luck. Instead, Saethwyr's luck fails, as was bound to happen eventually. He takes a hit to the right arm, which makes his shield lower and allow for Kamron to get in a hit on his left hand. Hey now! He loses his balance a bit, staggering back and lowering briefly to a knee before shaking his head slightly and eyeing Kamron. Maybe he was more winded than he had let on, what with all the dodging. He doesn't stay down, though, and pushes himself back up and to his feet. "G'day," he offers. Then he puts his attention back to Martyn, settles back into his defensive stance, and tries to refocus.
The Groves giant's eyes go wide, watching as his wild founderling skids to a stop, dirt kicking up around her feet. Tommas huffs out a pained laugh, wrapping an arm around Merel and tugging her close. He leans against her only slightly, holding up that appearence. "Sorry lass, I'll do better one of these days."
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Martyn with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Saethwyr with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Martyn has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Keelin will spend luck on attack this turn.
Dmitry's next swing at Garett seems to go even further wide, as he ducks quickly back behind his shield. He puffs a little breath, partway between laugh and wheeze, but does not spend any more breath on witticisms; he saves it for the dance.
Kamron steps back, raising his axe to a defensive position as Saethwyr staggers to a knee and allowing the other man to get back to his feet. That's all the grace the Mallister is willing to give, however, because as soon as the Charlton is back on his guard, Kamron feints a thrust with the top of his axe-head at Saethwyr's face, then flicks the weapon over, curling it into a tight arc aimed down and at the other man's stomach. He likes Tiaryn, he's not going to aim any lower.
Tia's gasp is hardly unexpected as Saethwyr goes down to one knee, and seems to be getting hit more now than previously. Of course, he is facing two attackers, so he's still doing really well. And then Martyn - oh gods. "I think I understand why some ladies faint at such events," she says, with a glance over to Nedra and Saffron.
Even dwindling as Ser Martyn Mallister is the most recent to fall, leading Danae to applaud politely and turn to her cousin with a slight smile. "I do not know. He walked away well enough, he will be well seen to," she answers Cherise with a tip of her head.
Rowenna snorts mirthfully. "I was never a proper squire, that's for certain." She flashes Hugh a grin. "I'd be happy to help you prepare for your melee, cous — but for right now, you've got a lot of equipment to clean and repair. Why don't you get a jump on that, and I'll look after your Ser."
"Help me get this off," Jarod says, reluctantly untangling himself from Rowenna so he can remove his partial maile. It doesn't take long. It's not particularly complicated armor. Then he looks to Hugh. "See this is stowed proper, will you?" Because he's still not really moving for awhile. Plus, he wants to see how this ends.
Shifting his hold on his sword, Saethwyr attacks Martyn again, landing a blow. Then its his turn to get his bell run, Martyn's weapon ringing his helm. Wobble. Clarity comes with the pain of Kamron's attack, and Saethwyr gives a grunt and eyes the other man with a certain measure of wariness. His attention turns to Martyn, and he bows to the man. "Well fought, Lord Mallister," he compliments respectfully. But there's little time for niceties with the melee in progress, and there's Kamron to be dealt with. So he straightens and brings his attention to that one.
Like Dmitry, Garett might be running out of smart things to say. At least for right now. Getting to the end of this fight, win or lose, will be a blessing, because it's the toughest yet to the Westerlord.
Hugh glances at the fight and then nods to the two, bidding Jarod a "Yes, sir." He gathers up the equipment and slogs off. "Well fought, Ser."
Vibrant, pale blue eyes are locked on the final spars of the field. Saffron has managed not to stand up once more, but she is poised at the edge of her seat with a kind of nervous expectation. Her knees are pressed tightly together, her fingers gently twisted up in the pale wool. She finds herself in much guilt as all she wishes now is for Kamron to take Saethwyr to his knee for good. She loves Tiaryn, but damnit, her favor is out there!
Now that the field has narrowed, Anais leans forward to watch more closely, grinning as both Dmitry and Kamron stick it out.
It's all or nothing now, it would seem. As Martyn aims for the head of the Charlton knight, but takes yet another hit to his chest, and falls over backwards. "I…" Every word hurts as he speaks now, it would seem. "Yield…" And then he gets to his feet to stumble off the field, at least far enough away from it so that he can collapse in relative peace and safety.
"He was cheating, anyway." If you say it firm enough, that makes it true. "Using that long thing against you, so you couldn't even hit'm," Merel continues, leaning back a bit to look up and up at Tommas. "Too scared of you." Obviously.
When Martyn goes down Dania moves out on to the field, already there are two young men following her to get the Lord Mallister off the field where he had collapsed in the relative peace and safety. They move quickly and his vitals are checked from there the two men take him off to the Mallister Pavillion where he can be treated after she has given them orders.
