Jared Leto as Jaremy Middleton |
name: |
Jaremy Middleton |
house: |
Formerly Terrick |
father: |
Jerold Terrick |
mother: |
Evangeline Middleton |
spouse: |
Unwed |
issue: |
None |
gender: |
Male |
age: |
22 |
height: |
5'10" |
weight: |
185 |
eyes: |
light brown |
hair: |
dark brown |
honorific: |
Ser |
title: |
Ser Jaremy Middleton |
position: |
Disinherited Heir of Terrick's Roost |
predecessor: |
Jerold Terrick |
heir: |
None |
Born twenty-two years ago, and having just past his twenty-second name day, Ser Jaremy Terrick is one of the region's most eligible sons. The firstborn son to the lord of Terrick's Roost, he stands in line to inherit all of House Terrick and Four Eagles Tower upon the passing of his father. As rumors have it, the reason why he's spent so long unwed varies from region to region. The Naylands are convinced that Jaremy won't bear an heir to Terrick's Roost unless Lord Terrick finds someone to do it for him, and that he hasn't been wed just yet because he's too busy wishing Jarod Rivers, Lord Terrick's bastard son, weren't half his brother.
The truth, however, is that after the war against King Aerys Targaryen (Aerys II), Lord Terrick was in no hurry to reinsert his family into the Game of Thrones, having already lost too many bannermen and knights to Lord Tully's rallying cry to support the House Stark and House Baratheon's campaign against the mad king. Nature abhors a vacuum, and after the war, loyalties and holdings shifted rather quickly. Walder Frey began to seed the Frey fields with young wives, many of which Walder Frey took for himself. A few of those said wives were prospects that Lord and Lady Terrick had for their scion. So, they decided to let time figure itself out, hoping for a possible rise in station, or that their son would find happiness in a girl. The years passed, and Jaremy Terrick was squire to Ser Revyn Terrick, earned his knighthood, and has taken quite the interest in combat on horseback. Those "in the know" in the house, also know that through the passing of coin, they Nayland myths that Jaremy "rides side-saddle" became only myth as of his sixteenth name day.
However, the time in which Jaremy Terrick can remain "choosy" is coming to an end, and before long the future of House Terrick will need to be secured. His parents have begun taking interest in arranging a marriage for him, namely to Lady Isolde Tordane, the daughter of deceased Lord Geoffrey Tordane, closest ally and brother-in-warfare to Lord Ser Jerold Terrick. In truth, the two were promised to each other at a very young age, but the war against Aerys II, Jaremy's squiring, and the passing of Lord Tordane himself have caused a great silence in the issue…which appears to have been resulted in Lady Volda Tordane feeling slighted.
Rumors have it that Ser Jaremy Terrick is becoming quite the accomplished swordsman, as well as quite powerful in the saddle, and is taking interest in one day testing his skills in tourney. Whether or not his family will allow him to, prior to an heir being conceived, is another question. The time has run out for Jaremy, and his ties to his station are starting to coil. Where once was self-exploration and open decision has now become an era of responsibility, and there's no telling how it will affect him.
Lord Ser Jerold Terrick : Jaremy's Father, Lord of the house that Jaremy is set to inherit. |
Lady Evangeline Middleton : Mother |
Ser Revyn Terrick : Uncle that Jaremy squired under. Mentor and in some was closer to Jaremy than his own father. |
Lord Jacsen Terrick : Jaremy's younger brother. |
Lady Lucienne Terrick : Jaremy's sister. |
Ser Jarod Rivers : Half-Brother, a bastard born to Lord Jerold that Jaremy sees more as a brother and less a bastard. |
Physical Features
Ser Jaremy Terrick stands at nearly six feet tall. His build is muscled through years of rigorous training in swordplay and warfare, kept in shape through constant practice and careful portions at mealtime. His most distinguished features are his mane of dark, brown hair that contrasts the light brown of his eyes. He tends to wear his hair long, with a growth of facial hair that has a tendency to switch between clean shaven and the specked formation of a beard.
He tends to dress in cool, summer silks and riding leathers, favoring the yellow and violet of House Terrick over light and dark browns to match his features. Quite proud of his status as a knight, he regularly wears spurs and carries his sword on his hip, ready to defend the realm as per his oath to Terrick's Roost.
