Olivia Wilde as Isolde Danae |
name: |
Isolde Danae |
house: |
Nayland |
father: |
Geoffrey Tordane |
mother: |
Valda Tordane nee Frey |
spouse: |
Ryker Nayland(d) |
issue: |
Ryker Nayland II(d) |
gender: |
Female |
age: |
22 |
height: |
5'9" |
weight: |
125 lbs |
eyes: |
Green |
hair: |
Dark brown |
honorific: |
Lady |
title: |
Lady of Stonebridge |
position: |
Lady to Stonebridge |
predecessor: |
Geoffrey Tordane |
heir: |
None |
Isolde, now a young woman of nearing on one and twenty years was born in the heat of summer to Geoffrey and Valda Tordane in the year of 267. The second child, her elder brother Geonis was the heir apparent to the household and the holdings of Stonebridge that are key to the commerce of the Riverlands.
Her mother was from the noble house Frey, the youngest of three daughters. Isolde's father in his own right held on to the small noble name that was his own. He had a younger sister Arianna. The House of Tordane had a long standing allegiance to House Terrick and in her father's time, they became bannersworn to the Lord of Four Eagles Tower. To help solidify this close relationship, Arianna married Lord Terrick's younger brother, Revyn; bringing the houses closer together. Lord Terrick had an heir, Jaremy and when Isolde was born several years later, it was whispered of a possible arrangement for the two. It would not be till they were six and seven that the father's promised the two young noble children to each other.
Despite all these promises made by father's, Isolde grew up in the company of both the heir of Terrick and the bastard son Jarod. She was fond of both. The fact her adored aunt Arianna lived at Four Eagles Tower only made the place and lands something special to her. Much of her childhood was spent with the brothers and getting into trouble in the greens of Terrick's Roost along the coastline.
Darkness often finds it's way into happiness, but this was much later and when she was sixteen; the rebellion began. House Terrick joined the rebels and because of a bannersworn oath, Geoffrey and his young son of twenty years, Geonis, road into battle beneath Tordane colors. They would die under those same colors to leave a widow, mother, daughter and sister to fend for that very name.
The two men were remembered and honored at Four Eagles Tower on Terrick lands. But from that day, words meant nothing and promises of fathers would go unnoted. Valda had other designs for her daughter and the fate of Stonebridge was wound about the only Tordane heir left.
Gedeon, her half-brother returned, claiming Stonebridge as his own. This led to a great many conflicts and ended with the houses being summoned to Lord Hoster Tully's home at Riverrun to discuss the legitmacy of Gedeon's claim and Isolde's noble standing. Gedeon's claim was supported and Isolde was not stripped of her title. This tore the Terricks and Naylands asunder further.
The Ironborn invaded, striking deep against the land and wounding the Houses, specifically the Terricks. In early spring, not long after the invasion was turned away, Ryker fell ill and died. This was a telling blow to Isolde and left her mournful. Her dearest friend and confidante stolen from her. She is searching for his killer, she knows it was not natural for such a hale and hardy man to fall so easily.
Recently the Lady of Stonebridge has fallen ill during childbirth. Her newborn son did not last long and she has remained in her bed the days after the loss, recovering and mourning yet another life taken from her.
Gedeon gone as well, Isolde stands once again as sole heir to Stonebridge save for the tiny infant son that is Gedeon's and Danae's. The future is an uncertain one.
RP Hooks
- Isolde is now the Lady of Stonebridge. The lands have switched hands from Terrick to Nayland.
- Close to house Terrick, Isolde knows much of what goes on.
- A great horse rider, Isolde will often be found racing others.
- Skilled in medicine and midwifery, she helps even the commonfolk with problems when she can.
- Isolde is concerned for her 'people'.
Lord Ryker Nayland : The heir to Nayland and her late husband. |
Lady Valda Tordane : Isolde's mother and only immediate family member still alive. Valda has designs for her daughter. |
Lord Ser Revyn Terrick : Family only by marriage. Revyn Terrick married Arianna Tordane, her father's younger sister. |
Lady Igara Frey : My Aunt when it comes to it, yet we call each other cousin. She is my Lady in Waiting. |
Lord Ser Wayland Frey : Distantly related cousins in that Frey way. Wayland has been the Lady's personal sworn and companion since her birth. |
Ser Gedeon Rivers : Late brother. |
Physical Features
Tall and slender the Lady Isolde of Tordane is. Nearing the height of most men, the lady born to a lesser house is a rare beauty amongst the country lords of the Riverlands. Chocolate brown hair falls down the sides of her face, playfully brushing over her eyes and cheekbones as the strands come to a stop far past her shoulders. Her face is pleasant, complete with soft, mauve lips and a pair of haunting green eyes that rest behind a field of thick, dark eyelashes. The essential maiden in appearance, her slender body lacks noticeable imperfections, a testament to being kept safely away from the rocky, muddy world outside of her window.
