Another Day on the Green |
Summary: | Elinor encounters Dafydd on the Green, soon joined by Sarojyn, Kell and Muirenn. They all disperse leaving Elinor and Sarojyn to visit the coastline. |
Date: | 18/12/288 |
Related Logs: | Conversations on the Green |
Players: |
The Green, the Roost and then to the Coastline |
Open field and then coastline |
December 18, 288 |
With the sun's progress, it means lunch has completed and the afternoon's activities have begun with a vengeance. There are spots of activity with sparring, and others taking their time to line up shots with their bows at the staggered ranges. At the 40 yard range is a sight that those in Tall Oaks don't regularly see either; that is, Dafydd Camden standing, bow drawn, arrow nocked.. and within the heartbeats, lets go the arrow— and the moment it is loosed, he stands stock still in position. It's after a two second count does he relax, a look of annoyance on his face. The arrow lands just shy of the bullseye, which could be the source of his irritation. Reaching down for another arrow in his ground 'quiver', he pulls it and nocks the arrow, letting it loose in a single fluid motion.
When the lady Elinor ventures beyond the castle and towards the Green, almost a daily habit now, she is in observance of those taken to weapons practice. A coincidence, from the previous evening, that she has noticed Dafydd, a Camden engaged in what is known to be second nature to them. At the forefront of her revenue they are near approaching the lord from behind and she takes caution not to startle him, "My Lord Camden."
Dafydd pauses before lowering his bow, and there is something more resembling a — less annoyed look as he turns about at the greeting. The bow is held lightly in hand, forgotten as he inclines his head, followed with "My lady." Greetings in the form of a nod are given to the retinue before he returns his attention to the lady. Leaning slightly to set his still strung bow on the ground quiver, he straightes again. "How is the day finding you, my lady? Have you found the Lady Liliana yet?"
When Dafydd's attention is upon her the is revealed to be smiling with warmth. "It is extremely well my lord however I do regret that the pleasure of Lady Liliana's company still eludes me. I am sure the honor will be granted in time." She relays assuringly before a brief look is held upon the bow in hand. Elinor then continues, "It was your brother's, Lord Sarojyn's wish that you and I were to meet properly." Devoid of distractions at the current, Elinor paid very little mind to the Terrick men engaged in their mock warfares upon the Green.
"As I said, she will be seeking you as well, so it may be sooner rather than later." Dafydd shifts and puts his hands behind his back, fingers entwined for a lack of a better thing to do with them. His brows rise at the statement, his head canting the side in a moment of confusion, but soon after, he rolls his head back in the beginnings of a nod. "I see.. and yes, it is agreed. Rather than having everyone about," Ser Drakmoor's absence is indeed noted, though he also most likely refers to the Ironborn Captain as well, "it's easier to have a true conversation, other than 'Safe travels'." He pauses before unlinking his hands and reaches for the bow, quiver and arrows. "My brother is in the habit of my making the same acquaintances as he, for different reasons.. and in different ways, of course. I ask the same of him, of course."
Elinor grins lightly as the absence of some companionship was begining to be placed on notice. She does offer a graceful gesture towards the outskirts of the vast green field, a suggestion that the pair of them walk rather than stand about. "It is my lord. I find it difficult to be at ease in some company moreso than others. This is not the instance for you my lord." Or for Sarojyn. "Lord Sarojyn has stated a growing liking to the Roost, can the same be said of your visit here?"
It's actually the reason why Dafydd picked up his equipment, truth be told. He quickly unstrings his bow, and settles everything in one hand in order to take the offered walk in the post-lunch sunny day. The other groups of sparring men and singles that practice at the butts are ignored, the younger Camden brother's attention now firmly upon the lady. He smiles, the expression genuine and dips his head, "Thank you, my lady.. and should I be asked, I would willingly say that your company is far preferred to the solitary pursuit of shooting arrows into a target." Those in the target will remain there, apparently. He takes the first casual steps, his head shaking slowly. "If my brother finds comfort at the Roost, then that is where I shall be. If consulted, however, I would prefer the trees to the open land and stone. There, it is much easier to.. think." His brows rise in inquiry, "But, I do not always have the luxury of deciding where it is I am." And he doesn't have a problem with that, it sounds.
