Page 181: Battle Of Alderbrook
Battle of Alderbrook
Summary: The Frey host clashes with the massed warriors of Maron Greyjoy outside of Terrick's Roost
Date: 14/01/289
Related Logs: All Ironborn Invasion logs. Summary here
Aleister Alek Anders Anton Aron Bruce Caytiv Einion Erik Harlyn Jarod Keelin Markus Rafferdy Rickart Rowan Rygar Tam Horde 
Worn Road - Terrick's Roost
The grounds just east of Terrick's Roost, with a small hillock crowned by a copse of alder trees, alongside a small stream.
14 January, 289 A.L.

Although the prior day, both armies had drawn up into formation and faced each other, no blows were struck. For the Frey army, the night that followed was one of redoubled sentries, and a breakfast eaten even before dawn, guarding against an Ironborn sneak attack that never came. Lord Ser Rickart Nayland arrived with his bodyguards after dark, and- while the content of his meeting with Stevron Frey and the rest of the army command is not known, the order of battle was changed, today.

The Frey troops were turned out of their beds before sunup, to receive a quick breakfast, before falling into position facing westward. The Outriders are already in the field, covering ground to the north as the sun rises. The army's front is hundreds of men long, and many deep, while across the field, the ranks of Ironborn glitter in the sun as maile hauberks catch the morning light. While judging numbers is difficult at a distance, the Greyjoy force is at least as numerous as that of the Freys, and far more heavily armored.

Of the Frey force, the Left division composes the massed Armsmen of Houses Frey, Charlton, Erenford, and Haigh- seventy-five strong, backed by the fifty Oldstones bowmen- has been placed under the command of Ser Marvish Erenford, facing across the field from a solid two hundred reavers under the colors of Goodbrother and Stonehouse. Those of especially keen sight might note a red banner with the black horn of the Goodbrothers crossed by a black axe; the crest of the infamous reaver Harald, "the Grimbrother" of House Goodbrother.

In the Center of the Riverlord line are the tightly regimented lines of Nayland pikemen, under the colors of Stonebridge and the Mire, under the command of Rygar Nayland, fighting afoot at the center of the pike line. Backing the wall of long spears are the Nayland crossbowmen alongside the Terrick volunteers. Strange bedfellows, indeed. Across the Frey center division are the red banners and skeletal hands of House Drumm of Old Wycke. Among the oldest and most prestigious line of kings among the Ironborn, under the leadership of a hulking champion renowned as Andrik the Unsmiling. Two and a half hundred warriors stand with him.

The Allied Right is anchored by the peasantry, men-at-arms, and horses of House Flint, under their Young Lord, Ser Anders Flint. Ten cavaliers, a score of swordsmen, and a hundred levied spears are backed by fifty bowmen under the grey, black, and white of Flint's Finger. Opposing them are two hundred warriors owing service to House Orkwood, under the Reaver of the Roost, Lord Alyn Orkwood, himself.

The the rear of the Frey lines, the joint commanders- Ser Stevron Frey and Lord Ser Rickart Nayland- sit astride their warhorses, among a chosen body of twenty knights. Their opposite at the rear of the long lines of raiders sits ahorse under the Black and gold banner of the Greyjoys, reputed to be Maron Greyjoy, himself.

But held in reserve are the formidable ranks of Westerosi knights under a myriad of heraldic pageantry; the heaviest hammer at the Riverlords' command, held poised behind and to the left of the battle line.

Sitting atop his gorgeous ebon courser, Aron absently leans forward to pat his mount's neck, just behind its chamfron. He smiles aside at a grizzled knight on his left, his features as serene as a man out for a pleasant afternoon ride. "Ser Taggett, do you think that Ceinlys has made Stonebridge yet? I do hope she thinks to lay in some wine for us." His helmet rests atop his saddle-horn.

Aron and his companions are waiting with the Frey cavalry on the left of the field - the haughty young knight has picked out the Grimbrother's banner, and he occasionally glances in that direction, as though to pick out the man from amidst the crowd. "I just hope she kept that girl on for me, Lord Aron," replies the horrifically-scarred Taggett. Aron turns in his saddle to look toward another figure, grinning easily. "And you, dear brother? What do -you- look forward to this evening?"

Harlyn is regrettably not sitting atop a gorgeous ebon courser. He is awkwardly astray a plain grey-dapple gelding gentle and placid enough not to give him too much trouble on the ride here, although he may be quickly unsaddling himself when actual battle begins. He looks neither haughty or comfortable and he surveys the battlefield with narrow, anxious eyes. "Surviving," he says.

Finally. The Young Lord of Flint's Finger rides with his force, reining around to check them one final time. Anders grins in what he sees there, grim, determined faces.. faces of men who marched hundreds of miles for this very thing, and finally it's taking place. He looks to each commander that is under him, and each gives him a nod. They're ready.

Comfortably settled among Riordan's outriders, Tam watches the battle-lines unfold with a faint squint. His leathery features are comfortable, but there is a coiled violence in the man. His drawn sword rests across his saddle, shield already strapped to his arm. The older hedge knight has no company in this crowd of riders, but he boldly spurs his mount closer to Riordan himself. "My Lord? Ain't my place to comment, but I been thinking. Once we finish these bastards here, we ought to send some lads straight for the docks at Terrick's Roost. Try to keep these buggers from scatterin' like cockroaches." His gutter-common accent belies the hard shrewdness in his tone; his fingers flex and relax on the hilt of his broadsword.

Well back beyond the battle lines, Senna is working with the maesters who remained behind to prepare to received injured fighters. In a way, it's wishful thinking. They'll receive injured fighters if the Riverlanders are victorious. If not? Senna, at least, will be running like hell.

Astride a dark courser, and clad in dark armor, Lord Ser Anton Valentin sits with the rest of the knights in the reserve. Besides him a squire, the banner of the house held aloft above him. Ser Alek Coope and his squire beside him, the lord surveys the field, commenting to his sworn as they watch the lines arrayed upon the field, waiting first engagement.

Jarod mills among the reserve of the left with his trusty pair of squires, armed, armored and standing by his sturdy brown courser. The knight has a look of some restlessness about him. Not nerves, precisely, but that keyed-up eagerness with no place to go that's run as an undercurrent to his moods all morning. The horse seems more or less calm. "We may not be called to fight at all today, if things go well with the initial push," he tells Rowan and Caytiv. Eagerness to bolt aside, he doesn't sound like he's precisely mourning it. "It'll mean the force can head straight on to the Roost proper, so I'll hope for it. Be ready, though. Double-check your gear. Then just…hurry up and wait." He takes a gulp from the skin at his hip. Just water at present.

Riding on his grey courser that was gifted to him by his parents as was his arms and armor before departing, Erik Jast is part of the Allied Right, wielding a lance as his main armament instead of the blade. His armor is of course gleaming in the rising sun, polished brightly by a young squire that the knight has worked to death. For now the lance remains in its holster, vertical as Erik rides with Anders while his eyes stares at the opposition with a smile, "Victory, I can already feel it." The Young Lord says confidently, bordering on arrogance, as if glory was within grasp.

Buried within the center, one of the serjeants of Green Quarter stands, pike at the ready with nowhere near the armor these lords upon horseback have. It's not something Einion ever wanted, to see battle again.. and such fierce battle it will be. Swallowing back his fear, there's little that can be done for it, and he stands ready to not only defend his home, but also to free another.

Keelin is in place upon his bay. The ill-named Tiny is large enough that he looks inplace astride, even with his 6'1" frame. He goes through his checklist one more time, by rote, glancing straight across the lines to the Ironborn with quiet determination. It'll be a fight and no mistake. He's none so sure he's impressed with the whole wait for them to mass up and find us strategy he's been hearing about, but there it is. Not much to do now, but break the enemy lines and survive. And then worry about tactics. He glances over as Jarod gives some last minute instructions to the squires and can't help but grin, dire situation or not.

A curious sort of rattling sound begins to roll across the field, on the morning breeze: backed by a slowly rising howl, the ranks of the Ironborn warriors are striking axe flats, spear hafts, and sword pommels against the rims of the shields as a series of battle cries goes up. Words are lost amongst the sheer mass of throats raised against the Riverlands.

Seated at the front of the Charlton Knights, alongside his Ser Andrey Charlton, Aleister has already taken to dawning his shield upon his left arm, though he's left his mace attached to the side of the saddle, and his helm resides upon the saddle-horn. There's a look to his cousin and a quick smirk comes to be offered as he dips his head, "Let us hope that things go well for us today, Cousin." Then, there's a look aside, down the line and to the other knights that have gathered in reserve under their banners.

Atop his brown and grey beast, Markus shifts in his saddle to find a familiar comfort. His eyes match Lord Anders' as the man makes a circuit about his men, a certain inevitability to his mien. Of the words shared amongst the Northmen cavaliers he partakes a little, but as the moment of battle draws near his gregarious manner fades into silent determination. He breaks the hint of a smile for the roar of the Ironmen, rolling his shoulders as he waits for the signal to move.

Aron chuckles softly as he listens to the roar of the Ironborn. He leans across toward Harlyn, speaking up to be heard over the wordless shouts. "My dear brother, do not be so.. unambitious. If you survive today, I guarantee that you shall be hailed as a true hero of the Riverlands! Enjoy the thought of it, eh?" He reaches to check his lance, drawing a gauntleted hand along the ash shaft to check for splinters or warps. Apparently satisfied, he returns his attention to the foe before him.

Rowan's attention is tugged away from Jarod, the Nayland lad looking to the field as that rattling howl begins to swell. The small hairs at the back of his neck stand up and gooseflesh crawls down his spine. He shudders.

Alek's coarser is in a fine mood for battle today, the dark mare shifting restlessly beneath steady hands on the reigns. He keeps her near to Anton's in any case, the visor of his helm lifted for a moment as he—yes, drinks at a flask of wine. "Great day for it," he murmurs wryly to his liege and lord, a laugh in the words.

"Of course," Harlyn says with a tight smile that almost muffles his words beyond hearing. He may be raising his voice as well, but the tension in his face counteracts this to some degree. "The envy of every man, the target of every woman. You're correct. How glorious it will be."

Caytiv has left all of his nervous energy in the cunt of the Frey laundress' daughter, and so, especially alongside his Ser, the eager Rivers, Cayt seems clear-eyed and remarkably calm, ready for the task ahead but equally ready to stand in wait of it beside Ryande, chin slightly lifted as he watches the troops forming up ahead and listens to Jarod's instructions. He's confident enough in his gear, and perhaps just as much resigned to the battle ahead as anything else.

"Just relax, Harlyn. Just relax. Stay close to Taggett and I, pick your first target, and keep your wits about you. It's just like riding in the melee." Aron's tone is a bit impatient at his brother's tension - he truly seems oblivious to the dangers of battle, as though death were something that might happen to less deserving creatures. "And when we ride them into the mud, my brother, I will make -certain- you have your time of fame."

Once, and twice the rolling roars of the ironborn, and thunder of hafts striking shield are raised in challenge. The third time the howl is drawn out, a sustained, bellowing rumble, that is punctuates by a series of horn blasts that thrum through the crisp morning air. At those blasts, the glittering line of mailed warriors start across the field, forming into a half dozen wedges as warriors more fleet of foot than their fellows cross the field of death toward the foes.