Dania then moves to go back to her spot, taking her basket with her.
Chuckling softly, Tommas lifts a hand to gently ruffle Merel's hair and setting his weapon into its hook on his belt. "Nae lass, he had me rightly. These things'll happen."
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm but Saethwyr DODGES!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield but Kamron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Nicodemus with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kell has been KO'd!
It seems like that is the limit for the Terrick Sworn as another exchange of blows with Kell taking two, the last one hitting his hand and more or less disarming him. Without the strength to speedily retrieve his weapon, he yields to the Groves Knight, "Well fought, Ser. This fight is yours." Looking from the fallen weapon to Nicodemus.
Kamron isn't going to hit a man bowing to his cousin, so once more he holds back his attacks, saluting Martyn with his axe and circling around Saethwyr to make sure that he doesn't have any of the other fighters behind him for the time. And then he's rushing in again, intent on regaining the advantage. Of course, an attack with the axe in both hands requires him to open himself up, and so he takes a hit to the chest as he comes in, the blade skittering off his armor to catch under his right arm. Still, he hammers home his attack, still trying to smash aside the other man's shield to get to the vulnerable arm and hand behind it."Getting. A bit. Hot. Out here. Isn't it?" Aggressive assaults are their own penalty sometimes, especially when it comes to keeping your breath.
Dmitry loses his breath to a whuff of surprise and pain as Keelin gets him across his abdomen. For all his quick footwork and fancy dodging, he manages to a few more whiffs with Garett, but aside from the clenched teeth of his renewed onslaught, that little 'whuff' is all he looses. WHERE IS HIS SNARKY COMMENTARY NOW.
Ah, but Saffron's isn't the only favour out there. Even if the one that Saethwyr wears isn't an obvious one, at that, simply for where he chose to wear it. Bruises, there will be. But then, there always are after the melee. And because of it. Then it's back to the grind of fighting. A swing and a strike, light though it is. Then his armor takes a bit of a beating, and it's back to missing and dodging between the pair of them. Then he takes a hit on his left hand that has him wincing and flexing his fingers in a painful manner. Ouch. Stepping back, he shifts his equipment — sword to right hand, shield to the left. And… oh look, there's that gray favour, tied to his right forearm. "A smidge," he agrees, giving a nod to Kamron.
"And you, ser," Nicodemus answers Kell. He offers the sworn sword a small bow before he staighten and goes to find someone else to knock the tar out of him.
How long has it been since they started? Has time ceased to pass in this circle of dirt where nothing exists for these men but other in front of them. Or the surprise attacks from the side, behind, or whatever other direction someone can manage to exploit. Garett stopped pondering this some time ago, the only thing he can see is that shield infrot of him and the attacks he puts to the man behind it. While he might see Nicodemus coming up on him from the side, there's really nothing he can do about it but defend it can when it occurs.
Keelin manages a nice solid hit, but there's no long elation at it, just grim determination as he continues to press Dmitry. It's definitely getting a bit difficult to concentrate, but Keelin is managing. It helps that most everyone else is also getting the tar beaten out of them.
"Rightly at a distance so you couldn't see his knees knocking in fear," Merel continues to slander, wrinkling he nose and snorting. "Should've thrown that hammer at him," she advises Tommas, terribly. The Thor method.
Indeed, Tia gives Saffron a smile. One of the two men is going to win, and the other yield. But how it will end, who knows? Certainly not Tia. She just watches, one hand raising to her mouth, so she won't make any more unseemly noises, but she's definitely at the edge of her seat watching.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Head.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Kamron spends a luck point to keep fighting!
"I think I understand why they give us something to sit down on while we're watching these events," Nedra agrees in return to Tiaryn, her voice a bit strained before the next turn of events makes her give first a cheer of sound that is /almost/ a whoop of delight. That is, of course, until Martyn staggers to the edge of the field and away - probably to be shucked out of his armor like a walnut from it's shell. She winces at this bit of mental imagery and lets out another cheer as Kamron and Saethwyr continue to (For lack of a better word) hammer away at each other on the field.
Jarod has settled into canoodling with Rowenna on he sidelines as he watches the remainder of the match. Which he doesn't seem too put out with.
Omg, they're canoodling. Gross.
Losing ground to both his attackers at once, Dmitry backs a few more paces and takes another ringing thwang across his head. He is looking banged up but good now, and blinks somewhat muzzily between both his opponents through a gathering haze, but displays an unwarranted Terrick stubborn streak. UPRIGHT, DAMMIT.
As long as Jarod's fit to canoodle, Rowenna's pretty much okay with that, too.
