Lea Seydoux as Anais Terrick nee Banefort |
gender: |
Female |
age: |
18 |
height: |
5' 5" |
weight: |
A lady never tells |
eyes: |
Ocean blue |
hair: |
Ash-blonde |
honorific: |
Young Lady, Lady |
title: |
Young Lady of the Roost |
position: |
Lady |
predecessor: |
Lady Evangeline Terrick |
heir: |
None |
Anais was born the fifth child and third daughter of Lord Erik and Lady Edith Banefort, a Westerlands lordship situated on a peninsula perilously close to Pyke and the Iron Isles. There would be two sons and a daughter after her, leaving her toward the end of the middle of the healthy brood. With the threat of reavers ever hanging over their heads, Lord and Lady Banefort made certain to secure the succession of their lands.
Anais had all of the usual tutors and minders as a child, though the sheer abundance of offspring often gave her the chance to escape the strictures of lessons. When she could, Anais often enjoyed tagging along with one of her older brothers to the docks and the ships there. The stories of distant lands and glory won against vicious Ironborn held her attention like little else.
Anais cherished her time at the docks, but particularly the few times her entire family would take ship for a day-long sail along the coast. It wasn't until she was older that she would come to realize that there was more to those expeditions than she had thought. Lesser lords and armsmen accompanied them, all the better to inspect the towns and villages along the coasts and their fortifications against the Ironborn.
As Anais reached her teens, however, her interests began to shift. With the unrest and rebellion stewing in King's Landing, the Baneforts were lucky enough to attract a skilled musician and dancing master to their home. Anais was quite simply smitten. Suddenly, dancing and music were all she could think of. And remarkably enough, she displayed an impressive talent for dance.
For once, the remoteness of the Banefort worked in her family's favor. With Tywin Lannister reserving his men and actions until victory was clear, the war hardly touched the Banefort. Her father travelled with Tywin's host to King's Landing, but returned home unharmed, and indeed richer for the trip.
With the men gone, however, those who remained were more indulgent of the occasional wild hair among the women. After all, it doesn't matter who shoots the arrow that takes out an Ironborn, so long as it takes him out. And so, when the dancing master was busy with her sisters, Anais would resume her trips to the docks, practicing archery with new recruits and challenging the armsmaster to complain to her father.
The dancing master didn't stay long after the war ended, leaving the Banefort for greener pastures. There was a small succession of others, as Anais certainly enjoyed it, but it seemed most thought there was little left to teach the girl. And so, when her next crush was a young shipwright in the village, Anais managed to complete her lessons in plenty of time to go and help him with his. Honestly. Well. At least part of the time.
For the most part, Anais was well-behaved, though perhaps a bit overly fond of any travelling troupe that managed to make it to their shores. Pretty and charming, she took easily to lessons, and just as easily to any chance to breathe a little fresh air. She was very fond of her home, of the sea and the sail, and never panicked when the black ships came reaving.
In time, Lord and Lady Banefort turned their minds to passing along some of their many daughters to other houses. When the possibility of a match with a Riverlands house, they decided to hedge their bets and send a few of the daughters. Four, in fact. Two of Anais' older sisters and one of her younger went with her as they travelled to the Riverlands.
Anais made quick work of finding herself a husband. During the wedding festivities in Stonebridge celebrating the marriage of Lord Ryker and Lady Isolde, she ingratiated herself with the spurned young Lord Jaremy Terrick, despite the presence of two older, unmarried sisters in her party. Within a few weeks, an agreement had been reached between Lord Banefort and Lord Terrick, and the betrothal was set for only two months.
Unfortunately, two months was too long. Only a few weeks before the wedding, after the execution of Amelia Millen, Jaremy Terrick disappeared from the Roost, embarking on an attempt to make up for the loss of Stonebridge and other mistakes. When he was disinherited, the betrothal passed along with the heirship to his younger brother, Lord Jacsen Terrick. Anais handled the shift with apparent aplomb, and was soon wed to the young heir.
