I Am Merciful |
Summary: | Aleister is summoned before Lord Walder Frey |
Date: | 8 Oct 2012 |
Related Logs: | None |
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The Twins |
The Twins |
8 Oct 289 |
The walls of the meeting chamber are dank and drab, devoid of tapestries, as a chill seems almost ever present upon the air. While not one of the more utilized rooms in the keep, it appears to have been dusted off for this express meeting - perhaps sheerly for the fact there are no visible breakables or weapons for which the elder lord to make use of should his temper get the better of him.
A large chair with intricate carvings sits upon a slightly raised stone dais, the weasley shriveled lord firmly seated within it as he glowers at those of his guards present. The foul mood can be smelled from clearly down the hall as the majority of the servants seem to have taken express care to remain far from the wings occupied by their prolific lord.
A summons from Lord Walder is a rare thing and Aleister had no intention of angering the aging Lord by ignoring or delaying his arrival at The Twins. As such, he'd set out almost immediately upon receiving the request from the messenger and when he'd arrived at The Twins, there was only a moment taken to clean himself into a presentable state. That done, he'd accepted the escort that lead him through the corridors of the fortress and into that particular wing and when the doors were opened to allow him entry to the meeting room, there was naught but a slight nod to his escorts.
Stepping past the guards who had opened the doors, he moved fully into that meeting room, his eyes flickering about until they fall upon the Lord Frey, settled in that chair. Foot steps took him closer, until he stopped a respectable distances away and it was there that he flourished a bow, one from that waist and one that was held, even as he offers, "My Lord Frey. I come at your request?"
Never one to really waste time in details or dance around the truth, Lord Frey cuts right to the chase, "You have heard of your Uncle's betrayal, no doubt, running to swear to Tully beneath my nose. You are fortunate he did not seek to take you with him." Snapping his fingers for his guards, two men draw forth to stand as pillars at the side of his chair, "I will be brief, Ser Aleister, as I find every moment spent in the presence of any Charlton right now makes me question the mercy I am about to bestow upon you. The abandonment of your liege leaves Highfield unprotected and alone. Swear to the Frey banner and I will see you are protected as my vassal with a fair tax."
Leaning forward within his chair, Lord Walder narrows those beady eyes upon the younger lord as he sneers, "Refuse my mercy and all of Highfield will burn to the ground and every last one of you made to pay the price due by your traitorous Uncle." He slowly leans back, apparently calm as he continues, "You have one week to make a decision. If I do not hear from you by then, I will call the banners and we will march on Highfield."
Aleister doesn't dare interrupt Walder as he speaks and when mention is made of Keegan's betrayal to him, there's a simple set of the Knight's jaw. Not even a smirk dances to his lips and for a change, he remains firm in that bow, not daring to rise from it unless bid to or given leave of the Lord's presence. His eyes remain downcast, looking to the floor, barely able to catch sight of the moving guards who now flank the Lord's chair. When the last of Lord Frey's .. ultimatium comes to be given, there's a half nod of Aleister's head, followed by a moments silence and then he finally offers, "I thank you for your mercy, Lord Frey. Rest assured that you shall have word of our decision within the proscribed period of time."
"You earned the mercy, Ser Aleister, I don't give it lightly. Best think of a new name, too, you would not want to be associated with a traitorous house if you stay," Lord Walder grumps as he finally waves the Charlton off.
"Thank you, Lord Frey," is all that Aleister comes to offer and it's only when he catches sight of that wave off that he even begins to move after holding the bow for a moment longer. A step back comes, then another and then he's rising and turning at the same time, so as to make his way from the meeting room, no doubt to take his leave of The Twins and return to his lands.