Brennart Erenford |
Brennart is the third son of Lord Miraz and Lady Aislynne Erenford. Like his older brother Marvish he was not born to run the house which allowed him to focus his attentions on his dream of becoming a knight. To begin his training and education he was sent over to House Charlton of Hollyholt on his tenth birthday to serve as a page for Ser Hyram Charlton of House Charlton.
After completing his time as Lord Ser Hyram’s page he became Ser Hyram’s squire after his fourteenth birthday and began his martial training in earnest. Although he’s no tactical genius like his brother Marvish he’s taken to his weapon training with much vigor and enthusiasm. As he’s from Heronhold he’s learned the spear as it’s the traditional weapon of his family. But his joy was in his blade work and he focused much of his studies and time on the blade. About the same time as the rebellion started he became more focused on his training with the dream of riding off and earning his spurs in the glory of battle. Unfortunately the closest he ever came to battle during the rebellion was the cleanup after the Battle of the Trident when the Bannermen of the Frey’s rode off to the war. That was when he’d received his first horse a bay gelding warhorse and his arms and armor a suit of brigandine armor, a broadsword and a shield bearing the Erenford crest as well as a spear bearing the traditional twin Heron feathers.
Brennart earned his spurs on his nineteenth birthday when Ser Hyram told him his martial training was complete. He spent his vigil in the Hollyholt sept, the next day he was knighted by Ser Hyram and was able to return home to Heronhurst newly knighted and still green behind the ears
Father: Lord Miraz Erenford, Lord of Erenford
Mother: Lady Aislynne Erenford
Eldest Brother: Young Lord Ser Marvish Erenford
Younger Brother: Ser Nevan Erenford
Younger Sister: Lady Emylie Erenford
Ward of Erenford: Lady Bryliesa Frey
Cousin: Ser Elrick Otto Erenford
Cousin: Lady Aemy Erenford
Cousin, baseborn: Ser Holden Rivers
Physical Features
Brennart is around 6'2" tall and weighs in somewhere around 180 lbs. He has short dark brown hair that is just barely starting to curl a bit and is kept in a styled unkempt look. His sparkling blue eyes are constantly roving around, his nose looks slightly crooked as if it may have been broken once or twice. His head is oval with a strong jawline and chin.
Physical Features
Brennart is around 6'2" tall and weighs in somewhere around 180 lbs. He has short dark brown hair that is just barely starting to curl a bit and is kept in a styled unkempt look. His sparkling blue eyes are constantly roving around, his nose looks slightly crooked as if it may have been broken once or twice. His head is oval with a strong jawline and chin.
He is currently wearing a long sleeved tan tunic under a leather jerkin, belted down over a pair of dark brown pants that are tucked into a pair of brown riding boots complete with gold-chased steel spurs. Attached to the belt is a longsword with an elaborate heron hilt, the body being the grip, feathers flared as the pommel and the wings outstretched as the guard and the beak and head attached to the blade, and the sword is sheathed in a dark brown leather scabbard on the left side and on the right is a plain dagger next to a belt pouch. Over all of this he wears a dark brown hooded wool cloak attached with a Heron cloak pin.
Allies and Foes
- Cover
- House Erenford
- House Frey
- House Charlton
- House Mallister
- House Haigh
- House Nayland
- House Tordane
- House Terrick
- Commoners
**There are three classes of men; lovers of wisdom, lovers of honor, and lovers of gain."— Plato

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