As a child, Ser Jaremy Terrick hoped to one day grow to slay dragons, just like the coalition army of Westeros that dethroned Aerys II. Of course, as a young child, he envisioned actual dragons and white-walkers, stabbing at them in the field with a wooden sword. From a young age, he always wanted to be a knight, living with honor and vow like his childhood heroes: Lord Ser Jerold Terrick, Ser Revyn Terrick, and Barristan Selmy (also known as Barristan the Bold, head of the Kingsguard). He even one day hoped to become a member of the Kingsguard, and because of this, he spent much of his years as a squire focusing on his ability as a knight rather than entertaining marriage and maintaining the family line of succession. Because of this, he is woefully "behind the game", so to speak.
Now, as an adult, he's starting to feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He loves the people of Terrick's Roost, and he loves the Riverlands. He would see nothing less than for his entire lifetime to come and go with bountiful harvests and a region filled with safe, protected commonfolk that honor his duty to them.
Sadly, that sort of attitude is romantic, indeed. It's the ones that aren't afraid to get their hands dirty that prosper, and if he aims to protect the interests of his people…he'll have to wonder if he's willing to do the same.
Jaremy's Story
As House Terrick is visited by Lady Valda Tordane, Jaremy came into contact with her daughter, Lady Isolde Tordane. The two were promised to each other long before Robert's Rebellion for the throne, and through a small bit of awkwardness and conversation around a pond they once played at as children, a growing love between the two blooms. However, before leaving Terrick's Roost, Isolde is informed that she is to be wed to another house. Before Isolde leaves, she gives Jaremy a favour to wear in the upcoming tourney in hopes that it will help him win her hand in marriage from her mother's grand scheme to join House Tordane with another, thus ending House Tordane's vassaldom to House Terrick.
(A Lady's Favor)
(Spilled Milk)
As the tourney nears, Amelia, a baseborn whore known well about Terrick's Roost, has a conversation with Jaremy and learns of his troubles. (Brothels and Bookies) Without request, she prepares a "switch" of the sorts with Isolde. For one night, Isolde waits for Jaremy in Amelia's rooms and the two spend the night together. (Secret Tryst) Isolde leaves in Amelia's room a satchel of silver coins, which Amelia returns to the magistrate of Stonebridge.
The long-time rivals of the Terricks, House Nayland, ride to Terrick's Roost to serve a writ of arrest for Amelia. (Not the Last Of This) Jaremy decides to protect the whore, knowing well that the charges are likely part of his own fault. Ser Rygar speaks very loudly of the Terrick's lack of honor…setting a stage for a series of flash-fire of desperate attempts to bring Lady Tordane back to House Terrick. (Orientation) (The Responsibility of an Individual)
Arriving to Stonebridge for the tourney, Jaremy and the rest of his house have very little hope to retrieve the Tordanes. This much is apparent as they ride into the tourney, finding the Tordane banners curiously perched, and the Tordane's themselves greeting their guests alongside the Naylands. (How to Make an Entrance) . The wait for the joust is agonizing, and in the interim, Jaremy manages to have some key motivational conversations in preparation for his upcoming moment of glory. He intended to win the joust and get one last kiss, in front of all, before Isolde is lost to him. (Fault) (Black Is The Color)
…and then the joust took place…
(The Tourney At Stonebridge)
Jaremy has lost, and in his woes began the slow process of putting the pieces back together. (The Nursing of Wounds) (Horse Whispering) However, the recently sworn knight of Terrick, Ser Kevan Tierney, defending the honor of a baseborn mintrel named Eyrian, also nicknamed "Lady Blackmane". The minstrel, accused of stealing from Maron Greyjoy, second son of Lord Balon Greyjoy himself. (Water and Iron Equals Rust). A duel to the death is caused. Unable to make the duel a complaint between house Terrick and Greyjoy, Jaremy releases Kevan from his service to the Terricks before the duel takes place. (Scylla and Charybis) (What is Dead Cannot Die)
Following an instance of lost face, Jaremy imposed exile upon himself, later leading a peasant uprising against Nayland rule of Stonebridge. Captured in battle, he chose to take the black as a man of the Night's Watch.
Recent Logs
Recent Memoirs
RP Hooks & Background Builders
- "On the chance that you may ride faster than ravens fly, Ser, you may wish to inform Lady Tordane that her lords will be calling on her for audience."
Allies and Foes
DISCLAIMER: Some of the in-character opinions expressed in this section may contain negative views of various characters and concepts. By no means are these critiques on the characters' players and their style of roleplay. Instead they are designed to generate drama that gives insight into character decisions and in some cases helps keep the "bad guys" just as bad. If you're uncomfortable about the wording of a particular viewpoint, please let me know and I will reword it, but just know that these are from Jaremy's point of view, and not mine.
