Page 132: Iron vs Steel
Iron vs. Steel
Summary: Young Lord Riordan Nayland boasts a good game against the Lady Kathryn Harlaw, but when blades meet in a late night spar, the lord is taught he is still perhaps just a whelp. Fortunately, the Lady Alyse is on hand to ensure his pretty face does not badly bruise.
Date: 11/24/288
Related Logs: None
Kathryna Riordan Alyse 
Upstream Landing — Stonebridge
The waters here are more adequately described as a stream or tributary and thus the boats moored here are of the smaller variety. Two or three dozen of them with sails and even small dinghies and rowboats are tied up along the wooden docks. Sailing farther downstream takes one to Seagard while upstream to the north leads to the Green Fork and The Twins.
Thursday November 11, 288

The sun set a bit ago, but that hasn't detered the Ironborn from coming to the only place in these warm, grassy lands that feels like home — the docks. Kate's appearance in the Roost was a shock to most people, but grudgingly accepted. This much further in land? She's getting little more than cold looks and even some threats. Women hide children behind their skirts when she passes on the street. So, Kate's come down to the docks just to lose herself in silent contemplation. Yes, it does seem Ironborn -can- think, not just fight! She's settled upon a pillar of the docks, her thin, muscled frame perched on the round wood like some sort of bird, perfectly balanced and framed in the moonlight. She might look like some ghost, with her white blonde hair, pale skin and ice eyes. But ghosts don't breathe, do they?

The docks, which are usually empty come night call, seem to be a tad bit more busy than usual this time of night. There is another approaching the docks, slowly and casually. This person is not Ironborn by any streath of the imagination. No, he is a Nayland. Riordan Nayland to be exact. The wooden planks of the dock creak slightly as his feet pad along at his casual pace. His gaze locks in on the other person at the docks, and her adjusts his course to intersect with said person, approaching them steadily.

Kathryna might seem to be lost in thought, but the fine line of tension in her body also speaks of her being paranoid pretty much, well, constantly. Therefore, the orientation of a body in her direction and the approach through the light crowd is more than enough to draw her sharp, ice eyes in his direction. Frozen palor meets with rich brown as her eyes flash on Riordan's gazes. She cocks a single, thin brow, not calling out a greeting yet or even bowing her head to him, but she watches every step he makes as he finishes crossing to her, if he does. Did he really mean to come in her direction?

Looking at the lone person, Riordan tilts his head as well, finally makes his approach. "Well, well…what is this?" While he may sound interested, his eyes show portray more of boredom than anything. "And what are we doing down here all by ourselves at night?" He pauses and looks around. "There aren't all that many people about. It's uncommon to find others about."

Looking at the lone person, Riordan tilts his head as well, finally makes his approach. "Well, well…what is this?" While he may sound interested, his eyes show portray more of boredom than anything. "And what are we doing down here all by ourselves at night?" He pauses and looks around. "There aren't all that many people about. It's uncommon to find others about."

What is -this-? Kate stares at the boy, well, young man, a smirk dancing across her full lips. Now that he's closer, he can probably confirm she's -actually- a woman, despite lacking shape to her body and the fact that she's in leathers, pants and a long coat with a sword at her side. The crest on the back of her coat might hint to him why she's dressed as such, if he recognizes such heraldy. She clears her throat quietly, sitting just a bit straighter and orienting herself to half face him without jumping down off of the log pillar yet. "This is a woman watching the water trade in this little after thought of a town." She mutters huskily, voice raspy from years of shouting across decks. "And I think you got your answer to the second question as well. I am more than capable of protecting myself at night, especially from the like of whelps as you." She smirks again.

A laugh emits from Riordan as he shakes his head. "Well, if you wish to put your sword skills against mine, just name the time and the place." He walks around her for a moment and tilts his head. "My lady. I didn't realize that there was nobility of your…persuasion my brother's, well, his 'little after thought of a town'." He chuckles. "You're a little far from home, don't you think? Take a wrong turn at a river fork did we?"

A laugh emits from Riordan as he shakes his head. "Well, if you wish to put your sword skills against mine, just name the time and the place." He walks around her for a moment and tilts his head. "My lady. I didn't realize that there was nobility of your…persuasion my brother's, well, his 'little after thought of a town'." He chuckles. "You're a little far from home, don't you think? Take a wrong turn at a river fork did we?"

