Even More Melee at Seagard |
Summary: | It takes two, bashy. The men - including mystery men(?) - complete in pairs on the melee field. |
Date: | 22/06/289 |
Related Logs: | All the Seagard tourney logs |
Players: |
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The Lists — Seagard |
The lists are prepared for a great number of both knights and spectators, the flat field already marked by the hooves of many practice-runs. It is surrounded by a rail, most of which borders only empty grass, where the commoners might stand and watch. On one side are stands built for the nobles, wooden bleachers topped with billowing silk awnings to help shade the ladies from the sun. At the centerpoint there is a raised platform, painted, shaded, and set with sumptuous-looking chairs for the most noble of noble guests. It is hung with the banners of House Mallister and House Redwyne, and many more are studded about the lists as well, to make sure everyone remembers who this grand affair is meant to honor and at whose pleasure they enjoy it. |
Fri Jun 22, 289 |
The torn earth from the previous melee has been patted down into a smooth ground, the traces of blood from the combat raked over to give the field a pristine appearance. Above all, the banners of Mallister and Redwyne loft in the breeze overseeing the field. The crowd is thick and eager, humming with excitement with the upsets of the previous bouts that led to a Mallister win. This day has an additional twist with the promise of teams, although none know how they will be alloted. The sun hangs soft and low in the afternoon sky, reducing the gleam on the armor of the competitors as they wait on field to hear their assignments.
Jarod has his partial maile on and longsword close at hand, enthusiastically lining up to take more damage, despite the bruising he suffered during the previous melee. The prospect of a team melee seems only to have upped his enthusiasm. It could almost be called bouncy, if bouncy was a term that could be applied to a man in a (mediocre) metal suit.
Quentyn Banefort much prefers the melee to the heraldry of the joust. Yes, he's a knight. It's what well-bred young men who are going to be landed lords one day do, after all. But the tall, broad-shouldered Banefort is much better suited to wading into the fray than he is to staying on mediocre horses and dealing with fine-pointed lances. As he waits, he whistles to himself, spinning the axe in his hand as if he doesn't know the weight of it as well as his own arm.
Roslyn is seated in the stands, the light breeze of the day ruffling at curls let loose and gathered over one shoulder. She wears red as if in an unconscious mimic of her sister from the melee before, the satin a deep, rose red against her skin. Her fingers are folded within her lap, her gaze scanning the field for a certain figure with an attentiveness she did not give to the previous melee.
The Tordane man stands on the field, colors worn over full maile. Whoever is alloted his team is not likely to appreciate that he sips at wine now, though likely it is to medicate the pain of his bruises away. Surely.
Alek claims that pose.
Kamron is in the stands this second day of the melee, rather than out on the field, and he wears mourning clothes (now with added Banefort favor) rather than armor. Apparently, he has decided not to become a target for everyone on the field after his win two days before. Considering that he was getting bruised and battered around the field longer than anyone else (except perhaps Garett), maybe he feels a day of rest is his due. Whatever the case, he sits up in the stands with the rest of the Mallisters, making up one point in a field of black. He speaks with his father, a bluff-faced man somewhere between 45 and 50, the two chattering away with all appearance of enjoyment despite the fact that Kamron recieved a cuff on the arm in greeting that just happened to hit one of his many bruises.
Katrin weaves her way through the crowds towards the stands with her maid and Septa. The lady Haigh has certainly looked better between eyes a bit puffy and red, dark circles indicating lack of sleep and to top it off, her burn does not look that pretty. She trudges her way up the steps, looking for a place to sit.
He just can't stay away, can he? Martyn has made his way out onto the field where the others competing is placing themselves. He's got a skin of water with him that he takes a few sips from as he studies the people in the stands at the moment. Humming a little bit to himself it would seem. Looking back to the competitors, he offers those of them he knows a bit of a nod and a grin.
Sore and brusied, Kell has fought under worse conditions and when life was at stake so this melee event is something he wouldn't miss, since the man doesn't know much more besides arts in the martial realm. He is back in his full maile and steel helm, along with the Terrick surcoat over the chainmail as he awaits to see what is planned for today. Certainly something unique, interesting, and unexpected to please both combatants and the crowd.
The Songbird has not worn his maile for what feels like such a long time. He loves his leathers more — the ease and silence of their movements, the earthy feel beneath his fingertips. But now here he is, the links freshly polished as if to rival the glint of the Reach armors. A tabard sporting the crest of the Hollyholt is the only added relief to the scales. Jac Caddock cradles his simple helmet under his arm, allowing the softest wind to breeze through his freshly cleaned ravenwood hair. He has started hum under his breath — a favored dirge and his heel bounces lightly in the ground with an unheard beat.
Nedra is seated on the other side of Kamron, dressed in the same dark shade of charcoal that is deep enough that it's almost black. She is speaking in a quiet voice with her mother, who is seated to her left, and there is a good deal of quiet laughter being shared between the two women.
Kittridge is planning to compete as well, it seems, though those who know him know he generally prefers to spend the melee in the stands, cheering and making bets that he generally loses. But today he stands by as his squire checks over his armor, and when that's finished, picks up his spear, and stretches a bit, double-checking range of motion and such as they prepare for the team announcement.
Roslyn's steady gaze catches on Kittridge finally, a subtle smile finally pulling at the corners of her lips as she leans forward. She lifts her fingers slightly, hidden somewhat by the curve of her body as she waves lowly to the field.
Kittridge is competing today, it seems, though those who know him know he generally prefers to watch and bet on the melees rather than join in. Still, here is is, squire doing final checks on armor and weapon and such, surveying the stands and his fellow knights as they all prepare.
Jac worries a bit at the old garter of lace tied about his right bicep. It is old and yellowed, looking more like an antique. Now he starts to take measure of the men around him. Who will he fight with, who will he fight against? It was almost safer when it was a solo grudge match, he didn't have to worry about anyone else. Now, though. He breathes in through his nose, letting it out in a whoosh. "And it's go boys, go," the Songbird sings in the exhale.
Katrin takes a seat all by her lonesome, settling in as she awaits the beginning of the competition. She surveys the field carefully but does not make any noise or even seem particularly thrilled at being here. But she's here and waiting anyway.
Oh and Kittridge also notices Roslyn and lifts his chin and smiles a bit in hello.
Martyn smiles a little bit as he looks around at the other competitors, "Lovely day to beat each other up, isn't it?" he remarks a bit lightly. Checking his equipment again, with a bit of an absent smile.
Late, while just on time, Saffron Banefort sweeps into the stands with a flutter of dawnlight skirts. Her arms are filled with puppy, the wee Reach Corgi chewing vivaciously on what looks like a knitted plush toy in the shape of a fish or a mouse. His butt is near vibrating against Saffron's arm, his sad nub of a tail wagging with sheer excitement. She is quick to head to where she will find the Mallisters, keen on sitting with her betrothed for this event. Oh look, there he is!
The mystery knight — not so much mysterious as he is generic — stretches slender limbs and goes almost idly through a number of sword forms, working out the kinks for combat.
The mystery knight earns a quizzical look from Jarod. All furrowed brows. But, after a moment of furrowing, he just shrugs and gives his sword another check. Yep, still sharp.
Quentyn Banefort's blonde hair is held back by a ribbon. Which some people might laugh at, were it not a yellow ribbon that matches the gown of his wife in the stands, a beautiful, statuesque woman who watches her husband with a quiet sort of pride. Also, were he not a very large man with a very large axe. "Blacksword," he calls over to Alek, raising the axe in greeting. "I've been told I should keep an eye out for you. Are you that good, or is it because you're so pretty?" he grins.
Nedra shakes her head at Kamron, "It's one thing to be the last man standing, brother," she says quietly, "but there's a fine line between skillful necessity and outright stubbornness," she lightly - VERY LIGHTLY - elbows Kamron in the side. "Your skull isn't encased entirely in granite, let the other knights have a chance to prove their skills," she suggests before smiling back Kamron to their father and turning back to catch something being said by their mother.
Kittridge also turns to eye the mystery knight, tilting his head and considering before he too shrugs and goes back to looking at the others, weighing the competition.
Hugh has been attending Jarod, and he peers at all the other participants carefully. He grins at the banter among the knights and then scans the stands. He spies Jocelyn in the stands and lifts his hand to her in hopes that she will see him.
"Why can't it be both?" Alek calls back with a curve of his brow upwards, taking a slow sip of his wine as he eyes the Banefort in turn.
Red of beard and black of eye, Frederyck Redwyne seems less than interested with his competitors as he tips back his flagon of wine and spills a little down his front. His lips are well purpled with his vice. His squire bustles in with hankerchief, dabbing up what does not slide down his gullet. "Fine day for a bout," he bellows at whoever is within earshot.
Being around somewhere without the grounds this whole time, Jocelyns was now near the railing. However, after some polite tugging from her Lady's Maid, she gives in and starts for the stands. Surveying those that are already there, stepping into them and weaving through to get to a seat for her and companion.
Kamron 'oofs' at Nedra's nudge, rubbing at his side far more than the lightelbow-strike requires, "And I left it behind leagues ago, I know." As Saffron approaches up the stands, he rises to his feet, a broad smile already spreading across his lips. "My Lady Saffron, I was afraid you were going to miss the start of this. Did Bear hold you up, then?" Somehow, he tears his gaze away from his betrothed to notice Katrin sitting relatively alone, and he gestures down toward her, speaking to both Nedra and Saffron alike, "I wonder if we should ask Lady Katrin up to sit with us?" As Kamron greets his betrothed, his father rises as well, bowing with a bit of solemnity despite a face made for smiling.
"Fair enough," Quentyn laughs to Alek, grin crooked. "Suppose Jamie Lannister's pretty enough, too." He gives his axe another spin, then tosses it from one hand to the other, limbering up.