Tommas and Merel are not canoodling, in fact he might physically turn his ward away from the pair by angling her towards the Groves encamptment. None of that now. "I can't be throwing things I'll be needing later," the big man chides gently, grinning down at her.
Garett is offered a small nod from Nicodemus before he joins the cluster of combat that is Garett, Dmitry and Keelin. It's Garett Nicodemus chooses for a target, though, managing a smack to the other man's left hand with the flat of his blade.
Tia chuckles softly and nods to Nedra. Though with the events that happen, her gaze is back to the melee pretty quickly, regardless of any canoodling going on. Someone else can watch the improper behaviour, Tia is too busy watching the fighting!
It's almost a trade off. Almost. But where Saethwyr gives a light wound, he gets a worse one. Which doesn't seem very fair, and which finds him stepping back a bit, breathing a bit unevenly. Urk. Always in the chest! At least the armor helped, somewhat. But there will be colourful bruises. It takes him a moment to recatch his breath, but he shifts his grip on his sword and settles back into his defensive stance. Damned long handled weapons anyways.
Kamron once more has to hold off as Saethwyr switches hands with his weapons. Damnable honor. And then he comes barrelling in, trying to push Saethwyr back and force him back toward the other combatants. One broad sweep of his tourney axe strikes home, but the next one sweeps by without scoring, and the Charlton's blade catches the back of his right elbow, momentarily shocking his fingers open. "Fuck me sideways." Good thing he doesn't have the breath to say that above a mutter. The sudden change of momentum as his axe continues on without his right hand causes him to stumble a bit off to his left, and it's a moment before he can recover, turning back to face Saethwyr.
Keelin continues to swing at the dodgy Dmitry, managing to clang one off Dima's helm. Hah. Okay, the knight of the Keys still has a bit of oompht to him. Until he can't stand, that's what he's intending, and so far, holding to it. Breathe, swing. Swing, Breathe.
There is a gasp from the redhead as her favored Knight staggers under the blow to his arm. She is almost on her feet again, but etiquette keeps her rump properly on her cushion. She does shift about uneasily on her seat, fingers sliding to the edge of the bench. She has stopped really cheering at this point, transfixed on the interchange between the Charlton and Mallister.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Dmitry has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Dmitry spends a luck point to keep fighting!
There is a gasp from the redhead as her favored Knight staggers under the blow to his arm. Saffron is almost on her feet again, but etiquette keeps her rump properly on her cushion. She does shift about uneasily on her seat, fingers sliding to the edge of the bench. She has stopped really cheering at this point, transfixed on the interchange between the Charlton and Mallister.
Now Saffron and Tia are staring at the same battle, the rest of the field forgotten. Tia winces again, her breath catching, and leans forward a bit more. Any further, and she'll topple over onto the Ladies in front of her. Look out, Saffron, you might get fallen on.
Merel doesn't notice the attempt to turn her away from any canoodling going on, following Tommas's movements without protest. "You'd just pick it back up off him, 'cause he'd be all knocked out, see?" She says in a tone that suggests it's perfectly sensible.
Debonair wit reduced to a kind of grunted growl on impact, Dmitry teeters for a moment on the brink of collapse, blinking sweat and a trickle of oh-wait-was-that-blood-no-of-course-not of his eyes before he lunges back into the wheeling dervish of blade and bludgeon.
Tommas laughs, full and loud and — really, rather painfully. He bends over with a hand pressed to his stomach, giving Merel a squeeze as he catches his breath. "I don't know that my aim is that good," he manages finally.
Keelin might have found a second breath, as he seems to be a little better focused once more. He waits a moment, as it seems Dmitry was hit hard enough to teeter him, but as Dima lunges back in, Keelin obligingly attacks once more.
Leg armor deflects Nic's blow, which allows him to hop out of the way of Dmitry's attack, at the same trim bringing his mace over the other knight's shield. While it looks like the Terrick might go down, the Westerling offers the man a moment to collect himself, all the while keeping another eye on the Grooves knight. Yep, might be amnesiac, but he's still got a bit of honor left inside. He switches legs, giving his left still healing leg a moment of respite. That leg is going to hate him in the morning.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Dmitry with Greatsword but Dmitry DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Dmitry has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Garett has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Garett spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
As has happened more than once in the melee, Saethwyr's blade finds… air. Nothing but air. And he's a little bit too slow in getting back to defending himself, that blasted axe finding his chest again. OW! Saethwyr stumbles back, grunting and wincing and wobbling a bit, but managing to keep his feet. OW! He eyes Kamron, gives another grunt, then reclaims his stance, which is starting to hurt now. He's not breathing as easily as he was earlier, but… he's still up, still fighting. Or maybe that should be, still getting smacked. Ow, ow, OW! He's given more ground, with his chest taking a bit of a beating as it has been.