The offer of a duel, even if it's just to keep in shape, draws a glint of genuine interest from Kate's pale eyes. Her head tilts to the side, momentarily surprised that a man of this land would offer to fight a woman. She takes a moment to look him up and down, perhaps reevaluating the 'whelp' that has approached her on this dark mid-evening. "Your words are… Intriguing. I have not had a good fight since coming to these soft lands, in truth. Part of me worries my body will rust quicker than my blade." She confesses earnestly, calloused fingertips coming to momentarily rest upon the hilt of her long sword. "As for this town, I was just seeing the land, in truth. I am what you might call a… Diplomatic emmissary to the Terrick's." Her nose practically sneers at the word diplomat. But she is trying. "One of our men was killed under their guise a few months back. I've come for reparations. If we can work this matter out… perhaps… there would be hope for future… Discussions."

Smirking ever so slightly, Riordan raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. Yes, he is surprising man in a few respects, some might say. "Intruiging? Well, I suppose that is one word for what I just said." He laughs. "Well, if I'm not mistaken, your people are known as fighters, are they not? I'm surprised you're not off somewhere practicing right this moment!" His arms drop after a moment, a hand absently resting on the pommel of his sword. "The Terricks? You are here as an emmissary to the Terricks? You poor, poor woman! They are the most drab, most uninteresting people you'll find! And they don't know a proper fight if they're being stabbed by the finest warriors in the land!"

The pale woman tilts her head just a hint more, trying to figure out of the man is mocking her with exaggeration or if he -actually- means all the things he's saying, he just speaks normally with such gusto. A husky, low sort of laugh escapes her throat. "I have found the men of this soft land hesitate to fight a woman… whether it is out of fear of beating her or of she beating them, I have not yet figured. I suspect it is a bit of both. If you are not afeared, we should find an open way and I will show you what sort of fighters my people are." It's not meant as a threat, even if there is something a bit sharp behind her tone. Kate speaks in simple facts. "And yes… they are so drab they do not actually seem to exist at the moment, even, so I have explored on from that quiet land."

"Part of it has to do with the fact that most of our women in this 'soft land', as you call it, are not trained to fight. So, for a man, especially one who is trained to fight and to kill, it would give him an unfair advantage over the woman who knows not, or knows little about, what she is doing!" Riordan attempts to explain. "I'm not afraid to go up against you, as I assume you know what you're doing. Who knows, you may even be better than I, but we'll not know, truly, until we ourselves fight each other. I would very much like to see the fighting styles of your people. I have seen a few of you in our lands, but I've not had many a chance to actually go up against one."

"Part of it has to do with the fact that most of our women in this 'soft land', as you call it, are not trained to fight. So, for a man, especially one who is trained to fight and to kill, it would give him an unfair advantage over the woman who knows not, or knows little about, what she is doing!" Riordan attempts to explain. "I'm not afraid to go up against you, as I assume you know what you're doing. Who knows, you may even be better than I, but we'll not know, truly, until we ourselves fight each other. I would very much like to see the fighting styles of your people. I have seen a few of you in our lands, but I've not had many a chance to actually go up against one."
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

Well, that settles it. Kate leaps down off of her perch with a smooth spring of well muscled body. There isn't really an inch of softness on her, every muscle toned and perfectly lithe. It means she doesn't look like much of a woman, but that doesn't seem to bother her. She nods curtly to him, "Very well, whelp. I suppose I could show you a thing or two, no doubt." She flashes him a smile of mostly white teeth, leather clad feet padding over wooden dock so she stands just a touch closer to him, "And what shall I call you? Just incase I beat you unconscious, I know where to carry your poor body and tuck ye into bed." She winks a moment, the words as teasing as they are threatening. She does not seem one to pull a blow.

"Now now, my dearest woman from the Iron Isles, don't you want an audience for this? Just so people will know that, when I beat you, our sword training is truly the best in all the lands?" Riordan says with a smirk on his face. "And if you beat me, people will know that you are the superior fighter. If they don't see who wins, either of us could just make up a ridiculous story of winning when we actually really lost! And I know I wouldn't want YOU to be spready rumours of beating me when I was the one who won the fight!"

"Now now, my dearest woman from the Iron Isles, don't you want an audience for this? Just so people will know that, when I beat you, our sword training is truly the best in all the lands?" Riordan says with a smirk on his face. "And if you beat me, people will know that you are the superior fighter. If they don't see who wins, either of us could just make up a ridiculous story of winning when we actually really lost! And I know I wouldn't want YOU to be spready rumours of beating me when I was the one who won the fight!"