Elinor would appear pleased while the pair of them were unhurried in their steps near the edge of the Green. "I admit, to be held in such regard my lord is comforting." A high compliment from a Camden, is her belief as they were the sort gifted with skills for the bow. "I have learned of such." She starts, hands placed before her and taking solace within one another as the smoke, grey cloak draped the shoulders. Thalia placed herself directly behind the two, Elinor and Dafydd, another maidservant in tow and of course the guards baring her House's arms and colors. "How one seeks the vast density of the forrests and within it's depths the soul and mind is at great ease. You may find that comfort in places beyond your oaks my lord. It is all around us."
Of course the maid intersperses herself, and Dafydd fully expects it. It is the norm, after all.. and there's a comfort in .. expected behavior. He chuckles softly and he casts blue eyes forward, "I am in sore need of practice, however. The sword has taken precedence, and it is time to find my form again. Once that is done, I'll be content." Beat. "But my brother will always be better than I at the targets." He gets time to practice. Shaking his head slowly, he begins, "Begging my lady's pardon, but I cannot agree. It would be like.." He sucks an audible breath between his teeth and shakes his head. ".. I don't know. I'm not a religious man, but I follow the Old Gods, and they speak, if one wishes to listen, in the rustling of trees. Their voices are the whistles of wind through branches, the flutter of the leaves. It's not just a contentment, but it's a washing of the soul." He takes a twisted look around and shrugs, "There are few trees and many rocks.. fields.. and the trees here aren't like our own."
Elinor is listening, nodding her head when appropriate as Dafydd speaks. Afterwards, from a few moments of thoughts she retorts, "No, they wouldn't be, would they?" It was not the Old Gods in favor abroad these lands and even further south to hear one speak of them was rare. As she looks ahead, the somewhat flat expanse before her she make a quiet sound of understanding, "I see." Elinor says at first, her knowledge of the Old Gods are lacking. "I cannot begin to imagine how you are feeling in absence of their whispers, their communication through the wood." She does turn her head to Dafydd then, a bit more curious, "I was told it was beautiful. I have never stepped foot within the Godswood myself."
Dafydd shakes his head, bringing a slight shrug to his shoulders as he does so. "No, they wouldn't. And their absence isn't truly felt until one finds oneself back under the canopy of the oaks. It's when you realize there's been a silence." He chuffs a breath, and straightens, nodding. "You would enjoy it, my lady. Even if you don't believe in such things, there is a quiet to it that is remarkable." He continues his path, a slow, stead stroll to nowhere in particular. "My brother has extended an invitation, I would assume?"
That feeling he shared was growing all too familiar, while not the Godswood it took the form of her own home, the rocky coast and great hills that created the Westlands. A fond memory drew the lady to smile, "He has, to Lord Jascen and Lady Anais as well for a time of reprieve while in stay upon the Camden lands." Elinor pauses for a moment, "I find myself, surprisingly, eager for the voyage. To see with my own eyes what has only been described with words my lord. Should lord Jascen be willing." She was hopeful for that, it was clearly evident in her eyes. "Lord Sarojyn is a remarkable man. He has spoken highly of you in our talks."
"I knew my Lord brother wouldn't hesitate. We actually enjoy offering hospitality. It's simply a rare thing when one takes us up on it." Dafydd continues his stroll in the post-lunch sun. There are clusters of soldiers sparring, a couple of people set up at archery targets around the Green. Dafydd himself carries an unstrung bow with ground quiver and arrows in one hand, his other free.. his sword arm. The lady's maid is between Lord and Lady, and neither seem to mind overmuch. "We would certainly enjoy having you see the Oaks. There is more than the Godswood, of course. There is the old section of the forest, where trees grow taller than you could even begin to imagine. There are the occasional glades where one can hawk, or hunt deer. Or.. picnic." Dafydd pauses in his step, and can't resist a chuckle. "He is a remarkable may, yes. And I think he is only being polite when he speaks highly of me. I am, after all, his younger brother."
And speaking of Sarojyn, it would seem that the Lord of the Oaks has taken this opportunity to make his appearance into the Green. Mounted on the back of his horse, he makes his way into the fields from the direction of the township proper, escorted and followed by two of his personal men at arms. An unstrung bow is fastened to the side of his saddle, on the left side, while the right seems to hold a large saddle bag. Eyes play about the fields and the road and when he spots the small entourage up in the distance, he urges his horse forward, increasing the pace of the trot by a little bit.