There was little time for the two of them to get to know each other, however, as Jaremy's departure left crises in its wake. Tension between Anais and her goodmother regarding a disagreement about a lady's proper realm contributed to tensions among the family, and not long after the wedding there was a trip to Riverrun in support of Ser Gedeon Rivers' claim to Stonebridge. Yet even that was nothing in comparison to the invasion that has come just two short months after the wedding, with Ironborn reavers occupying the Cape of Eagles. The young couple have yet to be caught at odds in public, but there is still a formality between them, and one can only imagine the strains of an invasion are less than kind to a young marriage.
With the end of the Greyjoy Rebellion, Terrick's Roost was left with a good deal of damage to both supplies and town. In hopes of finding some remedy to this, Anais focused her efforts on repairing the family's relations with the Naylands, traveling between Stonebridge and the Roost on a regular basis. Some speculated that relations between her and Jacsen had deteriorated, and there were a few whispers that Lord Riordan Nayland was overly fond of the young Terrick bride.
Attempts to foster relations between the families failed, however, when negotiations to arrange a betrothal between Lady Roslyn Nayland and Lord Justin Terrick went south on the matter of the dowry, and the lady was shortly betrothed to Lord Kittridge Groves instead. The death of Lady Evangeline saw Lord Jerold withdraw into his grief, and an inflammation of his old injury saw Jacsen take to his bed in pain. Just as it seemed there would be no food or resources for the Roost, Anais brokered a deal between the Terricks and the Charltons, arranging for monthly deliveries of food and seed in return for the services of some of the Roost's craftsmen in the new settlement of Highfield and non-participation in the conflict between the Naylands and the Charltons.
Efforts turned with more focus to rebuilding and repairing the damage left by the Ironborn, and Anais struggled to hold on to the hard-won peace and burgeoning prosperity, looking to Justin to supply both the force and legitimacy that might otherwise have been provided by husband or goodfather. She was still young, but forged on the anvil of the Ironborn and through the fires of adversity, and it seemed there was some steel beneath the pretty facade. But her crucible was not yet finished.
In early October 289, her husband disappeared in the night. Unflattering tales emerged, telling of countless liaisons with chambermaids and rumors of even worse. At the same time Lord Jerold's brother Lord Bolland and his family returned to the Roost. In the wake of so much chaos, Lord Jerold stepped down, passing his seat to his brother and his brother's line. In late October, almost exactly one year after her marriage, Jacsen's body was found and returned to the Roost.
Left behind by two Terrick heirs, Anais remains at the Roost. But what becomes of the young woman who arrived in the Riverlands only a little more than a year ago, already a widow? Only time will tell.
Erik Banefort: Father
Edith Banefort: Mother
Quentyn Banefort: Eldest brother and heir.
Shayla Banefort: Sister, seven years older than Anais. Was married, but lost her husband to a reaver raid.
Torsten Banefort: Brother, five years older than Anais.
Elinor Banefort: Sister, three years older than Anais. Presumed dead in the fall of Tall Oaks.
Gwyneth Banefort: Sister, two years younger than Anais.
Joseth Banefort: Brother, three years younger than Anais.
Justin Banefort: Brother, six years younger than Anais.
Shayla, Torsten, Gwyneth, Joseth, and Justin are open for application! Bastards welcome, too. Page Anais on-game if you're interested.
Physical Features
Anais is sunlight over stormy seas, a glimpse of sun through the clouds. Around average height, just short of five and a half feet tall, she is lightly built, with a certain quickness and grace of limb in her bearing that sets her apart from other women. She's fair, with fine, ash blonde hair that falls in loose waves to her waist and long bangs that brush past her brow. Her eyes are the changeable blue of northerly seas, wide-set and sharp, and her features are fine, with a pointed chin and apple-blushed cheeks. Her lips are full, and if her features seem inclined to somberness, she herself is quick to smile.
Her clothes are suited to a lady of noble birth, in silks and linens shaped to her form. Though the colors of her house may be black and grey, she favors pale blues and greens, paying homage in silver grey or flame-touched trims. Most of her gowns allow for a comfortable range of motion, and the sharp of eye may note the marks of frequent mending around hems and vulnerable seams.