At the center of those foes are the straight, steady, and silent ranks of the Nayland pikes. "Charge. PIKES!" is shouted, a command echoed by the serjeants, and obeyed with well practiced uniform motions as the ranks of spearheads are extended in ranks to await the oncoming Ironborn tide.

To the rear, a voice- that of Rafferdy Nayland, almost unrecognizable beneath a helm, breastplate and gauntlets, instructs the archers, "Range! Draw!" As the foe continue on, the command is given: "Loose!" And the arrows begin to sing across the field toward their reaving marks.

Jarod reaches out a hand to clasp Rowan's shoulder. It's a bro-y sort of gesture, though lingers a beat. He takes a deep breath, and then raises his head to shout in that general direction, "Fuck you, assholes, the Rivermen are coming to drowned you so deep even your demon god won't find you!" It's probably generally lost in the noise beyond his little knot, but he shouts it with feeling. He catches sight of Keelin, managing to crook a slight grin to the other knight. "Can't imagine these fuckers have anything on the Royalists, aye, Ser?" Though if he has more banter, it's stalled by a held breath as he sees the arrows loosed. It's started now.

"Right, here we go then," murmurs Tam to no one in particular. He watches the infantry advance with frank envy on his features - not very many years ago, the toughened hedge knight would have been down among them. His mount dances sideways, fretting a bit at he rumble of the earth. He wets his lower lip, though it appears to be more from eagerness than from nervousness. "Ought'a have hidden out and marched with Einion," he mutters sullenly.

Harlyn releases his death grip on the reins long enough to rub stupidly at his helmeted face with his gauntleted hand, a meaningless gesture in this context. "Damn," he hisses as the charges begin. He re-grasps the reins to remark with loud petulance to Aron, "I've fought before. I'll take your help and you'll take mine, but don't patronize me." The tension's spread through his body now.

Anders takes the echo, and after the first volley, let the Ironborn think that it'll take time.. and after a five count, he calls, "Flint! Range.. Draw!" He pauses, his hand raised.. and after a two second count, calls, "Loose!!"

The smaller, darker of Jarod's squire duet looks steady and determined — if pale. He reaches up, briefly, to clasp the hand on his shoulder. Bro? Bro. And then lifts his gaze to watch the arrows darken the sky.

Aron settles his helmet atop his head, the metal obscuring his features and muffling his words a bit. "You see, brother? You're letting all that unseemly tension make you tetchy." The condescension is thick in his voice as he watches the two forces close on each other, the flights of arrows coursing overhead holding his interest keenly. "How lovely, that sound," he remarks of the hiss as volleys cleave the air.

"Perhaps a little savagery," Keelin says, though then too he is silent, watching the start of the battle. The sound does raise the hackles, and Tiny finds a little energy, needing some of Keelin's attention to settle the large gelding. "Here's to a good fight. Warrior give us all strength," he murmurs, attention going to the fight as the archers begin their volleys.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Drumm 06 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Drumm 03 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.

<COMBAT> Drumm 06 has been KO'd!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 05 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!

As the archers begin firing, Alek's attention is arrested away from the fighting instead, take a long, long pull from his wine skin before reluctantly storing it away to prepare for his part of it. Hopefully it will still be there to celebrate if he survives.

The arrows and bolts fly across the field from the rear ranks of the Frey host. the choice of ground on the westerly face of a slight hillock should make abundant sense in this moment. At further range, the arrows have only slight effect against the ironclad horde rushing toward them, though the practiced movements of crossbowmen reloading, and bowmen drawing fresh arrows, ranging, and loosing whispers through the reserve of the army.

At the command sent to him, Einion is fixed and ready.. and so are his men. His lips are tight, in a flat line. He can do this.. and he can't and won't let his men down..

Outburst or no outburst, Harlyn seems not to hear his brother's response. The minimal effect the flight of arrows have had on the enemy has provoked a series of soft curses.

Caytiv is shaken from his serene shepherd's gaze by Jarod shouting profanities near at hand. It turns his head and he watches the knight during his exchange with Keelin, but doesn't join in with any word, only takes a long, slow breath and rolls his head from one shoulder to the other, getting back into his zone of keen focus, ready to mount at the word, but otherwise not antsy to do so.

Tam is restlessly staring at the battle as it unfolds, gripping his sword-hilt tighter. He purses his lips to spit to one side. "Got to let them get closer. Wasting shafts just the now." His mount, sensing his mood, paws lightly at the ground and tosses its head, and Tam is forced to spend a moment soothing him. Still, he's clearly eager to be in amidst the blood, gritting his teeth impatiently. But the man's a disciplined soldier, and reins himself in.

Anders shakes his head, but he's certainly not blaming his men for missing. "And again.. range! Draw…" and here again comes the command.. and he holds that two count before, "Loose!!"

Aron neither seems upset nor pleased at the archery, watching it with the cool detachment of a spectator. He smiles behind his visor at the string of curses from his brother, grinning over at him - invisible, of course, except as a turn of his helmeted head. And then his attention is back to the epic spectacle unfolding before him. "It shan't be long now," he remarks aside to Harlyn. "Would you please check and make sure each of our knights has their lance set properly?"

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 05 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!

"Why, yes, brother. How important," Harlyn half-growls as he less-than-confidently maneuvers his horse away and down the lines. "Knights are so /careless/ if not reminded of how to use their weapons."

Jarod removes his right gauntlet to set a calming hand on his courser's neck. The savage keening of the Ironmen sits less well with the horse than it - outwardly - does his rider. "To a good fight. Warrior's strength, Mother's protection, Father's justice to our cause and Smith's fortitude for the work ahead," he prays aloud, picking up on Keelin's words. "And Stranger take the lot of the Ironborn to the seven hells." He's not shouting this time. His eyes tilted up, trying to follow the progress of the arrow volleys, but from where he is he can still little. The sounds of battle will be his main guide to how things are going, for better or worse.

While the odd arrow among the flights loosed at the Ironborn finds a mark, the overall effect on the mailed invaders is negligible, as fresh shouts to the Drowned God to witness their valor precede the impact of shield to shield, axe to pike, and blade to byrnie.

First round meant they have to take the full brunt, and the Young Lord is not happy in the least. Anders looks back at his command, the growing anger forming in his eyes. They'd lost the chance for first blood, and now it's come to it. Now, it's to Erik and Markus that he speaks. "Time to earn your pay.. and fight well. I do not care to have to pick you from the ground at the end."

"Your brother doesn't seem happy, Lord Aron," remarks Ser Taggett to his leader. The Haigh knight laughs, the sound echoing out from under his helmet. "My brother prefers not to be the center of attention, Ser, but don't you fret - he's a Haigh. He'll ride as stoutly as any other. Myself, I want the Grimfellow." Aron points out a small red banner, smiling aside to his companion. "I do hope he lives long enough for my lance to take off his head. Like putting a lance-point through the ring on the quintain."

Alek is laughing at you, Harlyn, close enough to hear the Haigh knights words from his own spot in the lonely spot of only two knights dedicated to Oldstones. With only time to kill before a battle that could end with his life, he instead chooses to watch the younger knight for a moment before looking towards Anton. "I hate the waiting," he remarks. He'd much rather charge ahead, aggro the mob.

Battle it is, though the rush towards the lines is something that Keelin is back behind, standing in reserve at the moment. He glances at Jarod, and nods his head once. Yup, that'll cover it all. A glance at the two squires that follow Jarod, and Keelin could wish he'd not left his behind in Seagard, but there, wars don't tell you before they break out. The sound of battle is inconclusive as yet, just the noise of the Ironborn boosting their courage. But still, the cavalry is there, and waiting for their signal.

The arrows fly twice from the rank of Flint archers and it seems like the Orkwood's are able to fend off the projectiles by their shields or pure luck as none of them fall. Erik watches on impassively as the Ironborn grow closer but there is no fear in the young lord, in fact he manages a smile as he looks to Lord Flint, nodding his head, "Just means more Ironmen to kill, time to bleed them dry." With that, his gloved hand reaches up and closes the protective steel helm's visor, then a hand goes to grasp the lance while the other a small shield.

Markus looks to his commander with a wordless expression, his features almost impassive on the cusp of battle. He merely nods once at the instruction, whatever he might think of it, and shifts a sure hand upon his lance, ready for the fight to be properly joined.

"Your words to the Seven's ears," murmurs Rowan, in the wake of Jarod's prayer. "May it be so." He glances at his fellow squire, then reaches over and clasps Caytiv in a back-pounding hug. "Warrior walk with you, Cayt."

There's an incline of Harlyn's helmeted head toward the Oldstones spot, but nothing more significant than that. His "check" of the knights' lances are even more perfunctory, if anything, with an occasional muttered few words about "Just like in the tournaments," which may be sarcastic.

"Mmm," Is the wordless reply from Anton to Alek, followed by the soft clanking of plate mail being shrugged. "I don't mind the waiting so long as there are plenty more for us when it's done. And I expect there will be plenty today, Alek." He watches as the battle commences, fingers drumming idly, "Best to let the archers get their work over with early and get them out of the way." He glances about at those around them, and then back to the field ahead.

"Bugger this for a game of soldiers," mutters Tam as he watches the arrows ineffectually fall. He pounds his fist lightly into his thigh in frustrated sympathy for the infantrymen already slugging it out. "Step those pikes.. step those pikes.." He watches the Nayland center with a fevered intensity, waiting to see the two lines collide, teeth gritting almost audibly to those around him.

Waiting for the call to advance, when it comes, here comes the deadly pike-wall. Einion calls, "Keep step, lads!" to keep the attentions to the fore— give them something to concentrate on in their advance and in the Ironborn's.

"More for us, aye!" With all the coursers in the field, Lord Ser Anders has his war horse. Its big, and it's calm enough in battle that it won't spook and attempt to flee at the first, or even second thought. His sword is out, his shield set.. and his helm down and over his head, covering his face in places. He's identified the commander, and narrowing his eyes, kicks his horse forward.. and the horse immediately responds with a push from his hind. Battle!

"I do not know. They seem to be a rather sad looking bunch today, don't they?" Alek muses, perhaps not entirely serious, as those grey-green eyes slide thoughtfully over the amassed Ironborn. "How pissed do you think Rygar Nayland would be if we broke lines to charge first?" The suggestion holds nothing of actual serious consideration, but it does bring a twist of amusement to the knight's lips, just the thought of it.

Caytiv grips hard about the spear in his hand before he sticks the business end down into the soil and lifts his other arm to half-hug the smaller squire in return. "Ay, an' with ye, Rowan," he replies. "Keep on yer mount 'til ye see the towar," he enjoins him with a somber gravity to the words.

Once the charge is initiated by the Flint Lord, Erik also kicks his grey courser into action as well and speed begins to build, the distance between himself and the charging Ironborn closing very fast. Riding at Anders's side, the young lord has his own target selected, an Ironman wielding a hammer and a shield and the lance is leveled, held steady. Going for a harder target, Erik leans forward slightly to gain more balance with his lance as it is leveled at head level of the squid, intent on impaling the barbarian's face with the pointy end.