Given their known neutrality Elinor couldn't be surprised that it was rare the other houses would associate themselves with Camden. "My sister, Lady Anais would enjoy that. She hones more skill with a bow than I. Though I would be partial to a picnic." Elinor occasionally looks to Dafydd, over the sight of her maidservant who was, thankfully a few inches shorter than the lady. A grin counters his chuckle, "You could not have been all too bad as a youth. Though I hear in the Camden blood you all posssess a bit of 'wildness' in you. Perhaps we may be privy to a few entertaining tales you are willing to share?"
"And hawking, my lady? Have you given many hawks flight?" Isn't that part of a lady's education? "There is that. Or, there is riding. We do keep a small stable. Or a hunt." There are a great number of things to do, apparently, in the Oaks, and all of which the Camdens are more than happy to participate in. "A picnic is easily done, and should you wish it, I am certain it will be done." Catching the movement of horses across the field, the colours catch his eye. It could only be his brother. Deadpanning, though with a gleam in his eye, he offers softly, "I couldn't even begin to recount all the stories.. and certainly unfair of me, as I have never done aught to cause anyone consternation, as the others have."
From the well-trodden path around the side of the wall that leads down to the coastline, a Hedge Knight appears, one that should be familiar to those present on or near the Green right now. Kell does not have his horse with him, choosing to take a little walk and enjoy some peace and quiet for his thoughts by the coast. The sheated sword hangs at his hip though, as it seems to never leave his side. It seems like the knight is still in thought as the pace he chooses for his steps is a slow and casua one.
It only takes a couple of moments for Sarojyn and his guards to draw closer towards the group that linger in the Green and when the distance is finally closed, he's slowing his horse to a halt. Then, there is a bow of his head to Elinor as he offers, "My Lady Elinor. How good it is to see you, again." A warm smile follows the words and when he looks to Dafydd, he's inclining his head, "Brother, it is good to see you as well." Then, eyes play between the two so that he can offer, "I hope I am not disturbing?" More movements catches his eye and there's a brief look off in the direction of where Kell comes from, though he's quickly looking back to Elinor and Dafydd.
"The others?" She questions wondering of all the sibling pranks they did to one another, herself no stranger as her family's brood was a battle ground for it. Elinor does follow the direction of Dafydd's gaze, beholding the approaching Camden that nurtures a trilled smile, "My lord Sarojyn." Her frame lowers in greeting. "The sentiment is shared and of course not, lord Dafydd and I were just talking." On the outskirts of the green Elinor, Sarojyn Dafydd stood, Sarojyn upon horse back. Kell is approaching the green, his presence not yet recognized by Elinor.
The sound of hooves thudding upon dirt is audible before the firey hair streaming in the wind is visible. Laughing, the small figure upon horseback grows larger revealing itself to be the Lady Muirenn followed by her chaperone at a more decorous pace. Deftly she rides side saddle and canters upon her palomino. At the sight of a grouping just ahead upon the road, the young woman reins in her horse, the gelding slowing down reluctantly to a prancing, side-stepping walk before becoming resigned to a more sedate pace. A gloved hand pats the horse's neck before lifting in a bit of a wave towards those in the group she recognizes…Camdens…again…ahhh well no hope for it. A brilliant smile curves her lips as she inclines her head, "My Lords Camden…" a nod and smile for Elinor, "My Lady…"
"I have two elder brothers and a younger sister," Dafydd reminds the lady, or perhaps informs if she's not familiar with the current Camden family. "There are wilder spirits than myself," his voice rises as Saro approaches, and after his greeting adds, "right, brother?" It's a good natured threat, though an empty one as Sarojyn has a little over a decade on him and so, there is little that he can hold against him. "My lord brother.. certainly not. It's a pleasant stroll we take, at, apparently your urging?" Kell isn't quite noted yet, certainly as he's a great deal more understated than the palamino that's pranced in. "My lady." He inclines his head. "Well met on this day."
As Kell's feet touches the large field of grass, he realizes that he is now off that side dirty path and looks up, seeing the usual drilling of guards of Terrick colors. As his gaze sweeps the field, the Hedge Knight seems to be walking in the direction of town though he spots what he believes to be the Banefort retinue as well as the Camdens. For now, Kell doesn't seem to divert his path towards the group though he isn't walking away from them either as he is cutting across the field to reach the path that leads towards town. His attention then shifts to the sound of hooves as a horse ridden by a girl appears, one who looks to be riding well.