Kathryna actually rolls her eyes as he says that, her arms folding across her chest, a bit more stiff than before. She sets her jaw quietly. "I did not say yes to sparring with you to show off in front of the land. I could care less what they think about my fighting skills. The only time my skills matter is when I am in a fight with -them- and then they will see for themselves. I said yes so you and I could both practice in a time our lives are not on the line. I am not any young braggart who needs the whole town to see his triumph over a woman. Now, whelp, are you willing to take up a sword for the sake of making yourself better with a blade, or do you only do it for glory?" Kate asks flatly, skepticism in her arctic eyes.

Riordan actually yawns during the little speech. "I was not asking for you to give me a little rant about fighting and practicing with the sword. I get enough endless, pointless rants from commoners and the Terricks." He says nonchalantly. "And for your information, there's nothing wrong with doing it for the glory. In fact, that's how you get better known for doing it." His nose twitches slightly as he gazes lackadaisically over at the woman. "I never said I wouldn't, I just suggested having an audience."

"You still haven't given me your name, young man." Kate looks him up and down, assessing just how muscled the man might be. Her brows furrow, "…Why… do you care to be known for doing it? What does it matter if someone knows you can weild a sword or not? The only time it matters is when they themselves have their sword at your throat." Kate does genuinely seem perplexed by this in it for the glory thing. Perhaps she's playing dumb or perhaps she genuinely doesn't care. "And I simply do not think I will be in town long enough for you to gather your mummer's crowd. I have plans on riding out with the morning's light."

"I am Lord Riordan Nayland, at your service." Riordan offers the woman a little bow. "And what might yours be, my good lady?" He smiles to her softly. "We've got competitions in our land, to see who is the best at something. For example, I have been in many jousting competitions, and I've done fairly well for myself as well. It is to distinguish the various skill levels that people are at in regard to something in particular. In this case, sword fighting." He brings his arms up and crosses them once again. "If that is the case, than it is how it is. There is nothing we can do about it. Mere practice it shall have to be."

So he -is- a noble whelp. Kate expected as much, but his name brings a few flickering moments of amusement to her pale face. She nods curtly to him, offering her hand to shake like some back room business deal might. She is not one to curtsey. "Lady Kathryna Harlaw… Kate is fine, though, when not in formal court. It is good to meet you, young Lord Riordan." If he takes her hand, her grip is as strong as her small form looks and calloused along her sword's grip. She's practiced long and hard with that blade. "And yes, I know what such competitions are, I simply do not care for them."

Noble, yes. Whelp, maybe. Great at sword fighting, perhaps not. Riordan has, of course, got practice with the sword, and knows how to fight, but he much prefers being on horse and having something akin to a lance. "Lady Kathryna. It is a pleasure." It seems he may not quite be taking the 'Kate' comment into consideration. Taking her offered hand in a shake, his own hand is firm in the shake as well. "I enjoy competitions. It takes away from my usually boring lordly duties."

Kathryna firmly pumps his hand twice before letting go, her handshake as business like as most everything else about her. Her passions seem about as icy as her body. "Well, if your ego can stand not to be in open competition, the offer of a spar tonight is still on the table, Lord. The evening is young and the moonlight bright. They are not ideal conditions, but in a true fight, conditions are truly rarely ideal. Perhaps this is the best time to practice." The husky voiced woman considers, still clearly one thing on Kate's mind and that is practice with her blade.

Riordan lets out another laugh. "I believe I can stand not being in a competition for the time being, my good lady." He grins. "And no, you're quite correct, conditions are very rarely ideal in an actual fight." His hand dropping once more to his sword, only this time it has a better grasp of the pommel. "Would you prefer to name the place, or shall I?"

Kathryna considers this, looking back towards the town. "Mm… I believe there was an open field on the outskirts of town. That should be suitable enough. Shall we?' And without waiting for any real response, Kate turns her back on him and struts up the planks of the dock, moving back to the dry land and towards the town square so they can cross through and to their open field of battle. That is, if he does not take advantage of her open back in the here and now. She does just slightly keep her head cocked to the side, so her ear would be able to catch the sound of a sword being drawn if he would attack her back.

"The field outside of town it is. And yes, please do lead the way." Riordan does not unsheath his sword as they walk toward the field. He does at least have enough honour to wait to do that. In the mean time, he asks, "So, how long to you believe you will be here for? Do you have any hopes of this being resolved quickly?"