"Fail to honor people,they fail to honor you; but of a good leader, who talks little, when his work is done, his aims fulfilled, they will all say, 'We did this ourselves."
Lao Tzu
House Terrick We rule the way most houses should. All across Westeros you hear rumors of some lords having dark secrets and strange tastes that they inflict upon their smallfolk. My aim, and my father's aim, is to create a peace from which the smallfolk can enjoy their lives and raise their children in relative peace. In return for a secure border and strong leadership, the smallfolk work and provide the land with food, drink, and willing swords in time of war. How is this so hard for some other lords to understand? I love our lands, and the more my father and I lead the people to love it as well, we'll be all the stronger. This is something to be proud of. |
Myself: When I was a child I wanted to be Ser Barristan Selmy, but my family needs me to inherit Terrick's Roost. I've been waiting too long, and now the things that I always took for granted are slipping between my fingers. I've got to scramble to keep them in perspective, and if I fail to keep them my family will be venturing into unknown territory. From this moment forward I do hope my actions will lead the charge, rather than be a curse under my family's lips. |
Lord Ser Jerold Terrick: My father is a wise, strong, and honorable man. Being the first person to speak highly of Ser Barristan Selmy as well, he's shown me much about what a lord should be. When Lord Tully went to war, so did he, but my Uncle kept us out of the fight for other good reasons. So I've been torn. What's worse is that out of all fairness, I'm unsure as to whether or not I can fill my father's shoes. Terrick's Roost needs him and not me, and the best that I can hope is that his days are numbered in decades while I hone my statecraft. |
Ser Revyn Terrick: Revyn has taught me more about life than any septon or maester ever could. He's taught me how to ride, how to survive, and how to pay attention. Because of him, my ability to continue to keep House Terrick safe simply by means of staying alive has been secured. However, there's more that he's taught me. He's taught me to think, and for that he is my closest confidant. My father's word is ultimate, but his differing perspective is vital to me. |
Jarod Rivers: Bastard or not, Jarod is my blood and my brother, and if House Terrick ever goes to war, I will feel that much safer with Jarod at my side. We have grown together, and House Terrick is much stronger than any other lord would expect with him on our side. I cannot change what he is, but I can continue to support what he wants to be. He is my brother, and I love him. |
Lady Lucienne Terrick: My sister is yet unwed, but I would keep her forever at Terrick's Roost. She's innocent, sweet, caring, and has always been there for me. Where my uncle is my true mentor, she is my true conscience, and has always been willing to listen to my woes. I love her, dearly. |
Lord Jacsen Terrick: <tbd> |
Mistress Thea Damsen: <tbd> |
Raffton Howell: <tbd> |
House Mallister (Thoughts on Mallister will go here) |
Lord Ser Jason Mallister: <tbd> |
House Frey The cold, hard truth about House Frey is that due to the taxing of the river traffic they have a LOT of coin, and with that coin they've chosen to have more military power than their overlords, the Tullys. This…is a problem. I'm not quite sure if Walder just wants to be left alone or if he is simply happy being a brick wall that has the clout to make House Tully careful in their dealings, but the Freys are practically a major house unto themselves. If Tully fell…we would be likely forced to bend the knee to the Twins. |
Lord Walder Frey: My opinion of Lord Frey is simple. He has many wives, names most of his children "Walda" or "Walder", and he tends to like his wives young and quivering with fear. I thank the seven nightly I was not born a son of his. He comes across to me as a dirty, foul, cruel old man. |
Ser Wayland Frey: <tbd> |
Lady Igara Frey: <tbd> |
House Nayland My family has had a long standing feud with the Naylands of Hag's Mire. At the tourneys, our smallfolk cheer against their smallfolk, and you occasionally hear of Terrick/Nayland taunting causing brawls amongst the smallfolk. Because of this I have to do my part to not goad the people into doing this or else it might be suggested that the Lords of Terrick's Roost themselves are propagating the feud. Because of this you will never hear me complain about how House Nayland stinks like the bog they come from, and how I think it's awkward that they paint their coat of arms with their ugly, disease ridden hag-wives. Walder Frey wouldn't bed one of them, and neither should anyone else. |
Lord Rickart Nayland: Father says that he is a coward and a heartless bastard. I've learned much of Lord Rickart from my father and the stories passed down from our maester, though I've never met the man personally. Father makes him sound worse than Lord Walder Frey, and until I know differently I will treat this man with the same caution I'd give a starved lizard-lion. May we never meet. |