Sliding down from the saddle of his horse, Sarojyn allows the smile to remain upon his lips as he gives a nod of his head towards Elinor, "Very good. I am sorry that I was not able to make my appearance sooner." A turn of his head and he's looking back towards Dafydd, a soft chuckle escaping his lips as he moves to pass the reins of his horse off to one of his men. "Yes, at my urging. I had suggested to the Lady Elinor that she should meet both you and Tia, Dafydd." The sound of another horse drawing near has him turning his head in the direction of Muirenn and at the incline of her head, he's doing the same, "Lady Mallister." As Kell begins to draw nearer, the Lord is looking in the Knight's direction, a hand lifting so as to give the man a slight wave.
Elinor nods her head at the arriving female, "My lady, Mallister is it? We have not had the pleasure." Her own retinue behind her wear the colors of Banefort proudly. To Sarojyn the woman says with sincerity, "There is no need to apologize my lord, you are here." Kell had been noticed in the distance and while she doesn't wave, her chin lifts the same smile she's worn all this while is shared.
"Oh! you are Lady Anais' sister. It is a very distinct pleasure to meet you." Muirenn smiles warmly upon Elinor, "She is a lovely person and has made me feel quite welcome. Indeed, I am Lord Jason's niece and ward, Muirenn." One hand keeps hold of the reins as she nods and says, "It is well met my Lords.." her smile is genuine as she inclines her head politely to Sarojyn and Dafydd. A mounted guard in indigo and silver with the Mallister eagle crest rides up and comes to a halt beside the young maid's chaperone, Septa Waldsteinia. "Are we all on our way somewhere?" She turns in her saddle as Kell approaches and gives a pleasant nod before regarding Elinor and the Lords Camden once more.
It seems like the Hedge Knight has been discovered, though with him being the only hedge on this grassy field, it wasn't hard. But since Sarojyn has spotted him and also offered a motion of greeting, Kell feels obligated to make a little detour in his path as he now approaches the group of nobles though he certainly feels a little uncomfortable at doing so, in the presence of so many Lords and Ladies.
Once he nears though, Kell dips his head in a half bow to those present in a respectful manner, "M'Lords, M'Ladies. Pardon my intrusion in your gathering but I felt it would have been remiss of me to not give a proper greetings."
"Tia as well? Well, my lady," Dafydd faces the Lady Banefort, his expression formed into a genuine smile. "You would find her a fun companion. She finds a way to put a smile on any face at any given time.. even when she harbours her own sorrows. She is far from simple, however.. there is a keen intellect which, if I do say so myself, mirrors…" He glances at his brother, blue eyes amused, ".. She has a mind that one would be a fool to ignore."
Kell's approach now earns the knight a raised brow; it seems the pair are ever.. together. "Ser Drakmoor. I was wondering where you had gone to." It's not long that he regards Kell, however, as he turns to the Lady Mallister. He inclines his head in a bow, "My lady.. we are walking to where ever our steps may take us. This is simply an afternoon stroll, nothing more."
A warm smile is given in the direction of Elinor as Sarojyn inclines his head once more to her, "Then I will offer none, my Lady Elinor." He does look to Muirenn once more so that he can offer, "I could not speak of their destination, for I have only just arrived." Dafydd gives way to there is no particular destination and there's a slight nod of his head and a brief hint of a grin at the mention of Tiaryn's intellect. That grin fades back to a smile as he looks to Elinor once more, "If my Lady doesn't object, I would offer my company on this afternoon stroll." Kell's detour to their party draws the Lord's attention and he gives the Knight a slight bow of his head, "Welcome, Ser Drakmoor. Please, there is no need for apologies, for you are not intruding."
Elinor returns the warmth, "Indeed, I am. It is an honor Lady Muirenn and it pleases to me know my sister has received you thusly." Her gaze is shared amongst the gathered, attempting to not place favor upon one more than other. In their circle of prestige, Elinor's retinue has granted her breathing room, remaining on the outside while the nobility converse. "Ser Drakmoor." She greets with familiarity. Before replying to Muirenn, "It as Lord Dafydd shared my lady." Of course she was inclined to lay her sights upon Sarojyn to reply, "It is not in me to refuse such an offer my lord."
"Tia as well? Well, my lady," Dafydd faces the Lady Banefort, his expression formed into a genuine smile. "You would find her a fun companion. She finds a way to put a smile on any face at any given time.. even when she harbours her own sorrows. She is far from simple, however.. there is a keen intellect which, if I do say so myself, mirrors…" He glances at his brother, blue eyes amused, ".. She has a mind that one would be a fool to ignore."