Nothing to do but wait, now. Aron leans over to pat his charger's neck, then straightens. He seems, still, to be utterly unbothered. Behind the visor, the young Haigh's features are cold and still, blue eyes keenly observing the action before him. Beside him, Ser Taggett tests the edge of his broadsword with his thumb and, satisfied, slides it back into its sheath.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 attacks Marvish with Bludgeon & Shield but Marvish DODGES!
<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Goodbrother 05 with Spear & Shield but Goodbrother 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Erenford attacks Goodbrother 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 attacks Frey with Spear & Shield but Frey DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 attacks Frey with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 01 attacks Charlton with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Goodbrother 01 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 attacks Haigh with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 attacks Marvish with Sword & Shield but Marvish DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 04 attacks Haigh with Bludgeon & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 attacks Erenford with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 attacks Erenford with Spear & Shield but Erenford DODGES!
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother attacks Charlton with Valyrian Axe - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 04 with Pike but Drumm 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 01 with Pike - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 attacks Rygar with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 08 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Drumm 03 with Pike but Drumm 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Drumm 02 with Pike - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Drumm 08 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 05 attacks Stonebridge 01 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Drumm 04 attacks Mire 03 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Drumm 02 attacks Mire 01 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 attacks Drumm 05 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 attacks Mire 02 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Andrik with Polearm but Andrik DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Andrik with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 02 with Pike - Serious wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Drumm 09 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Andrik attacks Rygar with Polearm - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Drumm 05 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Einion has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Einion spends a luck point to keep fighting!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 attacks Flint 04 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Head.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 05 attacks Flint 03 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield but Flint 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 attacks Flint 05 with Bludgeon & Shield but Flint 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Markus with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 attacks Flint 01 with Spear & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow - Serious wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Flint 02 with Sword & Shield but Flint 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 01 attacks Erik with Bludgeon & Shield but Erik DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 05 with Hunting Bow - Light wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Orkwood 05 with Spear but Orkwood 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 02 attacks Orkwood 02 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 01 attacks Orkwood 01 with Sword & Shield but Orkwood 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 06 with Spear but Orkwood 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 04 attacks Orkwood 04 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 03 attacks Orkwood 03 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Markus attacks Orkwood 02 with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 01 with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood attacks Anders with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Anders has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 03 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 05 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Anders spends a luck point to keep fighting!

Jarod's cracks a quick grin to Keelin, though this one isn't nearly so boyish. He keeps his palm on his horse, silent now, just listening to the clash in the not-so-distance.

The crash of armies raises a din that none who are new to battle have experienced before. Shields clash hard on the left, as the massed Armsmen of the Riverlords stand fast against the shield line of their foemen, blows finding flesh, but only few among the toughened warriors falling. In the center, the clash of infantry into pikes is much, much bloodier. Despite the howling aggression of the Ironmen, the pike lines are holding, and the crossbows continue to take a tally. The massive Andrik takes a bolt off the helm as he trades blows the with knight at the center of the Nayland line.

On the right, however, the Reaver of the Roost, Lord Alyn Orkwood leads the charge directly at the mounted lordlings before him. The lines crash together without men on both sides falling.

Einion yells to his men, "Hold the line! Hold the—" even as his pike swipes the Ironborn; he can see the blood pouring from his foe's leg, and in that second in which he's surprised that the man still stands, takes a wound to the chest. He stumbles a step, begins to fall.. and the man beside him reaches out to steady the man. Regaining his footing, the blood wells from under his leather, dripping into the dirt..

Glory enough for all, if they can survive. And there's folks depending on them besides. Last minute preparations complete, weapons checked, rechecked, and checked again, and Keelin is now still, just watching and listening, trying to tell what is happening. And how the battle is going as much as he can. "Might be the hardest part, the waiting," he says, unknowingly echoing perhaps most of the Knights who are waiting to wade into the fray.

Crashing into the mass of Ironborn alongside the rest of Flint Finger's cavaliers, Ser Markus Ilgrave directs a vicious stab at one of the Orkwood reavers, his blow landing without the satisfaction of a kill. As men surge about him, he draws his lance back to attempt to skewer the man a second time, only just deflecting a blow from another reaver with his right arm.

Tam squints at the center of the line, trying to make out whether the pikemen have held as a veil of dust begins to arise from stomping boots and desperate struggles. "I think they held," he remarks to no one in particular, his tone clinical. "Don't sound like no rout, not yet." He absently scrapes at his beard with a thick hand, looking over at Riordan impatiently. Still, the hedge knight says nothing of charging. It's not yet time.

Rygar is a clear target for the Ironborn, being the only knight afoot amongst a line of peasants. And the lean Nayland does suffer a pair of telling blows, but he does not fall, striking his crow's-beak polearm anew at the Drumm champion, as the pikes to either side hold against the onslaught. The solitary sharp *crack* of a broken pike haft being a good clue that, while bloodied, the pikemen are holding.

The heavy thundering of hooves is followed by a clash of steel on wood, steel on steel, or the meatier steel on flesh as the two forces on the right wing collide. Despite being young and his first bloodletting at King's Landing, it seems like the young lord's training is coming into play as the speed and nimbleness of the courser in battle evades the Ironborn's attack. Erik's lance, however, manages to make contact but not to the result that one would wish as the Orkwood manages to dodge in time at the end so it leaves only a grazing strike. Wheeling his courser around, Erik levels his lance once more and rushes the same Ironborn.

Anders crashes into the Orkwood, and is unseated from his horse from the force of the attack. The horse wanders away, walking.. and for the moment, the Young Lord isn't inclined to go chasing after him. No.. this time, he's got his fight in front of him, and with a growled announcement, "Fight on!" for the morale of his men in the field. Now, he's facing off with the commander. "Prepare to meet your god."

Alyn Orkwood does not relent his assault on Anders after his poleaxe knocks the Northern lord from the saddle. Drawing back for a vicious overhead blow, the slayer of Revyn Terrick looks to feed his axe more noble blood.

Aron keeps his eyes on the left side of the line, waiting for the Frey instruction to charge. His features are set now, and grim, as he watches his House's men-at-arms cut into the Ironborn ranks, and vice versa. He settles his hands atop his saddle-horn, just watching, his mount occasionally pawing at the ground with its hoof.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Erenford attacks Goodbrother 02 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 attacks Frey with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 attacks Erenford with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Goodbrother 05 with Spear & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 01 attacks Charlton with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Goodbrother 01 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 attacks Marvish with Bludgeon & Shield but Marvish DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 attacks Haigh with Sword & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 04 attacks Haigh with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 attacks Frey with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 attacks Charlton with Sword & Shield but Charlton DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 attacks Erenford with Spear & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother attacks Marvish with Valyrian Axe - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Erenford has been KO'd!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Drumm 09 attacks Mire 02 with Sword & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Drumm 02 with Pike - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 01 with Pike but Drumm 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow - Serious wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 08 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 04 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Drumm 03 with Pike - Light wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Drumm 08 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck.
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield but Einion DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 04 attacks Mire 03 with Bludgeon & Shield but Mire 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 attacks Rygar with Sword & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 02 attacks Mire 01 with Spear & Shield but Mire 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Andrik with Polearm - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 03 with Pike - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.
<COMBAT> Andrik attacks Rygar with Polearm - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Drumm 02 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Rygar has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Rygar spends a luck point to keep fighting!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield but Flint 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 attacks Flint 05 with Bludgeon & Shield but Flint 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 attacks Flint 04 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Markus with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 01 attacks Erik with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 08 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 06 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 02 attacks Orkwood 02 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Flint 02 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 attacks Flint 01 with Spear & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 01 attacks Orkwood 01 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Left Leg.
<COMBAT> Markus attacks Orkwood 02 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Orkwood 07 with Spear - Critical wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 01 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood attacks Anders with Polearm - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Anders has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 02 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 04 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Anders spends a luck point to keep fighting!

"Try not to listen too hard," Jarod says to Rowan and Caytiv both. "Think of something else. Something back at the Roost. For this shall get us there, hard a walk though it'll be." He looks like it's an effort for him not to listen to it all. To Keelin, he nods. "It's like getting ready to dive off a cliff. Hardest part is winding up to do it."

Einion calls, "Hold the line! Hold the line!" He manages to set his pike into his attacker, and feels it dig into flesh.

Tam curses softly and continuously as he watches, remarking to one of the other knights nearby. "By the time we get into it, the battle'll be decided. Ain't fair." He scowls up at the sky, sighing, and reaches to take a gulp from a waterskin that lies across his saddle. "And of course it's got to be a fucken warm day."

Jarod's observation actually coaxes a faint smile from Rowan. The boy closes his eyes and leans his head against the neck of his big red stallion, taking a deep, slow breath… and thinking about something else.

Anders is late in bringing up his shield to protect himself even as his sword strikes. It hits the Orkwood, but it doesn't strike true.. thus bouncing off the chest. He falls to his knee, the blood welling from a couple of wounds upon his chest now, and he calls, "Fight on!" for the morale. "Fight on!" He needs them to hear his voice, unless they decide that perhaps it might be a better thing to turn and retreat? But, he's sure that it won't happen.. his men are good.

On the Left, as the Grimbrother cuts his way toward Marvish Erenford, the pressure continue to mount from the friving Ironborn. One small detachment of Armsmen lose their shield wall and are scattered. In the center, Andrik the Unsmiling takes a vicious blow to the gorget, the telltale crack of a collarbone barely slowing down the hulking raider's ferocity. On the right, however, while the horsemen and men-at-arms of house flint are holding the line against their savage foes, the peasant levies are faring less well. A block of the levied troops break and begin to run, amongst casualties.

At the rear, observing the flow of the battle, Rickart Nayland looks to Stevron Frey and offers befom behind his brazen visor, "I think we ought drop the hammer now, my lord, eh?" A smile deepeing the wrinkles on his face, the Lord of the Mire looks aside and bids his herald sound the charge.

On the second pass against his Ironborn opponent, Erik's lance strikes true once more but this time he is too greedy as he leans in a bit too much to land the blow on the squid's chest. This leaves him open for a blow in return and the hammer smashes into his neck and collar area of his armor, sending a shock of pain through the young lord. This causes him to ride a little further away and he needs an extra moment to gather himself with fighting engaged all around him. As Erik gets ready to ride back into the melee, he sees the Orkwood Chieftain, Alyn, engaging Anders and driving the young Flint Lord down again. So the decision is made to change targets as Erik now rides to Anders's assistance, lance leveled again as he charges forward again.

As the combat continues to rage on, Aleister is pulling his helm from the saddle-horn and sliding it upon his head, the visor coming to be lowered. Then, the reins are shifted from his right hand to his left, so that the mace can be claimed from it's spot upon his saddle. A small, braided ribbon of gold, red and green has been affixed to the shaft of the mace and as the weapon is lifted, it flutters a touch in the breeze. Looking to Andrey, there's a slight nod of his head towards the other knight before he's looking to the fore, now preparing for the charge that is to come.

Rowan swings up into the saddle and dons his coif, drawing his blade and bringing Dragon's eager dancing to a standstill. He glances at Jarod, takes a deep breath, and salutes with his blade. The same gesture of respect is given Keelin and Caytiv, and then the Nayland squire faces front, grim and ready for the charge.