Kathryna moves fast through the mostly empty town square, the time of night having dramatically cut down on foot traffic, no doubt. She's nice to watch move, really, in the way a large and dangerous cat might be, all aqualine grace and perfect conservation of movement, though there is something in the rolling gait of her hips that says she's used to walking on sea vessels as much as she is flat and steady land. His question draws a small shrug to her shoulders, "If it's resolved quickly and well, I suspect I may be staying in the Roost as a permanent diplomat. If it is not, well… Who knows what the future will bring."

"Well, I hope you can have an enjoyable time here then. If you are to spend a great amount of time here, that is." Riordan responds softly. "The gods know that your people aren't always seen in the best of light, so perhaps the proper diplomat can shed better light on your being than we have known." He glances about, checking the roads for people. You can never really be too cautious.

Kathryna seems a touch worried about the man behind her as much as she is the road ahead. Or maybe she's just worried about the world in general. It never hurts to be on guard. Despite her short stature, she takes long, fast strides, covering ground quickly to that open field at the edge of town, bathed in enough moonlight she should at least be able to somewhat see her opponent. She considers the weeds, but they only come up to her mid leg. She gives a curt little nod. "This should do just fine. And yes, perhaps a proper diplomat can."

Looking around, Riordan nods. "Yes, this should be fine indeed." He draws his sword out, the blade geaming slightly in the moonlight. "I do wish you the best of luck, really. May the best of swords people win?" He smiles slightly, getting into a stance and waiting for Kathryna to be ready before making any attempt.

Riordan bows his head in a nod. "Of course. No mortal wounds. We don't want to have to patch ourselves up again." He agrees. And like Kate, he'd had quietly hoped that that was understood. Twirling his sword in his hands, he awaits the sparring to begin. It would appear that he's not much of one to do warming up before the spar begins.

The woman starts with a dramatic, clear slice in the direction of his sword arm, the blow meant to put enough force behind it to try and disarm him before the fight even begins. For her small body, she's got a good bit of power in her body and blade, but she is probably over estimating her strength in compare to him. He is taller and more masculine, after all.

It would seem that Riordan had prepared himself for said technique, and he is able to bounce back quite quickly. Their blades clink against one another and he blocks her sword. "You're going to have to do better than that if you expect to beat me. I mean, really. After all that…talk…" He blocks her attack once more. "I thought I was going to have more more…" Clink-clink! "Of a fight on my hands!"

Kate gives a bit of an approving laugh as he doesn't lose his sword on the first attack and actually manages to knock her back a wee bit more for the block of his blade. "I was just testing you, whelp! Didn't want to take your arm out of it's socket if you weren't ready for me! I'm glad you see you are!" Indeed, there is clear pleasure in her husky voice that he is holding his own against her sword. She swings her blade around against to the others side, trying to keep him on the defensive now, drive him back and make him lose ground.

Riordan lets out a little laugh of his own. "Ha! Like you could even do that. From what I've seen so far…" Clink-clink! "You're not such as great as you believe you are!" He grins. However, he is driven back a little bit, though not by much too much. He raises an eyebrow and wiggles it a little. "Well well, maybe I spoke too soon!"

Out of nowhere, a soft voice cuts through the night. "I'm here if anyone needs an arm put back in said socket." There's some amusement in the woman's voice… for it -does- belong to a woman… Settling down nearby, apparently intent on watching, is a dark-haired Lady with bright hazel eyes. Over her shoulder is a middle-aged Sworn sword with a longsuffering expression… And a ready hand on his sword. Both clad in the Camden colours, there's little doubt as to whom they belong.

Unfortunately for Riordan, he does get slightly distracted by the voice. Not as distracted as to drop his sword, but he does get pushed back a few feet because of it. His sword clinks agains the other one just as it is about to come down toward his wrist. "Fiesty one, aren't you?" He glances quickly in the direction of the voice once more. Who's that? Someone he knows? He's not entirely sure.

Kathryna hears that voice. She -recognizes- the voice. She grumbles a bit, calling into the night, slightly across her shoulder: "I do hope your sworn is with you, young Lady!" It seems that Dafydd might be rubbing off on Kate, sad for poor Alyse! But Kate doesn't even look to see if the man is there. She smells blood in the water. The slight faltering of her opponent and she slashes in an unconventional move: downward! A few inches deeper, and Riordan might not be able to have children. As is? His belt is sliced firmly in half. Hopefully his pants aren't too large or they might soon be around his ankles.'