Kell's approach now earns the knight a raised brow; it seems the pair are ever.. together. "Ser Drakmoor. I was wondering where you had gone to." It's not long that he regards Kell, however, as he turns to the Lady Mallister. He inclines his head in a bow, "My lady.. we are walking to where ever our steps may take us. This is simply an afternoon stroll, nothing more."
A warm smile is given in the direction of Elinor as Sarojyn inclines his head once more to her, "Then I will offer none, my Lady Elinor." He does look to Muirenn once more so that he can offer, "I could not speak of their destination, for I have only just arrived." Dafydd gives way to there is no particular destination and there's a slight nod of his head and a brief hint of a grin at the mention of Tiaryn's intellect. That grin fades back to a smile as he looks to Elinor once more, "If my Lady doesn't object, I would offer my company on this afternoon stroll." Kell's detour to their party draws the Lord's attention and he gives the Knight a slight bow of his head, "Welcome, Ser Drakmoor. Please, there is no need for apologies, for you are not intruding."
Elinor returns the warmth, "Indeed, I am. It is an honor Lady Muirenn and it pleases to me know my sister has received you thusly." Her gaze is shared amongst the gathered, attempting to not place favor upon one more than other. In their circle of prestige, Elinor's retinue has granted her breathing room, remaining on the outside while the nobility converse. "Ser Drakmoor." She greets with familiarity. Before replying to Muirenn, "It as Lord Dafydd shared my lady." Of course she was inclined to lay her sights upon Sarojyn to reply, "It is not in me to refuse such an offer my lord."
Her frame dipped mutely, a gesture of departing given to both Dafydd and Muirenn as the announce their leave. "Lord Dafydd, until meet again and Lady Muirenne, I graciously accept your invitation. The evening will be most delightful I am sure." She observes briefly how the pair soon take movement in their leaving and her gaze lingers upon Kell now, an easy smile displayed. "I had hoped to visit the coast while here, I am to require a horse for the distance yes? I believe my sister may have one to spare. In any regard, do enjoy your day Ser Drakmoor." Herself not owning her own horse, not here. Horseback riding was one of those other things Elinor was partly bad. As long as it was not in movement. She observe their forms growing distant. "Your, brother, longs to return home my lord."
With a smile, Muirenn says politely as no one has bothered to introduce her to the hedge knight, "I am Lady Mallister, Lord Jason's niece. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Ser." Her smile like her words are polite and she inclines her head before giving a gentle tug of the reins to her horse, "It has been a pleasure, and I hope that your walk is enjoyable." With a gentle tug of the reins she guides the tall gelding around the group, and begins to ride down the road.
With a dispairing sigh, Septa Waldsteinia inclines her head and murmers "Ser, my Lord, my Lady…" as a way of greeting and apology as she nudges her mare forward to follow after her charge. The mounted Mallister guard in tow.
Kell's attention shifts back to Sarojyn as the knight's presence is requested which he nods his head in understanding, "As you wish, M'Lord, I will make myself available tomorrow for I am at your service." Now this has the Hedge Knight curious as to what the other man wishes to speak of, perhaps of hunting in the Tall Oaks. Kell then turns to Muirenn and gives her a warm smile with a bow as she introduces herself, "I am honored, M'Lady Mallister." He also dips his head to Muirenn's retinue before turning back to Elinor and Sarojyn, "It is a walk if one wishes extra time for their thoughts but also easily reached by horse, M'Lady." The Hedge Knight does remain for a few seconds longer, just in case either Lord or Lady has more words for him.
An incline of his head is given to Muirenn and when Kell answers his request, Sarojyn is turning his attention to the Knight, offering a slight bow of his head and a smile, "Thank you, Ser Drakmoor. I look forward to speaking with you." The mention of the coast and a horse has Sarojyn listening and then nodding, his attention shifting from Kell to Elinor so that he can offer, "Ser Drakmoor is right, my Lady. It is not so far a walk if one were to wish it. But if you would like a horse, I can offer you one of the horses from my men." Then, he's looking in the direction that Dafydd retreated to so that he can give a nod of his head, "I suspect that he does. He remains, though, because I have chosen to remain a few days longer then initially intended."
A look is given back to the castle and then towards the coast, "I would prefer the walk, if you do not mind my lord." As Kell said the distance would not be too great and it allot her time while in a particular person's presence. She was greatful for his knowledge and revealed as much in the manner she regarded the hedge knight. Thalia held a look revealing that she would have preferred the horses. When the Sarojyn and Kell make their exchanges, the lady remains quiet.