"Can't say I've tried diving off a cliff. Not sure I want to, but aye, that sounds like it might need a good wind up," Keelin says laconically. He glances at the other two lads and returns his gaze to the battle, looking to see through the dust and the gore. And just then the charge is sounded. That has adrenaline pump through, as helms are lowered. Keelin draws his sword and starts his horse into motion, the charge of the knights starting with the thunder of hooves. He picks a target and charges.

As the rearguard vanguard prepares to move, Anton turns his helm in his hands, putting it on and, after turning a look to Alek, and say, "Let's go for the axe," before he drops the visor. He kicks his horse into motion, one of the first to ride out, he and the other knight from Oldstones speeding ahead towards the Grimbrother and the shiny, shiny axe of his.

As the left-hand line begins to buckle inward and the Freys wave him forward, Aron draws his lance from its scabbard. He raises it up, along with the other knights of his House, and then lowers it in a smooth motion as he heels his mount forward. Trot.. Canter.. Gallop. "For Robert, House Haigh, and glory!" The young Haigh knight's shout is smooth and pure, carrying like a singer's note. It's taken up, in rougher tones, by the men thundering into battle behind him. His eyes lock onto Grimbrother's banner, and it's there that the Haigh lordling's lance is aimed as he crashes toward the battle.

"Mount up, lads!" Jarod calls as he swings into the saddle, though some of his lads are already doing that. He manages another of those grins he can summon up on command for Keelin and his squires, though this one isn't reflected in his green eyes. "Stay with me and try to hit what's trying to hit you. The rest'll work itself out. Somehow." Briefly he catches Rowan's eye. And then, deep breath, and he is ready to go.

Striking a more meaningful blow on his second go, Markus draws his lance back and urges his mount around and onward. Thoughts of turn about are shattered, along with a rib or two it feels like, when an Orkwood bludgeon lands solidly on his chest. Shocked fingers drop the lance from his gloved hand, losing it in the chaos of battle. He manages to keep his seat atop his horse and shakes his head looking about as he draws his sword. Catching sight of his ostensible employer and Alyn Orkwood closing in on him, Markus shifts gears and tries to push on towards them, blade at the ready.

Harlyn is well and done with double-checking lances and rides forward on his sad little mare to draw up again alongside his brother prior to due calvary shenanigans. "Well," he says, muffled, drawing his sword.

Caytiv pulls his spear from the ground once more with Jarod's command and with a push of his knees mounts Ryande with a practiced ease, even under the weight of the armor. He lowers his chin, setting a grim stare ahead, listening to his Ser's instructions and acknowledging them with a grave nod, but keeping his eyes ahead of him as he leans in and is ready to ride by Jarod.

Let off the leash at last, Tam whoops like a fiend, his sword coming up overhead. He heels his horse hard in the flanks. "Hyah!" The animal spurs forward swiftly, along with the rest of Riordan's outriders. "I'm comin' for you, y'fuck!" he roars as he closes in on Alyn Orkwood. "A Coop, a Coop!" His eyes are narrow, focused, leaning forward with a slightly-bent elbow, prepared to hack down Alyn (hopefully) as he rides past.

In the ridiculous press of men bearing down on the huge form of Grimbrother beneath his banner, Aron only manages to land a glancing blow with his lance, striking mid-chest and sweeping off the man's breastplate. He is not dismayed, galloping past and wheeling his mount around. His lance comes up, as though he were saluting in a tourney, and then straight back down as he heels his mount back toward the Ironborn leader.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Goodbrother 05 with Spear & Shield but Goodbrother 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 04 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 attacks Haigh with Spear & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Evangeline has left the combat.
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 attacks Haigh with Sword & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 attacks Caytiv with Bludgeon & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 attacks Charlton with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 04 attacks Haigh with Bludgeon & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 attacks Frey with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Right Arm stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Goodbrother 01 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 attacks Marvish with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 attacks Frey with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 01 attacks Charlton with Bludgeon & Shield but Charlton DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Stonehouse 03 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Stonehouse 02 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother attacks Anton with Valyrian Axe - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Caytiv attacks Stonehouse 01 with Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Grimbrother with Lance & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Anton attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Goodbrother 01 with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Goodbrother 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother spends a luck point to keep fighting!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Drumm 08 attacks Stonebridge 03 with Spear & Shield but Stonebridge 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 attacks Stonebridge 02 with Bludgeon & Shield but Stonebridge 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 attacks Rygar with Sword & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 08 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Mire 03 attacks Drumm 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Drumm 09 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 04 with Pike - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 01 with Pike - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 attacks Mire 02 with Sword & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 04 attacks Mire 03 with Bludgeon & Shield - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield but Einion DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Andrik with Polearm - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Andrik with Crossbow - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Drumm 04 with Crossbow - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Andrik attacks Rygar with Polearm but Rygar DODGES!

<COMBAT> Andrik has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Drumm 04 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Drumm 08 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Mire 03 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Andrik spends a luck point to keep fighting!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield but Flint 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 attacks Erik with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Right Leg stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 attacks Flint 01 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Neck.
<COMBAT> Flint 01 attacks Orkwood 01 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Markus with Bludgeon & Shield - Serious wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Flint 01 with Sword & Shield but Flint 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 08 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 06 with Spear but Orkwood 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Orkwood 07 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 01 attacks Erik with Bludgeon & Shield but Erik DODGES!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Left Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Orkwood 06 with Lance & Shield - Serious wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Markus attacks Alyn Orkwood with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Alyn Orkwood with Lance & Shield - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood attacks Anders with Polearm - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Flint 01 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Alyn_Orkwood spends a luck point to keep fighting!

If Alek is nervous about charging straight into that battle and going immediately for Grimbrother, he shows nothing of it as he relies on his coarser and his shield to turn aside peons as he slams his blade at the man's neck only for it to glance off armor.

Einion moves forward to sweep and push up with his pike, but misses; but in that same attack, his motion causes his enemy to miss with his his axe.. and there's a mad laugh that rises from the pikeman. "You'll die this day!"

Harlyn takes a good whack at an Ironborn without any apparent effect, but he stays on his horse and stays uninjured. It's a good day! So far!

Tam crashes into the battle with as much style as a man could ask for; he sweeps by Alyn, leaning sideways out of his saddle and slashing down at the man's shield-arm. His blade bites deeply into the Ironborn's bicep, and he rips it free. "/Feel -that-/, y'bastard?" He wheels his mount around, punching his sword up in the air before driving right back at the man, perhaps hoping to distract him for long enough to buy Anders a bit of time to get into better position.

Anders gets a hit.. finally.. in his swing and actually makes contact, and he can feel his sword digging into flesh. Pulling his sword from his foe, he catches from the corner of his eye the others that are also on his target. With wound after wound now given him, he sees the Ironborn go down.. and there's a grin that gets plastard on his face… only to be replaced with mad intent as the form rises to his feet once more.

As the charge is given, Aleister spurs his mount forward and there's little surprise that he guides the horse in the direction of the Charlton line, clearly more concerned with ensuring that his men survive to fight another day. One of the Goodbrother lines is ridden through, the Master at Arms mace swinging and connecting with a Raider's head, crushing his helm and offering a sickly sweet crunch before the man drops to the ground. Continuing past, the courser is then turned so that he can ride back at another of the Goodbrothers, his mace once more lifting up and into the air.

Keelin's target is perhaps not too surprised to be attacked, the sound of the horses loud even with the noise of battle. Keelin's sword is aimed well, but the bloody Ironborn armour clangs as the sword hits, leaving Keelin cursing as he wheels his horse to attack the same fellow again. "Mallister!" he calls out. Habit that, and well, might as well confuse the daylights out of anyone on the opposing side, if he can.

As the bloody melee grinds on in the center, the two wings of Riverlord heavy cavalry start forward at a gallop, advancing on the flanks of the Ironborn battle line. On the left, the tough reavers under Harald Goodbrother hold fast against the thunderbolt of charging cavalry. Few of their number drop, although the tide has distinctly turned away from the Ironborn.

In the center, the raiders are being mangled fighting through the dense thickets of pike heads. Although some blows are struck against the defenders, the inability of the Drumms to break the pike line is making them prey for the archers, behind.

On the right, the fresh charge of the Outriders runs down any momentum the Orkwoods had managed to build. The contest is bloody and no longer certain.

Jarod finally gets to thrust all that pent-up energy into something as he charges forth, throwing himself along with the rest of the knightly reserve cavalry in the thick. Against the knot of Stonehouse troops, in his case. His sword finds Ironborn armor, but it doesn't pierce it. His particularl clang of metal-on-metal is just added to the deafening fray. He looks up and over, trying to keep track of Rowan and Caytiv as they move on the field.

Markus makes a wild swing for Alyn Orkwood, his blade sliding off the armor covering the man's middle. As the crash of others into the noteworthy reaver goes on, he rides past and seeks out another foe. As he turns back to charge in, he takes another damning blow from a reaver in the chest, enough to send him reeling. He only just manages to keep his saddle, and brings up his blade to try to kill his assailant before he can land another blow.

Anton rides hard at the Grimbrother, and his blade finds purchase on the chieftan's chest. Knocked down, briefly, enough that the blow aimed at Anton merely scrapes across the lord's breastplate, the angle such that even Valyrian steel doesn't manage to penetrate. The most famous Goodbrother is hardly knocked out of the fight, though, And Anton wheels his mount around to take another shot at him, glancing at Alek and then Aron to coordinate his timing.

Rygar lands a second blow on Andrik the Unsmiling's collar, taking advantage of the hulking warrior's habit of throwing repeated overhand blows, and sneaking in a shot as the Drumm champion recoveres his pole-axe. Although the Drumm champion staggers, he does not fall. Around him, however, the Drumms have begun to waver.

The convergience of multiple knights on the Orkwood Chieftain has the desired results even though Erik's lance whistles by the staggered Ironborn leader, so close to taking the head. While riding to his target though, he takes a blow to the legs that the armor protects and the other strike is dodged. Wheeling around once more, the young lord is now surveying the battlefield and sees two Ironborn still chasing him so he levels his lance once more and charges the one advancing on him with the battleaxe. "To the depths of the sea with you!" Erik cries though what comes out of the closed visored helm is more like, "Thhhmmm dmmm ff thh ssmms!"

Caytiv is not hard to keep track of, maintaining easy control of Ryande even in the madness and keeping his position relative to Jarod with only a small amount of deviation. He holds the horse with his knees and leans forward to keep anchored as he grasps the spear in both hands and drives it forward into an armored chest, the sound muted amidst the general uproar. When the first blow is deflected he sits up a little straighter and thrusts into another downward attack.

As the riverlord knights on the left become mired in the ranks of the Ironborn, the raiders swing back, with the Goodbrothers flocking to the aid of their chieftan, while the Stonehouses continue to press against the Frey armsmen. The battle cry of "Grim! Grim!" being shouted by the beset ironmen.

On the right, Alyn Orkwood's sustained assault on anders Flint is interrupted most emphatically by a brutal swordblow to his arm, as Ser Cooper gallops into the fray, among the Outriders. Hissing in pain behind the maile drape which protects his face, the Lord of Orkmont begins filtering back through his men, giving others a crack at the knights as he begins a withdrawal.