"Are all you Baneforts in love with Jamie Lannister, then?" Kittridge calls over, "I thought at least it'd be only the girls who couldn't stop chattering about him like the Seven's best gift to the world."
Jarod's eyes go up to scan the stands, after that second examination of his sword is complete. He frowns slight at whatever he finds there. Though, when he spots Hugh, he does manage a merry wave to his rented squire.
Saffron is on her way toward Kamron and his sister, and she even smiles as she hears his words. "He got distracted with a crow or something stalking about the tents. But here we are." There is a softer smile at his suggestion, and she turns her gaze up to Katrin. "Katrin," she calls openly. "Come sit with me!" And she gestures to the open seat that will be beside her once she drops down to sit with Kamron. Bear is standing on Saffron's forearm, leaning out toward Kamron with his mouth full of knitted toy. He offers a muffled bark.
"Missing something, Ser?" says the knight of no consequence, a merry tenor, helm tilting toward Jarod's frown.
Upon the dais, Lord Paxter Redwyne stands as a blast of trumpets call the crowd and competitors to order. The Reach lord gives a short speech to welcome everyone and bla bla blas on about Patrek and Syrah for a little bit, and then it is time for the FUN PART. THE HERALD!!!
"Today's melee will be fought in teams," explains a booming voice from a comically short and rotund herald. "The event will be declared won when there is only one team left on the field, regardless of how many members are left standing. Please welcome our teams, as follows:"
"Have you not seen Jaime Lannister?" Jac answers suddenly at Kittridge's call. "Even your hair looks sad and contemptuous in comparison."
Among those Reach Knights who are in today's event is a late twenty-somethings Tourney Knight by the name of Lewis Cockshaw. Like some of the others, he has a wineskin out while his squire fusses with his mail. "It's fine, leave off, boy," he grumbles at the lad, thrusting the skin at him and giving him a shove out of the way. The squire stumbles, and though he prevents himself from falling, he drops the skin, and the wine spills on the ground. Growling a curse, Ser Lewis aims a kick at the boy's backside, and this time the lad falls, face first in the wine-soaked dirt. Spitting in disgust, Lewis tugs on his helmet and moves to pick up the rather brutal looking mace that is his weapon of choice. "You better have a full skin waiting for me, you useless, piss-soaked whoreson," he threatens the squire, just before the teams are called. He then moves to take his place, nodding curtly to Ser Martyn.
"If the man wants to compare me to Jamie Lannister, let him," Alek returns to Kittridge, though he seems amused by it and shakes his head, falling quiet at the announcement. His gaze drags, of course, towards Ser Frederyck Tarly.
"You wouldn't say it if you'd ever squared off against the man," Quentyn shakes his head to Kittridge with an easy smile. "Some men are just born with gifts. What's yours, Groves?" And then teams are being announced, and the Banefort heir looks to the mystery knight. "I don't suppose you're King Bob in disguise, are you?" he asks, as though he might get an answer.
"Aye, I think I missed something," Jarod replies wry, giving the mystery knight a steady look. "Fight well, Ser. Perhaps we shall speak after." He has beating to do, though. He strides over to join Jac, offering the man a knight's salute. "I hope you'll not hold the tension between Tordane Tower and the Charltons against me, Ser Caddock. Let's knock some heads, aye?"
The fat boy who is Fred's squire winces at his bellow. He snatches the wine skin once the teams are called, scuttling backwards on chubby legs to avoid the on coming fight. "Aye. You run, pig. You don't want to get in on a real fight, d'ya?" He smiles nastily at his squire, then lifts his chin to meet Alek's gaze. Hello. "Hope you fight well as you look!"
"My hair is sad that you're so in love with a knight of Kingsguard who can never return it, and contemptuous that you'd pine away for someone who's clearly leading on half the Westerlands, or at least all of House Banefort," Kittridge tosses back to Jac before laughing at Quentyn, "I've been beat by plenty of men before, Ser Quentyn, it's never made me love them. I can't think the Kingslayer'd be the first."
Mystery Ser laughs at Jac's quip, turning to clasp arms heartily with Ser Quentyn. "Warrior fight 'long side you, Ser."
Alek glances after the page, but where others may have sympathy for such abuse, he only looks away unimpressed with the choice of pages. "Almost as well as I drink, too," he answers to Frederyck, donning his helm.
"We most certainly should," Nedra agrees with a smile to Lady Saffron and the puppy she's holding in her arms, "who is this wee charming fellow?" she wonders, rising to her feet as well to step to the side as her mother rises as well and extends a warm welcome of her own. Nedra waves to Lady Katrin to accompany Saffron's invite and divides her attention to the conversation in the stands and the action on the field
There is a moment where Jac pauses to hear the call, and he tilts his head a bit with thought. At the news of him against the Half-Eagle, he releases a bit of a sigh. "Well… I suppose it could be worse. I could be fighting with a Whole Eagle. Do you mind if I ask which part of you is half, Ser?" Then he shakes his head a bit. "You did not lock me in that dungeon, boy… we would have more issue if you had." And the older knight offers him a slightly lopsided smile.
Hugh scurries to help Jarod, "Is all well, Ser?" His brows raise as he sees the treatment of the other squires. He hands Jarod a wineskin and then takes a step back to look at his opponent carefully, appraisingly.
As the trumpets sound and loud speech given, Kell shifts his attention to the dias, apparently itching to start this time as standing around and waiting isn't his forte. When it is mentioned that the melee will be fought in teams, the Terrick Sworn arches a brow, definitely not expecting it. When the pairings are announced, Kell searches out the Groves Knight with his eyes, finding it ironic that he was fighting one for the longest time in yesterday's melee and is now fighting alongside one.
"Oh, the Warrior, are you?" Quentyn laughs to his partner. "Well, that'll do me, then." He turns to wink up to his lady in the stands, then shoves on his helm. "Thoughts on who we do out first?" He asks the Mystery Ser for an opinion, looking over the field.
"Ser Kell," Kittridge looks around for the Terrick sworn, "Ser," he greets him, "I hope you take sword blows as well as you weather lance-strikes. Any thoughts on who we should aim for first?" He eyes the other teams as he pulls on his helm.
"I like a man who drinks," Frederyck says with a tip of his head as he slides his own helm into place, causing his red cheeks to pucker out unbecomingly. "Who looks like easy prey, Ser?" He sniffs, eying the bodies on the field.
Katrin listens to the team assignments before she turns towards Saffron, Nedra and Kamron. Glancing once to her Septa and maid, she nods and adjusts her location so she might join the Mallisters and soon to be Mallister. "Good evening," she greets quietly. "Thank you for the invitation," she murmurs, sliding into the seat the Banefort offered. Her Septa and maid sit a few rows back.
"The upper, Ser. Got a wing, after all," Jarod replies lightly, tapping the gold wing on his surcoat with a finger. "Well, our swords shall not be against each other this day." The way he phrases this is heavy with worry for the future, but he does his best to put that out of mind.
Alek can't help that slide of his gaze consideringly over Jarod, but he eventually nods towards Martyn as he takes the field instead, drawing his sword.
The Songbird hefts his greatsword, nodding out to the field. "Have we go then, Half-Eagle? I will let you pick the first target." And off onto the field he goes, tra-la-la-la.
Grinning at the comment, Kell nods at the other knight, "I hope so as well, in yesterdy's melee, I was up against one of you Grove Knights and it was quite the duel." As for who they should go up against, that is a good question as he looks at the other pairings they will be fighting against, "Hard to tell, I dno't exactly have a bone to pick with any out there. No Charltons around. I can follow your lead though and try to watch your back, Ser." With that said, he slips on his own helmet and secures it.
"Ah, Ser, never tempt the Gods to smite your partner!" laughs the mystery knight in response. The slender, helmed figure surveys the field. "I'd take out the drunkards first."
Jarod eyes the available field, his gaze falling briefly on Alek. But, as the Tordane sworn occupies himself with another man on the first go, Jarod does the same. He carefully avoids looking in the direction of the mystery knight and indicates…Kittridge. Seemingly at random.
Kamron reaches out to ruffle the puppy's ears, even as he is distracted by the announcement. He does manage to rise for Katrin's arrival, however, giving her a bow of the head and a grin before he seats himself once more. "Lady Katrin. Wonderful to see you again. Have you met Bear?" And he ruffles the puppy's ears again before noting to Nedra, "A betrothal gift. I thought it might be nice for My Lady to have a companion for when I can be pried from her side by duty."
Nathaniel arrives from the Tourney Grounds.
"I'm afraid you'll find I'm not my brother, ser," Kittridge replies to Kell, "But let's see. It looks like Team Drunk," he gestures at Alek and Frederyck, "Are going after Ser Martyn and partner. How about…" He shrugs, "Ser Jac and the Half-Eagle? All pretty strong teams, it seems to me." He checks his gauntlets and hefts his spear, stepping onto the field with Ser Kell as they begin.
"Aye then. I'll take the pretty one, you take the drunk one," Quentyn chuckles to the Mystery Ser, the laugh echoing inside his helm.
The unknown knight snorts. "I'm not as concerned about the drunkard. The pretty one's the threat. But as you say, Ser."
Tightening the faded Banefort colored ribbons at his wrist, Kell tugs his gauntlets tighter over them so they are partially hidden and nods at Kittridge, "Wouldn't be fair if we were to pick Team Ale, too easy." Fighting the Half-Eagle and his partner would be fun so there is no complaints from the Terrick Sworn as he nods and steps onto the field with the Groves Knight. "Strong opponents can only mean a good fight. I welcome it."
Moving into position alongside Martyn, Ser Lewis Cockshaw hefts his menacing mace rather… well, menacingly. Seeing the men from the first team eyeing the man he has been partnered with, he grunts to himself, setting his feet in a readying stance, and waits for the sound. "Let's get this over with," he murmurs to himself. He doesn't say the words in anticipation. He actually seems to want to get this over with. He has better things to do. Like wenching.