Kell bows his head to Sarojyn once more as the request is complete, "Till tomorrow, M'Lord. Have an enjoyable walk, M'Lady." The Hedge Knight says to both nobles before he also gives Mistress Thalia a smile and dip of his head, perhaps in his way trying to make up for what happened the other night, not wanting to be in the dog house forever.
Looking back to Elinor, Sarojyn shares another smile as he nods his head towards her, "I do not mind the walk, Lady Elinor." Then, he's looking towards Kell, offering the Knight another incline of his head before he's looking back to Elinor, even as he turns to begin to make his way in the direction of the coastline, "Do you not have a horse of your own here at the Roost, my Lady? Or have you taken to just using the spares that Lord Jerold has available in the stables?
After the others depart leaving her in the company of Sarojyn once more, she falls in line with his steps leading towards the coastline. Eventually from the green a dirt road may guide them directly upon it. "The spares." Elinor answers at first, pushing back the cloak that was draped over her shoulders for the sun permitted a healthy embrace of warmth. "I rarely ride upon horseback and truthfully the creature may just die of boredom if under my care." Here she really had no reason to unless venturing further than a comfortable walking distance. The town, the green and the surrounding lands were suitable. Though it was her first visit to the coast since her arrival, since they were brought by carriage those many months ago.
Allowing his hands to clasp before him once more, Sarojyn looks to the path ahead as he gives a nod of his head, "A valid consideration if one does not enjoy to ride. For me, my horse seldom goes unused, for I have found a ride to be a method in which one can relax amongst their thoughts." There's a slight turn of his head, enough so that he can look back towards her. "Should you change your mind, Lady Elinor, and wish a horse of your own, you need only ask. My brother intends to venture south in search of one for our sister and it would please me to provide you with one of your own."
Hearing of an unexpected offer had the lady's brows rising high before averting her eyes away, the path a head was a good place for them to focus on. "If only in fulfilling such kindness would please you, then I would acquiesce. And endeavor to cherish the creature as so rightly deserving." She would need to work on her horseback riding a tad bit more and include it as part of her regular routine. Elinor looked over her shoulder, just where she suspected, Thalia was a few steps behind though not riding their coatails as she usually would. "My lord, I would not know how to return that kindness."
Unlike Elinor, Sarojyn doesn't look back to the fore, for his attention remains focused upon her, though there is a sidelong glance in the direction of Thalia, but it lasts only a moment. The warm smile remains upon his lips and there's a nod of his head at her words, "Such a thing would please me, my Lady Elinor, and I have no doubt that you would cherish it." Now his attention looks to the fore, even as he gives a slight shake of his head, "You need not return such kindness, my lady, for you already have. In the fashion of your pleasant and enjoyable company."
She is wearing her affections proudly now, cheeks swelling admist the grand smile she hold. Elinor is at a loss of words, rather those words should not be said so openly. When enough time has passed, her silence is broken. "When say such things my lord, I am finding it difficult to keep my favor within proper distance." Her chin dips, head slightly bowed as they walked and her voice a touch low. If lucky Thalia may not be able to make out what she precicely says, "You are amongst my thoughts oftenly as of late."
Looking back to Elinor, Sarojyn doesn't conceal the smile that plays across his lips as he gives a slight bow of his head towards her and at her first set of words, his eyes shift in the direction of Thalia and then back towards the Lady. When he speaks again, his voice has lowered a touch, enough so that it can carry to his companion and not to that of the party that lingers behind, "I'm happy to hear such things, my Lady, for I must admit to the same. You are the reason that I have come to linger within Terrick's Roost and have yet to return home."
A hand was laid abreast upon a new revelation, the girl finding the metal clasp of her cloak with her thumb and absently rubbing it. Her eyes close under the moment, not to fear in walking blindly, in a few steps they reopen again to the road before her. "Your words soothe me." While at the same time her core is excited beyond anything for beneath her hand it's quickening beat knocks against her chest. Her posture is corrected under Thalia's watchful eye and the lady is looking sidelong to Sarojyn, "It would be wrong of me to relay that I should not wish to see your parting."
Sarojyn lets his eyes linger a moment longer before he's looking back to the road before them and the coastline that resides in the distant. The mention of his words soothing her draws a deepening of the smile, "I'm glad that you find happiness in my words, my Lady. I was a touch .. reluctant to reveal such things, for fear of having you distance yourself." Now, there's another look in her direction as his head comes to an appreciative bow, "It may be wrong for such things, but it brings joy to hear that you do not wish to see me leave. I have hope, though, that we will not part for long."
