Brothers Spar |
Summary: | Good natured sparring in the practice field can turn less-so. Even between brothers. |
Date: | 06 December 2011 |
Related Logs: | None |
Players: |
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Practice field - Tall Oaks |
The large field is rather vast and set up mostly with archery targets in various locations and distances. A stand of worn practice bows is kept under a small lean to near the fore of the field. A few wooden logs are set up it looks like for practice with blades, but those are fewer. It appear this is where the patient diplomat take the time to sharpen their physical prowess. |
06 December 288 |
Alyse melts out of the surrounding woodland, clad like someone who had been out on a hunt. Trousers, jerkin, bow and quiver… She's all stealthy wooded creature… Until she spots her father with a sword. All caution flies to the wind as the lady gapes and then runs pell mell to find a good spot to watch.
On the rare occassion that Sarojyn has decided to make use of a blade and reveal some skill that had long been hidden, half his bloody family turns out to watch. If he notices this particular fact, there's still no acknowledging them, for when Kate makes mention of him sweating, a half laugh escapes past his lips. When his pommell connects with her arm, he's already lifting his sword up and it's for that reason, and that reason alone, that the flat of her blade finds his chin and not his throat. Still, had the edge connected, it would have done great damage, a fact that's recognized by a slight nod of his head. "And you're panting, Lady Kate." But so is he and those words come between breathless pants and a step back. That gives enough space so that his sword can up and towards what looks to be her shoulder, but it's going higher then, enough so that he can try and draw the flat of his blade against the flesh of her cheek.
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Kathryna=Blades
< Sarojyn: Great Success Kathryna: Good Success
< Net Result: Sarojyn wins - Solid Victory
Aeric considers the lethality of the situation, the Lord Camden, the Lady Harlaw.. now suddenly another lurker. It distracts him from any prior action he'd considered on his part and he lifts a brow at the dashing.. lady? What in the name of all that's holy is that?
It might be a happy accident that Kate is backing away just at the same time that he's doing so, trying to prepare for another blow, but she is not accustomed to the audience and she is exhausted from the day. More exhausted than she realized. Or, perhaps, she's simply getting soft in these fatted, gentle lands. Either way, her blade is too slow to block this time, and her motions mean his sword does not -actually- find her cheek, but her throat. His blade rests flat against her pounding pulse and her eyes go a bit wide. She keeps her chin level, not daring possibly accidentally cut herself in such an area upon his weapon. "Yield." She breathes out to him, sword now at her side. "Though… that is the first lethal blow you would have struck this whole battle, Saro. While you show skill, you also show yourself soft. If had been a true opponent, I'd have killed you twice for the sheer fact I did not care about sheding lethal blood." Oh, her ego is -stinging- now. As is that open cut on her thigh.
Dafydd had mentioned to his guest where the Lord of Tall Oaks could be found, but he hadn't actually imagined that his brother would be sparring with live steel against Kate.. his Kate. He approaches the practice field, his step slowing when he sees the pair in that dance of weapons. They look like they're having fun, but.. from the expression on his face, the Captain of the Guard is not all that pleased. He doesn't seem surprised at Alyse's clothing, and showing at the side of the Lord Ser Aeric, he exhales in a soft sigh that signals his presence.
Still and quiet, from Liliana and Eli. The pair obviously more concerned with allowing the match to unfold, than preventing either combatant from doing permanent damage to each other. Well, mostly. Eli, always industrious, does remove a small travel case wrapped in thick leather from her mistress' bag, leaving it out in each reach. A murmur of thanks, from Lili, before her eyes find the dashing figure of her cousin, a hand rising long enough to beckon Alyse over closer to where she's standing with her lady's maid. A smile, undisguised, as the Lord of the oaks brings the Ironborn to the edge of his sword. Always a surprise, these forest dwellers.
The Lord Camden's daughter finds herself a comfortable place to watch, and she smiles as only a child can when watching a parent show off. A clap is given when Sarojyn wins a solid hit against the Ironborn woman… and it trails off when she finally notices the lurking man who is now looking in her direction with an eyebrow raised.
A single brow arches in response and she pinnions the man with a look that yells: Who are you and why the devil are you staring at me?
Ever the impetuous woman, she rises gracefully and strides in the man's direction. A sworn materializes at her side, longsuffering and middle aged, his mild expression hinting that this isn't the first time he's had to scurry to catch up with Alyse. Finally she pauses a few feet off and she drops a slight curtsey. "May I make you welcome, my lord," she says (perhaps shocking those who know her). "You need not linger in the shadows." She does, however, pause to lean up and give her uncle a kiss on the cheek.
"Shadows?" Aeric's brow doesn't lower though a smirk does come to his lips as he shifts to regard the youthful exhuberence. He glances sidelong to Dafydd then takes a deep breath which preceeds a slight bow of his head to Alyse. "I believe the Lord Dafydd has seen to my needs already, thank you. Your offer is most kind. I do not believe we have met. I am Ser Aeric Mallister, lately arrived from Terrick's Roost." As ever, his attention settles naturally upon whom he addresses though as he has been drawn to speech, he does turn to include Liliana in his introduction, adding another bow of his head to the woman.
