Hard Lesson |
Summary: | Dafydd and Elinor have their first chat with her visit to Tall Oaks. Here, Dafydd reminds the Lady that an open mind is a must. (Sarojyn enters and Dafydd departs.) |
Date: | 23 Dec 2011 |
Related Logs: | None |
Players: |
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Reading room - Tall Oaks Keep |
A doorway off the Grand Hall leads into a room that is clearly designed for relaxation amongst the owners of the keep. A large window has been set into the wall opposite the door and it overlooks a small garden along the side of the keep. Rays of sunlight that break through the branches of the trees offer a fair bit of illumination to the room and at night, candles are set about. Comfortable chairs are set about the room and two of the walls contain shelves that hold books and scrolls, offering much in the way of literature. |
23 December 288 |
As it was still daylight, Elinor had no use for the candles for the sun light provided a decent amount of light for her to read. It could still be better. Though she was not alone in the reading room. Thalia and Elise, two out of the three maidservants that accompanied her, were seated at the desks, given leisure to chose any of the works from the wall and read. However the guardsmen standing near the doors belonged to Sarojyn's personal escort and had been reassigned for the duration of Elinor's visit. The lady was walking casually along the wall, a finger pointed as she searched through the vast collection for some titles she had never seen before. Which was a lot though perhaps outdated. "Most of these books predate me." She grinned a touch, "What is that you are reading Elise?" The maidservant lifted her eyes from the book before her, "Poetry of the Godswood my lady." The girl shifted a cautionary glance to Thalia, who sneered briefly. "Godswood. Hmph. It is good that we have brought our own passages of the Seven my lady less you be lead astray."
Extra guardsmen that Dafydd could fully use out and in the woods, but.. it is what it is. And at the moment, the Captain of the Guard has business in the Reading room— and as such, he opens the door to be greeted with the sound of sneering, even if the words can't be discerned. He pauses in his step, brows rising in askance, curious yet not as to what he's entered upon before he catches Elinor. Inclining his head, he begins his step again towards a shelf at the far wall. "My lady. Hope the visit is going well."
Elise had been startled at Dafydd's arrival, quickly closing the book. Thalia's features resumed a neutral disinterest however both maidservants rose from their seats to award their better curtsey of greeting. Elinor turned a look over her shoulder, the voice instantly recognized as she too had pinched the sides of her skirt and gracefully lowered her frame in greeting, "My lord." Addressed warmly. "That it is, for it has exceeded far past my expectations."
Dafydd stops at the bookshelf and seems singleminded for a book, and upon finding it, utters a soft 'ah' before pulling it off the shelf and tucking it under his arm. Now, he can give the lady, and the maids, his full attention. "It is usually good to visit a place with no expectation— that way you're not disappointed. There is no harm in an open mind. It may even catch new thoughts and ideas." He inclines his head once again, checking the maids, and back to the lady. "I'm not interrupting anything? Are you waiting for my brother? Shall I see where he's gotten to?"
Elinor does not catch the title of the book tucked under his arm unfortunately. She joins both hands before poise as the maidservants adopt the same posture. "New ideas for the Oaks my lord?" She questions, wondering if they were indeed open to new improvements. "No, you are not interrupting I was looking for… something to pass the time as Lord Sarojyn is called to his duties truly there is no reason to disturb him." Yes there was, her eyes said in difference. "Perhaps this shall be a moment where you and I become more acquainted? Without interruption?"
"Yes, new ideas for the Oaks," Dafydd watches the lady, the words and expression slightly off-balance. He's seen it many times in his interactions with others, and there is no doubt that he'll continue to do so. "Times are such that the way things were done is no longer the way things will be." The man shifts the book and takes a step back to place it on a table to be picked up on his way out. It's a treatise on tactics.. an odd thing, a book of warfare in a reading room of a land that had dedicated itself to peace at all cost? "Which can be confusing to some without as we do things differently than others, and now, yet more so." If that makes any sense. Gesturing towards a chair with a sweep of his hand, he waits until it's taken, if it is, before he'll consider a seat for himself. "I cannot promise without interruption, however."
"I would be honored for what little time can be offered my lord." She says before looking to the seat and chosing to have herself lowered upon it. The maidservants would echo the action, returning to their seats. Elinor closed both hands upon her lap as she raised her eyes to the man after glancing at the book upon the table. "This change for the Oaks, do you believe it is for the better? To turn away from the stance so ingrained in your House' history?"
Dafydd cants his head to the side, his attention firmly set now that he's seated. He inclines his head in a single nod without hesitation, "Yes. If we did not take the steps we are taking, Tall Oaks would fade with no one to mark our presence except for a book read only by maesters." A hand is raised as he speaks, accenting the thought, but then, he waves a finger, "Don't believe for a moment that the change of our land means that we seek to take up arms immediately. Our first responsibility is and will always be the safety of our land, and our people. However, my brother agrees that perhaps we have to depart our land and join forces in order to defend our land."