Probably a little concussion-demented as well as battle-drunk, Dmitry tightens his grip on his tourney blade, says, "Bloody hells," in as clear and coherent a voice as he can muster, and lunges again. He takes another strike across the chest and misses with the wild stab of his blade, but he's still on his legs.
Kamron likes Tiaryn, but that doesn't mean he's not going to slam his axe into Saethwyr's chest just as hard as he can with both hands as many times as he can. After all, he's got a favor tied to his right arm that he has to live up to. With that pair of righteous clangs of blunted blade on coat of plates, however, Kamron can't help but wince, "You alright, there, Ser Saethwyr?"
Nicodemus manages a sound strike to Ser Garett's chest before Keelin decides to focus on the Groves man and the Groves man returns the favor in kind. Panting, he looks over at the knight and manages a nod before he swings, managing a glancing blow along the line of Ser Dorsey's gorget.
It was going to happen sooner or later. By getting out of the way of Dmitry's attack, he runs right into Nic's weapon. A deep gutteral non-verbal noise escapes him and he has to takes a step back, trying to shake the fatigue and pain off of his mind. There's mental walls he can break through, let's see how many he charge through because the body will always give up before the mind does. He tries to steel himself for more.
Keelin switches his attack to the incoming Nicodemus, since he can't seem to hit Dmitry half the time anyway. He gets another shot, but at least this time it's not to his chest, but his neck. He returns the nod, as well as he can, and gets in a touch on Nic's abdomen.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Keelin has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Keelin spends a luck point to keep fighting!
The corners of Merel's mouth turn down in a subtle frown as Tommas's laugh turns painful. Sorry. "You could always just punch him if it turned out is wasn't so good," she suggests of his aim. "Maybe we should get you sitting down."
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield but Kamron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
Keelin gets hit in the left arm, and it's a painful one, enough that he backs up, and loses his balance, ending on one knee. Cussing, he takes a moment to catch his breath, and then he's back up on his feet. "Nice hit," he says, since obviously it was. Then back to it, but he's not hitting his opponent as well as previously, and it seems to take him a bit to get back into the rhythm of the fight. Swing, dodge, Seven take it!
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Saethwyr attacks Kamron with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Saethwyr with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Dmitry with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Dmitry attacks Garett with Sword & Shield but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Dmitry has been KO'd!
Nicodemus hasn't much to offer for Keelin's praise, save for a soft grunt. They're all tired and ragged by now, most likely. Nicodemus sure is. He's saving his breath for things other than words. Like, apparently, a really good smack to Ser Dorsey's head.
After a few more sort of wacky swings of his sword and taking another serious slam to his gut, Dmitry stumble-staggers to one knee, fumbling his sword. He puffs a low, "Yield," in the midst of bloody sweat and squints through watering eyes. Concussion, what?
CLANG! Ow. Wakeup call for Ser Dorsey. Keelin definitely felt that one. Ow. His helm is still vibrating from the ringing, or maybe that's just his ears. This time he doesn't say anything, just tries again to return the favour.
Garett nods. "Good fight, Ser Terrick." he says wearily, but it looks like he's still in the fight. "Got my respect. First round is on me." Letting Dmitry move to nurse his wounds, he turns his blearly-eyed attention on Nic smacking around Keelin like a naughty red-headed step-child. That won't do at all. And besides, he's just returning the favor.
There's further weapon's play before the question registers with Saethwyr. It involves a bit of hitting and armor soaking of damage, but nothing too significant dealt by him, anyways. And then he steps back a bit, breathing heavily, unevenly. Bruised ribs, at least… maybe cracked. Hopefully not broken. Urf. He's stumbled back a bit more, giving more ground, much to his dismay. And here he thought it was going better this time than last. With the question from Kamron, the Charlton Knight looks to the man and seems to give it great consideration. "Suppose it depends on the definition of 'alright', Ser Kamron," he points out, coughing a bit. His chest has taken a significant beating, and that was even before Kamron started on him. And since Kamron seems to keep on attacking his chest, it's not about to get better. And probably only to get worse, as he's seeming to have some significant problems breathing. So much so that he goes down to one knee. Urf. OW. "I yield, Ser," he says, with a bit of difficulty. He'll spend a moment there just trying to recover a bit before regaining his feet and moving quite gingerly off the field. Mainly because every step jars his chest, and it's hard enough to breathe. Must… maintain… consciousness.