When his blade catches not her cheek, but her throat, Sarojyn is quite careful not to accidently leave a line upon her skin and at her yield, the sword comes away from her body before lowering to the ground. There's a moment in which the Lord catches his breath and when it finally comes back, he's offering Kate a warm smile, though it immediately draws a wince from the pain in his jaw. With the sword now lowered, he extends an arm in her direction as he offers, "Then I have learned something from this session, Kate, and will take your advice on such things. I fear, though, that had you not been exhausted from your days work, you would have ended this spar with your first blow. You are a viscious and formidable opponent." He doesn't turn away from Kate, but when he speaks, it's clear that he's addressing the others, "Dear brother .. rather then shake your head at me, like you are no doubt doing, you could make do with such introductions." The words aren't a reprimand, for the carry a slight tease within them.
Dafydd was just about to introduce the two, his voice low so as not to interrupt the sparring.. not that he particularly wants to watch it. Even as Kate yields to the blade by his brother. If it continues, there could be something of a bone of contention between the brothers!
"Lord Ser Aeric, this is my niece, daughter to the Lord of Tall Oaks, Lady Alyse Camden. And there," he points in Liliana's direction, "The Lady Liliana Camden, another niece of both my brother and I.. she's the daughter of our brother Mikah, master of the hunt. She is a ward of Lord Jerold's, so I'm surprised you haven't seen her at the Roost." Ward. Not married.
The ironborn is quite still as she waits for the blade to be draw away, but it's gone of a few of those rushed pulse beats later, not having drawn a single hint of blood from her face or throat. It's just her thigh which is lightly bleeding, and that's mostly hidden by her black pants. His jaw is showing the worst of the wounds from the battle. She nods curtly towards Sarojyn as she moves to sheath her own blade. "Aye. We both learned. I have gotten soft in these lands myself… worn from the day or not, I should have taken you, old man. I need more practice." And her husky voice is dead serious about that. Damned she's gotten slow. "But still, very good fight. You are full of surprises, Saro." She shakes her head to him and then begins to limp her way gently back to the crowd, looking over the ladies and gentlemen there. Dafydd is given a true smile, but Kate looks utterly harrowed from the day. She set foot in the yard at dawn and hasn't really left it since.
Liliana makes no move to take the stage alongside her cousin, allowing Alyse to force the introductions from the man she saw, but did not know. Another curtsey to answer th now known known Lord Knight's bow, and to acknowledge her younger Uncle's introductions, before she steps through the gate into the practice yard, Eli coming along with her, though Liliana takes the case as she approaches the two now no longer fighting, "Well fought, both of you. I have brought what you might have need of, if it pleases you, Uncle, Lady Harlaw." The case is offered to Saro first, out of deference to his position, not a slight to Kate's.
Alyse's lips turn in a slight echo of a smirk at Aeric's words. "A bagatelle," she murmurs quietly. "A mere turn of phrase. For if the light of friendship is found in the centre of associations, then the outskirts must surely be shaded." She steps back from her Uncle's side to open her pack, pulling out a meticulously maintained oilcloth roll and a leather pouch with pockets and vials. "Forgive me. I must attend to my father. I am sure we shall meet again." And she turns to dart to Sarojyn's side, wriggling under his arm to give him an affectionate hug.
"Well done, Papa," she murmurs. "Are you hurt?" Then she grins at her cousin. "Or can Lili take care of you?" Indeed, her eyes are now scanning Kat's limping with a hawkish eye of one very skilled at her task. "Lady Kathryna?" she calls.
Let the next round of sparring continue.
Still, Sarojyn's attention remains on Kate, to whom he gives a slight nod of his head, "You have gotten far from soft, Kate. I simply used your days work against you and it afforded me an unfair advantage." Then, as she begins to walk off, he's turning now, eyes playing over those that arrive, but any reply is stalled by the hug that Alyse gives him and after it's returned, he's offering a quick comment, directed to both her and Lil, "No, I'll require nothing to treat my injuries. They were well given and they shall heal as such."
Alyse's words draw a laugh from Aeric and he nods. "Indeed I can hardly argue the turn of phrase now that you have brought clarity so briskly." He watches her dance off towards her father then looks to Dafydd. "A sprightly colt that one." Does he mean the Harlaw or Alyse? Hmm. "And you Lady Kathryna. You still owe me a round." He calls. "I think I shall enjoy it." He turns then to Liliana and bows his head. More gentily, he adds. "A pleasure to meet your acquaintance Lady Liliana."
Dafydd accepts the kiss on the cheek at the introductions, a tight smile given in return. His gaze catches the limp from the Lady Kathryna, and it's all he can do not to completely give up in the battle into the wind. He can't truly tell what the injury is; could be a bruise.. not until she's closer, though he's not sure that'll happen when the Lady Alyse scampers off once again.
"She has some skill with herbs and believes herself the healer for every bump and bruise taken." Beat.
The Lady Harlaw sets her jaw in the direction of Alyse, smirking her still healing split lip from the last fight. "Lady Alyse." And then to the other young woman, "Lady Lilian. I know both of you have quite talented hands. I have seen the Lady Alyse's skills with herbs myself and while most impressive, I assure you they are not necessary now. A bath is all that is needed, and a fresh change of clothes. But I thank both of you for the offer." She politely bows her head in the direction of both the concerned and gentle women, before she looks back up to Dafydd, practically able to see that vein in his forehead now. It makes her chuckles. "Breathe, Daf." She mutters to him teasingly.
"Ser Aeric, I do owe you a fight, yes. However, not tonight. I gave Sarojyn a poor showing already. Perhaps when we are both back in the Roost and I have not been in the field the whole day already?" Though, she pauses as she thinks about it, her injured ego far more bruised than her exhausted body. "…On second thought, I am warmed and ready. If you wish to do so now, the field awaits. I will not have it being said I backed down from a spar." Her fingertips readily go to her weapon again. She will go the whole day and the whole night through with a blade, if she must!