Hugh quietly takes a nip from the wineskin himself, before he settles in to watch the competition.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jac with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
"Well struck!" the unnamed knight calls to Ser Quentyn, though his own blade jolts back off the Tarly knight's breastplate with a bone-jarring CLANG.
Jarod lets out a high-pitched whistle and charges into the fray. As he does. His sword stroke finds only armor at first, but that doesn't deter him. The melee is young. Seeing both Kell and Kittridge focus on Jac, he alters his target to the hedge-knight-turned Terrick. "Ser Kell! Fancy meeting you here!"
Alek's sword slashes with great finesse through the air, scoring a blow against Martyn's helm. Unfortunately, however, this comes as three attackers face him, and he ends off the worse of that encounter even as he falls back into a defensive position. "Maiden's tits, these boys have no cocks, do they?" he calls to Frederyck.
As the fight begins, Quentyn wades right in, giving his axe half a spin before drawing back his arm and delivering a two-handed blow at Alek. Granted, with so many people swamping the Blacksword, there's only so many places to go, and he ends up hitting the knight's off arm. "Popular, aren't you?" he laughs to Alek.
Kittridge was heading for Jarod and Jac anyway, but here they are meeting them halfway! How convenient. He swings at Jac and his blunted spear-tip clangs off the Charlton knight's neckguard. It interferes with Kell's strike a little, and he steps back out of the way, which has the handy side-effect of dodging Jarod's blow and letting Jac's counter-attack just scrape across his armor.
"Ye'll need to do more than that!" Frederyck crows as the Mystery Knight's blade bounces off his breastplate, he slashes at Martyn, scoring a light hit. "Aye. Seems like a bunch of tits themselves. All sweet cunts and no balls," he slurs with a grin, moving to try and take some of the heat off Alek inthe next round. "All the whores for you, Ser."
Let us all take a moment and thank the gods for a well-placed coif. As the chosen team of knights come wailing down on the Songbird, it is only one of the hits that send a zinger through his neck's nerves. "Stranger's Balls, man!" The once-Bracken knight shouts, though he appears to be in good spirits all the same. After all, pain is a good reminder that there is life. He pairs off with the Half-Eagle, twisting to fully face the Groves Knight. "Are you a talking man, Ser Kittridge? I would like to inquire about your hair."
In the initial charge, Kell follows Kittridge and strikes at the same target though he has less success despite hitting. The blunted longsword hits full chainmail so there is no real damage and only after the first swing does the Terrick Sworn have a better picture of who is where. "Ser Groves, watch yourself, I'll try to get the Half-Eagle off of you." The only answer that Kell gives Jarod is a friendly grin, that has a more feral edge to it as instead of striking out with his blade, he shoulder charges the Half-Eagle.
"Ask away, Ser Caddock!" Kittridge replies, "I'm not much for talking in battle, but seeing as this is just pretendy fun times, I can't see the harm in it." Not that he's going to stop attacking while they chat, though, of course.
As the fighting begins, Katrin's face pales even more as she watches the variety of men go at each other with their variety of different weapons. She seems unable to even watch, covering her face with her hands and just shaking her head.
Martyn swings for Alek this time, but takes hits from both him and Frederyck. "If only you knew, kids," he remarks with a shake of his head, before he moves forward for Alek once more.
Ser Lewis strides forward, that wicked mace hefted in hand. And while Alek is busy fending off the attacks of others and swinging at Martyn, the Reach knight as not a problem swinging back, and striking his mace rather strongly at the knight's helmet. However, the force of it is more natural strength then any real effort. He actually seems to be ravening it in. But then, he hears Alek's words over the clamor. His face reddening beneath his helmet, Cockshaw pulls back his teeth in a grimace. "No cock. //I'll show you no cock!" He pulls back the mace, aiming for a much more powerful blow this time.
Hugh is glued to the pretend battle, which doesn't seem so pretend at times. But he follows all the barbs and actually laughs aloud at a couple of the more witty comments from the knights. He smart enough not to shout out his own comments, but he does take note of some of these to be used at a later date. Yes, he is enamoured!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell subdues Jarod!
<COMBAT> Jarod passes.
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell continues to subdue Jarod.
<COMBAT> Jarod attempts to escape from Kell but fails!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
"Sorry about this," Alek calls to Frederyck as their team proceeds to be pounded by two other teams. "Should have hoped for a different partner." He lands no hits, too concerned with trying to defend himself, for all the good that does.
Jarod gets into an armored tackling match with Kell. "The fuck!" he hollers, perhaps surprised to find himself on the receiving end of tackling for once. He struggles to free himself from the grip of the other knight, but to little avail.
The crunch of armor and armor is sounded as Kell's shoulder charge slams into Jarod's chest, taking them both off of their feet which was the Terrick Sworn's plan to begin with. Now Kittridge can fight alone against the Songbird, there is some struggling as he fights for control. "We finally… meet on the field at opposite ends… Half-Eagle." Kell says while struggling against Jarod. However, after a bit more of struggling, he finally rolls off to the side and tries to quickly get back to his feet, this time ready to clash blades with the Half-Eagle.
With a chance to find space among the attackers, Quentyn scores a vicious slam across Alek's stomach. Any satisfaction he might get from it, though, is interrupted by an attack from the Tarly knight. "Oy now," he calls, turning with a swipe of his axe back at the Reach knight. "You'll get no ale out of this keg." The blind strike is enough to score a hit on Frederyck…at the cost of taking a heavier one himself as sword and axe cross paths. The Banefort knight staggers a step, then adjusts his grip to move forward more aggressively.
The slender Ser No-Name breathes a harsh laugh as his first, ineffective blow gets a sneer from Ser Frederyck. The whipcord lean creature whips his blade around once and then again, pounding the Tarly's head and neck. "Is that better?"
"There you go my sweet," Frederyck taunts the mystery knight, alcohol dulling the burn of the blade to his neck. His own is busily hacking away at Quentyn, lightly dancing across his chest before following it with a harder and more vicious blow. It leaves him open for Mystery's harsh mark across his armor, causing him to stumble back a touch. "That's what you get for being so pretty, all the boys want to dance, Blacksword! More interesting than mewling in the corner."
"Please, Ser… out here we are friends. Call me Jac." The Songbird exchanges a quick bounce of blows with the Groves Knight, bringing him his maile arm to deflect the spear while pushes his weight forward to forcefully caress his opponent's belly with his sword. "I wonder… do you have problems with it getting in your eyes?" His voice is a bit heavy as his chest aches. He can feel his wife's ring trying to burrow its way into his heart. "I've recently grown mine out… and its driving me as mad as a shadow's whisper."
Still swinging for Alek at the moment, Martyn manages to keep himself out of being hit now. Moving forward again, he attempts to swing for the man's head now, attempting to get him knocked out of this.
Too much for Katrin, she stands abruptly and gives a quick bow to those she sits with before literally fleeing the stands. Looks like she might just be sick at any moment, or quite possibly break down in tears. Hard to say. Her Septa and maid hurry after her, murmuring apologies to those assembled.
Katrin leaves, heading towards the Tourney Grounds [Tourney Grounds].
The first swing is overextended, which likely is little surprising given how red-faced Ser Lewis Cockshaw is right now. But the mace comes around for a second pass, connecting with Alek's chest once more. "Who has the cock now, lady-knight!?" the knight practically spits at the Blacksword with angry glee. Shifting his hands on his mace, he now aims blows at the base, methodically trying to take the Tordane sworn apart in tandem with Martyn.
Kittridge trades blows with Jac, pausing only to laugh as Kell tackles Jarod, taking a page out of the bastard's own playbook. "You get used to it, Jac," replies Kittridge, "And once it's longer it won't tickle your forehead so much as when it's growing." He takes a couple quick hits to abdomen and another to his hand, dealing out spear-thrusts to Jac's chest in return.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge subdues Jac!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac passes.
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon but Frederyck DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge continues to subdue Jac.
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attempts to escape from Kittridge but fails!
<COMBAT> Jocelyn has joined the combat as a observer.
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
Nathaniel leaves, heading towards the Tourney Grounds [Tourney Grounds].
Jocelyn had been so distracted by most of whats going on on the field she hasnt been paying attention to what is going on around her. However, she does catch Hughs wave, and she smiles politely. Raising a hand she waves back to him and turns her head to her companion to say something to her before glancing back at the field.
With the struggle resulting from the shoulder charge done with, Kell is now back in sword stance and advances on Jarod. The first slash with his longsword misses the Half-Eagle's neck but it does strike diagonally downward across the chest mail but takes a blow in return to his midsection. The next exchange is to Jarod's favor as the Terrick Knight misses his cut but in return gets hit on his chest. "Well struck, Ser Rivers. I have to admit, I was looking forward to this."
Alek may not be making his mark, nor entirely stopping the blows coming to him, but despite wine and bruises formed from the other day, he is still upon his feet. "The prettiest, if only these ball-less cocksuckers didn't find me so attractive," he calls back to Frederyck, a laugh rasping from his throat. "At least we'll be the first out to get a drink?" It is a dryly humored consolation prize that he offers to his partner.
"Come on then, Tarly," taunts the Mystery Knight. "I've seen how you are with your page — you like to pick on little boys — I'm right here."
It seemed to go well for Kell, and he's had good luck tackling people in the past, so Kittridge lowers his spear and charges Jac, bowling him over to the dirt and pinning him there. "I find," he informs him helpfully from there, "That you're best off keeping just one side in front generally and the other sort of out of the way. Wouldn't want both eyes covered."
"As you say, Kittridge," Jac manages before the man takes the air right from his chest and he lands solidly on the ground with a thunk of heavy muscle covered in chains. He takes a few moments to find his breath before he wheezes up. "You know… I needed a moment of rest. Your sparkle and wit… was just too much for me. So kind."