This would be the time that Jarod and Alek or Dmitry and Baldwyn would be looking for new foes. Kamron Mallister appears to be made of sterner stuff, even if he can't seem to drive Saethwyr to the ground for good. Parry with the haft of his axe, duck under a sword-swipe, get slammed in the gut with a tourney blade, parry again, and in between each avoidance or block, he's hammering at Saethwyr's chest. Again and again. But the Charlton seems to be made of iron. And then the iron bends, and Kamron forestalls another attack, bowing his head with a wince, "Well fought, Ser Saethwyr. It's been. An honor." And then he's stumbling off toward Nicodemus, axe raised again.
Dmitry makes his somewhat disoriented way off the battlefield without actually falling over, btw. Since I forgot to pose that.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Keelin with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Nicodemus with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Keelin has been KO'd!
Keelin tries again to hit Nicodemus, but he manages only to miss entirely. While at the same time, Nic's greatsword takes Keelin's leg out from under him so that he hits the ground. Thud. "I - " he starts, but needs a moment to catch his breath. "Yield." And he does move to get to his feet, slowly. And he limps off at least a bit away so that he doesn't get stepped on.
Nicodemus's features settle into a sort of grim line as he realizes the three remaining combatants… all mean to face him at once. "Lay on, then," he murmurs, keeping his own focus of Ser Dorsey. He strikes a solid blow to Keelin's right leg, before lifting it to block the other man's blow. His own armor manages to fend off the strikes of Garett and Kamron. For now, at least. "Well fought, ser," he rasps out to Keelin as the man yields.
Kamron slams his blunted axe into Nicodemus' arm, blinking a bit at the impact. He grunts, then quips to Garett, "Walls of oak are tougher than walls of grape." Still, he moves to try to flank the Groves man, working with the Westerling to try to wear Nicodemus down.
"And then there were three." Garett says, voice rough and strained. For a moment, he looks at the stands, wondering who's still watching. And then he's back in the fight, flanking with Kamron to try and take down the fresher-looking Grooves. Well, fresher than the Mallister and the Westerling.
When Keelin, yields Dania snags her basket and goes to meet him. From there she helps him off field. She slips one arm around to steady him after all she is pretty sturdy as far as girls goes, blame the genetic code she shares with Keelin. But right now she is the prettier of the two.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus will attack Garett this turn.
<COMBAT> Garett will attack Nicodemus this turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron will attack Nicodemus this turn.
Tiaryn gets to her feet now, though she is still sort of watching the final four - no three - of the melee. She glances at Saffron, almost apologetically. "Excuse me," she says. "But I should go see how Ser Saethwyr is doing. That was quite a beating, I am impressed he stayed in so long." She doesn't give anyone else any compliments, in case it proves to be a jinx, but she is watching the field as she makes her way down.
"Tell him he fought well, Tiaryn!" Saffron calls after her with a smile, though her eyes are quick to return to the field. These are the tenser moments of the melee, seeing who stands and who falls. With just three men, its easy to follow their movements, and Saffron does with attentive eyes.
"Applewood, actually," Nicodemus pants for Kamron's quip. "Oaks are ashes, now." He strikes at Garett and manages to avoid the Westerling's return attack. Kamron's axe hits his arm, though, and Nicodemus must step back and he works to keep his sword from falling from his hands. Steadied, sore but ready, he charges back in.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus will attack Garett this turn.
<COMBAT> Garett will attack Nicodemus this turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron will attack Nicodemus this turn.
Kamron may have been willing to triple-team one of the remaining contestants, but he's also willing to back off his assault when the man steps back. "Apples aren't so much harder than grapes." There's a chuckle at that, but it's a weary, pained one. The clatter of weapons on armor and each other resumes, and he is forced to admit, "Apples are, though."
Kamron may have been willing to triple-team one of the remaining contestants, but he's also willing to back off his assault when the man steps back. "Apples aren't so much harder than grapes." There's a chuckle at that, but it's a weary, pained one. The clatter of weapons on armor and each other resumes, and he is forced to admit, "Applewood is, though."
"Apples make better wine than grapes." Garett notes, hissing as the latest conneccting that Nic's sword makes on his chest. Like Kamron, he backs off when the Grooves needs his moment to steady himself again.
This time it's Garrett that manages a blow to Nicodemus, connecting square on the chest. He's brought down to one knee by it, sucking in a slow breath before he shoves back to his feet. Two on one. Still, once again, Nicodemus lifts his blade and returns tot he fight.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Light wound to Left Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword but Garett DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus has changed stance to aggressive.
Nedra stands one row up and just to the right of Saffron, near enough to speak but not side by side. But she, too, watches the field with intense focus, leaning forward to murmur a question to Saffron before straightening again, seemingly unable to sit quietly through the end of the contest she remains on her feet.