At that moment, before Alyse can argue, a smallfolk comes running into the assembly of nobles. Stopping short and making his courtesy to all those gathered, he approaches Sarojyn. "My Lord," he says breathlessly. "I beg fergiveness fer th'intrusion, but 'tis my own wife. Her time has come an' the babe is not comin' along as it should. Mother Sharys says 'tis beyond her skill and sent to ask if th'Lady Alyse can come t'attend?"
Alyse is already moving, her face serious beyond her years. "Calm, Master," she says with an even voice. "I shall come, unless my father forbids it." She gives the man a reassuring smile. "Fear not… I have not lost a baby yet." She does, however, look to her father for leave to go.
Aeric notes the approach of Kathryna, shifting again to face her. "Lady Kathryna, your persistence and dedication are duly noted. With great pleasure, I might add. However, I would not take advantage of your state. You are overtired, vexed, and injured. Heal your body and salve your pride upon me another day. Gather your strength. Study your foe. Find my weakness and strike. To fight me now would be folly. Come, I ask humbly for your leave to delay."
Liliana dips her head, accepting first Sarojyn's refusal, with a soft, "As you wish, Uncle," and then Kathryna's, "I am here if you decide differently, Lady Harlaw." But she stops neither from moving off, and indeed, as the ironborn moves to meet the Mallister, she moves to depart the field herself. A pause, once she steps outside of the fences, to offer a full curtsey to Aeric, Eli having taken back the field kit, "I am glad to have met you, my Lord Ser Mallister. The welcome of the Oaks is yours." It may be that Liliana no longer calls the Oaks home as she once did, but far be it from any daughter of Ailith Camden not to extend the House's courtesies to a guest. Once again, she retreats to a respectful distance, pausing only once to offer another curtsey, this one to Daffyd, "Uncle."
The posturing and the banter regarding the next bout of sparring isn't what threatens his temper but rather the quick acceptance by Kate, even in her obviously weakened state. He's mollified, thankful that Aeric, at least, has the courtesy and graciousness to recognize that which Kate herself can't see. He knew he liked the guy.
"There, Lady Kathryna. It makes perfect sense." Dafydd is careful in his speech, trying (with great difficulty) to keep his tones even and pleasant.
Liliana's greeting, or rather could it be a farewell, garners his attention, and it's a momentary relaxation when he responds in kind, "My Lady Liliana.. it is good to see you home.. make sure you take every comfort."
As the smallfolk comes running in and moves to address him, Sarojyn takes a moment to listen and when the issue comes to light, he's dipping a slight nod of his head, "Of course." Then, he looks to his daughter and there's a slight smile and a nod of his head, "Go. Tend to what is needed. I will be fine." With that said, he looks back to the smallfolk and offers another nod before turning his attention back over in the direction of Aeric, Kathryna and Dafydd, "Then perhaps Kate can have a moments rest, for another might take the field." A shift of his attention and he's regarding his brother with only the hint of a smirk, "Come, brother. Let's test your blade against mine. Give you a chance to release some of that … frustration." Now, his arm lifts to dab at his brow as he takes a couple of steps over in the trio's attention and there's a shift of his eyes towards Liliana, "Don't go far, Lil."
Alyse dashes off with the smallfolk, asking all manner of questions about his wife's condition.
The posturing and the banter regarding the next bout of sparring isn't what threatens his temper but rather the quick acceptance by Kate, even in her obviously weakened state. He's mollified, thankful that Aeric, at least, has the courtesy and graciousness to recognize that which Kate herself can't see. He knew he liked the guy.
"There, Lady Kathryna. It makes perfect sense." Dafydd is careful in his speech, trying (with great difficulty) to keep his tones even and pleasant.
Liliana's greeting, or rather could it be a farewell, garners his attention, and it's a momentary relaxation when he responds in kind, "My Lady Liliana.. it is good to see you home.. make sure you take every comfort."
At Saro's jest-filled challenge, Dafydd's brows rise in askance. "Really, brother? In your weakened state? It'd hardly be fair to take the advantage." Tight, close-clipped words…
Kathryna gives Alyse a brief wave, but her eyes then return to Liliana and the men. She smiles warmly at Lili, actually appreciating the woman's offer. "If the bleeding does not stop tonight, I shall come to you, but I think the cut is barely even a scrape." Kate flickers a look down to her thigh and the part in her slacks. Damned if she won't have to stitch them again.
Aeric is then given ice eyed look and just a touch of a pout. "…If you are certain. Do not think I am not more than willing to take you on this evening. A battle fought tired is simply better training for the future. War does not give you adequate rest, food or rations. So it is a better way to practice, I find." She shrugs, though, indeed tired enough that she is not pushing the matter any further.
Then she's looking at Saro and Dafydd. Instinctively, she moves a bit closer to Dafydd. Not touching him, but barely. She's hovering close, catching her breath in her own exhaustion. "It would be an interesting spar to watch."
"I will not go far, Uncle. And what comforts I have need of, I have taken, Uncle." Liliana's voice rises, in answer to Saro's request, though she makes no attempt to enter the conversation of whom should spar with whom at this juncture. A turn of her head indicates which Uncle she's speaking to when. "Eli, will you go and ask if some refreshments might be brought to the yard for the combatants?" Eli nods, moving along that invisible tether that connects her to her lady, far enough to wave down the attention of one of the smallfolk working close, but not so far that her lady is out of her eagle eye, and sending off the request, before she moves back to her lady's side. "We might have need of more supplies I think, Eli," is the softly murmured comment to her maid, as Liliana looks between the quartet not so far from her.