Jarod gets knocked down, but he gets up again. Ain't nothing going to bring him down. Also, Kell is chivalrous and lets him up for more sword-on-sword fighting. "I like to think you learned that move from me!" he laughs to the Terrick sworn, rolling back to his feet swiftly and returning to dealing out swordplay damage. "Always wondered what it'd be like against your blade, Ser Drakmoor. Good little fight so far."
Aggressive is not the best option for the Banefort. Apparently there's a little bit of berserker in the bloodline. Who would have guessed? Without stopping to consider his blows, Quentyn barely hits the Taryly knight, takes a few hits in the process. Not that he seems to be paying much attention to it.
Half-hazard as his motions may seem, Frederyck Tarly's eyes are sharp as his breath is soaked in wine and ale, scoring hits on Quentyn against and again as he tries to force the Banefort man back. He laughs loudly at Alek's call, bellowing like a bull in morning. "They'd prefer to fuck you first. Leave the ugly ones for the last, we do the same with the whores for them," he returns. The Mystery Knight's taunting gets another of those booming laughs. "Aye and you hit like a boy too." He'll get to you in a minute.
Swinging for Alek again, Martyn shakes his head a bit. Especially with the attempt at hitting the man's head doesn't send him down to the ground. "I can say one thing," he offers to the man. "You've got a rather thick skull there…" Moving in again now, not aiming quite as high this time.
"As a Hedge Knight, the fights you get in are less formal and glorious, so you use what you can. An armored shoulder to an unarmed bandit can be stunningly painful." Kell says in return with a laugh though he has heard of Jarod's fighting style which is a little rough around the edges. Now, the Terrick Sworn focuses again and advances against the Half-Eagle with his blade, not afraid to clash swords again.
Lewis growls as Alek keeps going, and so the Cockshaw knight keeps swinging, wordlessly right now.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Left Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge continues to subdue Jac.
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attempts to escape from Kittridge but fails!
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Frederyck has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Frederyck is not out of the fight yet! (Troll)
The Mystery Knight pants, standing over the fallen Tarley with his sword at the man's neck. "Most folks say I hit like a girl," he says with an audible smirk. "Yield, Ser."
"Excuse me, HALF-EAGLE," Jac calls out to his team mate. "I believe I have a prime target for you… look… his back is exposed!"
Kittridge laughs at Jac's suggestion, saying, "Quiet, Ser Jac, don't give away his secret. This is his trick we're trying here." All the same, despite holding Jac down with minimal trouble, very nearly long enough to have forced a yield, the Groves knight gets quickly to his feet, letting the Charlton back up and then attacking him properly once again. "You're lucky I care what the ladies in the stands think, ser," he says, "Or I'd not be caring if I won ugly."
The Tarly knight does not quite fall to his knees with the force of the Mystery Knight's blow, pressing back at his sword arm. Frederyck opens his mouth to speak and instead vomits forcibly onto Mystery's armor with an unslightly blech. Coughing, he drags his gaunlet over his druken mouth and sneers. "No."
Ah, it's back to doging and missing and such for Martyn, it would seem. He moves in a bit more cautiously now, frowning a little bit.
Jarod spends some time playing dodge and counter-dodge with Ser Kell, neither of the men able to slam each other. Not for lack of trying. He pivots at Jac's call but, seeing the Charlton knight regaining his feet, doesn't let up on his struggle with the Terrick sworn. He can't help but occasionally shift a look over to where the mystery knight is fighting, a very wry grin quirking his lips.
Quentyn lashes out at Frederyck again, managing another light hit, but then his partner has the Tarly knight on the ground. "Well struck, Warrior!" he calls to the Mystery Knight with a laugh, then roars as he turns to choose his next attack. Because it's more fun when you make noise!
"AUGH," says the Mystery Knight. "That's… revolting. You'll apologize to my squire, Ser." 'Cause he sure as shit isn't dealing with that.
Saffron has plopped to sit beside her betrothed, and she shoves Bear off into his lap to pla with for a time. The corgi pup has taken up standing on Kamron's knees, the mouse-fish toy in his mouth. He continues to bark around the toy out at the combat on the field. He growls, but his butt continues to wag.
"Still in there? Better out than in!" Alek calls to his partner, taking a moment to look over even as he gathers another attacker as his partner falters. "I am not buying you lot a round," he informs them, in very serious tones.
A nice defensive exchange occurs between Kell and Jarod, the former ready for more but he does hear the Charlton Knight call for help, in an inviting manner. "Don't you go anywhere, Half-Eagle. We just got started." The Terrick Sworn says with a grin as he advances once more, not giving the Half-Eagle a chance to disengage.
"DRINK THIS!!!" Ser Lewis calls at Alek, in a very original taunt, really. As he aims his mace for Alek's //FACE!!!
Nedra has been very quiet during this contest, chiefly because she is listening very attentively to what her mother is speaking about. And, well, there's a corgi puppy to pay attention to when Kamron is distracted.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword but Jarod DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword but Martyn DODGES!
Jac is quick to roll up and onto his feet, shaking out a bit of his maile as he does. He has to laugh, his warm and rich baritone singing out. "We must put on a show for the ladies, Kittridge… if they had any idea what the field was truly like, they would be horrified." Again with the neck, man! But this time there is none of that uncomfortable zap that causes his head to spin. He turns slowly with the knight, again taking a hit at the man's primary hand — unless he's a left-handed weirdo!
"Drink what?" Alek calls back, as Lewis's immediate attack swings by his head, "It isn't your cock, is it? Because we've already established it does not exist." And he fights on, keeping his feet even when Lewis's next hit encounters his helm. He is being pressed slowly back by the attacks of three men, doing his best to fight them off or lessen them.
Quentyn turns the momentum of his attack to Alek once more, a stroke of his axe skidding across the knight's chest before he hooks Alek's right arm on the backstroke. For a moment it looks like he'll press the attack…And then he realizes his partner is still back there behind him, and the Tarly knight still standing. "Fuck me sideways," he bellows. "I thought you put him down!" And then he's turning his attention back to Frederyck. Can't let him beat on his…very nimble partner.
Someone better be appreciating this up in the stands, for Alek's skill. Or stubborness. One of the two.
The unknown knight dodges and dips, avoiding the (staggering drunk) Ser Frederyck, blow after blow. "Just out of curiousity," says the slender man, "how many of me do you see?" His own blows glance ineffectually off the Tarly's armor, the need to remain mobile robbing his blows of solidity.
"I am. Always better in than out, that's what she said, aye?!" Frederyck boasts croakily, still loud and notably more raspy for Mystery's earlier blow. He does his best to dodge and move, feet stumbling as he fails to land a blow. "This isn't a dance. Stand still," he growls. "All three of you!" He might be kidding?
"Much like your brain?" Martyn comments to Alek, as he hits at the man, but doesn't quite manage to take him down. He manages to avoid getting hit, and that's always a plus.
Kamron ruffles and rumbles at Bear's sides, carefully keeping his legs together so that the puppy won't fall off. He shakes his head as men start to tumble on the ground in the field, "Augh. That's just annoying. That might work fine in battle, but it's unsporting in a melee." And then there's a burf on the field, and Kamron makes another disgusted sound, "And that is just disgusting."
"They'd never think it was glorious again," Kittridge agrees with Jac, "I'm not so sure that'd be a bad thing, but hey. Might as well give them a show while there are stands and shades and chilled wine and such." He grimaces as blows slide off the other knight's armor without finding purchase, and tries again. "Did someone just vomit?" he asks, that noise of Frederyck's somehow making it to his ears through the clang of weapons on armor.
Ser Lewis Cockshaw's response to Alek's quip is a mace to the face, this one connecting. He seems still rather angry with the Blacksword, so his grin at Martyn's comment is more grimace then true smile. Shifting the mace in his hand again, he aims a blow for Alek's soft middle. Even if it is slightly less soft due to armor.
In the stands, Roslyn watches the field of soldiers intently, despite her attention slipping so often at the last melee. Her lips flatten into a line as Kell's sword lands on Kittridge's neck, too far away to tell that the armor stopped it. Her fingers fiddle against her skirts, and she finally moves to make conversation with Senna, though she keeps an eye out there.
*Jac's sword lands
Bear continues to growl merrily at the field, though he soon flops back on his arse. He starts to shake his head with a violent sort of play, the poor fishie-mouse flopping about with the movement. Saffron just laughs at the playful pup, before she is rightly distracted by the vomit on the field. She blinks several times, and her nose wrinkles. "Foul," is all she says in regards to it — though she does look interestedly toward Quentyn.
From the stands, from what she can see causes Jocelyn both to wince and look intently at the field. Unable to look away from what was going on. She was so excited and anxious at the same time.
Kamron isn't the only one to be disgusted by the sound, and Nedra is only glad she's far enough away from the field that she at least only had to HEAR it. She ruffles Bear's fur again before tilting her head toward her mother, wishing she could've brought her sketch board with her to this match but alas, no. "That's just bad form," Nedra's mother says, tone of voice faintly appalled and amused at the same time.
Hugh shakes his head and leans back, looking over at the other squires…pityingly, really.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Quentyn is not out of the fight yet! (Troll)
Jarod can't help but let out a yelp and curse as Kell's blow strikes his sword arm. Partial maile, alas, lacks proper arm guards, and what he's cobbled together is no replacement for a gauntlet. He takes a more defensive pose, raising his sword higher for more effective blocking.
Since Jarod is getting aggressive in his stance, Kell actually follows suit instead of going defensive, meeting his opponent in boldness. The Terrick Knight's strategy is clear as he aims for the unarmored part of the Half-Eagle, perhaps planning for a longer fight as he tries to bruise up Jarod's arms so his sword motion is slowed.