Kamron scoffs at Garett, "Better 'jack, not wine." It's not much for banter, but the Mallister is drained and tired, and has to focus on just trying not to be hurt and trying to hit his opponent in turn. The heavy weapons rise and fall, clatter together, and strike again, but none of the final three fall.
Nedra nods to Saffron's words, looking relieved at the knowledge and watches the next round of blows exchanged and practically shredding the neatly embroidered kerchief that she's twisting between her hands.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
Nicodemus wards off some of the strikes, weathers others, though he doesn't get a chance to lodge many decent ones of his own. Still, he stands and he fights, eyes bright, expression calm, perhaps even a little bit pleased.
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus attacks Garett with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Nicodemus with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Nicodemus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Nicodemus has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Nicodemus has left the combat.
<COMBAT> Kamron will attack Garett this turn.
<COMBAT> Garett will attack Kamron this turn.
<COMBAT> Garett has changed stance to aggressive.
And there goes the Groves. She actually is on edge, looking excited with each hit. Saffron looks over to Briallyn with bright eyes, and she offers the woman her hand. Companionable, she smiles to the Haigh woman. She doesn't say anything, not willing to jinx the course of these events. She winks over to Nedra, looking out at the field as it comes down to two…
And then, at last, Ser Groves gets a knock on the chest that, once again, sends him down to his knee. He's still, perhaps because he considers rising again, or perhaps because he's just trying not to fall over. Either way, "I yield, sers," Nicodemus says. He eases, carefully, to his feet and makes his way off the field.
And then the Groves man calls an end to the barrage of hits. "Well fought, Ser Applewood. Well fought indeed." Kamron steps back, reaching up to resettle his helmet on his head, catch his breath, and then nod to Garett, "Just you and me, then, Garett." Hefting his axe in both hands, he takes in a breath, then lets it out, "Let's about it."
It had to happen sooner or later. When Nic yeilds, Garett steps back, nodding at the man. "Well fought, Ser Grooves. I think you pushed us both to the breaking point. You're a man courage." And with that, he salutes the other knight. But now, this is the main event, and it just so happens that he's looking across the span of distance to his friend, Ser Kamron. "Fitting, isn't it?" he ponders. Then he glances at the shield strapped to his right arm. "One moment, Ser." It takes all of a minute but he loosens the straps and tosses the peice of armor to the side, a point sticking into the ground. Then he nods. "Alright. Let's do this."
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield but Kamron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!.
<COMBAT> Garett has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Garett spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Well, Kamron sure took Garett to task. He has to shakes the cobwebs out of his head and he endures a series of blows, and he staggers. "Did I do something to piss you off lately?" he manages to say, tone amused, but pained. "You'll leave me a cot in your pavillion, right?"
It's not the most elegant display of martial skill. Not by a long shot. Not with a blunted axe and a mace. But it is a serious display of battering power and speed. Heavy crushing weights slam into armor, flesh, each other, and thin air. Grunts and grimaces are draw from the Mallister knight as he swings, as he's hit, and as he hits. As Garett staggers, Kamron holds his attack a moment, "Just fighting to win, Garett. But at this rate, I won't be able to stop you from taking one. Too damned bruised myself."
Dark moss green eyes are locked firmly upon the pair of knights left standing. Even her lips are ever so slightly parted, and she's leaning forward in vain for a better look. Saffron's extension of a hand startles her out of her unblinking stare, and Briallyn flashes the other woman a crook smile. "You should be very proud of Ser Kamron, Saffron. I do not think I could even bring myself to dampen the mood by being angry with Lord Garett." And her slim fingers grip the other Lady's snugly and without release.
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
There is a warming smile from Saffron as she holds tight to the other woman's hand. "I'm very proud," she says with a slightly breathless tone. Indeed, her pale eyes glimmer with the emotion for the Mallister knight. They turn themselves back out on the field, and she watches as the two men continue to trade blows.
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield but Kamron DODGES!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Triggering new turn.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Kamron attacks Garett with Polearm - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Garett attacks Kamron with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Troll has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Garett has been KO'd!
It goes on for…who knows how long. It's like the wind dims down a little as there's only the sounds of two warrior literally beating the ever living piss out of one another. They had their shots at each other, and more often than not it seemed like it was dead-even match for one another. And while polearms do give a bit more distance, maces bite harder. And there was something building up, before Garett gives one last charge at Kamron, swinging his mace hard for the Mallister's chest. Which more than connects. But it was about the last bit of energy he had there, the hard strike to his arm is about all he can. So locked there, face to face, the Westerling flinches hard. "I think…" he grunts. "That you're the better man here, Kamron. Ah…yeah, you're the better man." Unlocking his weapon away, he falls to a knee, his bad one, finally giving it respite. "Always wondered how I'd fare against you."