With a nod towards Liliana, Sarojyn takes a couple more steps forward and then he's pausing, sword lowering so that the tip can come to rest upon the ground. There's now a slightly annoyed look upon his features and it comes with a slight shake of his head, "An excuse, dear brother, is not what I was looking for. You have long since said that I must .. broaden my view of things. So I am doing so." There's a brief look to Kathryna, though it quickly returns back to Dafydd, "And as the Lady Kathryna has said. There is no rest or relaxation in the heat of battle and you have longed for us to remove ourselves from the strict notion of peace." The hand not curled around the hilt of his sword lifts to motion towards the empty field, "So by that token, come, brother, for it would be wise to know how I handle a blade in a … weakened state."
Not for the first time does Dafydd express his feelings on the matter with a sigh. He's not afraid to spar, not by a long-shot, but unlike some who may be present, it doesn't aid in his clearing of the mind. If anything, it causes it to race forward.. always thinking steps ahead, studying his opponent, watching the muscles betray what the next move will be. That's always the case with a large, heavy sword…
He gives his brother a long look before stepping forward, Kate glanced at, though the shadows still play there, his mood and temper getting in his way. "Let me get a sword." He doesn't have one on him and has to get one from the 'gold key'.. the pile of random weapons taken out from the armoury for just such an occasion. His sword is in his room, on his armour.. hanging. His other piece, on his bed.
"Okay," and the acquiescence is given as he begins the cross to the weapons. It'll take him a few moments to choose one that suits him..
As the men do settle on fighting, Kate frowns a bit, studying Dafydd's tensed and angered features. She seems about to say something, but then she stops herself and sighs. "…Be careful, boys… then I am stealing Dafydd back to the castle. And to a bath." There is a touch of a husky promise in her voice if she says that, even if Liliana might blush. She shakes her head to herself and limps back to the nearest bench. She folds herself down into sitting, favouring the one leg.
Watching Dafydd, Sarojyn simply keeps that annoyed look upon his features until his brother agree's and then, it fades a touch with a nod of his head. Eyes follow the movement of Dafydd towards the selection of random weapons and when he begins to search the pile, looking for one suited to him, there's a clear sigh that escapes past Saro's lips. The sword lifts upwards and once Kate speaks, he's casting a brief look over in her direction, "Gods help me. Take him back to the keep, Kate, lest I decide to dispatch him on a patrol to the northern borders of our land."
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Dafydd=blades Vs Sarojyn=blades
< Dafydd: Success Sarojyn: Good Success
< Net Result: Sarojyn wins - Marginal Victory
A sword is chosen from the pile, and turning around, Dafydd raises his voice, "Then I will hold the land from the Northern borders, brother..". He did catch the comment from his brother as he crosses the field once again, balancing the sword, feeling it move in his hand.
"I'm ready.." Settling into a ready stance, his arm is down, the point pointed to the ground, blue eyes watching his brother warily before he begins to move.. his feet never crossing over the other. He'll take the first attack, a feint in when he knows Saro is at least expecting a sword..
Hearing Sarojyn's orders, Kate is about to stand and take Dafydd back, but then the man is areadying his sword and already moving. Kate swears lightly, shaking her head. "Dafydd. Drop your sword and come in. I need to see to this leg anyway and you all can both spar another day." She calls that across the field, back on her feet moments after she sat down, her hands on her slender hips now and ice eyes a bit harder than before. "And you are not going to the north. Saro, drop it. He is simply frustrated. Much is changing." Too much, perhaps, but there is none of that light joking in Kate's voice now.
Dafydd's initial reply draws a smirk from Sarojyn's lips as he casts a look towards his brother, "Of course you will, brother, for that is your duty." He does turn away from Kathryna now and when Dafydd crosses the field, he's beginning to move to join in him, so that they are away from the spectators. At the mention of being ready, there's a simply nod of his head and with his weapon still raised, he offers, "Then let us go." The first attack goes to his brother and the feint is only barely avoided, a smirk dancing upon his lips. Eyes lock on his brother now and with a shift of his hand, he moves to try and tap the flat blade of his blade against Dafydd's sword arm, even as he's offering, "Frustration is not an excuse, Kathryna. Do you think my brother does not frustrate me with his lectures on how I handle things improperly?"
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Dafydd=Blades
< Sarojyn: Failure Dafydd: Good Success
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Solid Victory
"I should see how well you'd hold the southern half without my aid," Dafydd's tones are low and even, the words enunciated carefully. With the first strike, the first feint, he does manage to get in, but his brother does manage to block and avoid at the last minute. The riposte, Saro's attempt at bringing a childishly easy strike in through his defense is easily blocked and countered with a twist of his blade. "Frustrations borne of truth brother. If you think with your head, you'd know I speak the truth.." On the last word of 'truth', the Captain of the Guard pushes forward, using the opening to tag at his brother's open side. "You're open, big brother.. close it up."
