
Subject: Message from the Committee

Lord Rygar Nayland

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Asvard Nares and I am the Vice Perminant Under Secretary of Public Relations for the Civilised Tea Drinkers of the MUSH association (here after referred to as 'civilisation'). While aware of the up and coming duel of honour between yourself and Ser Gedeon, civilisation had, until now, been partaking of an officailly neutral stance, to allow our members to choose sides according to their own beliefs. However, early this afternoon it was brought to our attention that the afforementioned Ser Gedeon, freely and of his own volition, takes sugar in his tea. Naturally, civilisation could not stand for this travesty and after an emergency general meeting the committee has voted unaniomously to bring the full support of civilisation to bear on your behalf. Know that you fight for truth, honour, justice and indeed, civilisation itself.

Good luck to you Ser

Asvard Nares

Vice Perminant Under Secretary of Public Relations
Civilised Tea Drinkers of the MUSH