Lady Valda Tordane: At the moment I wish I could take this woman by the shoulders and shake her until her head sits on straight. What is she thinking? Not only is she pissing on her husband's wishes and her daughter's happiness, but she's doing it for a house that will put her into service. Mark my words, if Isolde is wed to a Nayland, Stonebridge will become a cold, unloved place, warmed only by the fire that their servants are forced to prepare. She will regret this, and I aim to forgive her if she ends this nonsense and chooses right once more. |
Ser Rygar Neyland: This son of the bitch had the balls to deliver a Stonebridge warrant knowing damned well that it would force me to either buckle before him in front of my smallfolk or dig my heels in the dirt and tell him to kiss that deformed wench on his shield. I decided the latter, which I'm sure he'll use to every last bit of his advantage. Aside from Valda herself, this is the man I credit with upsetting the peace, and he's likely bedding Valda herself. As of now, I pray he someday finds himself burning. |
Lady Isolde Tordane of Stonebridge: Our fathers promised each other's hand in marriage when we were young. Over the years this seemed to be a given, and that all we needed to do was decide when the joining was going to happen. However, her mother, Lady Valda decided that she was through with waiting and has set a horsecart full of shit in motion. By Seven I want this woman. I want her to be my bride and I want her to bear my children. She would be a kind ruler, and would rest well and be a joy at my father's table. What hurts even more is that she loves me as well. |
Ser Brennan Wallace: Ser Brennan Wallace is an iron fist and a cruel man, and is the basis of everything bitter and seething that I would not want to see in my own Lord's Justice. |
Young Lord Ryker Nayland: What can I say about this man? I'm rather conflicted. He is a Nayland, but unlike Rygar he didn't seem interested in flaunting the swayed Tordane loyalty and his impending marriage to Isolde in my face. Instead, he came to speak with me, offering a truce of sorts. I meant what I told him though; him and I would never be friends, but we could be good neighbors, so long as the peace is kept. We'll see, Ryker…we shall see. |
Lady Tenysa Nayland: <tbd> |
Young Lord Rowan Nayland: Ah, my brother's squire. Our family has been at odds with the Naylands for ages, and for one of them to train with Terrick was rather uncomfortable at first. Rowan's been up here for years, and I wonder just how thick that Nayland blood in his veins has become after all this time. There are times that I forget and see Rowan as one of us, but the true shame is that I cannot forget that one day everything Jarod teaches Rowan will one day result in the lad taking arms as Ser Rowan. Will Rowan remember his days with us fondly, or will he take what he's learned as weapon to spill Terrick blood? |
House Valentin From out of nowhere comes Oldstones, a new house with a new lord to the region. I've heard that the place was a ruins, once a powerful seat. I've heard that it was passed down to Cyric Valentin and down to his son. The Riverlands was a series of simple, well-documented elements until Oldstones emerged, and they could either turn out to be good neighbors or an element that tips the scales. I pray that they come in peace, though it's near impossible to read the face of the sons and daughters of people you've never met. I will treat them with suspicion until they've proven to be trustworthy. |
Lord Ser Anton Valentin I know very little of this man, aside from the fact that he is polite, seems to have eyes for my sister, and is quite possibly the next Jaime Lannister with the sword. I watched him fight both my uncle and my brother in the tourney, and although my family were tired, he fended them off on his own. Let's hope he's slower with true, sharpened steel. |
Anneke Steward <tbd> |
Ser Gedeon Rivers: <tbd> |
House Camden Tall Oaks has remained quiet since the rebellion, and likely for good reason. They've been good, quiet neighbors, but their neutrality and isolationism has cost them in ambition where other houses have gained simply by being accessible. I see that era coming to an end, though I do hope they maintain a more neutral posture…or at the very least find friends at Terrick's Roost. |
Lord Sarojyn Camden: I've met the man, and from what I've witnessed he is proof that the pragmatism of Tall Oaks is a familial trait he shares with Liliana. He says he wants to see the peace kept, which is something him and I share as a personal interest. He's also offered Tall Oaks as a meeting place for diplomatic affairs, which is a fine idea. If his true intention is to remain neutral and to keep the peace, then when I am Lord of Terrick's Roost I will continue to sleep well knowing that our northern borders will stay quiet. |
Lord Dafydd Camden: <tbd> |
Lady Alyse Camden: <tbd> |
Mistress Damara Kells: <tbd> |