The World of Steel and Stone
House Terrick: The house into which I have married. They are men and women of honor and pride. They are truly Good people, but sometimes I wonder if they have the fortitude to claim and hold their place in this world. |
Lord Ser Jerold Terrick: Lord Jerold is an honorable man, which is a worthy thing. He's also sometimes over proud and a fool, but those aren't things one says to one's goodfather. Since Lady Evangeline's passing, I've found myself struggling with how to work with the man. Sometimes I think he wishes I was Isolde Tordane. More the fool he. |
Lord Bolland Terrick: The new Lord of the Roost. He seems more like the sort of man I am used to. I hope it means that we can better work together, but I fear that he might choose to be rid of me as well. I will do what I must to prove myself to him. |
Ser Ozric Terrick: The new heir to Terrick's Roost. He is bluff and blunt, but perhaps the Roost could use more of that. If I am to keep all that I've worked for, I must wed him next. Though I hardly know him, I hope that it might be easier than Jaremy and Jacsen have been. If nothing else, I cannot complain about his form… |
Ser Jaremy Middleton: Jaremy was a sweet man and every bit a fool. All the same, he would have been a convenient sort of husband. Kind, gentle, easily guided, and not a poor knight. Unfortunately, he was as easily guided by Amelia as he was by me, and so he freezes on the Wall. In all fairness, it's probably a better place for him. |
Lord Jacsen Terrick: My lord husband. When Jaremy disappeared, I thought perhaps I might be better of with Jacsen. For a time, it seemed we might come to terms. And then the poppy and other things came between us. Before it could be fixed, he slipped away and was lost to me even more than Jaremy. I mourn what might have been. |
Lord Justin Terrick: An honorable knight and a true son of his house. I would that he might have been treated more fairly by his uncle, and hope that he does not let his change in status change who he is. Duty is not simple, nor easily dispatched. I hope that it does not turn him bitter. |
Lady Lucienne Terrick: A snake at the heart of the Roost. Spoiled and selfish, and willing to ruin her house if it brings her power. No one believed me when I told them, until she ruined her betrothal and turned up pregnant. Yet I can take little pleasure in her downfall, for everything else it brought. |
Ser Jarod Rivers: I am very fond of Jarod, though I am never quite sure where I stand with him. Of all of Lord Jerold's get, he seems to have the greatest balance of honor and sense, yet I sometimes think his sense of loyalty and his desire to please those around him will cause him trouble. |
Ser Kell Drakmoor: Ser Kell had feelings for Elinor, I think. He is a good knight, and the sort of honorable man that the Roost favors. I know little of him personally, but I think he will fit well here. |
Master Mortimer Trevelyan: A solid man, and one I'm grateful to have in our service. It pains me that we couldn't save his family from the Ironborn during the siege, but I hope that in the future we can earn the loyalty he so freely offers. |
Lady Devra Paege: Frustrating at first, I think Lady Devra is more of a friend than I had thought. |
Kain Audron: Why does it seem I can only earn the love of those from whom I can never accept it? Kain has been a balm in difficult times. Yet now I wonder if there is something missing in me, that I should so easily choose name and power over heart. |
House Nayland The entrenched enemies of House Terrick. I've yet to determine just why that is. |
Lord Rickart Nayland: In many ways, he reminds me of my own father. I can see why Lord Jerold might not like him, though. A proud man who refuses to hide his pride or bow to senseless honor, Lord Rickart is simply a different sort of man than Lord Jerold. |
Dowager Lady Rebekkah Nayland: I'm not sure I would want her for a goodmother of any sort, but she's certainly more interesting than the average woman, and stepping around her sharp tongue is enough to keep one's wits sharp as well. |
Lord Ryker Nayland: A man I met only briefly. I think he hoped for peace between the families more than Lord Rickart or his other sons could, but he still took up the issue of Stonebridge. And now he is dead, so there is little point in wondering. |
Lady Isolde Nayland: The woman in whose place i stand, and well do I know it. Though I've only met her a few times, I cannot respect her. Jaremy loved her and was easily led enough that they could have been wed had she wished it and had the fortitude to take action. Instead she did nothing, and her inaction upset the balance of power throughout the Cape of Eagles. How it galls me to even be compared to her. |