"Well enough, brother, for I would add my bow in lieu of your blade," comes the quick reply from Sarojyn. His eyes don't waiver from his brother and when Daffy offers that comment about thinking, an almost wicked smirk begins to play across the Lord's lips. His reply, though, his stalled .. for when his brother tags his sword against his side, there's an almost quiet grunt and a curt nod. "I think with my head quite nicely, dear Daffy. Both of them, in fact .. something which you don't seem to be able to do." That's offered, no doubt, forgetting that Liliana is present and it's obviously offered to goade Daffy on. As the words finish, his body is shift a touch to the side, sword lifting and then angling to try and strike the flat of his blade against his brother's cheek.
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Dafydd=Blades
< Sarojyn: Good Success Dafydd: Great Success
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Marginal Victory
"This isn't a contest of bows.. if that is what you wish, however…" And it appears that Dafydd drops his guard, the point of his weapon pointing down once again, all the world looking as if he's to give up the competition.. but when Saro goads him on regarding, well, his manhood and ability, the sword is raised once again. It's in the nick of time, however, for the flat of Saro's blade rises to strike with the flat on his cheek. It's a dodge, and a spin, his head out of the way of Saro's swordplay. His reply is a duck now, his face reddening either with the effort of pushing in to get within Saro's defenses, or in anger.. or it could very well be both. "I've not yet heard complaint.." is grunted, though for a moment before he brings the blade up to side for a larger slice (though he will flatten the blade so as to avoid mortal wounds), he looks to Kathryna.. they've been talking a lot lately, have they?
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Dafydd=blades Vs Sarojyn=blades
< Dafydd: Good Success Sarojyn: Success
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Marginal Victory
The pale blonde is still on her feet, own wound ignored, a touch more anger in her eyes. She doesn't know Dafydd as well as she would a husband, but she's gotten to know him pretty damn well over their time together, and she can see the true and half maddened anger behind his features as he tags his brother yet again. Kate takes two more steps onto the field, not yet cutting between them, but the sound of her sword coming out of it's sheath can be heard. "Stop this, both of you! It has ceased to be a spar. Lay down your weapons." She commands, cold and stiff. "…Daf. Inside. Come on. We have… much to discuss, you and I, and I leave on the morrow."
A grunt is all that's offered to Dafydd and then another when his blow fails to connect. It would seem the Gods don't smile on Sarojyn this time, for his luck doesn't appear to be there. Either that, or he's simply too annoyed or tired to focus and concentrate at managing to hit and avoid the blows. Or, perhaps, it's a triad of reasons. He doesn't get time to figure it out, though, for Dafydd's quickly finding another opening and connecting the flat of his blade with his side once more, an action that draws a quick wince from the Lord's lips. Even though the sound of metal being draw is heard, along with Kate's command, he doesn't move to stop, for his movements are shifting and he's stepping in towards Daf, his weapon now slicing down towards his brother's leg, though the flat of the blade is still his choice of attack.
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Dafydd=Blades
< Sarojyn: Great Success Dafydd: Good Success
< Net Result: Sarojyn wins - Solid Victory
There's no time to pay heed, particularly when it's live still with which they 'play' their games. Dafydd is pleased with the strike, his push in, but now that he's in close, there really isn't anywhere to go. While he's good, he is prone to distractions.. and the sound of steel leaving a scabbard is a damned large one. Saro's recovery and own rejoinder comes a little faster than Dafydd realizes, and the quick distraction of Kate making her demands of them now allows for the strike against his open leg. Unfortunately for the Captain of the Guard is that the strike puts him off balance, and sends him down. If it had been a cutting edge, he'd have required the services of a Maester immediately.. and wouldn't have had use of the leg for some time. Thankfully, it wasn't.. and instead it will bruise and ache. He doesn't yield, however, nor does he pay heed to Kate, who is now undoubtedly incensed. Instead, he rolls on his shoulder, looking for at least a little distance where he can regain his footing. This round is simply for parrying…
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Dafydd=blades Vs Sarojyn=blades
< Dafydd: Good Success Sarojyn: Failure
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Solid Victory
Liliana, however, does not blush, though the comment brings another glance, this one between the Lady and her younger Lord Uncle. A hint of a smile, nothing more than an upturn of the corner of her mouth, before she steps back, allowing the men to spar or not, moving to a place close to Parand, the hawk still sitting still and obedient. "Step up," which the hawk does promptly, before Liliana moves her away from the field. A flick of her arm, sends the hawk off and soaring, flying free and away through the trees. Certain the hawk will return when she chooses, Liliana leaves her to fly the wing. "If you have need, Lady Harlaw, you have only to call and I will come to tend you." But the excitement seems already to be moving away from her, and Liliana once again settles in to watch the next round of combat in the well-used yard. The comment about heads goes blissfully uncommened.
Kathryna has never pulled a blade without fully intending on using it. But right now she almost fears actually cutting into this fight. She lingers on the edge of the field, blade in her hand, jaw tightly gritted as she watches them. She doesn't bother to cut in until it looks like one of them might actually kill the other, but she's most definitely getting a touch peeved. More so worried.
Kathryna doesn't quite look to Liliana, mainly because Kate wants to ensure that neither of the brothers accidentally kills the other. She always fights for blood, always fights for death, so her mind still thinks others do as well. "Thank you, Liliana… If I have need, I promise you I will. I am more worried for your Uncles now, though." Kate half growls out, her eyes narrowed at the men.
It would seem that Sarojyn has little desire to pay heed to anyone at this particular moment and as such, they are simply ignored. When his brother goes down from the blow, the Lord is taking a half step back, his blade lowering a touch as he gives a slight shake of his head, "Get up, Dafydd. This is not done yet." A twist of his wrist and the sword is half spun, as if testing the weight against an arm that is no doubt beginning to tire, "Let us settle these .. frustrations." It would seem, though, that Saro won't press any attack while his brother remains upon the ground.