Elinor smiles faintly, "I would not presume the love of one's land would be cast aside so dispassionately my lord for the better of change." She relays assuringly. "Do the Oaks, at current, have enemies that seek her harm?" Certainly those that had taken insult and would possibly seek the house's end and reap the rewards. Still the lady would have her suspicions validated.
"Enemies that seek her harm?" Dafydd shakes his head slowly, blue eyes firmly held upon the young Lady. "No. Currently, there are very few who even consider our existance. However, as we take our steps forward, there are things that must be considered." Sitting back, he settles in the seat, his leg pulled over the other. "There are, however, some who may consider taking advantage of our peaceful nature. Either now or in the future.. and it is that for which we should prepare. After all, Stonebridge has its levies that meet weekly, the Terricks now have a war galley and are almost done building their docks with their Captain dreaming of a shipyard. Why should we not do the same to assure our sovereignty?"
That granted her a measure of relief, no blatant enemies out there however that did not acount for those who were not so vocal of their distrust or greed. Another precaution and one it seemed that Dafydd was preparing for. "How might the Oaks assure their sovereignty my lord? War vassels? To match those of the Roost or other mechanisms?" Elinor asks, her curiosity broadening a bit. "Might other noble houses believe this is an act of aggression rather than defense should a house known for it's peace suddenly take interest in strengthening it's arms when they have not done so in the past?"
"No, my lady.. I have no desire for a war vessel as it would require docks. Docks would require people to man it and defend it. And, we do not have a seafaring culture. We are at home in the trees. Rather, I prefer having the coast as it is— silent with the trees looking a solid mass; defensible with good men with bows." Though, truthfully, Dafydd had considered the potential. Now, however, it's cast aside. "We would assure our sovereignty the 'usual way'," there's a hint of a smile that appears, "through discourse and alliances when there had been little or none before." That smile, however, doesn't quite match the lack of humour that hangs in those blue eyes. "I honestly couldn't care how others perceive the fact that we are training our hunters and rangers. Stonebridge, I say again, has started calling their levies where before they had not. Is this cause for sabre-rattling and calls to war? Is there reason why the Lord should be taken to task? For doing that which he has every right to do?" His eyes narrow, "Which is why I said.. we do so in the 'usual fashion'."
In listening to the younger Camden she is gaining a better insight to the 'war' thought of things. At least from this one's perspective. "Why do you believe Stonebridge has done such an act? Is it out of the very same precautions and concerns you share?" Thus stated moments ago, perhaps they too are seeking to raise their defenses. From who? "The Naylands am I correct?" As Stonebridge seemed to be the mention of much tension for the concern of some, not so with Banefort.
"I don't know, honestly, and I was only using them as an example. We have no real open communication with the Lords Nayland." One of the problems with being sequestered for so long. "What I am saying is that we are moving in a slightly different direction for the good of our land." Not for power or prestige, but that's left unsaid. "If it weren't for the fact that we are doing so, I will be so bold as to say that you would not be sitting in our reading room and in a position in which you currently find yourself." For good or ill.
Elinor had no grandeur illusions of her presence here. There was something to be desired that her House had to benefit the lords of the Oaks. In being reminded of this from Dafydd, the lady raised her chin a bit higher. "I see my lord." She returns, reflecting on her words before adding, "I should only hope that the Oaks will be preserved as you say." With or without her presence here. "If I may ask, my lord, does the Oaks still wish peace treaties with the Iron Isles? I have been told that your initial offer has been recended due to a lack of response. Is, I mean, I ask you, is this a desire of yours?"
"Peace treaty?" Dafydd sits silently for a long moment before he nods slowly. "I would imagine that something like that would be desireable. Peace on the sea? Peace on land with no threat of being invaded?" He inclines his head towards the seated lady, not correcting her words. Whatever she has heard is likely from Sarojyn, and he has his own manner of speaking. "They did not respond, no.. and so it has been withdrawn. Does that mean that we no longer seek peace?" He shakes his head and uncrosses his leg, both feet now flat upon the floor once again. "They would be a lucrative trading partner, just as the Roost would be should they decide to move forward with a shipyard."
Elinor is seated at one of the reading tables across from Dafydd. Behind her, at the desks are Thalia and Elise, listening as the pair converse while two of Sarojyn's guards remain at the door standing in silence though perhaps a touch bored. If peace is sought it would mean forgiveness and willing to look ahead. In a part of her mind and heart the lady was not so willing to do just yet. Wealth was desired, wealth the Iron Isles may have from successful raids. She chose to speak bodly, "Forgive me my lord, for I do not see how opening trade with the Iron born," Barbarians, "would be lucrative when there are a great many of others that should take precident. Such as those houses that have felt slighted from the Oak's seclusion and withdraw."
Sarojyn had been absent for part of the day, with word having been passed along that he had been attending to a hunt with some of his men. Once he'd returned, he'd passed off his bow and sword to his personal guard and then made his way into the keep, where he'd been informed that Dafydd and Elinor were in the Reading Room. A moment was taken to clean himself and then he'd made his way from the grand hall to the reading room, still clad in the elegant leather armor that bares the Camden crest upon the chest.
