Daryl Ashwood |
Family is Everything.
Born to Jeoffrey and Elyra Ashwood, Daryl was their firstborn son and sole heir, followed by two daughters years later. As a youth, he was exuberent and adventurous, often spending his time outside, whether it be collecting different herbs and plants he would read about in books, swimming in the river, or climbing trees. When Miranda was born, even as boy he would watch over her like a hawk, and easily picked off any potential bullies or nuisances that would ever dare ail her, even as they grew up together. This continued when his baby sister, Aelinor was born. Family was his everything, and he defended them with all his strength.
At a young age, he slipped away unchaperoned from the keep, and found himself playing by a riverside. Firelily, he was collecting. A native plant that had medicinal properties he was going to mix up to cure a cold Miranda had caught only the day before. Wading into the water, he did not realize the strength of the current, and was soon swept away, miles and miles from his home. When he came to, washed upon a shore far from where he was familiar, cuts and bruises lining his body from the riverbed and natural debris, the first thing he did was weep. In the dark forest, he wholeheartedly believed he would never find his family again. A clever boy, he started up river, but soon find it branched out in many places…And the boy began lost. He used what knowledge he had, finding herbs to sooth his cuts, clean them…Native berries and such that would sustain him. Eight days in the wilderness he wandered until he was found…A dirty, bloodied boy, but no worse for wear. The first thing he did when he arrived home was hand over the firelily he had retrieved for Miranda, despite her already beating the cold that she had over a week ago.
As the boy became a man, he found himself interested in more than just the outdoors. Women. Drink. Jovial nights filled with fun, a fun that seemed to just come naturally to him. He often would find himself at the inn, boasting of stories of women he had conquered, or chugging contests won. However, this did not mean he slacked off in his duties. As his father was a knight, he realized that Daryl had a sharp mind, and chose for him not to follow in the same footsteps, but still instilled the priority on how to wield a weapon. Relentless physical excercise and weapons training found Daryl regularly, and no terrible hangover or sleepless night with a local woman was ever a good enough excuse for him to ignore his studies or training. Such was the will of his father, and Daryl had respect for him…As he did all his family.
When House Charlton switched its allegiance from Frey to Tully, Daryl and his family soon found themselves at an impasse. After much discussion and argument they chose to stay true to their liege, and their father and mother sent them in groups ahead of them towards Highfield. The only problem; They haven't seen their parents since.
Recently, in response to alleged misconduct on his part, he has been stripped of his nobility until it is bestowed back to him, and is going to being training as a knight under his cousin and new Lord of Highfield; Bastien.
Lately, some may be noticing changes arising in him…First after his stripped rank, but more prominently after seeing the traumatizing sight of his late sister's battered and bashed head. With his betrothal taken from him and given away to his Lord cousin Robben, some may notice he has begun to develop sociopathic tendencies.
As I look myself in the mirrored reflection of the water, my mind races with thoughts. I was taught to be forever loyal to my family. That they were first, no matter what else was at stake. However the more I look, the harder I find it to keep my gaze on myself. For actions determine a man's heart…And I do not know what kind of man I am yet to become. ![]() A man of above average height, somewhere around 6'1, and a lean muscular frame. He has emerald green eyes which contrast greatly in comparison to his light skin complexion and dark brown hair- nearly black. Its kept cut short, though for its length it seems almost naturally messy. His countenance is sharp in the sense of bone structure, not gaunt but definitely not rounded. His nose is a tad larger than average, befitting to his features, and sports a small divot on it, suggesting it may've been broken at some point in the past. He cleans up well, as he is currently clean shaven, displaying fully a face that could be considered handsome by most standards. He is currently wearing armor composed of dark brown hardened leather, strapped tightly to his body. Metal rivots line the armor in neat lines horizontally and vertically, dug into the leather to offer additional protection. His pants are matching, studded leather armor in similar fashion, with a brown belt securing the waist and providing a spot to sheathe his longsword which hangs from his side. On one side of his chest is the Ashwood emblem, and on the other side, up near the shoulder, a patch depicting him as a deputy of Highfield. Leather boots in good condition cover his feet. Pre-tribulations: Fun loving and nonchalant, one would find it is hard to really get underneath Daryl's skin. He's a bit of a ladies man, and always seems to know how to manuever a conversation in his favor, whatever that may be. Despite a few unsavory habits, deep down he has a good heart, and truly cares for his family and friends…Yet despises and can be cruel to his enemies. He is multi-faceted and unpredictable, which some find dangerous, others alluring. When it comes to his duties he always does seem to take them seriously, putting jokes and humor aside for whatever the task is at hand. His hobbies include drinking, women, weapons training and excercise, as well as reading, herbalism, and the occasional sport. Post-tribulations: While every once in awhile the ghost of his former self peeks through, he's much colder now. Slow to smile, and really emotion in general, he hides it well unless in the company of those he trusts most. He still has pride, but it no longer weighs his actions, a certain type of humility set within him. A devoting loyalty has been established for his house. Cheery toasts have become problem drinking, and some say these changes are for the better, others…That he is a shell of his former self. Father: Lord Ser Jeoffrey Ashwood (NPC) Assumed Dead
Page 553: A Wedding at Broadmoor, Part II
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Page 553: A Wedding at Broadmoor, Part I
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Page 552: Garden Gathering
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Allies and Foes
Who then will stand by my side upon victory?