A little later, they arrive at the coastline
She'll be minded to take this sojourn in her upcoming days while at the Roost. The particular aroma of the salted air was faint in the air as they neared the coastline. Whispered into her ear were the crash of distant waves, a slap greeting for the shores. It would be hard to differentiate which was the cause of her exhilarance now be it from the near waters or Sarojyn. She could almost imagine herself glaring over the open waters from the Banefort tower. With the seas in sight, she was lended a measure of comfort from it. Still her words remained constrained for the nobleman walking beside her. "It is my wish that you are never to feel that way around me my lord. And I, in turn, will forgo feeling reluctant in matters that are a direct relation to you." Elinor had paused in her walk, staring out above her before finding the path that would lead towards the beach. "As much as I would be allowed. Given our current standings."
The coastline is not a place that Sarojyn comes to very often, nor is it somewhere that he's familiar with, for his eyes leave Elinor to look to the fore and for a moment, he simply scans his surroundings. The smile remains firm upon his lips and there's something that lights within his eyes as she speaks again. It's then that he looks back to her, his head coming to bow just a touch. "Then, my Lady, we are in certain agreement on that matter." Relief is evident in his features, though it fades as he looks back to the water, his hands unclasping from before him, "Our current stations .. yes." That brings a slight pause to his word so that he can look back to Elinor, regarding her for a moment before looking out to the path that they move about. "I intend to write your Lord Father, my Lady." He doesn't quite go into detail what about, though.
Elinor nods, "We are." An inward grin curls in the corner of her mouth before pinching the front of her skirts, raising them just high enough as to not catch the sand through her steps. She took the liberty of venturing out, a high stride as each footstep caused her frame to sink into the giving sand. "Oh?" She asked, turning over her shoulder, a pause in her progress. "I am sure he would be pleased to hear word from you." The lady relays, not being the one to make assumptions. "He would be as surprised as I to receive a letter bearing the seal of Camden."
As Elinor moves out and onto the sand, Sarojyn gives pause to watch for a moment and when she looks back towards him, there's a slight dip of his head, "I have hope that he will be pleased, my Lady." A smile is given and then he's moving to follow her onto the sand, his cloak of Camden blue just brushing along the fine particles of sand as he moves. "I mean to offer him access to our timber, should he have need of such a thing." A pause is given and then he's moving forward a touch quicker, meaning to close the distance between the two so that he can murmer, "And if the Lady would have no objections, I would make mention of my intentions in such a letter."
Those that followed Elinor stompped their way through the sand, spreading themselves outward to take in the sights. The guards take to a small patrol of the area, her maidservants huddle together and pick up the occasional shell, broken or whole, burried in the sand. As Sarojyn is providing more reason as to the purpose of his letter, Elinor pushing up something burried. Maybe another shell or some creature hiding for warmth. "For the masts?" Those grand oaks would be perfect. However when he nears, the woman is lifting her head, eyes narrowing after the murmur hushed with enough power to bid her silence. For a short while. Elinor grins broadly, tucking in both of her lips while shaking her head. No objections what so ever.
There's a moment's attention paid to the guards and maidservants, but it's only a moment and when he looks back to Elinor, he's giving a nod of his head, "Aye, for the masts. Our Oaks are some of the finest in that regard. I will also offer regular timber to your Lord Father and see if a price can be given that is less then what he pays now." When she comes to grin and simply shake her head in answer to his question, the smile grows a touch upon Sarojyn's lips as he nods his head, "Very well. Then I shall see a letter drafted and delivered to your Lord Father."
"I should pray he will return to a favorable response my lord Sarojyn." On both matters, should be implied. Elinor's brows gathered, wrinkled from thought that felt too urgent to contain. "I am charmed my lord, truly. I do not wish to set before myself expectations should my lord father return words that are not… beneficial to you." She was remembering that Thalia was within earshot, her words altered to convey a double meaning. "He should know what I have seen from you. I can only summon good qualities in my mind."
Although he had moved closer to speak with Elinor, Sarojyn remains far enough way so that the maidservant can not complain and so that no other could make mention of improper behavior. When she speaks, the smile remains upon his lips as he gives another nod of his head, "It is my hope, my Lady, that his response is one that is favorable to both of us." There is another look given around, the locations of all noted before he's looking back to Elinor, the smile still upon his lips. "I have hope that he we wil see things as we do, Lady Elinor. I will see the letter sent and then, we shall await his reply."