Slipping within the room, there's a momentary flit of his eyes to take in the surroundings and when they come across Dafydd, he's dipping a slight nod of his head towards him, "Brother." Then, when his eyes move to Elinor, there's a smile that's warm and geniune and a somewhat bow of his head, "Lady Elinor." A slight pause is taken before he continues, "I hope I am not intruding?"
"I think, perhaps, lady, that before speaking thusly, you should learn as we have exactly what our standing is. Forgive my bluntness but there is no slight.. there is apathy and lack of regard. There is nothing we have in trade that cannot be gotten elsewhere, other than our tall oaks for beams. Should we be invaded by any, there is not one lord who would lift their finger to aid us. And in that, we should consider the feelings of others before acting in our own interest? This is really your thought?"
Dafydd shakes his head, and rises, "You have the benefit of youth, lady, and you will learn a great deal in your life." Beat. "Brother," he picks up the book that lies upon the table, a treatise on tactics, before he greets his brother properly, "You are not intruding. We were having a lively discussion as to how Tall Oaks is viewed from without."
Elinor had been silenced by Dafydd's words that had placed her ignorance in check. Her youth a factor which made the lady avert her gaze in an attempt to summon thought. Her attention drew towards the doors, her smile hopeful yet defeated. She would rise from her seat then, awarding the Lord of the Oaks his due of courtesies. "My lord." Her maidens had echoed the movement. The lady nods her head, agreeing with Dafydd. "Lord Dafydd here is indeed gracious with his wisdom upon the topic."
For a moment, Sarojyn looks between Elinor and Dafydd and when that moment ends, the Lord's brow is lifting a touch as a hand follows a gives a slight wave, "Please. Sit. You needn't rise on my behalf." Again, there's a shift of his attention between the two before he's beginning to make his way over towards a vacant seat so that he can lower himself down into it. "A topic with such varying opinions, it would seem." A shift of his head and he's casting a look to a Camden retainer that had followed him, "Wine, please. And whatever the others are having, as well."
"It seems that perceptions sometimes differ from reality, brother, and I had begun our discourse with the advice of keeping an open mind." Dafydd smiles, the gesture one of ease in the show there are no lingering ill feeling, he inclines his head, "And I reminded the lady that there is much to learn about how other lands conduct their affairs, and there is time yet to learn." At the offer of drink, however, Dafydd actually shakes his head to decline the offer, as far as he's concerned anyway. "I have been keeping the lady company until your return, brother.. and now that you have— presumably with meat for the table this evening— I ask for your leave so that I may attend to my duties once again."
Permitted so, the lady returns to her seat, her maidens as well. Silent and ever watchful in the background. "Tea if you would." Elinor states to the retainer, not trusting her own lips made loose by the wine. That smile had soothed her insecurities for the moment. Hands then returned upon her lap as her eyes changed between the two lasting upon Dafydd and then Sarojyn. "Will you be present for the evening meal lord Dafydd?"
With requests placed, Sarojyn looks to the retainer and gives a slight nod of his head, "Bring a pitcher of wine, in place of a single glass, and a few pieces of bread and friend." Then, he's looking over towards Dafydd, his brow lifting a touch as he cants his head to the side, "Indeed. There is much that we can all learn from each other." Hands come to fold together in his lap as he looks back to Elinor and then to Dafydd, to whom he gives a slight nod of his head, "Of course, brother. You may take your leave as you see fit."
Dafydd inclines his head first to his brother before he looks to the Lady to answer her inquiry, "I will endeavor to do so, but unfortunately again, I can make no promise. If I do not, at least I know there will be something left in the kitchen for me." Cold cheese and fruit.. and if he's lucky, drawn ale. "Thank you, brother.." Turning towards Elinor, he offers something of a bow, "My lady.. thank you for the discussion.. and perhaps I will make dinner this evening. It is my hope as I do enjoy eating, though it's not always possible." Beat. "Brother.." And with book in hand, he turns and departs the reading room.
Elinor's head tips downwards, acknowleding Dafydd's leave, "My lord, thank you for allowing me to steal a few moments of your time." She smiles a bit hopeful that he will be present for the evening meal. At his depature the lady slowly exhales. "My lord…" She addresses Sarojyn after Dafydd has departed. "Your brother has a great mind for militant courses, an area I am none to familiar with." Nor should she be expected to at least. A disadvantage however not one she felt inclined to dive into at this moment. She paused, summoning a smile for the Lord of the Oaks after observing his appearal of leathers. "You participate in the hunt with your retainers daily?" Usually something left to a tasked select few.
Eyes follow the movement of Dafydd from the room before Sarojyn is looking back to Elinor, the smile returning easily to his lips, "That is why he is the Captain of my Guard, Lady Elinor. He seeks to protect this land, my family and those that live within our borders." The mention of the hunt has him looking down to his leathers and as he looks back up, a soft chuckle begins to escape his lips, "Aye, I do. While other Lords lay claim to their prowess with a sword, I am one of the finest marksmen in this land. So, I participate in the hunt from time to time." Pause. "I hope you did not mind my absence."