Dafydd does gain his feet after the roll, a natural maneuver that does show that the Captain is fit, for all this land of trees, and the accusations of being lazy. And the moment he's back on his feet, the point of his sword is down, but he's got a wary eye as he begins to circle, considering his options. Wiping his mouth with his free arm, he nods as he moves, "You're right, brother. This isn't done quite yet.." Kathryna's presence has caught his eye, her starting at the pair, sword drawn.. and he knows she's uncertain. Calling out, but not dropping his attention on his brother, he tells her, "Sheathe your blade, lady.. there's no blood to be shed.. If there is, it is well deserved." It's not yet over.. and in his moving, Dafydd comes in again, though it's no feint. He swings low, but starts to bring it up high, up the thigh and to his favourite spot— the side of his ribcage, knowing that the weight of the blade held in Saro's hand won't work to his favour.. and perhaps the overconfidence his brother felt, feels?, regarding ability and weariness will wear off..
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Dafydd=blades Vs Sarojyn=blades
< Dafydd: Good Success Sarojyn: Good Success
< Net Result: Sarojyn wins - Marginal Victory
A small grunt comes from Kate's throat, "I'll put it away when I'm certain neither of you is going to kill the other, or send the other to your damnable wall. I'm here one more bloody night and you two spend it fighting with each other…" Kate hisses in their directions, though mainly at Daffy. There is undoubtedly a few implications beneath the surface of the -other- things they could be doing. So, her blade remains unsheathed, but she still hasn't cut in.
Liliana, having watched the sparring taking place, silent and unremarked, moves forward as Kathryna does, a hand held out to her Eli, the girl handing over the lady's bow, shifting the quiver she carries at her hip over for ease of reach. The pair both approach the yard, Liliana's face that cool, calm mask she's perfected during her years among the Terricks. She does not, however, seem much concerned with the ironborn woman, but moreso with the two of her Uncles seemingly intent on beating the fire out of each other. Bow, and the arrow to go with it, but no yet drawn, simply…waiting.
There's a slight roll of Sarojyn's head, from left to right and then back again, as his brother begins to rise and the bones within offer the faintest creak and pop of protest. When Dafydd has reclaimed his feet, his sword is readied and he's giving a slight nod of his head to the words that are spoken, "Exactly." That's all that he's offering though, for when his brother's blade comes upwards and towards his ribcage, he's managing to get his blade in time, so as to knock the attack away. Rather then counter with an attack of the weapon, he's simply tightening his fist upon the pommell before lashing out to try and drive it into his brother's chin.
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Dafydd=Blades
< Sarojyn: Good Success Dafydd: Good Success
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Marginal Victory
Ah… and Sarojyn manages to counter his blow, though to Dafydd it would seem an awkward placement for blade. The utility of it is made clear, however, as his brother doesn't bring the blade up, but rather uses the pommel in order to punch him with a driving uppercut. The news of Kate's departure on the morrow begins to sink in, and suddenly.. he's .. stuck. There's nothing at this moment that he could possibly do that would be correct. The vision of another presence, with the bow in hand doesn't help matters either, but even with all this going on, he manages to bring his free hand up to push Saro's fist and sword away so that he's not visited with certain.. almost certain unconsciousness. "You'll have to do better than that, brother.." and his attention is all on the fight once again.. full in the knowledge that the ladies that watch are almost sure they'll kill each other.
With the push succeeding, Dafydd can take the step backwards, giving him room to strike again, and it's a full swing up on the other side, off-hand, to get a good flat-bladed 'slice' across Saro's chest.. just to push him back..
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Dafydd=blades Vs Sarojyn=blades
< Dafydd: Good Success Sarojyn: Failure
< Net Result: Dafydd wins - Solid Victory
When Kate sees that slight break in Dafydd's face, when he realizes she will be gone on the morrow and he will be alone again, then Kate at least has some comfort that he will not kill Sarojyn. She also does not have to stand witness to this. "…Lady Liliana. Perhaps this leg should be seeing to. Let your uncles measure their dicks without an audience. I'm certain they will eventually admire each other's length and skill." Kate growls out coldly and does sheath her steel, though not on Dafydd's command. With that, she turns on the ball of her foot and begins to stalk for the interior of the keep. She will not give them such attentions any longer.
Dafydd's blow should have sealed the fate of this 'duel', but instead, it serves to only push Sarojyn backwards a couple of steps and draw a grunt from his lips. That grunt is followed by an almost low growl that rumbles in the back of his throat. "Fuck you, Dafydd. If you're going to fight, then fight." Those lost steps backwards are reclaimed and his sword lifts and with a swing of his arm, he's lashing out at his brother's head once more with the flat of his blade, as if trying to beat sense into him. Regardless of who is right. As this is done, he's growling, "Otherwise … go home." Kate's departure doesn't appear to even be noticed.
<FS3> Opposed Roll — Sarojyn=Blades Vs Dafydd=Blades
< Sarojyn: Great Success Dafydd: Failure
< Net Result: Sarojyn wins - Crushing Victory
Liliana's head turns, studying the other woman, then back to her Uncles. But…she did give her word that she would tend to the Lady's leg if she had the need, and she cannot in good conscience refuse now. A nod, as she turns away from the two battling brothers, a wince at the strike Sarojyn sends at his younger brother's head, before she hands off her bow and arrow to Eli, the latter handing over her field kit as replacement, and the pair striking off to join the Ironborn woman, "Best that it be seen to now, then be allowed to fester, Lady Harlaw. This is a strange land. Many things take root here that the world outside never sees."
