Every Lawful Element |
Summary: | Lord Daemon Blackwood speaks with Ser Rygar about the duel. |
Date: | May 4, 2012 |
Related Logs: | Eschaton of Stonebridge, Enter Blackwood, Enter Blackwood, Continued |
Players: |
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Guest Suite — Tordane Tower |
A modest room but with a large high bed that is set with four posts in rich mahogany. A blue rectangular rug is angled in the center of the room. A chest for storing the visitor's goods is at the foot of the bed and a grey blue cover settles over the bed. A hearth to the right of the windows which rests between it and the bed is done over with a iron screen meant to be removed when in use. A pair of chairs rest near the window and about a small circular table set with a candle. On the same wall as the door rests a low chest of drawers, a basin for water and a few wooden mugs rest there for use. |
May 4, 289 |
Among the various ways Lord Daemon Blackwood could with Ser Rygar Nayland, he has chosen the one of least burden to himself: summoning him. He sits in his guest chambers discussing various items of relevance with the man who has proven to be his secretary of sorts for this official visit. Blackwood is nursing a glass of wine, but at least he's also finishing off the remains of some chicken on a plate as he relays information to his attendant.
Rygar Nayland is nothing if not prompt. The lean knight, though he moves stiffly, is attired as befits a gentleman, with doublet buttoned up to the chin and with a swordbelt bearing the well used symbol of his station at the waist. The harpy medallion of his family rests over the breastbone as he announces his arrival with two measured knocks upon the door.
It's the scribe who stands to open the door for Rygar, ducking his head in a brief nod to the Nayland's station. "Ser Rygar," Blackwood greets him, his tone even and a bit chilly.
Rygar looks past the secretary to return the frosty greeting, "Lord Blackwood." Stepping into the chamber fully, he offers a short, stiff dip of the head and shoulders in acknowledgment.
Blackwood watches him a long moment, his gaze examining the knight's features. "Tell me," he says finally, "about the challenge."
"Every element of the challenge were lawful, and within my rights as a knight. It were conducted in accordance with the King's law, to the satisfaction of both seconds." Rygar's answer is as stiff as his posture. "The Pretender lost."
Blackwood opens his hand in a deceptively open manner. "And would you care to expound upon your reasons for issuing such a lawful challenge?" The scribe's gaze flits quickly between them before he settles into a seat to take down the relevant details.
"They are plain:" Rygar answers without pause. "Geoffrey Tordane could not have written the letter that his bastard produced. The Pretender had secured his appointment through low deceit and high treason. As Hoster Tully refused to hear me in a court of law, as a knight I chose the court of combat."
"I presume this was after you had received word of the King's decree in this matter," Blackwood says rather thinly.
"It was," Rygar answers, unrepentant. Head held high, he holds Blackwood's regard unflinching.
"But clearly you had little thought for such a decree," Blackwood continues in that same thin, even tone.
The permanent near-sneer that the wounds on Pyke had left upon him deepens at the question. "If the Lord Blackwood means to suggest that Robert Baratheon would disapprove of a knight seeking justice through force of arms, I will ask the lord to spare me his indignant hypocrisy."
"So the word of your King meant nothing to you," Blackwood surmises in a flat tone, "besides a reason to exercise your right to challenge."
"The king's judgement was made upon a lie. I am not a man to swallow a lie simply because I am told to, my lord," Rygar returns plainly. "You may like it not, Blackwood. Hoster Tully may like it less. Yet my challenge was justly given and fairly accepted. Nothing of my actions were improper or against the law of the Realm."
"Yes, I'm sure your cousin spent much of his time at King's Landing detailing all the evidence you were apparently so plagued by." Blackwood pinches at the bridge of his nose. "What was your family's reaction to your challenge?"
"The truth remains, my lord. Like it or no," Rygar answers Daemon's sarcasm. The latter question is met with a short sniff. "They disapproved. Rather vehemently," he notes deadpan. "I were bid by no fewer than three of my kin to withdraw the accusation."
"Including the Lord Regent?" Blackwood says in weary clarification. "And Lady Tordane?"
"The former on behalf of his father, the Lord Rickart. The latter of her own accord," Rygar recounts, level in tone. "The challenge were mine and mine alone. I acted not as Sheriff of Stonebridge, nor as a Nayland, but simply as a knight in service to a just cause."
"Very well." Blackwood does not sound entirely pleased to hear it — perhaps he was hoping to catch someone in a lie so he could take some toys away — but he does not argue. "Unless you have anything relevant to add on the matter of Lady Danae, that is all."
"By judicial combat and the King's Law," Rygar notes, "Ser Gedeon's defeat proved the truth of my accusations. He were a treacherous child of bastardy, and no true Tordane. By law, the Lady Danae is likewise no true Tordane." A breath drawn. "Beyond this, I will say nothing of her."
"If we stripped every noble of their name for treachery, we'd have none left," Blackwood says in a sharply arid tone. "That is all, Ser."
"That is a weak man's defense of infamy, my lord," Rygar answers the arid tone with a bitter one, before once again dipping his head and shoulders to the seated Daemon.
Blackwood dips his head in a stiff, grudging acknowledgment, but says nothing as he waits for the Nayland to leave.
Rygar rises stiffly from the short bow and turns on a heel to walk out, leaving the Lord Paramount's man to his further business.