There is little strategy now, just two men hammering away at one another, trading blows and avoiding them when they can. Kamron staggers back from a ringing blow to his chest, groaning, and then comes in again, chopping the blunted head of his axe at Garett's right hand. When the other man falls to a knee and yields, Kamron stands there in silence for a long moment, his eyes slowly clearing of the rush of battle. "Just today, Garett." He shifts his right arm a bit to set the ends of his favor fluttering, "There'll always be another." He turns outward, painfully raising his axe in both hands to the cheering crowd as he continues turning in a full circle. The Mallister then reaches out to grab Garett's left hand with his right and raise it up as well for a long moment, drawing the cheers to the penultimate fighter as well. When those cheers die down a bit, he drops the other man's hand and steps forward, carefully saluting his liege lord and soon-to-be lady, and then seeking out a certain redhead in the audience close to the other Mallisters, and offering her a salute as well.
Patrek Mallister stands from where he's perched in the Lord's seat (he was totally there the whole time, for realz), smiling as he comes down the stands and towards the day's victor. Surely, there must be some pride that it's a Mallister who claimed the day. "Well fought, all of you," the Lord of Seagard calls out magnanimously to all those who competed, "and especially well fought, Ser Kamron. You do Seagard credit today, with your bravery and your skill. And so," Patrek looks around, raising his voice a bit more to be sure he can be heard by all and sundry, "I am delighted to announce, in the wake of Ser Kamron's victory of the field today, that we celebrate not one betrothal, this week, but two. The second is my cousin, Ser Kamron Mallister, betrothed…" a pause. To heighten the suspense. "…to the fair Lady Saffron Banefort." Oh, and there she is. Patrek offers the red-haired young lady a smile as he picks her out of the crowd, holding out a hand to invite her down to stand beside her husband to be.
As Garett drops to his knee, Saffron squeezes Briallyn's hand with a solid, but not overwhelming grip. While Nedra bursts into applause and shouts of joy, the Banefort smiles gently to her Haigh friend. "That was… incredible. Ser Garett… a beautiful fighter." She sweeps up to her feet now, raising her hand to wave in return at the salute. There is a bright smile budding on her lips. Her pale blue eyes move toward the Mallister Lord as he speaks to the crowd, and she is beaming at the congratulations to her favored Knig— "What did he say?" Saffron asks the Ladies around her abruptly.
Not to be impolite Cherise does applaud the victor as the announcements are made. Her eyes sweep over to Danae, standing beside her. "It seems like your brother has recovered well."
Anais's grin is like to split her face when Patrek announces the betrothal. "Saffron," she calls over sweetly. "Now would be the time to go and congratulate your betrothed."
Garett has enough energy to pull himself up to his feet. He'll have to if he wants to get off the tourny field. He lets Kamron raise his arm, mace-laden other hand gesturing at the Mallister Knight. "He's your man today, people! And not a better man that it could be!" he shouts out to endorse his friend. But then as the wedding is announced, he can't help but slap Kam on the shoulder. "Took you damn long enough." he utters after Patrek has finished speaking. Then his eyes are seraching for a particular Haigh woman, pulling her favor out from his gauntlet to wave at her.
Nedra suddenly wears a smile that is damn near wolfish and reaches out one hand toward Saffron, wearing a smile that has serious amps to it. "He said.." she repeats, "That you're Betrothed to that knight out there, you know, my brother?" she offers. And it's everything she can do to resist breaking into applause AND cheers! Which will come next on the menu, actually.
Kamron knew the letters had been sent, but had heard only silence since then, and so when Lord Mallister makes his announcement, a stunned look washes over his features, and then is swept away by a broad grin that stretches nearly from ear to ear. There's still a roguish cast to it, and a bit of relief, but mostly it just looks… happy. Garett's slap to his shoulder rocks the Mallister knight, but doesn't even budge that grin. He bows his head, then raises his voice to address his liege, "Thank you, Lord Mallister. I can only hope that my own impending marriage is as happy as your own appears to be." And then his eyes are seeking out Saffron Banefort, and the world melts away around her, leaving just the pathway being opened through the crowd before her and her alone.
With attention on Ser Kamron and Lady Saffron, Briallyn is free to find her way to the field. She looks tremendously relieved, but both flushed and pale at once. "You certainly don't lack for courage, Ser Garett, even when injured," she chides him gently as she approaches, dark green eyes scanning him with concern and dismay. "You're going to be covered in bruises, and you're due to wed in two days time."