Looking down quickly at the belt he lost, Riordan shakes his head. "I guess I'm going to have to actually carry my sword back with me!" He sighs as he goes to block her sword from coming down a second time. He doesn't want to loose his pants, of course! That would just be plain embarrasing. "Well, I'll have to admit…you are actually pretty good…"

"Those little chicken arms of yers could use the work anyway, whelp!" Kate laughs warmly as she says it, though, in the happy heat of battle with a good spar and a good opponent. He wasn't near so bad as she teased him about being, but mentally downdressing one's opponent was half the fun of a good spar! As his pants don't fall down, Kate almost pouts. She, however, uses her nearness to him for a completely unconventional technique. Instead of attacking with her blade, she jerks the hilt of her sword up and crosses him in the jaw. Of course, it means she's -very- near and he can probably get a good blow in too, but that'll leave a bruise!

"Hey now, I wouldn't insult the chicken by comparing my arms to it!" Riordan laughs, attempting to block more of Kathryna's blows. As the blow across his jaw comes, he stumbles backward a few steps. "Now, that wasn't very nice!" He says, working his jaw around. "I need my jaw for talking and eating! I can't let it get too hurt!" And with that, he makes another advance.

Alyse lets her sworn answer for himself. "I am here, my Lady," comes the man's answer. The woman, however, merely shakes her head at the others and watches for now. At length, she stands and paces forward for a better view of the beatdown. "My question is… Can she cut through an arrow? Are you that fast, Lady Kathryna?" she drawls curiously. Hazel eyes are making note of each and every bump and bruise on the man's body… Marking each one with a chiurgeon's analytical gaze.

"Well, if you got to protect that pretty face of yours, I suppose I'll just have to take this!" And, having watched him work, seen the tilt of his arms and the way his wrist works, Kate lingers near enough that she has an almost exact angle to slam her hilt down into his dominant wrist -just- at the point where it should make his whole hand and forearm go numb. Hopefully, she can disarm him without doing any major damage or ever having had to draw blood. If she does, she jerks forward and steps on his blade so he cannot pick it up again, her weapon jerking back up to press flat against the pulse point in his throat. "Yield." She hisses out quietly. "And that would be worth trying, Lady Alyse. I do not know." Kate admits, but her eyes are still sharply on Riordan's.

Alyse narrows her eyes at the sword's tip being pushed against the man's throat. Apparently, this pleases the Camden Lady none at all. But she keeps her silence for now and instead pulls out her bow, fitting the string and preparing to nock an arrow against it. "Perhaps we shall try when you have finished.. testing your mettle..? I promise to shoot past you, but close enough that you can have a chance to cut it out of the air."

Riordan blinks as his sword goes flying from his hands, only finally landing, being blocked by and picked up by Kathryna. "Well, I can tell when I'm at a disadvantage. You are the victor of this little sparring session of our. Now, let us see who it is that is here to shall we?" With the palm of his hand brought up to the sword at his throat, he gently attempts to push the sword away while stepping back. "Lady…Alyse, was it?" He calls over to the person nearby.

Alyse keeps her silence, for now the battle is over. Instead, she pulls out her bow, fitting the string and preparing to nock an arrow against it. "Perhaps we shall try when you have finished.. testing your mettle..? I promise to shoot past you, but close enough that you can have a chance to cut it out of the air."

A pause is taken when her name is called and a curious glance given to Riordan. "Indeed," she says, a mild smile gracing her lips, but not quite warming her eyes. There is an inherent suspicion there.. As if she expects the man to do something he oughtn't at any second. "Did you need treatment first?" she asks, loosening the arrow on the string. "I do not have my full kit here with me, but I have enough to tend to scrapes, cuts and bruises such as you have likely received." Her eyes light on the man's crest and she tacks on a belated "my Lord Nayland."

Kathryna gently pulls her foot off the blade and she beds to scoop it up before tossing it in her hand to carefully catch the actual blade and offer him the hilt. She's careful with it, and even rather comfortable in touching cold steel. "I suppose you are not -such- a whelp. That was a good run, indeed… I appreciate the fight, though. Well played, Lord Nayland." She bows her head respectfully to him, the first time tonight she's shown him any amount of true respect. She then blinks back towards Alyse, frowning at the sight of the bow. "Perhaps not tonight… No need to waste arrows and yes, perhaps see to the young Lord here. It is quite late, I cannot believe you are out!"