Who will fall before my house's feet in shame?
Without allies, one is weak.
Without Enemies…? Even weaker.
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House Frey | The house of my liege. The one we chose to stick with even when the rest of our family did not. |
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Lady Lyanna, i'll have to admit, is quite an intriguing woman. Despite our rather…Unorthodox first meeting, she provided interesting conversation and seems to handle herself quite well. I'll have to take some time to get to know her better to look further into her character. She has a good heart, but I don't know if I can trust her fully. | |
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Firth is…Nothing like I expected! She has words of wisdom, humility, compassion and can drink like no other woman i've yet encountered. I'm glad to have looked past what I first saw of her and let myself see her for what she truly is…A fine example of a woman. |
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House Fenster | A minor house of little consequence. But then again I never fully dismiss someone as powerless. |
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Ser Alric, though I have only had little time to speak to him, seems a worthy man. He fought by my side, quite literally, as we cut swathes through the imps and wolves to save Lady Hafwen and the children. Saved my ass a couple times too. I'll have to return the favor. And I did. Our promise to keep Arabella safe was fulfilled. | |
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I have a respect for Arabella. She chose on her own accord to help a group of people who was not her own, and she did so well. I can tell she's got an eye for the Sheriff, and if that's what he wants…I'll do everything in my power to help make that happen. I doubt it was the Jast wants though. |
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House Haigh | As a whole I haven't been able to form much of an opinion on the house as a whole. |
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Lady Katrin. She seemed very…Smart. Like she had learned from some of her past mistakes and was seeking redemption. Either way, decent company, despite the multitude of rumors i've heard about her. Better her than me. Kind of a shame what happened to her face, but like I always say; 'Once your in bed in the dark, physical detriments are few and far apart.' …Ha ha ha. But seriously, we're not very fond of one another. | |
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Perrin is a good man, case and point. He followed me after I took off, frustrated on our search restrictions to find the Lady Hafwen and children, and the two of us were able to put a tracking scent on one of those damnable imps, which led us much closer to the actual location of where they were being held. He cares deeply for his family, and is an honorable man and good friend. One of my best, though I admit I have few. | |
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While I normally don't consider friends so quickly, Laryssa and I really hit it off, and found ourselves talking on deep matters, laughing at funny poems…And even went riding together on an unexpected venture through town. What bothers me some is how well she is able to read people. Especially me. I don't like people trying to figure me out. I can tell now that she is indeed a Haigh, like the rest of them. Gods help me. | |
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Another Haigh woman, another ridiculous mystery to solve within the infinite complexities that form that family. My first impression of Ilaria was that she was very meek and mild mannered. But I have discovered that can go -right- out the window with a good amount of wine in her, much to my pleasant surprise. But most of all, she is so very smart, having a raw intelligence that lacks wisdom of years of living, but is sharp and witty nonetheless. She seems strong enough to be able to put Alric in his place, and still have this sweet, caring heart all the while. Plus she looks good naked. |
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House Nayland | Our enemies. A constant thorn in our side to have to view them and watch as they scramble in the dark trying to run a city that clearly is not within their power to do. |
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Visenya Goodbrook. Even just speaking her name sends a shiver down my spine, and that is saying something. As she is born of a rival house, I -should- despise her, yet she strikes me differently. Alluring, confident and clever, and she -knows- it…Which makes her dangerous. Yet, despite my own thoughts to stay away from her, we keep running into eachother. When I returned victorious from the search, battered…Beaten and at my lowest…She was there, and helped me hold onto hope, even when my own family opposed me. She…Confuses me. But I do know she has a strong loyalty to her family. And that is why she is a threat as much as…Friend?….Gah. | |
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Bitter old man. I should have my way with your daughter just to teach you a lesson to not fuck with the Ashwoods. | |
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Aeron is Visenya's brother, and seems to care deeply about her, as family should. We have had a few times to speak, and he seems so much different than the rest of the Naylands, more Northerner than Riverman. Perhaps that is why we were able to see eye to eye on a lot of topics. Or perhaps its just because we both know what is like to care so deeply for a sibling. I am glad that he still has his." |
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House Terrick | Allies, though I can see that we are not always eye to eye on things. The way they conducted the search for Hafwen and the children, as well as the investigation of Symon was…Foolish. Yet I hold my tongue. Allies. |
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He seems very stern, and a fair leader, but like I said, we do not always see eye to eye. Or…Eyes to eye. Anyway. Perhaps he does not think well of us and that is why investigations were handled as such. Regardless. Respect is given. We did what we came to do. | |
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Old man river, some began to call him during the search. Probably one of the better commoners I know, as he is honorable and true. Still, to select -him- to lead the final confrontation of our search…? Bah. It's all behind us now. Good man. | |
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I really have to stop judging people before I meet them, Faline is nothing like her brother Ozric. Pretty, sophisticated and proper…Though in a fun way. Like a flower sprouting from filthy Terrick soil. Wait. I should probably be careful around her. But there's something inviting about her, and I thoroughly enjoy her company, as well as how she judges one on her own accord, and doesn't just follow her Lord brother blindly. |
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