A band of Drumms from the center follow suit, as Andrik the Unsmiling (certainly not happy about doing so) is seeking to disengage with a scattering of other men, as the whole of the Ironborn front looks poised to collapse, still anchored upon the stubborn resistance of the Goodbrothers and Stonehouses.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 attacks Marvish with Bludgeon & Shield but Marvish DODGES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 attacks Haigh with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 attacks Frey with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 attacks Caytiv with Bludgeon & Shield but Caytiv DODGES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 04 attacks Anton with Bludgeon & Shield but Anton DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 attacks Alek with Sword & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 attacks Aron with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Stonehouse 04 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Goodbrother 05 with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 attacks Alek with Sword & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - NEAR MISS!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Stonehouse 03 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Left Hand.
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Goodbrother 04 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother attacks Anton with Valyrian Axe - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Caytiv attacks Stonehouse 01 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Grimbrother with Lance & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Anton attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Goodbrother 05 with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).

<COMBAT> Aron has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 04 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Aron spends a luck point to keep fighting!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike but Drumm 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 01 with Pike but Drumm 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 attacks Mire 02 with Sword & Shield - Critical wound to Abdomen.
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield - Light wound to Left Hand (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 09 with Pike - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Mire 02 attacks Drumm 09 with Pike but Drumm 09 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 attacks Rygar with Sword & Shield but Rygar DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Andrik with Polearm - Critical wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 03 with Pike - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.
<COMBAT> Andrik passes.

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Flint 05 with Sword & Shield but Flint 05 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Tam with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 attacks Erik with Sword & Shield but Erik DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield but Anders DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 tries to attack but has no target!
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 06 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 01 attacks Erik with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 08 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Orkwood 07 with Spear - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Orkwood 06 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Markus attacks Orkwood 04 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Neck (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 01 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Alyn Orkwood with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Left Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood passes.

<COMBAT> Orkwood 01 has been KO'd!

Given the forward assault that Alek follows his leige lord into on the bannered Grimm, it is unlikely he wouldn't draw some attention, but he relies on a horse well trained in battle and sure movements to deftly evade attacks directed at his. It even leaves him with a spare moment to slash again at Grimbrother, only for the blade to be turned aside by armor again. "I've seen prettier frogs than you," he calls, tauntingly, towards his target with a bit of a frustrated laugh.

Aron's focus is such that he does not see the Ironborn man closing at him from the side. He is galloping toward Grimbrother when, from out of the blindspot of his helm, an axe slams into the man's chest. His lance glances off the Grimbrother's neck, and Aron himself goes toppling backward off his charger, smacking into the ground and leaving him prone.

With a push forward, Einion grits his teeth as he feels the slice through his hand, and the blood welling to the surface. "Run, you dog! Get away while you can.." Of course, the pikeman, and his line, has no intention of allowing that sort of departure, even if he does taunt him with it. His pike pushes across the surface of the Ironborn's hand, and it's a trade-off.. wound for wound..

Anton and Alek work in well-trained combination, knights and mounts all moving together. Though Alek's blade is turned aside, it still makes contact, as does Aron's lance, and again Anton is able to slash at the Grimbrother's chest. This time, however, Harald doesn't stumble, and though he fails a second time to get that Valyrian blade through the Knight of Oldstones' armor, it will take still more to fell him. So that's what Anton aims to give, keeping his seat, deftly shifting to dodge another reaver's strike, and aiming his blade once more at the Grimbrother.

Harlyn lets his sword blade clang off the Goodbrother's armor once more, but the advantage of so many Ironborn coming to their champion's defense is that no one is paying much attention to a Haigh knight on a gelding. As the Goodbrother stumbles regardless of Harlyn's inability to fell him, he notices his brother's stumble and wheels his horse (slowly, clumsily) about to ride toward the Ironborn that unhorsed him.

Jarod wheels his sturdy courser toward the Stonehouse engaging Caytiv, to join the press on that one. A low sword strike hits the Ironman's belly, but it's not enough to down the reaver. "Keep on him!" he yells, perhaps unnecessarily.

This time, Erik's lance strikes home and neatly slams into the Ironborn's infantryman in the face, making the barbarian prettier as what use to be an ugly and scary mug has been replaced with a gaping hole and a wash of red. Leaving the fallen Orkwood on the ground, the young lord continues on and selects another Ironborn, this new one sporting no visible wounds and going after the Hedge Knight, Tam. Urging his courser onward, Erik levels his lance once more, adrenaline driving him forward as he ignores the pain and fatigue that would normally being to slowly creep in.

This time, horse and rider manage to work in concert, and Keelin's sword bites into the stonehouse's hand. Not so much of a sharp sexy target, but it might make it a little more difficult for him to carry both a shield and a sword. He glances around to see the others, a split second only, and then he's charging back at the same fellow, intent upon trying to trample him into oblivion, and try to break the nerve of these squids. "Just wait until we return this favor. Your islands will never be the same."

An Ironborn man hacks up at Tam as he rides past, nicking him under the armpit. Tam ignores the small amount of blood, hacking down at Alyn Orkwood and managing to score another blow, this time across the man's neck. He wheels to face his attacker afterward, however, roaring down at him with a laugh. "Oh, my lad, you are well and truly -buggered- the now!" Laughing, the man hacks downward, and at the same time smashes his shield-boss toward the man's face.

Markus' blade bites into the flesh of about a reaver's neck, the satisfaction on his face as the blade finds some meat the only expression beyond the pain he's managed throughout the battle. As some of the Ironmen lose their stomach for battle, and none seem to find the chance to take a swing at him, he lashes out with another blow. The call from Anders isn't missed, but with the strikes he's managed to so far endure, he's not about to ride deep into enemy ranks after anyone, just now.

Caytiv stabs downward with the spear, but that armor is sturdy against the attacks. Cayt twists the shaft of the spear upward to push aside the blow of an axe while intently pressing on into the host, hunting for Ironer blood.

This is one. Slippery. Bugger — this Ironborn who ducks and sidesteps and has otherwise very effective armor versus a knight and two squires, all mounted. Rowan grits his teeth in frustration as his bade whistles through the air and makes no contact, but Ser Jarod's cry is indeed unnecessary. Rowan keeps on him, bringing Dragon around for a third pass, methodically, dispassionate save for his irritation.

Rygar stikes a hideous blow into the torso of the Drumm champion, burying the namesake 'crow's beak' hook of his hammer through maile and into the raider's chest, prying it loose with a sickening crunch, but the raider does not die- or at least has not yet realized it. As Andrik continues toward the Ironborn reserve, the stern Nayland knight is given the choice of breaking rank to pursue the glory of striking down a champion, or keeping formation and striking at the ignoble mass of raiders. Ser Rygar turns his polearm upon the nearest of the remaining Drumms, with methodical blows.

The Gods take the Orkwood. Anders can't break from his combat now that another is covering the damnable Alyn Orkwood. He has to rely upon the still mounted knights to run him down. "Archers, target the fleeing bastard!" The command is barked, and a swing is taken against his new, uninjured opponent. Blood drips from his chest wounds, his breathing coming as a wheezing sound in the efforts put forth.

Rising to his feet, dazed and shaking his head, Aron tosses aside his lance and rips his broadsword out of its sheath. He turns a slow circle, snarling behind his visor, a trickle of blood running out from under his breastplate and down his gleaming maile. Apparently not noticing that he has been hurt, the man stalks to meet the charge of one of the Stonehouse Ironborn, raising his shield high to recieve the other man's axe. "A Haigh! A Haigh! For Robert and glory!" The corner of a handkerchief is visible now, dangling out of his right-hand gauntlet.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 attacks Frey with Spear & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 attacks Aron with Bludgeon & Shield - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Goodbrother 05 with Spear & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Stonehouse 02 with Sword & Shield but Stonehouse 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 attacks Alek with Sword & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow - ARMOR on Head stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 attacks Anton with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Stonehouse 04 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 attacks Marvish with Bludgeon & Shield but Marvish DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 attacks Haigh with Sword & Shield but Haigh DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 attacks Alek with Spear & Shield but Alek DODGES!
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Stonehouse 03 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Goodbrother 02 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother attacks Anton with Valyrian Axe - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Caytiv attacks Stonehouse 01 with Spear - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Aron attacks Stonehouse 01 with Sword & Shield but Stonehouse 01 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Anton attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Goodbrother 05 with Bludgeon & Shield but Goodbrother 05 DODGES!

<COMBAT> Aron has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 05 has been KO'd!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike but Drumm 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 attacks Mire 02 with Sword & Shield but Mire 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 attacks Einion with Bludgeon & Shield but Einion DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 09 with Pike but Drumm 09 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 01 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 attacks Rygar with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Drumm 03 with Polearm but Drumm 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Andrik with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Head (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 03 with Pike but Drumm 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Drumm 07 with Crossbow - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Andrik passes.

<COMBAT> Andrik has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Andrik spends a luck point to keep fighting!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Right Hand stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Tam with Sword & Shield but Tam DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Alyn Orkwood with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Alyn Orkwood with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Flint 05 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield but Flint 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 06 with Spear but Orkwood 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Flint 05 attacks Orkwood 07 with Spear and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Orkwood 03 with Sword & Shield but Orkwood 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Orkwood 06 with Lance & Shield but Orkwood 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Markus attacks Orkwood 04 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 03 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Leg.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Orkwood 03 with Sword & Shield - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood passes.

<COMBAT> Flint 05 has been KO'd!

As bravely as he approaches the Stonehouse fighter, Aron is simply not meant to fight afoot. His shield fails to catch the other man's axe, and it buries itself into his chest. Gamely slashing his broadsword, despite the blood now flowing freely, Aron fails to even come close to harming his assailant. His strength already drained, the man over-balances and goes splashing into the mud. Still, game as can be, he lies there trying to rise up, still gripping his broadsword.

Harlyn's bold attempt to come to his brother's rescue leads him to target a Goodbrother no longer interested in Aron's blood and leads him to miss regardless. It is a sad display of brotherly togetherness, and yet, Harlyn still hasn't a mark on him. Hero of Haigh! Hurrah Haigh!

Alek's blade strikes wide as he has to twist his reigns sharply away from an attack of an Ironborn, anger a clear this in the way he throws himself into his next attack. "Did you weasel yourself out of your mother's cunt like this as well?" he shouts needlessly at Grimbrother.

"Green!!" Einion shouts, and there are echoes along the line of 'Orange!' in response as the pike line stays firm and in place. The Ironborn misses the tanner turned pikeman, and he can feel a laugh bubbling up once again. There's blood, there's men who have fallen, and others that have risen again to their feet.. himself included. But, in all? He makes another jab at the Ironborn, feeling for the tell-tale dig into the flesh that marks a direct hit.

Jarod keeps on the Stonehouse, even when its attention wanders away from his Hill squire to Aron. Again his sword finds only hard armor. He spurs his horse to take another hard drive at the Ironborn.

Tam's blow goes whistling over his Orkwood opponent's head, and he likewise swipes the man's retaliatory strike wide with his shield. He's grinning, despite the small nick on his ribs - this is what the tough hedge knight was born to do, and it shows. He's practically glowing as he cuts down at the man. "You sodding little turd of a man! I plucked grass as was less green than you!" Laughing, the man raises his voice to yell. "A Coop, a Coop!"