"Greetings, my lady." Riordan bows his head to Alyse. "I may be getting a bit of a bruise on my jawline." He states, moving his jaw about a little bit. "And I appreciate that, my Lady Kathryna. It was a good run. And you do your people proud." He smiles slightly. He offers her a little bow in return. "What is a young lady doing on tonight?" He says, turning his attention back to Alyse.

Alyse arches an eyebrow slowly at Kat. The second one rises to join its twin when Riordan joins in. "Am I so youthful that I must be scolded for wandering as if I were yet unflowered?" she muses with a bit of exasperation in her voice. "If my Lord father does not see fit to chastize me for my habits, I see no reason to change my usual patterns." She unstrings her bow and stows it on her back without further comment. "And I am acquainting myself with this holding's lands, lord Nayland," she says coolly. Apparently, the poor man has touched upon a sore spot.

With a soft grunt of a grumble, she reaches to her belt and opens a pouch. Out comes a vial, and she marches up to the man. Grumble mutter grumble gnashing-of-teeth. "Hold still," she says shortly, pouring an ointment onto her fingers and reaching to apply it to the man's jaw. "This will reduce the swelling and help the flesh to heal more swiftly."

Kathryna shakes her head quietly, smirking at the motions, "A good bruise makes you stronger, you know. Pain is good to savour, Lord Riordan, it readies one for further battle. But… if anyone can keep that face of yours pretty, it is young Alyse here." That is genuine praise for the woman's healing skill, even if Kate is still teasing Rio for needing it. She then breathes out slowly, ensuring her own sword is sheathed and her breath is caught. "Lady Alyse Camden, may I present the young Lord Riordan Naylan… Lord Riordan, the young Lady Alyse Camden… She is possibly more trouble than I, but wears a skirt." And yet, that is not an insult from Kate's husky voice. "And Lord Riordan here has more guts than half the land who fear to even raise a sword agains an Ironborn woman. He has given me quite the pleasure this evening." Her brows waggle, those words meant as dirty as they sound.

Having let his sword rest on the ground with the belt and its sheath, Riordan awaits patiently as Alyse applies the mixture to his face. "Thank you…" He mutters to Alyse. With a glance at Kathryna, he smirks and speaks up, "I've had my own share of bruises over the years, in my training as a squire and as a jousting champion." He takes a deep breath in and lets it out slowly. "It is a pleasure to meet you officially, my Lady. And I can only hope that I can live up to the praise given by the Lady over here." He motions to Kathryna.

Alyse looks at Riordan for a long moment, perhaps studying his bumps and bruises, perhaps merely watching the man's face. Abruptly, she moves away, and wipes her fingers on a spare bandage before putting the vial away. "It isn't broken," she says at length. "And that is a blessing. Lady Kathryna must have been pulling her punches." She studies the man again, her hazel eyes narrowed ever so slightly. At length, she lets a slight smile cross her lips. "You're welcome, my Lord," she says gently. She pushes back her hair… which happens to be loose and unrestrained tonight. "If ever you need tending, do seek me out. I am well schooled in the arts of herbalism and chiurgery." Her lips twitch faintly. "I can cut off your limb and make ever such tiny stitches."

Kathryna looks behind her, pressing lips in quiet thought. "That being said… introductions made, and the lady's sworn present, I do think I am going to take my leave. There is good ale in the tavern and I always get thirtsy after a fight. Lady Alyse, always good to see you. Lord Riordan… I hope we meet again before I leave. If not, do come visit in the Roost? At least you will be somewhat more amusing that the bloody, non-existant Terricks." Kate smirks to herself, giving them both a small salute before she turns on the ball of her leather soled boot and heads off back to the road and soon to the tavern. Ale ahoy!

"Well…isn't that something…" Riordan says, clearning his throat. "Lady Kathryna. It was a pleasure. And perhaps I should be heading back into town myself…I've got a belt that I need to find a servant to fix…or, pending that, have the servant find me a new one." He smiles a little. He turns to Alyse. "Lady Alyse. Would you care for an escort somewhere? I'm sure you'll be fine, but I don't mind seeing you to…wherever you had planned to go next."

Riordan's offer is considered for a moment 'ere Alyse slowly inclines her head. "I daresay Hwyl would welcome the relief," she says at last. She pauses and looks at Kathryna. "Be well, Lady," she says calmly. Hazel eyes return to Rio. "But you must keep up. I do not linger long." She glances about and frowns. "There really is too much sky," she says softly as she starts off into the fields.