Allies and Foes
In the practice of tolerance, one's enemy is the best teacher.
Dalai Lama
House Tordane A lesser house among greater holdings, my father his before have ruled Stonebridge for as long as was recorded. Never to seek power more than what has been had before, it comes in the control of the bridge and riverways that make up the entire town. Though lesser in standing, this hold has given rise to marriages to higher houses. Terrick, Frey, and others as well. We have never taken more than we have needed from our subjects and that is what has kept us strong. What winds will come with the loss of the last nameholding heir? I can not carry this for my father, I was not born or blessed with that ability. |
Lady Valda Tordane: There is much bitterness between us, yet there is some measure of understanding that is growing once more in the deep wound that has been left by past few years. She may have a heart, but she hides it and I know not how to speak to her. We still fight each other at every turn, but these past trials have found her at my side. Someone with a heart of ice would not be so eager to offer comfort. |
Ser Gedeon Rivers: Once we were siblings. In our own right together. I am sorry for what was done to you so long ago. But you have changed too much for me to know you or think kindly of you. So I remember the boy and not the man. |
Lady Danae Tordane: Are you truly a Lady? So much has happened and you are now such an uncertain variable. I do not hate you but I can not trust anymore either. |
Mistress Milicent Mason: A delightful, loving woman, Milicent has been in service to house Tordane since before I was born. She played the roll of nursemaid and now that I have grown, tends the hearths and kitchens. She still clucks after me like a mother hen. |
House Terrick The esteem in which I held this House was so great that I would laud it over my own dear Father's name at times. I have been burned far too much by this brand and its fire is far too hot for my liking. Shall I mourn the loss of their aid. I think not. |
Lord Jaremy Terrick: Forgive me my silence. There will be no solace in such a dark shade. |
Lord Heir Jacsen Terrick: Coldness has welled where once fondness resided and I bare some blame to it. Yet the new stole of power that hangs on his shoulders has changed him further and it seems nothing will repair what was lost. Are we to be foes? So foes we shall be. |
Lord Ser Jerold Terrick: As lost to me as my father now is. The man who looked to me as something near a daughter dare not even speak my name. More walls are built slowly each day. |
Ser Revyn Terrick: You were ever so true to me. I will mourn you as long as I live. |
Lady Lucienne Terrick: Sweet, sweet sister. What has become of us. We have lost so much and yet carry on. If you were to come to me, I would shelter you. No this always, though we may not be connected by blood, it makes my care for you no less strong. |
Jarod Rivers: Your decisions…I am uncertain anymore of who you are or what has happened. So much has changed. I suppose I should only hope that you are happy. |
Lady Anais Terrick: A Terrick more than she realizes. |
Lady Evangeline Terrick: The mother of Jerold's children and often the woman I sought to learn from when my times were spent in the Roost. I found both her direct and indirect instruction something I was missing from my own mother. I found peace in her presence and a reassurance in her knowledge. I shall miss her. |
Mallister: Soon to come. |
Frey: My mother's House, they are nearly as needy and wanting as the Nayland's - sometimes worse. They look for advantages and extort them and it is through the large household they hold so many ties with so many others. I am beginning to see the Frey in my mother come out more so day after day. |
Lady Igara Frey: A frail thing at first appearance, she has since become a wonder to me. Strong in spirit, she has the will of a powerful woman and the tenacity of a cat. Ruthless within her innocence. Through all of this she has been nothing but dear to me but yet, I am wary of those claws. Where have you gone my sweet cousin? When I need you the most. |
Lord Ser Wayland Frey: A strong knight, trained and loved by my father, Wayland is a dear friend. He has watched over me since I can remember and still does. His heart I fear, is far too tender but his devotion may yet keep him pieced together. All my allies have so swiftly disappeared. But by who's doing. Will you find me again, my gentle guardian? |
House Nayland The foe of House Terrick, they have been Tordane's opposition since my father's oath to Lord Jerold. For this I was grateful but I never understood til now. I have come to know them more and more intimately and with visits to Hag's Mire. Though they all share a house name, each is so very different. It becomes more apparent each day and in their cunning, they have earned my respect. There is still a place for me here, I must find it. |