Alek is still on his feet, even after Lewis's attack finds him. He presses on defending himself, though without a quip or counter with the wind momentarily knocked out of him.
For a moment, the usual jovial Songbird seems to sober. "You say it true, Ser… you say it true." And then he takes a solid blow to his chest, and that stops his words dead.
Charging forward again, Quentyn slams the head of his axe into Frederyck's chest with a shout. Unfortunately for him, that doesn't stop the Tarly knight from fighting back, and with both hands at the haft of his weapon, he doesn't have a chance to defend against the blow he takes to the throat. That one sends him reeling a few steps, coughing hoarsely. That cut the bellowing a bit short.
"Oi!" cries the mystery knight as the Tarly batters Ser Quentyn. "Fall, already, you putrid cuntsore!" He aims another blow for Ser Frederyck's side.
Martyn shakes his head a little bit at Alek. "Isn't it time for you go go down soon?" he comments, while missing the man now. But he tries again.
Kamron snags the fishie-mouse-thing with one hand, tugging at it so give Bear some resistance to his growling. "Apparently, Mother, it happens when you have a lot of men drinking before they get hit in the stomach and throat." Looking over to Saffron, he adds, "Have I thanked you yet that I'm not down there, My Lady? Getting battered and beaten is one thing. But getting thrown in the dust and…" he gestures toward the Tarly knight's vile display on the myster knight's armor, "That's something else entirely."
Ser Lewis's grin is more of a true one as he takes the wind out of Alek. "You hear that? You not talking? Nice, isn't it?" he calls, tauntingly. And, to drive home his point, he aims a few more blows at Alek's soft gooey center.
"Least I know what one looks like," Frederyck roars, not so much dodging the Mystery Knight's blows as simple holding his footing as he hammers away at Quentyn.
Kittridge takes a light knock on his arm in turn, and though it's not enough to push his thrust off the mark, it does rob it of some of its power, hitting Jac solidly but not powerfully enough to knock him down. "I wonder how things are going behind me," he says to Jac, "Can you see how the drunks are doing?"
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Frederyck with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Frederyck with Greatsword - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Serious wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck attacks Quentyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Frederyck has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Jac has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Jac spends a luck point to keep fighting!
"If marks were awarded for knightly conduct and form, that young man would be in the debtor column," Nedra's mother replies to Kamron in the same disapproving tone of voice. Nedra, for her part, laughs suddenly and smiles at her mother before reaching over and ruffling Bear's fur again, "And we're all equally glad, Kamron, that you're not down there to get puked on either, aren't we?" said as she aims a smile past Kamron and her father to where Saffron sits.
Bear turns his growls on Kamron as the man snatches at his fishie-mouse, and he turns a bit in his lap to tug on it. Tug-tug, tug-tug. He tugs and tugs until his little teeth loose hold and he promptly falls over and rolls right over Kamron's knees with a squeak of surprise.
Jarod is holding his own less easily, now that Kell's focusing on the weak point in his armor. "Fuckit!" he shout/winces, when he's struck on the arm again. He grimaces. "Good aim," he says wry, continuing to attack the other knight while making some effort to cover himself. How well he'll succeed at this point is questionable. His grip is getting wobbly.
"Stay down, this time," Ser No Name advises the Tarly. Then, to his teammate, "Pace yourself, Ser! A ways to go yet!" At which point the lad turns his attentions on poor, unfortunate Alek.
Quentyn is still busy making sure air can come through his throat at the moment, so he skips the name-calling this time. Instead, he takes a step back, winds up a good one, and slams the dulled edge of his axe into Frederyck Tarly like he's felling a tree for a mast. TIMBER!
It seems like Kell's plan is working as he manages a nice heavy blow with his blunted blade on the Half-Eagle's left arm while his own chainmail on his own arm is able to push aside his opponent's strike, causing it to glance away. "If you wish to save your arm from a mottle of bruises, yield, Half-Eagle. I don't want your wife to come after me because you are unable to hug her and hold her." The Terrick Knight quips in a friendly manner with a grin as his longsword is now aimed for the other arm.
Jac tilts his head a bit to look around Kittridge to the drunks. "It appears that there are multiple representations of the Warrior on the field today — including the sad wretch who drinks his own vomit." To his surprise, he isn't paying close enough attention to his opponent to take yet another slam to his chest, and he releases a sudden oof that causes him to stumble back. He shakes his head out a bit, before stepping forward with a forward swing to return the blow.
And still, amazingly, Alek remains on his feet. Where he sees his partner out of the fight, he laughs, a dry, loud sound. And then he is switching stance instead of trying to draw this fight out, suddenly going agressive as he swings at Martyn. "SUCK MY COCK," he yells to—someone. Idk.
Someone in the crowd shouts back, "NO THANK YOU!"
That pair of blows is is harsh enough to fell a tree, never mind a drunken Tarly. No doubt if there was a mite left in his gullet, Quentyn's blow to the gut would have sent him spewing again as is it knocks him on his ass. The Ser with No Name's marking a vicious second that pounds him into the field. Frederyck stares dizzily up at the sky for a moment before he angrily mumbles, "You tit sucking, cock-holsters. Aye. I yield." He kicks at the earth like a child with a tantrum, before sulking off to the corner. "YOU TELL THEM, SER."
Another shout from the crowd comes back, "Four coppers!"
Martyn shakes his head a bit in Alek's direction, "Nobody wants to do that," he remarks, before he adds, "They can't find it." Moving in to attack again now.
"Didn't know that was one of the Warrior's faces," Kittridge replies to Jac, "Sounds like an unpleasant state of affairs." He snorts as Alek shouts and then Jac replies, trying to parry that attack and rattle the Charlton's ribs at the same time.
The fat little page who's been attending the Tarly knight throughout the competition looks increasingly green and distresed as he watches the match. He gulps, like he's about throw up himself. Instead, seeing all the vomit and blood that his master has taken, he bursts into tears and flees the field. Before he can be asked to do anything with…that.
Hugh calls out some encouragement to Jarod, though it may be lost in the clanging of weapon to armor. "Come on, Ser! Show them what you're made of!" He watches the techniques, trying to learn some of them.
"Stop talking already!" Ser Lewis growls at the lippy Ser Alek. Once more he shifts the grip on his mace, and tries to give the Blacksword another facefull.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Alek with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Alek with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Alek with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frederyck passes.
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Martyn with Greatsword but Martyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Alek has been KO'd!
"I'm afraid you are helping me feel my age, Kittridge," Jac says in a self-deprecating tone. "That is another face of the warrior." Of course, soon after that is said, his helmet rattles like a bell and he swears his vision doubles just for a moment by the sheer impact.
Jarod is still dying a death of a thousand cuts with those strikes to his arms, but he seems determined to try and take Kell with him. "She's an inventive girl. Besides, it's not my arms that please her! If that's all you use on a girl, Ser, I humbly suggest you're doing it wrong."
Kamron laughs softly at Nedra and his mother's commentary, his right hand coming over to brace Bear as he tug-tug-tugs at the fishie-mouse. This turns out to be a good thing as the puppy starts to tumble, and ends up being snatched up under the belly and brought up to go nearly nose to nose with the little doggie. "Are you trying to get me in trouble by getting hurt, cubbie?" You know, like a little bear.
Alek is going down. This much is a forgone conclusion. And so instead, Quentyn turns his attention to Lewis. All the better to get in a good blow while the other knight is otherwise occupied. No one accused the Baneforts of being chivalrous, right? It's a glancing blow, though, so mostly he's just managed to draw attention to himself.
"Get back here, Pig," Frederyck Tarly bellows angrily as he makes it to the edge of the field, swatting his fist at the fat little page. Even if he is already trundling his way into the crowd in an attempt to escape.
For all that Lewis tries, it is Martyn's swing that does Alek in, the blade taking his throat and only barely catching on his armor to save him from a nasty consequence of even play fighting. A hand lifts away from his sword as he drops to his knees, fingers finding his throat as he croaks out the word "Yield." Then he is struggling to his feet and following his partner from the field.
Ser No Name assists in taking down the last of Team Drunkard, then turns to join his teammate in pressing attack on Ser Lewis. "Ho, there you are!" he calls cheerfully to Ser Quentyn. "How's things?"
The little page is too slow to avoid the cuff, for all that Ser Tarly is hardly in speedy form at the moment. He cries even louder and curls up on the ground. It's a fairly shameful display for a boy who's supposed to be a future knight, really.
Saffron laughs brightly at the sight of the knight rescuing her cub, but she is immediately brought into conversation with Kamron's mother once more. Bear however is quite thankful for the save, and he licks Kamron's nose with a waggling of his butt. This is followed by a bright and chipper barking.
Lewis seems rather satisfied to see Alek go down. But he doesn't seem able to savor it for long, as that glancing blow draws his attention to Ser Quentyn. Without missing a beat, he whips his mace around, aiming a solid blow for the Banefort's middle.
He might have swung a bit harder than neccessary. Pausing for a few moments as he sees Alek, and hears the word, he nods. "Well fought, Ser," he offers, before he turns around and sees Ser No Name going for Ser Lewis now. And so the Mallister attacks the Nameless One, of course. Need to defend your teammate, right?
Jarod's response to Kell's quip causes the Terrick Knight to bark out an amused laugh as they exchange light blows, "Seems like your wit is as sharp as your blade, Ser Rivers. I must say though, I use what's connected to my arms to please a woman, not just my blade, 'less she grows bored." However, it is obvious that the Half-Eagle won't yield so Kell continues on, this time aiming for the hands to perhaps disarm his opponent, a harder target to hit for sure.
"What is?" Kittridge asks as he lashes out to make Jac's helmet ring with the point of his spear, "Making you feel your age, or vomiting on people? Not sure I've ever prayed to him regarding either, that I can think of," he says, cursing and taking a quick step back, just manging to get out of the way so Jac's sword slides harmlessly across his armor.