Certainly to both, the noblewoman muses while standing before him, still holding to her skirts. Thalia and the maidservants loom, where the latter two are quietly chatting with another as the guards remain ever watchful on the surroundings. Nothing of import except for the tower just a short measure off in the distance. She could spare another step or two, atleast to stand within arms reach. "If my lord father is receptive in his reply, I would be obliged to reveal to you how grateful I am to the kindness thus you've given me. Unless I am not honest with myself."
When Elinor comes that step or two that draw her closer, Sarojyn's eyes remains focused on her for a moment before shifting to look to the maidservants. Then, it's back to Elinor and with a cant of his head, he's listening to what she says, the smile remaining upon his lips as he offers a slight nod, "There would be no need, my Lady Elinor, but should such revealations come to light, I would offer no objection." His eyes linger a moment longer before he's looking to the sea so that he can murmer, "Tell me, does this view compare to that of your home?"
Even though it was not required Elinor was putting to mind just how to be true to her words. Which may have implied more than she intended. In that moment she briefly wished for the vanishing of Thalia and those maidservants, who were now watching closely after Elinor took those bold steps. To his answer, she shook her head, "It does not I'm afraid." So instead of standing before him, the lady then moved to his side, facing the same direction as he. Both hands were stretched out as if molding the scenery before them. "Castle Banefort sits near the edge of a grand cliff. The land slops inwards. Like… this." She continues. "Beneath it are large rocks, mishapen and jagged. A fall from the ground or towers is certain death. Unlike here, from our castle we can capture the view over many hills though not all. Within those hills are mounds of precious metals. Banefort has a claim to a couple though not as many as the other houses. And… right about there are the docks… they line the area like so. Father always received new contracts for his shipwrights so it was a sight to observe how the ships were crafted from above, the sea stretched out as far as the eye can see." In her momentary reliving of her home. Elinor drew a breath inward and held it before allow its release.
There is little doubt that if Sarojyn could, he would dispense with the guards and servants, but since he can't, he simply forgets them for the moment. When Elinor comes to stand by his side, he's looking out to her hands and then behind, picturing things as she begins to speak and describe just how Castle Banefort sits and the lands beneath it. Lips curve into a smile as he dips his head into a nod and when she finally comes to finish, there's a soft sigh that escapes his lips as he looks back to her. "It sounds like an absolutely stunning view, my Lady Elinor." He looks back out to the ocean, regarding it for a moment as if once more picturing what she had describe. "I hold hope to perhaps visit there, one day, and see things for myself."
"It is my lord. If only to stand at a window and look through." Her head is the only part of her turn towards him. "I would believe your brother would dislike it as he had relayed his disfavor of being so distant from your home. You, you seem more to be calm as the still waters from a pond or lake." The girl laughs then, "I do not mean to call you a pond. Or water.."
For a moment, Sarojyn's eyes remain directed out amongst the water, though he does begin to look back to her, the smile lighting upon his lips again as he gives a shake of his head, "Oh, I do miss the comfort of the tree's, my Lady, for that is where my home is. But, I am not so lost to them, that I can not appreciate or picture the allure of that in which draws others peoples wants." Those words are followed by his own laugh and a slight lift of a brow, "I did not presume that you were, though I would admit that is something I have never been compared to."
"I do wish to know your comfort amongst them. The longer away I am from my home, the easier it is to accept how great the distance is. I should return, soon I should hope. Most certainly before and if I am to have a husband. He should know the lands hail from." Elinor counters his laugh with her own smile, "Have you been compared to things more odd?"
With a quick nod of his head to her words, Sarojyn offers, "You will see the comfort of the Oaks, soon, Lady Elinor and then you will understand why my brother and I feel how we do about them." A pause is given and he looks to the water once more, "Though, while one might accept the distance, I don't think one can ever lose the longing to return. It simply becomes bareable by those around them." His eyes do return to her, the smile still upon his lips as he gives a quick nod, "I've been compared to tree's, animals and more. I think being compared to water, though, would bare a certain truth when one thinks about all that it can be."
"It can be a great many things." She returns at the topic of water before eyeing the returning path they had just taken to arrive here. Elinor returns to Sarojyn, "I am ready to return to the tower my lord." And in that she awaits for his escort arm to return together.