Dafydd recovers slightly from the solid hit to his brother's chest, all laid open for him to strike, "That'd have torn your insides out, brother.. but I'll try my best next time.." Kathryna's venom-infused remarks does take his attention briefly, the ladies turning their backs on them.. which is precisely the wrong time for Dafydd to have been distracted. Whether Saro expected his brother to come up with something of a defense (which he'd done for their sparring up until now) or just truly making sure he'd gotten through the defenses, the younger doesn't know. What he does know, however, is that suddenly, everything has gone completely black. His feet pull up from under him as he seemingly simply walks into a vicious side swipe that would have taken off the top of his head if the flat hadn't have been used. As it is, the Captain is mostly flat on his back, slightly turned to the side, blood trickling from his head. His sword is dropped near his hand, no longer gripped, eyes closed..
The woman from the Iron Isles was intent on not looking back. She was halfway down the path to the castle when she hears a sickeningly familiar kind of hit. That sort of meaty thwack that comes from a truly dangerous and good thump, and the collapse of a body to the ground. "Shite." Kate breathes out, ehr ego suddenly turning her back. "Forget the damned leg, one of them is down… and bad." And Kate is running double time back to the field, suddenly certain that her fears may have been true. "Fucking shite." She repeats as she sees her lord down on the ground, Kate moving to dash to his side. "Fuck, Sarojyn…he's your fucking brother!" She growls out, hovering, worried… her fingertips reaching for the side of Dafydd's throat to ensure his pulse still beats, at least.
Sarojyn had clearly been expecting Dafydd to put up some sort of resistence. Anything at all would have been enough to slow that attack down, but as it is, there's the solid feeling of the weapon meeting his brother's head and when Dafydd suddenly goes down, there's a clear look of worry that crosses Saro's features. The sword is lowered and then discarded as he drops to a knee, but it's then that he notices the rising and lowering of his Daf's chest and this causes a grunt to escape his lips. It's then that Kate comes rushing forward and with a look towards her, he's giving a slight shake of his head, "You're point, Lady Kathryna? I will not throw a session, simply because he is blood." Formality. Could be a slight sign of worry. "And, going forward, this should serve as a lesson that he should not as well." There's a look towards Liliana, now, so that he can offer, "See to your Uncle, Liliana." Then, Sarojyn is simply moving to stalk off the field.
And with that, Liliana and poor Eli are turning around again, moving at a fair clip back towards the two brothers, one standing above the other. She checks Sarojyn first, regardless, most likely because he is the easiest to assess, to see if he has any pressing need for which she should call the Maester. Finding him, for what it can be said, well and hale enough, she kneels at Dafydd's other side, already unrolling the field kit, commenting, at hearing Kathryna's comment to Sarojyn, "Do you treat your own brothers differently, Lady Harlaw? You who live in lands not so 'soft' and 'fattened' as these? Are you gentler there?" There is no ire in her tone, but it is pointed. "Yes, Uncle, I will see him well taken care of. Eli, send word for the Maester to prepare a chamber." Liliana doesn't even bother to see whether or not the girl is doing as she's told, she simply takes it as a given, indeed, she's already reaching into the kit to find what she needs to staunch the flow of blood from Dafydd's head.
There's a distant sound, like blood rushing through his head, and like any who have been knocked senseless, the first thing they wish to do upon attaining some form of consciousness, even if there's no real sense yet, is to move.. to get up, even if they're disoriented.. and that Dafydd is. He groans, a hand, suddenly feeling as if it is weighted with iron blocks, is slowly lifted towards his head, his legs curling up in a motion that could either be to try and get some of the discomfort away, or to try and gain his feet.. which is undoubtedly out of the question for the first few seconds of consciousness. He's got the world's worst headache at the moment, and the moment his eyes open, they close again as defense against what light there may be.
Not nearly the healer that either of the girls are, she just knows enough to help a man not to bleed out, really, Kate sets back on her heels, giving Liliana some more room. Her jaw grits at what Sarojyn says, but neither he nor Liliana are wrong. She's never gone to pieces over an unconscious man in a fight before. What in hells is happening? She remains knelt there, in the mud at Dafydd's side, her blonde, sweat strewn hair clinging to her cheeks and neck as she looks over the now faintly stirring Dafydd. At least that lets her breathe a touch easier. "Stubborn…fucking man… Both of you…" Kate rasps out, though she's doing her best to keep herself together.
"Lie still, Uncle, I am here. Lady Harlaw is here as well. Let me see to your head, and then you may rise." Eli, now close to her lady, scoots in as Kate moves slightly out of the way, ready to pin Dafydd to the ground, most likely, at her lady's command. Wiry, but fierce, is Elise Conelly. Lilians makes short work of cleaning the headwound, soaking a strip of bandage is a slightly numbing liquid, before she presses it to the still seeping injury. "If you try to rise too quickly, you will only fall again." A glance, over to Kate, "Stubborn, and hard, when the need calls for it. They are Camdens." As if that should explain everything.
Dafydd rolls his head back, and while his shoulders loosen, they're not truly untensed from the pain and discomfort. This is going to hurt.. does hurt. He's not quite privvy to the conversations going around him, above him.. but if he were asked, he'd never, in a million years, have thought that his brother wouldn't have pulled the strike, even in the last few seconds if he saw that something was not right. But, as he begins to figure out where he is, what sort of position he's in (flat on his back) and who is with him, he groans again. The healing salve on the bandage is appreciated and does wonders soon enough for the nerve endings on the skin.. but his brain is pounding.