The Lady clucks her tongue at him, but in spite of her words, her voice is suffused with warmth and pride for the Westerling knight. In fact, she very somberly glances at the ground in a nearly demure glance, as if suddenly shy. Briallyn? Shy? "That was very skillful of you, Ser Garett." The Lady Haigh is careful to keep her distance, of course, given that she cannot be seen smooching the Westerling in public. Not yet, anyway.
How often does anyone get a chance to stun a Banefort into silence? Lord Mallister probably has no idea the amazing miracle he has caused. At Nedra and Anais's words, she kind of nods her head with a vague dizziness. It is probably a good thing that Saffron has that innate ability to walk without running into or tripping over things. She heads out to the field to meet her favored Knight, kind of bobbing her head to various congratulations that buzz around her. She is almost within arm's reach of Kamron now. It takes her a moment actually staring at the helmeted guise of the knight before she starts to break into a dimpled smile. "Well fought, Ser Kamron," is all she says, brain completely locked out of anything else to say.
Patrek lifts a hand to clap it onto Kamron's shoulder. "Seemed the fitting time to make it known to all and sundry," he tells his cousin in a more normal, less announcy voice. And then he looks, again, towards where Saffron Banefort sits watching the pair approach one another before speaking quietly to a herald to darts off. He and another Mallister retainer return shortly, rolling a cask of wine with the sigil of House Redwyne painted across it. "For your victory, Ser Kamron," he says, "I expect after such a battle," and such an announcement, "you may need some."
"Why Lady Briallyn, I think that's the nicest thing you've said to me all week." Garett's humor is only half-hearted, taking a moment to pull his helmet off to hold under his free arm. That big ol scar that runs down the side of his face is still there, but he is thankful he shaved his hair recently. Gotta keep that clean look. "I knew if I told you, you wouldn't exactly be pleased with me and I know my knee is going to be hating me for a few days but…" he glances at Kamron. "Ser Kamron would be lost without me and be able to throw the gaunlet down for him. And you see? He certainly earned his prized for beating the tar out of this old man. Skill? I suppose. Maybe I remembered a bit more about war today after throwing myself truly into it. I couldn't ask for a better trial by fire." At the arrival of wine cask, he grins over at Kam. "You get the best prizes." he muses, wiping sweat off his face.
Kamron sort of unconsciously slips the haft of his blunted axe into the loop at his hip, nodding to his cousin, "Thank you, Lord Mallister. Thank you." The words are quiet, heartfelt. And so it is that when Saffron steps close, he can reach up and pull off his helmet. The helm's nasal is slipped through his belt, freeing his hands, and then he reaches out for one of hers, only to bow over it, pressing his lips against her knuckles. Straightening up with a bit of a groan, he raises his voice once more, his left hand rising to the favor at his arm, "It was your thoughts and favor that gave my arm strength, Lady Saffron." The announcement of his prize — and Garett's comment on it — draws a laugh, "Drinks are on me tonight, it appears." Thankfully, that's said quietly enough that only those nearest get the invitation, rather than everyone within shouting distance.
Nedra certainly isn't the last Mallister standing (in the stands, least of all there) but she does a pretty good job of being a one woman cheering section, even making her way over to where Lady Anais is standing before continuing to applaud with undisguised glee.
What flesh can be seen, which is little for the moment, is already bruising. "How cruel of you, Ser Garett. You will spend the first week of our marriage unable to walk," she teases, chastising him in a low pitched voice to avoid nosey ears. Clucking her tongue at him, again, the Lady Briallyn turns away briefly to regard the almost equally battered Mallister knight and his Lady. A flicker of a smile tugs harder at the corners of her mouth. "Congratulations, Ser Kamron. You are an exceptional knight, and your Lady Saffron is most lucky." There is genuine warmth to her words, clearly spoken in true belief, before she nods to him and turns away. "Can you walk unaided, Ser? You must be cooking within that armor," Briallyn murmurs politely to the Westerling Lord.
The well-trained mind of a noblewoman allows Saffron to be able to smile warmly to Patrek even at the distance she has between the two Mallister men. She curtsies to him. "I'm honored, My Lord," she says to Patrek before her gaze slidse off to Kamron, pausing once on the cask of wine. Oh yes, she is certainly going to need some of that. But, first, something else lingers on the forefront of her mind. "Ser Kamron… do you think we could…?" She gestures half-heartedly off beyond the crowds. Her maid Hara is just a few steps behind the Banefort, coming up a shy short behind her as if to prove that there's a chaperone at hand. Saffron looks over toward Briallyn, and she is all smiles. "Thank you, Lady Briallyn. And Ser Garett, you fought well."