Lady Liliana Camden: Two years I've known her. She's always been a strange mystery being so well versed in the use of a bow, wearing breeches when she ranges, and knows all sorts of herbal remedies that our maester does (and doesn't, I presume). While by title she is a lady, she is far from delicate, yet she seems to still hold a vein of gentleness to her. Rare indeed. |
Ser Kevan Tierney: It was I who took Kevan's oath into house, and it was I who released him from it. Damn the truth of the situation, I wish it would have never come to what it did. Though when he told me that someone needed to stand up to the Greyjoys, I knew I had to release him. Though I agreed wholly with him, I could not allow House Terrick to be forced at banner against Greyjoy so quickly. A sad day, one that I regreed. |
Lady Anais Banefort: Anais and I have been betrothed to wed after our fathers finished their negotiations. In some ways she is still very much a stranger to me, and her mannerisms are much more direct than mine. Still, she has a love of stories of Sirens and Mermaids as I have my Dragons and Kingsguard. We share these little moments of connection and narrowed eyes, and I think she holds back a great deal of bravery. I do hope she will enjoy this marriage, as I am enjoying her company more with every passing second. |
Squire Caytiv Hill: <tbd> |
Amelia of Seagard Amelia, Amelia, Amelia. You want the truth? Amelia is beautiful, easy to talk to, and…well…talented. Her and I spent a night together nearly four years ago when she was new in Terrick's Roost. We've not spent a night together since for good reason, but we speak from time to time in the main room of the inn. She has an uncanny eye for the bigger picture, and seems to love Terrick's Roost as much as I do. Whore or not, she's an asset to our people, and I would see her safe. |
Tym Rivers Tym's a good man. He's the assistant to the best smith in Terrick's Roost, and is regularly seen at Four Eagles Tower making deliveries of raw materials, horse shoes, and offering other goods for purchase by my family. He's an honest one, which is something that both makes me laugh and makes me appreciative of his manner of speaking. Of course, I could never be so blunt, but when I ask him to be he delivers. |
Septon Josse <tbd> |
Master Stragen Stone This man mystifies me. He is a barbarian, so his mannerisms are so damned strange. I met him as he was preparing frogs for a ritual, claiming we all had to help him catch escaped frogs lest we all be doomed. For the moment I wondered if it was some sort of ploy to urge nobles to chase frogs (which I hadn't done in years), but it the man was actually serious about it. Now he's in service to Terrick, as is his sword. Is he a tamed creature? I'm not sure, but it will definitely be better to see his sword on our side of the battlefield one day. |
Septa Ilya: <tbd> |
Eyrian Garak She and I met the day the Terrick entourage traveled to Stonebridge for the tourney and funeral of Tordane vassaldom. She's quite talented, and deeply insightful. The night before the tourney she played a song for me, and her words told me that she understood exactly why I did what others would consider foolish. It's one life that I have. Some things are worth fighting against, even to a loss. |
Nys Perla <tbd> |
Faith and Spirituality |
I'm…not so sure about the Old Gods. I pray to the Seven, and have a great deal of respect for Septons and for the Godsworn. My oaths of knighthood were taken in the eyes of the Seven, and I pray to them before bed each evening. There are still many that go to the weirdwoods and pray to the Old Gods at the white trees, and I have to admit I find them fascinating. It's such a quiet, strange faith that has no septs or rites that I'm aware of. |
War for the Throne |
King Aerys Targaryen the second was a madman. Even his own Kingsguard turned against him, as did many of his vassals. Father says that it was our bound duty to fight alongside our noble Lords, the Tullys of Riverrun, and I agree. The Tullys sided with the honorable houses of Stark and Baratheon and ousted a murderous tyrant, and we should do well to acknowledge the peace that was achieved through the war. The blood shed to secure peace was a gallon compared to the river that the Targaryens had mind to spill. |
Making the Eight |
Well…two. That trip to Lannisport wasn't uneventful. No one knows about this, though. |
In the stables

Orvus, Jaremy's Destrier

Kellin, Jaremy's Charger
- As a child, wanted to be just like Ser Barristan "The Bold" Selmy
- Was the "muddy, frog collecting" child.
- Loves to eat pheasant, hare, fish, and boar. Isn't a large fan of aurochs unless it's in large strips of steak. He also isn't a very large fan of lizard-lion and other stranger cuts, like frog and pigeon. He considers eating pigeon like eating rat.
- Wears his spurs often, mostly because they signify him as a knight, making him more approachable by his station. However, it also makes it easy for him to mount a horse at a moment's notice.
- Favors the colors purple, gold, yellow, black, gray, and rich greens.
- Though his uncle, Revyn, explained it well to him, he has awkward feelings on the rebellion. His house committed, which would have been an honor, but to strike against the king is also treasonous.