Trying again, this time a little slower, to gain his feet, he twists a little to see Kate there.. and he sighs before redoubling his efforts to gain his feet. Slowly, this time. He is still wobbly, disoriented, but being on his feet, to him, is preferable to being on the ground. Eli keeps her knees now on Dafydd's shoulders to add a little weight, but as she sees Liliana finishing up the bandage and applying the salves, she lets up too when given the nod.
Another light curse comes from Kate. She should stalk away and not care but, dammit… She remains there. Her fingertips reach out to brush against his hair, just a moment, but then she shakes her head and pushes herself up. If Liliana, Eli and Dafydd permit the woman to lean over and help him, Kate will shift a shoulder beneath Dafydd's arm and begins to help assist him stand. He can lean against her. She's certainly not nearly so injured as he. "…This… was not…" She is about to finish words, but she just shakes her head. None of this was supposed to go this way. She breathes out roughly, looking to Liliana…"What should I do with him? Needs he more care?" Her voice is ice cold. Icier than any have heard it in days. Possibly since she came here.
Liliana pulls away, now that the blood is staunched, though he'll need a bath to get it out of his hair.. but that can wait. Right now? "If the Maester has room for him, we can bring him there and he'll have watch kept over him. If he thinks he can walk all those steps," Obvious that the lady believes otherwise, "then he can go to his own chamber and spend the night. I can make sure someone is there to keep watch over his sleep." She's not making any assumptions.
Once Dafydd actually gains his feet, the stability just isn't there for the moment. His muscles tense and untense against her, and he's just not entirely capable of keeping his footing without aid. He shakes his head, what control he has over it anyway, and opens his mouth to speak. It's a raspy sound, and it requires him to try a couple of times. "Maester's.." He'll never be able to take the several flights of stairs. "He's got a room.." At least not without a good deal of aid, anyway. And that way Kate is free to leave on the morrow, like she said..
Kate shakes her head slowly towards Liliana at the cmoment about someone keeping watch over his sleep. "I'll do it… it's half my damned fault anyway. You needn't appoint a watcher. You, however." Kate catches Liliana's eyes with a hard, long gaze, trying to keep them stiffly, "You get some rest. I want you on the field in the morning with the rest of the women. You have catching up to do. If you know how to patch holes back together, you had better know how to put them in someone as well." It does not sound like that is a request, but an order. Once it's given, whether it will be followed or not, Kate looks back to Dafydd with a tired sigh.
Otherwise, Kate holds tight against Dafydd's side, trying to steady him even as he sways. She is strong, all steady muscle, sober and tense with her own adrenaline. She breathes out quietly as he mentions the maester's room. "Oh… find. Do the fucking maester's. Let the old man keep his watch. I have lessons to give in the morning. Point the way, Lady." Kate half growls the words, having been the most open herself that she's ever been in possibly her whole life and he wants the damn maester. As soon as he can, she begins walking with him to the keep, fire and ice in her eyes.
Liliana moves to assist on Dafydd's other side, though a hand indicates for a few of the rangers to join them to take over the Lord-hauling duties, "If you wish to stay in his room, once he has been settled, Maester Sebastien will not object. The choice will be yours." At Kate's order, Liliana gives the woman a stare as cold as her own, "I am no lesser woman of the Iron Isles, to be at your beck and call, Lady Harlaw. Do not mistake my good humour for softness. Or for the absence of a spine. These are not Harlaw lands. And you have seen what a Camden is capable of." To Dafydd's great detriment. "I will do as my Lord Uncle bids me." And here, she clearly does not mean the one currently unable to walk of his own accord. "If he deems that he finds you a worthy instructor for me, then so be it." But that seems to be the last she's willing to say, at least until Dafydd is set into stronger, steadier hands and on his way to the Maester's care.
Dafydd just has absolutely no desire to climb the steps, and once he does, he's stuck up there until he's well enough to come down.. and he shakes his head. Servants.. he supposes that'd probably be best, and so changes his mind in the matter. "Help me upstairs." But with each wobbly step, he's gaining a little more balance, losing the disorientation; and with Liliana on the other side, he may actually— nope. Ranger, one of his men, filling in. Just as good.. and he allows for some more weight to be borne, to be shared. Not a blow he'll soon forget, certainly. Of course, his abilities could very well be the product of the pain killer that was applied on the side of his head.
Didn't he hear, "You're leaving tomorrow."
Gently, Kate hands her shoulder over to either Liliana or Ranger, whoever wants the spot opposite her. She's done with it. Her ice eyes flicker to Dafydd for another long moment. "I would ride tonight if I had not promised your brother two full days of training for the girls before I go. So I ride tomorrow, yes. And you will spend this night half senseless under the care of an old wrinkled man." And then Kate looks back towards Liliana, her eyes not softening a bit at the woman's stubborn response comes. If anything, she gets a bit colder. "Your Lord Uncle has seen fit that I train all the women of this household in the blade, so while you are here that includes you. Ask him yourself if you can find him. Either way, I expect you at dawn, young lady. You have catching up to do… and peace will not forever hold these lands." Whatever that means. Her eyes catch Dafydd one more time and she begins to stalk down in the opposite direction. Probably back away to return to practice. She will not sleep now.