Nedra rises to her feet, cheering for Martyn and his combat partner on the field as they dispatch of Ser Lewis before they turn to take on Ser Quentyn next. "This is entirely to much fun," she says as she takes her seat again. "And a great deal less nerve racking when you're not on the field," she admits in a lower voice and lightly elbows Kamron again - this time his arm, not his side.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
Kamron shakes his head as if to shake off puppy-slobber, "No kisses before the wedding, right?" He lowers the critter to his lap again, cheering as Martyn drops Alek, "Mallister! The Rock of Seagard!" He quiets down from his shout, adding, "and partner." He shrugs a little helplessly, then winces a little at Nedra's elbowing, "Hey! That part hurts too. Then again, most parts above my waist hurt." Still, he sounds rather chipper about it all. A moment later, he adds in, "Banefort!" Can't hurt to cheer for the future goodfamily.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword but Lewis DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon but Quentyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Jarod spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Jarod can't quite keep his grip steady, and Kell's knock to his chest - for all that it wasn't another blow to his arm - nearly makes him drop his blade. He hastily tightens his fingers and rather desperately keeps his hands on it, but the weight of the blade makes him stumble. He drives the point into the ground to prop himself up, grunting as he leverages himself back to his feet. "Good little fight…" he pants. For at least a little longer, at least.
"Ser Quentyn, you are a force of nature! I may want to be you when I grow up!" calls Ser Mysteriouso, breathless with exertion and bright with admiration.
"Avoided the puke," Quentyn answers his partner with a brief grimace for the state of his partner's armor. "Sorry. Thought he was down." And now that he's not berserking, the Banefort heir seems to have caught a bit of a second wind…and some of his mother's good sense. Collecting himself, he steps back enough to choose his shots, and when Lewis swings at his head, he pops the head of his axe forward into the other knight's helm, following it up with a blow to the chest.
"You would probably have the advantage if you were fully armored, Half-Eagle." Kell answers in turn, agreeing on how he feels about their fight thus far. He doesn't ask his opponent to yield, knowing what the answer would be but he also doesn't underestimates Jarod. Instead of going easy on the other man, the Terrick Sworn presses on once the Half-Eagle is ready, this time aiming for the arm instead of the hand, intent on having the man drop his weapon.
Managing to miss in his attacks on the Ser Without a Name, Martyn switches to a more aggressive approach, shaking his head a little bit.
"The Old Warrior," Jac clairifies as he adjusts his stance, taking on a bit more defense without fully giving up the upperhand to the Groves. His hands and neck both are starting to feel the pain of the minor strikes, though his chest aches and he still hears a faint ringing in his ears. He strikes out against the knight once more, moving rapidly. There is still a faint smile on his lips.
Ser Lewis stumbles backward, dazed from the blow to the helm. His own attacks are rather haphazard because of it, and he offers little in the way of defense for long enough that the Banefort knight gets in another good blow, this time to the chest. Finally gathering himself, Cockshaw seems to grab some of the steam he had in him when he was fighting Alek - digging in his heals, tighting his grip on the mace, he lunges forward, swinging furiously.
"I don't follow," Kittridge admits, shaking his head. He turns to glance over his shoulder once, and doesn't get back quickly enough to fully guard against Jac's move, taking a solid hit with a thud against brigadine. "Is this a Northern thing? Did I miss something?"
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Serious wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Kittridge spends a luck point to keep fighting!
Jarod somehow, it's hard to tell precisely how at this point, manages to hold onto his sword when Kell deals a nasty blow to his wrist. He's not yielding yet. He even manages to get in a cut to the knight's chest maile, though it's not particularly stinging itself.
Jac shakes his head, and there is a budding grin on his lips that causes a touch of youth in his older features. "I'm a Riverlander, through and through, Kittridge. Let us blame my lack of eloquence on the smell of Tarly vomit." He then quiets enough to slam his strike forward and against the man's chest, perhaps returning a blow given some time ago.
The strike to his chest is hard enough to be felt but not enough to cause Kell pause. The stubborness that Jarod shows is admirable though, "The Warrior must be holding that blade for you, Half-Eagle." Spoken with respect as the Terrick Sworn advances once more, blunted blade in both hands.
Senna manages a laugh for his partner, stepping to the side and taking the time to actually work with his fellow knight. "Do you know, I could get used to the Warrior at my side," he calls over, waiting until his partner is aiming an attack before ringing Lewis's bell with another powerful downstroke of his axe to the helm.
Quentyn manages a laugh for his partner, stepping to the side and taking the time to actually work with his fellow knight. "Do you know, I could get used to the Warrior at my side," he calls over, waiting until his partner is aiming an attack before ringing Lewis's bell with another powerful downstroke of his axe to the helm.
Another strike to his chest follows the first and though he manages to nail Jac in the head, Kittridge still stumbles back a step. It takes him a moment to recover, and then instead of turning back to Jac, he's joining Kell in attacking Jarod instead.
Ser Mystery pivots on the balls of his feet, feinting quickly to one side to avoid Martyn's blow, then back the other way to drive his sword into Lewis. "Scrappy, aren't you?" he calls cheerfully to his opponent.
As both Quentyn and his Mystery Knight friend rain down blows upon Lewis Cockshaw's head, his helmet becomes rather battered. In face, the Banefort's axeblow is so fierece it punctures a bit of the metal, and blood starts to flow down the exposed parts of Lewis' face. "Bloody… fucking… fuckers," Cockshaw manages, somehow still retaining his feet and continuing to try and take down Quentyn.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jarod with Spear - Moderate wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Critical wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jarod with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jarod with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Jarod has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lewis has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Lewis is not out of the fight yet! (Troll)
It's the knock to his neck, even deflected by the maile that it is, that finally knocks Jarod down. Hard. And he does drop his sword. Rather than try to fumble for it again, he only hoists himself up to the knee. "I yield, Ser." It's Kell he gasps that to.
"Well fought, Half Eagle, could've gone either way." Kell says with a nod as he acknowledge the yield after the particularly hard blow with the reverse strike glancing Jarod's left arm. With his main opponent yielding, the Terrick Sworn turns to find Kittridge's opponent attacking his partner and immediately, without hesitation, moves to engage the man.
Quentyn and Lewis are dancing apparently, as the Banefort heir steps past the other knight's strike, his axe cutting only air by Lewis' shoulder. On the backstroke, he manages to slide metal against Lewis' armor, though his own near backbend to avoid the counterstroke robs it of strength.
Kittridge didn't really think it was to him Jarod was yielding anyway, don't worry. While he joins with Kell in downing the Half-Eagle, he takes another knock to the helmet from Jac, and as soon as Jarod as yielded, he is turning back to the Charlton. "Maybe you should join our team, Jac," he suggests, grinning, "The three of us go find someone else to fight."
Panting, the nameless knight turns to point at Martyn. "Don't worry — we'll be dancing next," he promises, laughter in that light tenor of a voice. He turns to face Lewis once more.
With his partner out of the fight, the Songbird turns his attention onto the two opponents now coming after him. He offers them a wide, jokster grin. "Come now, my boys… make me yield. I have a lady who waits to nurse me back to health with the lips of an angel." Though he does pause a moment to squint at the men. He does look across the field, tilting his head. "Perhaps we should go handle the Westerlander," he suggests, speaking of Quentyn.
Hugh waits for Jarod. Ready with wineskins, one of water, one of a more potent liquid, Hugh seems sure Jarod can make it out under his own steam.
"Certainly more fun beating on someone else than getting beat on by two, Ser." Kell offers with a grin as Jac seems amicable enough to momentarily team up with them. As for their intended target, the Terrick Sworn sees Banefort colors and shakes his head slightly, "He's already in bad shape, there are others that looks like they could use a beating or four, to even things up. They look too… clean, from lack of blows."
Even Ser Lewis seems surprised that he is still on his feet, after the next blow he receives to the head from the Mystery Knight. The sound of sword on helmet is rather resounding, his knees weekend. He actually needs to pause for a moment, using the mace to keep his balance - but somehow, he is still going. "Fucking…. duck…" He murmurs, a bit of the blood coming down his face mixing in with the spit as he curses? at his opponents. Still, Cockshaw seems to have just a bit of resilience left in him as he aims another swing at Quentyn Banefort. And if it lacks in strength, well, is it any wonder?
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Jac with Spear - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jac with Greatsword but Jac DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kittridge with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> MysteryKnight spends a luck point to keep fighting!
"We could!" Ser Kittridge agrees as he swings at Jac and misses, "What do you say, lads, should we go try to knock the Banefort around together instead? Come on," he grins, "It'll be more fun, we've done this for a while already." He gestures between them, and then takes the initiative to move away towards Quentyn, trusting at least Kell to follow. Hopefully.
Again, Quentyn works on distracting Lewis with, uh. Yeah, they're just whiffing now, let's be honest. But if it lets his partner get in a solid hit, that's the whole point of this team thing, right?
Jarod drags himself over to the sidelines, grunting for Hugh to assist him out of his armor. He can barely move his arms, as it stands. He takes the more potent wineskin first, when he finally has a free hand to fumble it with. Watching the competition with that same wry expression, though it's more pained now. Though his eyes try to follow Jac's action, they skip to the mystery knight.
Ser Mystery hisses in pain and grips his left arm as Martyn lands a numbing blow. "FUCK!" he cries out — it sounds almost like laughter. Perhaps it is, in addition to pain. "Well! Good thing I'm not a left-handed swordsman!" And he once more presses attack on the stone pillar that is Lewis.
Jac looks between the two younger knights after he takes one hit against the arm, and manages to evade the Groves's greatsword. He chortles to Kittridge, though he keeps a careful eye on Kell to see if he will be having to defend against Kell once more. Soon though, the Songbird moves off with the Groves to go for the Banefort knight.