I:When push comes to shove I am learning to give a shove back. Defend what you love and keep what you can. Believe in those that believe in you and never allow your back to your enemy. Sometimes it takes just a little bit of selfish preservation to protect all that you are. |
Young Lord Ryker Nayland:My late husband. The loss of your ear and steady hand has left me bereft in a sea of uncertainty. You were my strength and my dearest friend in the midst of chaos. The Seven keep you kindly in your repose, for I will ever mourn the loss of your presence amongst the living. |
Lord Rickart Nayland: My goodfather and now overseer while he yet rules in Hag's Mire. There is a measure of warmth in him but it is only given when he is obeyed. I may very well be wearing on him the weathered bear. What he will do with me now, I can not say. |
Lady Dowager Rebekkah Nayland: Lady grandmother and wiser than most of her kin. She keeps to her silence and tends it well til there is a moment where she can speak a barb or a well placed jest to someone elses pain. She is tired, that much is certain. Tired of the discension amongst her kin and mostly the inept ruling of Rickart as she sees it. She may be a rough spinster, but I like her. |
Ser Rygar Nayland: Cool and collected, he is what every Lord wishes to present before his enemy. Unreadable as any other, he chills me as I can not see beyond that placid exterior. Where once I would have turned from whatever true colors he may have shown me, there is much to learn from the dower knight. |
Lord Rutger Nayland: Strange and disturbing, the quiet fortitude of strength that resides in the yellow eyed son of Rickart. He is the younger to Ryker, but not by many years and as many of the Nayland sons - he seeks to prove himself. He is strangely calming, but unnerving in the same respect. I can not help to feel out of place near him or in his presence, but his counsel is sound no matter the case. |
Ser Riordan Nayland: Always a boon in my hour of need. If it was not for you, I would likely have fallen further into darkness. For this, I can not thank you enough and for that reason as well, I could never ask of you what you could not give. |
Lord Rafferdy Nayland: TBD |
Ser Brennan Wallace: A man who believes only in himself. Cold is too kind of a word for this man. Though sworn to House Nayland, there may yet come a day where he is sworn only to himself. Sometimes I think he already is. |
Young Lord Rowan Nayland: The world is such a strange place. Would that you be happy if only for Jarod's sake. |
Mistress Senna Delacort: Rygar's secret little bird who chirps for him as she will. She is a woman of a comely face and makes certain to use that to her advantage. I do not yet know how to trust one such as her. |
Mistress Iulia Dewherst: My lady's maid Asha was not performing as needed and Iulia has been given the task of my well being. I like her, she seems to enjoy my rides when I find time to get astride my horse any longer and I have found a good companion in her. I have decided that in such cases, she shall attend lessons as such that I have set for myself - if she so like. |
Myself: blah |
Amelia of Seagard Appearances are never what they seem and Amelia has proven to me the value of every man and woman once more. To live as she does with such hope after such a lifetime of sacrifice, it allows me to understand that we all have our own problems to bear. Press on oh Miss. You stand not alone. |
Stragen Stone A hired sword that aided my father in the battle against the Mad King. Fjall brought them home to us and gave me the greatest gift any man ever has. A tale of their glory, no matter how unlikely. I have not seen him since I was sixteen. |
Septon Josse A man of good nature in service to the Seven. Never was there a kinder soul and I enjoy his company. I may know the basics of medicine from my mother, but it is through constant study and visits by the Septon that I have learned more. If there was anyone to confide in, it would be he. |
Ser Kell Drakmoor: A man of interesting background who has traveled quite further than many of our knights in the Riverland. He is a visitor and for now keeps the company of a Banefort and travels yet to the Roost. It is his serious taking to his oaths as a knight that make him rather…special. I offered him Nayland colors, but he wished to learn more of the land. |
Faith and Spirituality |
The Seven watch over all, they make the world turn and move. They guide us even when we care not to listen. My only worry is that they are not listening to me in turn. |
War for the Throne |
To be glad that was, was undone. But my life changed because of this war. House Tordane is no more and stands on the brink of extinction. It is a dangerous game to play now, this game of ascension amongst the houses. The war has proven nothing lasts, even dynasties. But more importantly, I lost two of the men in my life to that war and must, in their absence stand the tests that are struck before me. |
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