Anders can feel the *thunk* of his sword against the armour of the Ironborn he fights, and he wiggles the sword to see if he can't get any purchase. It's not to be, sadly.. and pulling his weapon back, he can feel the fatigue in his limbs from the blood, and the weight of his plate. Was never meant for extended and prolonged battle.. but still, he pushes again, and rather than going with the slice, makes a jab so he can cut right into a weak spot.

Sword stroke to the absomen, and as Keelin pulls the sword back, the stonehouse he's facing can feel the results of that one. "Mallister!" he calls, again. He might be the only one with that warcry, but well, he's not at the moment sure what else to call. He continues to fight, attacking teh stonehouse in front of him, with every intention of taking his head off, if he can.

This time the Grimbrother finally gets the better of Anton, his turn to land a strike to the chest while the Knight's blade just slides harmlessly across maile. That Valyrian steel is likely the only weapon on the field able to cut through solid plate, and cut through it does, though the blow isn't enough to knock the lord from his horse, nor to deter him from trying to bring the Goodbrother leader (and his axe) down.

Markus' blade finds purchase in his opponent's chest again, and as the man stumbles back, the knight takes the opportunity to urge his brown and grey horse forward and out of the immediate battle, the wounds he has already sustained quickly catching up with him. He watches for any reavers thinking to take a shot at him, but does not engage.

Some of the battle fatigue is evident in Erik's last successful lance strike as the weapon was drooping slightly, the grip tightening at the last second so it punches into the leg of the Orkwood. Riding past, the young lord stays in the fight as he wheels his courser around once more and picks another Ironborn out from the diminishing mass of enemies. He tries to grip his lance firmly and leans forward again, urging his mount onward while keeping his aim true, a bit higher this time.

The stubborn knot of Goodbrothers and Stonehouses, with the Grimbrother still bellowing orders at their center, begin a tightly diciplined withdrawal on the left. The massed Goodbrothers step back, keeping shields locked as best they can with the cadence of "Grim! Grim! Grim!" the word on which each man steps backward.

In the center, the Ironborn retreat is less orderly, as the torn Drumms turn and bolt. Andrik the Unsmiling takes a crossbow bolt to the back of his helmet, and is knocked facefirst into the turf. It is impossible to say how bad the wound truly is, but the bolt did leave a small square hole in the raider's helm as the Drumm champion lurches back up with an inhuman effort, and trudges further toward the reserve.

Only on the allied right does Ironborn resistance continue, as the chaotic mess of battle lines leave several knots of Orkwoods striking at the remaining Outriders and Flints.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Charlton attacks Stonehouse 04 with Sword & Shield and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Marvish attacks Stonehouse 02 with Spear & Shield but Stonehouse 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Frey attacks Goodbrother 03 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow - Light wound to Abdomen (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Haigh attacks Stonehouse 02 with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Rowan attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - Light wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Keelin attacks Stonehouse 03 with Broadsword - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Jarod attacks Stonehouse 01 with Broadsword - Moderate wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Harlyn attacks Goodbrother 02 with Sword & Shield but Goodbrother 02 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Grimbrother passes.
<COMBAT> Caytiv takes careful aim at Stonehouse 01.
<COMBAT> Aron passes.
<COMBAT> Anton attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword - ARMOR on Abdomen stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Alek attacks Grimbrother with Broadsword but Grimbrother DODGES!
<COMBAT> Aleister attacks Goodbrother 02 with Bludgeon & Shield but Goodbrother 02 DODGES!

<COMBAT> Stonehouse 02 has been KO'd!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Mire 01 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike - Light wound to Left Arm.
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 passes.
<COMBAT> Drumm 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 03 attacks Drumm 09 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 04 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Mire 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Drumm 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonebridge 02 attacks Drumm 07 with Pike but Drumm 07 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Rygar attacks Drumm 03 with Polearm but Drumm 03 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Rafferdy reloads.
<COMBAT> Einion attacks Drumm 03 with Pike and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce reloads.
<COMBAT> Andrik passes.

<COMBAT> Drumm 07 has been KO'd!

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 attacks Tam with Sword & Shield - Light wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 attacks Flint 06 with Spear & Shield but Flint 06 DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 07 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 06 attacks Orkwood 08 with Spear - Critical wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 attacks Markus with Sword & Shield but Markus DODGES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 attacks Anders with Bludgeon & Shield - ARMOR on Neck stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Alyn Orkwood with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Alyn Orkwood with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Tam attacks Orkwood 03 with Sword & Shield - Serious wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Orkwood 06 with Lance & Shield - Light wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Markus passes.
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 08 with Lance & Shield - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Orkwood 03 with Sword & Shield - Moderate wound to Chest (Reduced by Armor).
<COMBAT> Alyn Orkwood passes.

<COMBAT> Orkwood 08 has been KO'd!
<COMBAT> Tam has been KO'd!

Jarod rides hard to flank to the left of the Stonehouse reaver as he bolts, motioning for Rowan to come about the man's right. The attempt to cut him off isn't entirely successful, but the Ironborn is running much bloodier, at least.

A feather-light scrape against Tam's armor opens another small wound. The man is in the process of laughing it off when his horse, spooked by the proximity of the attacker, rears up. The knight's laugh is cut off into a shout of dismay as he topples off backward, smacking into the ground and slipping into unconsciousness.

There's just one more shot left, and Anders checks Tam.. the knight that showed and fought beside him is lying still on the ground, unhorsed. The pair, however, were attacking the same man, and there's the belief that it's only right to be sure that the man is unabused while lying prone. "Archers! Retarget!" comes the command. The Young Lord still moves, lives and breathes.. and goes to attack that last dog before he's out of reach.

Despite how bloody and brutal the close range fighting was in the right wing of this huge battlefield engagement, Erik can tell that the tide is finally shifting around him and that they have the upperhand now despite the heavy losses. This only spurs the young lord on to continue to fight as he picks out an Ironborn reaver that is slowly retreating and looking unscathed, "Craven! Unwilling to wade into battle!" He calls out though the words are muffled and he rides forward, lance leveled and seeking more blood.

Caytiv slows his push when the Ironers start to fall back— it's instinct, from the trails, where skirmishes were not unheard of, though on much smaller scale, and it was considered bad form to hit someone on the retreat. But as Jarod and Rowan continue the push, he's brought out of the momentary lapse, remembering that these men still need to be cut down to clear the path to the Roost, and he rides on after with the others.

Harlyn briefly chases the Goodbrother target with a brave and bold swipe of his sword that comes nowhere near him, but that is the extent of his manly pursuit. The day appears to be won and all.

The retreat brings the single word, "Green!!" to his lips again, again echoed by "Orange!" by the rest of the pike line. Einion stands, his pike still out, still searching for a target, even though the combat is effectively over. They've stood their ground, and.. his line held. His line held! His line held!

Jarod does hold up a hand as he sees the knights around him reining in, and letting the Ironborn retreat. "They're routed. Wait for orders," he calls to his squires, stopping his press and turning his head in search of the Head Frey in Charge.

The Ironborn retreat is in full motion by this point. The Greyjoy banner, with the still untouched reserve of a half a hundred Drumms have cleared the road for the remains of the Drumm shock troops to continue their falling back, as the Grimbrother, and Lord Orkwood gather their remaining forces to join the withdrawal. The battle trumpets sound from the hillock overlooking the field, on which Rickart Nayland and Stevron Frey have overseen the battle. The heralds signal for the infantry to reform ranks, and the cavalry to recover, rather than fly in full pursuit.

Ser Ryman, fighting among the victorious vanguard turns his squat, flushed face backward at the trumpets, and orders, "Cavalry! Recover."

Markus seems set to ride out of the thick of the battle his shield arm sagging and only just holding up. Out of his field of vision crashes another reaver, wielding a wicked spear and running through his path to safety. Rather than turn, he urges his horse forward and straight at the reaver. The Ironman ducks to the side and aims his blow at Markus, whom manages to contort his body - not without pain - enough to miss the blow and keep on riding past the assailant and into the relative safety of friendly lines.

Aron manages to roll over, grunting and wheezing as the Ironborn retreat around him. He flails with his hand, trying to grab at an ankle, but fails to catch anyone in his weak little trap. Blood oozing out from the gashes in his maile, the young knight tries to sit upright, but is defeated by the weight of his own armor and he falls back. Shame suffuses his usually-arrogant features at such an easy defeat, luckily hidden by his visored helm.

Rowan reins Dragon in hard, the stallion's preference obviously to charge and keep charging. The horse rears and paws the air, then dances to an uneasy standstill. The Nayland squire nods his assent to Jarod, then takes a moment to survey the field.

Keelin's stroke finds the ironborn's chest again, buta s the ironborn begin their retreat, Keelin follows only a couple steps before hearing that horn from behind, signalling the recovery. He wheels his horse, heading back to the rally point, watching as he goes for anyone who might be wounded and in need of aid.

Anton reins in his mount, holding up a hand to Alek to signal for him to do the same. His courser dances briefly, but stays put, though the knight looks equally restless, shifting a bit and looking to the retreating line and the Frey commanders, trying to guage the next move.

"Do we have to?" Alek sighs with a touch of dry humor as he watches the Grimbrother retreat, sword in hand and ready. He does not leave his lord's side, however, no matter how much he may wish to pursue the fight.

Caytiv sees his Ser's hand rise, and he pulls up from his fresh charge. He sits straight up, pushing up with his knees, gripping Ryande with his hams and drawing his shoulder back before a wave of motion whips through his form and sends the spear spiralling ahead across the gap.

"I don't expect this will be our last chance at the Grimbrother," Anton remarks to Alek, "I don't fancy our chances taking off on our own, not with them holding a line. If they were on the run, sure, but…" he shakes his head, raising his visor and bending his neck to get a look at that slice through his breastplate.

Jarod nods in short approval to Rowan, giving the slim boy a quick look-over when he's got a moment to think. No visible blood, which seems to hearten him. He then turns to Caytiv, half-raising a hand again when the boy still hefts his spear. But, it's getting thrown and the horse is stopped. Good enough, he seems to figure. Eyes flick to follow the spear's path.

Post his attack, or lack of, Harlyn trot-trots back along to check on his poor battered brother Aron. It's entirely unfair, really, for the talented brother to fall and the non-talented to persist—

Einion doesn't require a direct order to order arms. He looks to his lord first, before, "Pikes!" The first word is meant to get their attention; some may be shocked, some tired.. and some simply.. requires someone to tell them what to do. "Order arms!" Then.. "Form up on my mark!"

Keelin, on his way back, comes across a downed knight. Not dead, just off his horse and maybe unconscious. He dismounts, keeping hold of his reins, sheathing his sword, and then calls out, "Got someone here needing help." He can at least see that Aron is breathing, that's a plus. He sees if he can lift the knight, getting him atop Tiny, so he can bring him back behind the lines.

On the Left:

<COMBAT> Goodbrother 02 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Goodbrother 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Valentin 02 attacks Stonehouse 03 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Valentin 01 attacks Goodbrother 02 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Stonehouse 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Grimbrother passes.
<COMBAT> Caytiv attacks Stonehouse 01 with Thrown Spear - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!