Before Kell could speak again, the two knights with him are already charging away at the Banefort and the Terrick Sworn can't help but follow. But instead of clobbering onto Quentyn, Kell is actually angling at the Banefort's partner in this team melee, "I'll keep his partner occupied, make it quick." Is the best that he can do, as he can't find himself attacking their planned target.
Yeah, what Quentyn said. Totally whiffing at this point. Really, Ser Lewis should probably bow out. It'd be the smart thing to do. But a few hits to the head makes that kind of thinking difficult. So, he just keeps swinging. Eventually, he'll hit something, right?
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear but Quentyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Serious wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Lewis with Bludgeon - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon but Quentyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear but Quentyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
Kittridge swings at Quentyn, along with everyone else, misses, and tries again.
Jac didn't miss, thank you! Did quite well, yes! PUFF CHEST.
"Hold still. All… three of you," Lewis says, blinking past the blood in his eyes (and the minor concussion) to mumble at Quentyn. And swing, miss. Swing, miss. You know how it goes.
Ser Mysterious heaves a put upon sigh as Lewis remains on his feet. Still. And wheels around to face Kell, instead. 'Cause that thing. With the neck. Ow.
Well, Kell wanted to distract Ser Quentyn's partner while the rest beat on him and he is successful with that strike to the neck as the Mystery Knight is now facing him. This of course puts the Terrick Sworn on the defensive, being rather careful as if his intent is now to feel out the other knight's fighting style and abilities.
Martyn swings for Quentyn this time, not managing to get the man knocked down.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Jac with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
Kamron watches all the Riverlanders gang up on the Westerman, frowning a moment, but not complaining. Eventually, he comes up with, "So long as they're still fighting and not wrestling, I suppose I can't complain." His fingers scritch at the back of Bear's neck, just behind his ears.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Jac with Bludgeon - Light wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield but Quentyn DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
Despite Kamron's supportive words, Saffron looks quite dismayed at the quantity ganging up on her cousin. Bear has decided to chew away at Kamron's mourning black, his paws pinning the fishie-mouse between his paws.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Jac with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Jac with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Quentyn with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Quentyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
The Mystery Knight cackles. "Maybe Ser Frederyck was the sober one!"
This is not working. Jac Caddock is not a stupid man. He steps back from the Banefort, and his gaze quickly analyzes the field. He turns then toward the next target that actually desn't look as nearly rattled up as the rest: Ser Martyn Mallister. Best make sure a Mallister doesn't win this one again. Its too cliche.
"Yield already! I'll even take back what I said about Jamie Lannister if you will," Kittridge offers Quentyn, as he and several other knights all hit the big Westerner over and over to no avail, "Full plate in a melee should be cheating," he grumbles.
For a few moments, Quentyn is untouchable. As the crowd of knights closes in around him, he lands a few more blows on Lewis, striking his chest lightly, then harder. Even as he's surrounded, the Banefort heir finds enough of a second wind to dodge and weave the veritable forest of weapons coming at him. And he's a big target, people. Maybe they'd have had better luck if they weren't all GANGING UP ON HIM. Like a lion at bay, he turns with a roar to swipe at Jac. Sword and spear dash off smoky dark armor, and as he fails to hit Jac, he turns his attention to Kittridge. "QUIT POKING ME WITH YOUR DAMNED SPEAR!"
Martyn pauses a bit as he sees the others coming for him. Leaving Quentyn to someone else now, he ducks back a bit, but moves for the Mystery Knight once more now. Time to end this Mystery, right?
"YIELD AND I WILL!" Kittridge shouts back.
Someone in the crowd yells out in response to Quentyn, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!"
Ser Mystery shouts in support of his teammate, "NEVER GIVE UP, NEVER SURRENDER!"
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Kittridge with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Martyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Lewis with Greatsword - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Martyn with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Kittridge with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Lewis with Greatsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Kittridge with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Lewis attacks Quentyn with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Lewis with Greatsword - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Martyn with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Lewis has been KO'd!
Kamron grabs at Bear's jaws with his free hand, trying to extricate his sleeve from the pup's mouth without tearing it. "Come on you… let go of that." Looking over to Saffron, he notes, "He'll be alright, My Lady. Full plate is a whole lot more protective than a brigadine or maile."
Panting, still circling Martyn, Ser Mystery points at Lewis and shouts, "Well fought, Ser! WELL fought!"
"You know what they say," Quentyn laughs breathlessly, swinging and missing against the Groves knight's more nimble weapon. "Baneforts. Last to fall." Or it could be 'Too Damned Stubborn To Surrender.' Who knows what their words are?
Martyn grimaces a bit as he takes some solid hits, ducking down a bit more now. "That… hurts…" he mutters, but keeps on attacking.
The blow that finally fells Lewis Cockshaw is light compared to the previous ones. But as it comes precisely on the spot as the rather brutal ones, it is enough. His knees crumble, and he falls to the ground. "Shield… field… yield!" He practically crawls to the edge of the melee ring, his previously abused squire needing the help of a couple other lads to get the knight to his feet, and moving away from the fighting.
"But their already mashed to a bloody pulp inside their pretty armor by the time they get there?" Kittridge guesses at the second half of Quentyn's saying for him.
Picking a Knight that no one else was attacking, Kell lands a succession of blows on Ser Cockshaw and when the knight finally yields, he backs off. "Well fought, Ser." Now, the Terrick Sworn is looking back to the field and trying to see who to attack next, only to find the Mystery Knight coming at him yet again.
Jarod winces as he tries to follow the increasingly bruised and battered action on the field. As the mystery knight and Kell cross swords, he can't suppress a snort and smirk. Much as one can smirk, when one's half-grimacing. He is so, so banged up.
<COMBAT> Quentyn attacks Kittridge with Bludgeon and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Mysteryknight with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Quentyn with Spear - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell takes careful aim at Mysteryknight.
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Martyn has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Martyn spends a luck point to keep fighting!
<COMBAT> Quentyn has been KO'd!
Taking another solid hit, Martyn stumbles backwards a bit before he sinks to his knees. He starts getting to his feet again after a few moments of pause, and looks around for a few moments, before he moves for Jac now.
Senna fights on as he can, until Kittridge manages to get a blow in at the joint of his knee, sending him down to the turf. And while staying up is one thing, /getting/ up in full armor is another thing entirely. Taking a knee, the Banefort knight leans on his axe and flips his visor up to eye Kittridge through a veil of sweat and a bit of blood. "So who the fuck'm I supposed to yield to out of your mob?" he grins, spitting blood off to the side. At least he's not a sore loser.
The timing was just right as Kell side steps the blunted blade that slices at him from the Mystery Knight and now it is his turn to be on the offensive. With his own blade gripped tightly in his hand, the Terrick Knight advances now attacks his opponent with purpose, knowing that the number of combatants are dwindling.
Quentyn fights on as he can, until Kittridge manages to get a blow in at the joint of his knee, sending him down to the turf. And while staying up is one thing, /getting/ up in full armor is another thing entirely. Taking a knee, the Banefort knight leans on his axe and flips his visor up to eye Kittridge through a veil of sweat and a bit of blood. "So who the fuck'm I supposed to yield to out of your mob?" he grins, spitting blood off to the side. At least he's not a sore loser.
"Ah, so you realize I'm here now," Jac says to Martyn with a wide grin on his boyish lips. He gives his shoulder a loose toss, focusing on the Mallister now.
"Shit! Ser Quentyn!" the Mystery Knight grimaces. "Forgive me, my friend. I'll avenge you, Warrior willing!" He eyes Kell, ready for the blow.
"Thank the fucking Seven, finally!" Kittridge groans as Quentyn goes to a knee at least and stays here. "Me," he laughs, "The last six hits were mine. One of them might've ended you sooner, sorry about that. Well fought, ser. For that performance I'll even agree not to give you a hard time about your precious Ser Kingslayer anymore. Clearly you know your stuff."
There is a certain lady within the stands whose lips twitch into a smile as Kittridge brings Quentyn down, avoiding the other knight's attack in turn. Roslyn is intently focused, attention on the field though she murmurs questions to Senna, asking after the action that plays out before her.
Saffron smiles over to her betrothed even as Bear starts to growl playfully. Apparently, he hasn't learned 'drop it' yet, because he just hangs on tighter to that black fabric until the tension on his jaw lets him go. Now, he attacks Kamron's fingers with a small bark. "I know he's safe, and he will laugh at me when he hears I was concerned…"
"Just knock the Mallister one for me," Quentyn winks to Kittridge, staying right where he is for a minute. Until everyone knows he's out. In case they haven't realized it yet. Because who could blame them? "I'll stand you a round later, Groves," he laughs. He'll drag himself up once his ears stop ringing.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn attacks Jac with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Mysteryknight with Spear - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Martyn with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Martyn has been KO'd!
Jac drops the Mallister with a quick swing to his right, landing solidly on his right hip and leg.
"You, with the pointy stick!" says the Mystery Knight, staggering from a series of blows, but most seriously favoring the side where he was speared. "Ow." He rounds on Kit.
Kittridge laughs and nods to Quentyn, saluting, "I'll do my best, ser!" He takes a half-step between Quentyn and the others as the bigger knight stands, helping prevent him getting accidentally attacked again just in case. From there, he takes advantage of Kell's attack on the mystery knight to lash out with his spear, scoring a wicked blow to his neck, though of course it gets him targeted, now. Oops.
Letting out a bit of a pained shout as he's getting hit, Martyn sinks down to both his knees now. Dropping his sword to the ground, he holds his sword arm in front of him. "I… yield…" he offers, finally.
And now there are four as Martyn bites the dust, Kell seeing that and predicting who the Charlton Knight will be attacking, either himself or his partner. For now, the Terrick Sworn continues to fight with Kittridge, focusing on the Mystery Knight but half of his attention is focused on Jac, not wanting to give that knight a free blind-sided hit.
Kamron groans as Quentyn is driven to a knee, then yelps a little as Bear focuses on his fingers, "Hey you little rat-thing," but at least the little Reach corgi isn't chewing on his shirt anymore. "What would cousins do without younger cousins to tease, Lady Saffron?" And then Martyn drops, and he groans, "Well, there goes that hope. He fought well though. Looks like Ser Kittridge and Ser Kell are well positioned, unless the others gang up on them."
Jac looks over across the field and he notes that its down to the Mystery Knight and his two previous foes. Looks like its time to break alliances. "Its time, boys," Jac announces, and he moves in after Kell.
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Mysteryknight with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Pixie has started a new turn. Pose and choose your action.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kittridge with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Mysteryknight with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - ARMOR on Left Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kittridge with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Mysteryknight with Spear - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword but Mysteryknight DODGES!
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kell with Greatsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kittridge with Greatsword - Light wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge attacks Mysteryknight with Spear - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kittridge has been KO'd!
Martyn gets up enough to move himself off the field now. Looking up to the stands for a few moments, then back to limping off for now.
It takes a few minutes, but once Quentyn manages to get up off the ground, he lumbers his way off the field, pulling off his helm once he's reached a safe spot. "Make 'em pay, Warrior!" he calls out encouragement to his partner.
The Mystery Knight turns on Kell again as Kirrtridge falls. He staggers, barely standing — but standing, still. "Why hello, there!"
"We all saw this coming," Jac says ruefully to Kell with a broad smile on his now quite dirty face. He offers the sworn knight a bow of his head, and he settles in his heels to strengthen his momentum of attack.
"Come on, Kell!" shouts Kittridge as he gets his breath back after a quick hit right to the lungs, several minutes too late to avoid having to yield. He leaves the field, but stays to watch.
Roslyn does not leave the stands, but her lips press into a brief line before her gaze slides back to Kell and she watches the last three fight it out.
Kell seems to welcome the challenge as he grins back to both Jac and the Mystery Knight, seeing that they are going to be teaming up on him. He does shoot Kittridge a glance with a nod, "Well fought, Ser. I will finish this, against both of them." Now his attention is back on the two as he watches both warily, seeing who may strike first as he plans his own attack, a feint at the Mystery Knight followed up by a real attack on the Charlton Knight, "Charlton, you will fall first." He says as he swings.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Jac with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Right Leg (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jac has been KO'd!
Panting, Ser No Name says with relish, "It's you and me, Ser. Warrior fight with you!"
Caddock has to laugh, though it quickly turns into a yelp and wince at the sharp snap to his leg. Suddenly, the limb goes abruptly numb and needly and he feels his foot kind of soften around the ankle. "I think… I yield… and I am not a Charlton, Ser Kell. Just a Songbird…"
Bear is all growls, happy to have something to play with. He rolls onto his back, pinning Kamron's hand to his stomach and chest so he can gnaw on those fingers. Saffron offers the man an amused look before she leans forward to whisper a kiss to his cheek. After all, everyone is cheering for the final two competitors to notice the gentle show of affection.
"A Songbird who's beak is rather sharp, Ser. Well fought." Kell says with a nod to Jac as the man yields though the strike on him does sting. But now there are two and the Terrick Sworn focuses on the Mystery Knight, careful once again as he observes his opponents movements. "And you, Ser. You have done well coming this far." Mystery Knights are always a wild card, since they could be terrifyingly skilled or just very bad. There seems to be no attacking motion just yet from Kell though, more focused on studying his opponent's movements.
Jac limps his way over to the side of the field, where a borrowed Charlton page — near a squire by his age — is there to help by taking the man's large sword. "I need to find myself a squire," he mumbles to himself, though the page looks quite happy to be helpful.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword but Kell DODGES!
<COMBAT> Kell takes careful aim at Mysteryknight.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Kell takes careful aim at Mysteryknight.
And then people are falling in quick succession. Kamron curls his fingers, offering knuckles for the puppy to gnaw on instead of his fingertips. He starts to look over to Saffron, then stops as her lips find his cheek. The Mallister's grin quirks up at one side, and his free hand drops down to pat Saffron's hand lightly in return.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
"C'mon, Warrior!" Quentyn bellows, cupping his hands around his mouth to shout encouragement. "Take him down!"
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
"Fuck… that… duck!" Lewis bellows rather incoherently, where he sits nearby, dealing with wine, concussions, and a rather ugly old healer puttering around his head.
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight attacks Kell with Greatsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Kell attacks Mysteryknight with Greatsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mysteryknight has been KO'd!
Finally, after death by a thousand cuts, the Mystery Knight staggers… and falls to a knee. "I yield, Ser Kell! Well fought indeed."
A cheer slips past Roslyn's lips as the Mystery Knight yields, before she catches herself to instead clap politely for the victor even as her gaze traces back to Kittridge.
The dance of blades goes on for quite some time as Kell gets struck first by the Mystery Knight, on the arm which causes him to wince. But whether it is due to tiredness or the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the slight pain quickly fades. Then with a brief look down at the faded ribbons wrapped around his right wrist, the Terrick Sworn decides it's time for him to press the attack and that is what he does. Striding in with boldness, his longsword snaps out, landing hit after hit until the Mystery Knight yields and Kell slows to a stop. "You are indeed a skilled knight. Would you honor me with your name, Ser?"
Saffron actually has to smile a bit as Kell wins — after all, she has noticed his Banefort favor. She glances toward Kamron as Bear continues to play with the man's fingers, though he soon gets bored as he rolls up, sprawled out across the man's legs. He releases a tongue-curled yawn. The Banefort stands to clap for the Terrick sworn, her smile warm on her lips.
Jarod blinks, and tenses, when Kell asks the Mystery Knight's name. He looks like he's bracing himself for a blow. Whether of the physical nature or not is unclear.
Kittridge applauds Ser Kell's victory. Gauntlets tucked beneath an arm he lifts fingers to his lips to whistle approvingly.
Kamron would probably stand up and cheer for the victory, but he's got a lap full of puppy. Instead, he claps his right hand against his thigh, his left hand coming down to rest on a furry belly to keep the Bear in his place. "Terrick! Drakmoor! The Eagles!" If he can't stand, at least he can call out, for all it hurts his bruised abs.
"Aw, hells," Quentyn grumbles good-naturedly when his partner goes down, though he adds another shout after. "Well fought, Warrior!" It's all he has for a name, after all.
The crowd goes wild as the Mystery Knight finally yields. The common folk roar and stamp their feet with approval.
Ser Mystery pushes to his feet, sheathing his blade and reaching to grasp Kell's forearm. "I afford you every honor I am able — save my name, Ser. Today, it is not mine to give. But I am deeply glad to see a part of the purse go to House Terrick. You are a credit to their ranks." The Mystery Knight steps back and presents the Ser Kell to the crowd with a theatrical flourish of a bow. "LADIES AND LORDS, GOODFOLK ALL — YOUR CHAMPION!" And he steps back, and back — and thus departs the field.
The fanfare sounds. THe Herald cries out: "THE FINAL BLOW GOES TO THE CHAMPION, SER KELL DRAKEMOORE. THE WINNERS OF THE TEAM MELEE ARE SER KELL DRAKEMOOR AND SER KITTRIDGE GROVES." His shouts coming on the tail of the Mystery Knight's own.
Oh yeah, that's right. Kell works for his sister. Quentyn is duly mollified.
Saffron claps joyfully for today's champion, though she smiles down at her own before she tilts her head. "The Terricks and Groves win together… perhaps a fateful turn," she says softly before she offers her betrothed a hand. "Will you walk with me now, Ser? Or have you somewhere to be?" And she has to smile.
Jac claps from his barrel seat, one of the healers looking over his hurt leg. They are saying something about the man needing to rest for a few days, perhaps the use of a cane until the shock subsides. Yup, he definitely is honored by the Old Warrior today.
Hearing the answer, Kell nods understandingly and doesn't press for results as he mirrors the Mystery Knight's movements, grasping the other knight's forearm in turn for a shake. "All will go the House, the people need it. You fought very well, Ser." As he is announced, the Terrick Sworn is able to look proud at the accomplishment though he quickly gestures towards Kittridge, "This victory, I did not do it alone. Ser Kittridge is a very skilled knight and he was with me for every step!"
Again Lord Paxter Redwyne descends to grace the attendents with a short speech which lauds the honor and skill of all the combatants, but particularly that of the champions. Kell gets a lovely ditty to his valour in the field. "A joint effort it was and such an effort with be rewarded with a prize for you each," he announces, waving a hand for the attendents to carry the prize to the field. It is a handsome and generous prize, twinned barrells of a very fine Reach Brandy.
"Except the last two," Kittridge chuckles at Kell, though when their names are both called, he steps over to join his teammate, offering Kell a hand to shake in congratulations. "Well-fought," he says, before turning back to listen politely to Lord Redwyne. And to applaud for the brandy.
Accepting the proffered hand from Kittridge, Kell gives it a firm shake to return the congratulations with an added nod, "We make a good team, Ser." He then turns his attention to Lord Redwyne and applauds as well for the reward that is presented.
Oh, right, that means Ser Kittridge won too. Oh well, Kamron won't stop cheering anyhow. As the cheers start to die down, he looks over to Saffron, giving her a smile and a nod. Collecting the puppy from his lap and bundling him into the crook of his arm so he can sprawl over the knight's right forearm. Offering out his left arm, "I'd be happy to walk with you, My Lady. I've nowhere I'd like to be more than at your side."
Jarod lets out a long breath of relief, not even bothering to disguise it, when the mystery knight leaves the field unnamed. He very much needs to be tended by a healer, so he goes off to line up for treatment. It'll be awhile before he manages to get back to the Nayland camp. He has a lot of hurts to get seen to.