In the Center:

<COMBAT> Drumm 01 passes.
<COMBAT> Terrick attacks Drumm 01 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Drumm 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Drumm 09 passes.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy attacks Drumm 09 with Crossbow - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Rafferdy's weapon clicks empty.
<COMBAT> Bruce attacks Drumm 03 with Crossbow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Bruce's weapon clicks empty.

On the Right:

<COMBAT> Orkwood 09 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 06 passes.
<COMBAT> Orkwood 04 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 08 attacks Orkwood 09 with Hunting Bow and MISSES!
<COMBAT> Orkwood 03 passes.
<COMBAT> Flint 07 attacks Orkwood 04 with Hunting Bow - Moderate wound to Right Arm.
<COMBAT> Tam passes.
<COMBAT> Riordan attacks Orkwood 06 with Lance & Shield - ARMOR on Chest stops the attack!
<COMBAT> Markus passes.
<COMBAT> Erik attacks Orkwood 09 with Lance & Shield - Serious wound to Right Hand.
<COMBAT> Anders attacks Orkwood 03 with Sword & Shield but Orkwood 03 DODGES!

Harlyn persists onward on that little gelding of his, reaching Aron some few minutes after Keelin has him lifted. "Here," he says, "I'm his brother. He lives, yes?"

Keelin nods to Harlyn, looking his way. "Aye, he lives. I'm Keelin Dorsey, and any of us who live, that's one less the squids cheer. C'mon then, let's get him back to camp." He's calm and uninjured, the common born knight unflapped by all the activity of the day.

The last hail of arrows and thrusts of lance points chase off the last of the Ironborn to quit the field: Orkwoods. A cheer goes up from among the ranks of the Riverlord host, a seven-fold cheer to see the Raiders off.

The next few hours are spent trying to take a tally of who remains, who has died, and who is unaccounted for, as well as auditing the wounded Ironborn.

Later, as the freshly-re-organized ranks press west into Terrick's Roost, they discover an ugly surprise that had lain in wait: days-old, the canny Greyjoys had littered the ground covering their retreat route with caltrops, with a fresh reserve of men lying in ambush for any unwary cavaliers.

"My concern has less to do with whether or not the squids cheer or not. A brother is a brother, a Haigh is a Haigh." Harlyn would be saying it stiffly, but he's a bit breathless. And so veritably he helps Keelin get Aron back to camp.

Caytiv's aim is true— but, then, so is the Ironers' armor. When the spear's sent on its way, Cayt draws his sword, finally, and looks to Jarod and his hand, waiting on the signal to go again.

"Hold!!" Anders' voice rings through the Flint line as he lowers his sword arm. He's missed his opponent, but the knight, at least, is safe. Once he checks on the fallen knight and is assured that he's okay, the Young Lord slowly lifts his helm and looks around for his horse. Thankfully, the beast isn't far, and whistling for him, the dark destrier comes. With his injury, he's not entirely certain how to get Ser Coope onto a horse, but he does.. and with a great deal of teeth clenching and grunting in pain, he, too, manages to pull himself onto his mount's back.. but not without washing his saddle in his own blood.

"Nice shot, pity it didn't take," Jarod says to Caytiv with a not-so-boyish grin. Lest the Westerlands lad have any qualms about having thrown at a retreating foe. "Would've been one less to trouble the Roost. You both did real well. Kept together, did as directed, controlled your mounts well in the charge. C'mon." He spurs his horse to ride back to join the cavalry line as it heads in. "Check your mounts careful when we're back, little injuries can take time to show. They'll have more work to do yet before we reach the Roost." And he sounds far more hopeful it actually will be reached.

Back at the camps, the lookouts posted to warn those who remained behind have come running back to let the healers know that it's safe to prepare to received wounded. Senna rolls up her sleeves, checks on the bandages and herbs one more time, and braces herself for the rush.

Rafferdy lets loose his final bolt before lowering his weapon. He doesn't join the cheer, instead, he quietly turns to look back at his father a moment, as if seeking something, and then moves to check on the archers.

Anton and Alek head back with the rest, the lord removing his helm when they get a bit further behind their own lines. The Blacksword takes off back to camp more quickly than his lord, who nods to Jarod and his squires as they pass. "Ser Rivers, squires."

The Young Lord Flint rides hunched in the saddle, blood seeping from his chest in two different, moderately deep wounds. In tow, he has Ser Tam Coope on another horse, tied on so he doesn't fall off. In hand, his helm, and his sword and shield are set to his saddle. Once he's back in camp, however, Anders looks down at the ground from his position and considers exactly how he's going to manage to get off again— something he hadn't considered when he'd mounted. Holding tightly to his horse's mane, he grits his teeth and begins to pull himself from the saddle, dragging rather than swinging his leg over. He lets out a grunt of pain again, and he's feeling a little light-headed in the effort. One foot hits the ground, but as the other does the same, the armoured Lord falls over, though his horse simply stands.. and looks at his rider in curiousity, ears perked forward as if to say, 'What are you doing there?'. For a long moment, he lies there, catching his hard earned breath, and slowly begins to rise once again.

"Thank you, Ser," Rowan murmurs in reply to Jarod's favorable assessment. He looks a little lightheaded, dizzied by the abrupt ebb of adrenaline, but otherwise fine. He sheaths his blade, frowning back at the field. "That didn't even seem real…" Anton's greeting in passing is unanswered verbally, but the Nayland lad does bow his head.

Keelin, with Harlyn's assistance, gets Aron back behind the lines, and then he pauses, taking a look. He'll bring the injured Haigh back to where the healers are, right enough. That's first on his list to get done. Once the two Haighs are left, he then returns to look and see if Aron's horse is anywhere available and if he can catch the beast too. He pauses on the way, as he comes across some of the others, nodding his head briefly. "Been a while since I've been in one o those big mashes," he says simply. "Lord Ser Haigh's horse. Anyone seen it? He'd been knocked off."

Markus has already been helped, thank the Seven, from atop his saddle, his weapon and shield taken, and his lance perhaps hopelessly lost on the field of battle. He's bleeding, and his maile is rather damaged, the links shorn in at least two places. As adrenaline fades, so too does the sharpness in his eyes, hiding behind a veil of pain.

When Anders rides in, Senna is moving out of the tent to meet the lord, gaze scanning any who might follow behind him. When he falls over, however, he gets a bit more of her attention. "Oh, no," she says firmly to the lord, kneeling next to him and pressing a hand to his shoulder. "There you are and there you stay until we know you're not going to hurt yourself." Her quick inspection starts at his eyes, checking for any head injuries, then starts to move down, unbuckling armor as she goes. "Can you talk?"

"Lord Ser Valentin," Jarod replies to Anton in kind, his own helm coming off. His face is red and sweaty underneath from the exertion, even on horseback as it was, though he seems to have come through the fight unbloodied. "How did you fare? You and the rest of your Oldstones?"

Anton removes a gaunlet, swiping a hand through short hair, though he too looks a bit sweaty and flushed, not as neatly put together as usual, though as unflustered as ever. "Well," he replies, "Though I should have liked to bring down the Grimbrother. That is a magnificent weapon, that axe of his. I nearly had it. Can cut through solid plate," he says, gesturing at his chest. "Next time. And you and your levies?"

Anders opens his mouth to give argument, but the only thing he can actually say is a hushed, "Do not cut my armour off." The plate now has holes and is in need of repair, certainly. But the Young Lord also knows that should he move, more of his blood will seep out. It's already on the saddle, on the ground, on his breastplate.. and he nods, his words breathy. "It won't hurt if you help me up?" That way, "I wish to get this off so someone can see to the holes in my chest that I seem to have acquired along the way."

Senna gives Anders a long, hard look. "That's what I'm trying to do, my lord," she points out, even as she slips a shoulder under his arm. She does pause to lift one of his eyelids, tracking the movement of the eye. "Ser Ilgrave," she asks, lending her strength to get the lord to his feet. "Is he-" There's a pause, a slight hitch. "Did he make it back?"

Anders gains his feet, albeit unsteadily, but does. He nods his head slowly and raises his head to look around the immediate area. His gaze falls upon Markus, and he whispers, "There." The man is obviously injured as well, and reaching out to take hold of his horse, he steadies himself. And there is Ser Tam that lies unconscious on the horse behind him still. "I'll look for my squire."

"We're in one piece, I think?" Jarod says, with a double-check sort of look at his duet of squires. As if to make sure his first assessment was correct and they are, indeed, unbloodied. "Archers were in the center, as were the spears though kept in the reserve. Should check on them now." He adds to Rowan, "As was Lord Rafferdy. Let's go see how they held up."

"Take care of him," Markus manages to the fellow taking his horse away, reaching to give the beast a fond pat for seeing him through the battle but failing to reach far enough, and stumbling into the man supporting him some. "Gods, I think I might have inhaled a bit of my maile," he says, coughing when he tries to laugh.

Senna follows Anders' gaze to Markus, pressing her lips together when she sees the state of the man. "You're not going anywhere but our little infirmary, with all due respect, my lord," she says firmly. She does move a little more quickly, though. Oddly enough, she seems quite practiced at dragging injured knights from place to place, using her own weight efficiently. "Markus," she calls to the man. "Hold- Either sit down or get in a cot, but quite moving any more than you have to."

Anders is more than happy to have his wounds tended, he really is. It hurts like hell, and having two open holes in the chest just does something special for morale. He nods, and begins his path towards the infirmary. He'd obviously much rather be in his own pavillion, but for the moment, that's not going to happen. Perhaps after? "You didn't leave, hmm?" He chuckles and brings a still-armoured arm up to cross his stomach, which reminds him that the rest of the armour has to come off. "My wife will kill me."

As he gets nearer to Jarod and company, Keelin hears that last statement, and his gaze sharpens as he checks to make sure that everyone is in one piece. "All in one piece is good, Ser Rivers," he says, with a nod of his head, his own helmet removed as well now. "I've managed the same, luckily." He looks over at the Oldstones folks who he doesn't believe he's met. "Some good fighting in there, what I saw."

Markus groans a touch. "Cot," he instructs the man assisting him, being dropped lightly onto a cot still wearing his armor. "Leave? Why would I leave? I'm having such a…" he winces when he tries to laugh, "Good time my lord…" He's otherwise pretty still on the cot, where moving hurts too much to bother.

"I decided I'd rather your wife kill you than me, my lord," Senna manages a faint smile for Anders as she carefully settles the man onto a cot, keeping an arm beneath his shoulders all the way down. "There aren't enough healers to go around as it is," she adds more seriously. "And I had complete faith in your ability to defeat them," she lies. Snapping her fingers at a squire unlucky enough to be standing nearby, she immediately sets him to working the armor off of Markus. "Don't move him any more than is necessary," she warns. "Gentle, but I can't do anything while the maile is on."

Once in the infirmary, Anders slowly peels off the plate, and hands them off to one of his own men that is acting squire at this moment. He lays down slowly, the gambeson beneath soaked in blood, and that's removed to reveal his chest.. and the injuries. Two somewhat deep holes in his chest where polearms got him. Once he's down, he too has very little inclination to move. "Because these chiurgeons have a reputation," is whispered. "They'll not leave, even when you want them to." The Young Lord Flint smiles tightly, "Either that, or your lords.." there's the same arguement, which he doesn't make. His eyes close, pain moving across his features.

Rafferdy finishes checking on his men, and then begins looking for his brother, Rowan. He spots Jarod first, as he's taller, and heads that direction.

"Expected no less from a Mallister man," Jarod says, flashing a quick grin to Keelin, though there's some relief about him all the same. As for the quality of the fighting. "Day was ours and casualties seemed lightly-taken in the left, thank the Seven. I worry more for some volunteers from my lord father's land we had in the center…" Speaking of. There's Rafferdy. He dismounts when he spots the lord approaching on foot. "The Fun Nayland!" he hollers. "We live! How're you?"

Jarod's shout gets Rowan's attention, snapping the lad out of some reverie. He looks up and sees his brother approaching, smiling and swinging down from the saddle. "If it isn't Lord Fancypants…" He goes to clap his hands on Rafferdy's shoulders, looking him over. "All in one piece?"

"Next time," Markus says as Anders lays down on a cot nearby, "Let's think about holding knights in reserve?" It's a joke, or meant to be one, though he groans rather than laugh, yet again. "Probably should shut up, too… Hi Sen," he says, catching sight of the woman, his voice betraying a bit of disconnect with his condition, probably from the trauma to his body. "I think I might have cracked a rib." And gotten a nice hole for his trouble in his side. The maile removal is going to be slow going, and the wounded knight is quickly losing the ability to be a useful participant.

Rafferdy rolls his eyes, as he removes the noble helm from his head. "I'm not fancy." He sighs, glancing back to where he came from, "Father's here," he explains, quietly, with little happiness about his slavery to wanting his dad's approval. "I'm fine. I was more worried about you. Archers tend to not get swords thrust threw their gullet…" He looks at Jarod, "Thank you for keeping him on his feet, Ser."

"I will ignore the statement in that you are wounded.. but do not forget yourself, Ser," it's a warning; a soft one but one all the same. There are allowances made for jest, but at the moment, he's not feeling very familiar.. to many. Anders has his reasons for doing what he did, and he stands by his decision. "I would do it all over again." He winces at a coughed chuckle, "But with slightly different results."

"Gods, I hate puncture wounds," Senna sighs when Anders' injuries are revealed, taking just a moment to inspect them. That tone in Markus' voice draws her attention, though, and she winces as she looks over her shoulder. "Markus…" She looks between the wounds, chewing at the inside of her cheek. "All right. Lord Flint, I need to see to your man there before he bleeds out. Let me see your mouth." Because that's a normal request. She reaches for his chin, turning his head to look for any bloody foam that might indicate a punctured lung.

Keelin manages a grin too, glad to be out of the helm at least and cooling down. As Jarod shouts at someone else approaching, Keelin turns to watch, nodding his head to Rafferdy in a quiet greeting. "M'lord," is all he says for the moment. A glance to the squires but really, there's not much he feels needs saying. Especially being as he's one of the newer fellows to this field.

Jarod extends a hand to Rafferdy, for clasping purposes. "He kept me in the same. Least I could do was return the favor. How'd the Terrick men fare?" A note of worry comes into his tone as he thinks on his peasant rabble. He adds, "The men mentioned you'd taken some time showing them how to shoot in a proper battle volley and all. Thanks for that. You're a good man, m'lordling." He adds with a smirk, "Don't worry, I'll not let it get around. Wrecks a man's reputation, that sort of thing."

Perfectly reasonable request, certainly. Anders opens his mouth slowly and looks at Senna, his brows rising in silent askance as the mistress checks for hints for injury to vital organs. There's no sign of that burbling, gurgling pink foam, thankfully.. though waaaaay in the back, he may have the startings of a cavity?

As reminded of his place as he is, Markus finally falls silent, letting whomever's been tasked with removing his maile do so with minimal interruption. Whatever good humor, black though it might be, he'd found in all this is rather evaporated, between the pain and the rebuke.

Rowan smirks and hugs his brother roughly, mussing Rafferdy's hair. "You're secretly fancy, which makes it all the funnier." At the glad tidings of family, however, he grimaces — part distaste, part sympathy. "Ugh. He is?" He looks past Raff as though expecting the old man to hop out from behind a tent, all boogedy boogedy. "Maybe if we just blend in with the crowd, we won't have to see him."

Senna lets out a soft breath at the clear mouth, nodding once. "No punctured lung. That's good. All right. You lie still for a few minutes. I'm going to take a look at Ser Ilgrave now. In the meantime…" She reaches down next to the bed, pulling out a skin. "Have a few drinks, my lord." Anders thus supplied, she turns to Markus, smoothing one hand back over his hair as the other moves to inspect the maile left behind after the suit itself is off. "You look terrible," she informs him helpfully.

"Oh, really?" Markus asks, his eyes opening as slits when Senna brushes back his hair. "I hadn't…" He stops the laugh before it hurts this time. "Hadn't noticed…"

It wasn't meant as a stinging rebuke but more rather a reminder. The bonds of friendship simply aren't yet built, but given time, and the man's remaining in service, it may very well come. Particularly in the fact that his wife is fond of the knight, and he is so far impressed with him. Besides the fact the man can fight, he found the other sword, Erik. Within reason, anything his wife wishes, Anders may yet give her. "Oh.. good." No punctured lung, which is always good news. Reaching gingerly for the skin, he takes it in a nod, and works out how to get the water to his lips without causing his wounds to seep once again. He decides against it, and replaces it on the floor, his eyes closing once again.

Water? There's watered /wine/ in that skin. Drunk men are much easier to stitch up, after all. "Shut up," Senna murmurs to Markus, bending over the wounds in his chest. "What did you do, just go run into a wedge of pikes? Or was it axes?" She splashes some water - laced with alcohol - over the wound, then starts to carefully inspect it for loose pieces of maile. She's learned her lesson the hard way about the problems those can pose.

Rafferdy smirks at Jarod, and he nods, "Thanks. I think." He smiles fully, and then looks at his brother. "He was RIGHT behind me. I tried to not be noticed, but…" He shrugs, "It's hard to tell." He nods at Keelin, "Ser. We've not met. I'm Rafferdy."

Anders' eyes are closed, and his breathing shallow in the desire not to fill his lungs as it is rather painful. Not so painful, mind, that as Markus is being tended that the Young Lord begins to fall under sleep's spell. Fatigued, injured, blood loss.. he's out.. and the chances are good that even if he woke for whatever prodding or bandaging, there'd be something of a sleep-numbness. In a day, it'll hurt even worse, but for now?

Eyes flick from one to the other as the Mallister sworn listens to the conversation. At the introduction, Keelin holds a hand out to shake, given the fellow didn't go all formal. "Keelin," he replies simply, in like fashion. "Just got in yesterday or so. Timed it right, I s'pose." He shrugs a bit, the battle having been the sort of thing he's pleased enough with.

He winces and hisses a bit when Senna throws the alcoholic water on his wounds, and begins poking about looking for bits of maile he just doesn't want to let go of. "Dammit," Markus mutters, but otherwise takes the woman's instruction to heart, and shuts back up.

"Not following you, is he?" Jarod says, glancing about warily to see if Lord Rickart Nayland is lurking in the shadows. He seems none too eager to meet the man properly, either. "Well. I'm sure he's busy with…commanding things. Maybe we can avoid him until he goes away. Though I should speak to one of the Freys in charge. If we're pushing on to the Roost, I'd like to be with those riders who're scouting ahead toward it. The Ironborn seemed well-routed, but I couldn't tell if they were able to regroup enough to put up a stand nearer to town." As for Keelin he adds, "Ser Keelin Dorsey, sworn to Lord Jason Mallister, though he was away from Seagard when the Ironborn struck it." He grins. "We were both squires for Lord Mallister's men, though he was elder than I. I'm quite grateful I'm enough-changed that we didn't recognize each other when we met again before the battle."

"Just be glad they're not going to waste any firemilk on you," Senna continues to chide Markus, flushing out the wound thoroughly. "Ser Rivers got it twice. He was out for a solid day each time. Not to mention what it feels like to begin with." Which is probably not considerably worse than having Senna poking around inside of him trying to make sure everything is out of the wound.

Perhaps a little spooked by the specter of Lord Rickart, the youngest Nayland clears his throat and begs off, "'V'got stuff to — you know. Squire things." He nods sagely. They've all been there, right? And he buggers off to be useful in someplace he feels his father is least likely to be.

Rafferdy watches his younger brother run off, and shakes his head. "Sure… Leave me alone with Father. Traitor." He smirks a bit, and then looks back at Jarod, "He's not following me, no. I'm not important enough. Thank goodness." He shakes Keelin's hand, "Well met, Ser Keelin." He smiles at Jarod's assessment, "Please. You aren't any less awkward and ugly today than you were when you a squire," he teases.

"You able to focus when you're talking so much?" Markus wonders as she fishes around inside his wound, trying to remain still as the dead beneath her minstrations.

Keelin blinks as the one squire runs off. Huh. Seems these lads have a scary father, it does. He nods his head to Rafferdy. "Well met," he echoes, though he does then look to Jarod as if inspecting the man. "Well, at least he's changed a little bit, though perhaps not so much as I thought at first. Now that we've had time to recollect those times." His tone is somber, though he's relaxed about it, and amusement shows in his eyes.

Jarod snorts to Rafferdy. "I assure you, I was far uglier and more awkward as a squire. Take a moment to picture it, my Lordling Nayland. A terrifying idea, I know." He doesn't try and stop Rowan from running off. He looks keen to flee to some guaranteed Rickart-free area, himself. "I should go see how the Terrick volunteers are doing with it all. Though if you lads have time before we're to march again, Rowan's got a bottle of whiskey that's still got enough in it worth drinking. We should finish it off, make up grand stories of the sort we never actually took part in."

"It actually helps," Senna informs Markus in a low murmur. "Focus. Keeps me from thinking too much about what I'm doing." Only once she's absolutely sure that everything is out of the wound does she move on, leaning down to reach for a jar of thick paste. "A bit of this," she murmurs, using a cloth to spread it around the margins of the wounds. A chill follows it on his skin, eventually fading to a tingle, then numbness. "All right. We'll let that get into effect while I add a bit to your new lord here." And then it's Anders turn for cleaning and numbing. Luckily, he's already passed out, though.

Fortunate for Senna, it seems her second patient is taking after the first, and slowly drifting off into unconsciousness, sparing her any further attempts at being witty or charming. Just the bleeding now.

Rafferdy laughs at Jarod, "I'm sure we have enough true grand stories." He smiles then to Keelin, "We appreciate your sword being here, Ser." Nodding at Jarod, "Get rest, friend."

Unconscious patients really are the easiest to deal with, when it comes down to it. In short order, Senna has both Anders and Markus neatly stitched up with damaged ribs tightly wrapped. Once that's finished, she gives her hands a good washing and settles in on a camp chair next to Markus' cot, letting out a deep breath of her own.

Keelin bows his head briefly. "Not a problem. I'm proud to fight with you all. And I'll be just as happy to drink too, though that might not get the Key story out of me." That's not a story he tells regularly, it seems. He shrugs a bit, and then sighs. "Should go get cleaned up and look after Tiny." Cause the knight is currently squireless, alas. "Nice to meet you all. And I'll be back for that drink." With another bob of his head, he heads off.