Ser Rutger Nayland: Like playing with fire. The courtier of the Nayland family, yet with the skills of a knight, Lord Rutger is the true opponent. Had he been heir to the Mire when I arrived, the challenge would have been more tempting than Jaremy. |
Ser Riordan Nayland: In a different world, I might have loved him. He is so easy to love. Earnest, passionate, honest. But I don't know how to leave a course I've set for myself, and some choices cannot be unmade. In the end, he made the choice for both of us, leaving with Isolde Tordane. I cannot say my life has been empty of irony. |
Lady Roslyn Nayland: Canny and clever, no matter what show she puts on. I might have liked to have had her at the Roost, but I can't be too unhappy to see her elsewhere. |
Lady Rowenna Nayland: Dear Rowan, as I think she shall always be to me. I feel a certain kinship with Lady Rowenna, and count her a true and honest friend, whatever cover she wore in her pursuit of knighthood. I can only respect the incredible bravery it must have taken for her to pursue such an impossible dream and still to achieve it. |
Ser Rygar Nayland: Amelia Millen suggested that he wanted me dead. If he did, he failed. If he didn't, it isn't impossible to imagine it was an idea of his. Ser Rygar is a valuable piece on the Nayland's board. His efforts with the levies have cemented the Naylands in Stonebridge more than anything else, and he is just far enough removed from the main branch of the family to move relatively unnoticed. I would that the Terricks had such a resource on their side. |
Lady Jocelyn Nayland: Sweet and proper, Lady Jocelyn will make a fine wife for someone. If I thought it might bring peace between the Terricks and Naylands, I would gladly welcome her to the Roost. |
Lady Muirenn Mallister: A good friend. If Rowan is the friend I know I should probably not be so fond of, Muirenn is the friend I should spend more time with, in hopes of her being a good influence on me. A perfect lady, yet she has spirit, and having her standing at our side in the aftermath of the Rebellion is a boon. |
Lord Kamron Mallister: An amusing man, and the sort of knight who can be a great deal of fun. He has been a friend to the Roost, and an ally when Terricks were being foolish. And he seems to love Saffron, for which I am ever grateful. |
Lady Ilaria Haigh: If every lady in the Riverlands was this kind and proper, there would be a good deal less conflict. I only wish that we could have arranged for her to join the Terricks before she was promised to another. |
Lord Kittridge Groves: Lord Groves is a fine dancer and a pleasant man, though I fear I've had more dealings with him on unpleasant matters than pleasant ones. He looks to the good of his house, as he should, but I think he is not necessarily a friend to the Terricks. |
Lady Rosanna Groves: In many ways, a woman after my own heart. She loves to dance and she loves ambition. And she has a sharp tongue behind her sweet words. Whether I like her or not, she makes a far better friend than an enemy. |
Ser Gedeon Tordane: A good man who thought more of honor and pride than success. I still can't believe he accepted Ser Rygar's duel when victory was in his grasp, and I'm not sure I'll ever forgive him for it. |
Ser Alek Coope: The definition of a fun knight. Impressive in battle, charming in dance, and much too pretty for anyone's good. Ser Coope is the sort of man who is good for a girl's injured spirits, so long as she keeps her guard up. |
Lord Torsten Banefort: My older brother, and a miserable wretch whom I love dearly. He is not a man of honor, and I will not suffer him to be thought of as less for it. He is what the Banefort has made him: strong, ruthless, and efficient. And I know that I will always be able to rely on him. It was at his side that I wandered the docks as a young girl, and he will always be dear to me for it. |
Lady Saffron Banefort: My partner in crime for most of my life. Saffron is more my sister than my cousin, a kindred spirit who understands all that I am. She has always been there for me, though now that she's wed, it seems she has important duties of her own. |
Ser Sterling Sharpe: A trustworthy knight of the family, and cut of the same cloth as men like Ser Blayne. He has a sense of humor, even if he'll not admit it, and his patience with Banefort girls is legendary. |
Lady Danae Westerling I can't imagine why I would have expected anything else from a Westerling, but this latest stunt of claiming marriage to Ser Gedeon and claiming to carry his child is simply embarrassing. Does she truly expect us all to pretend to be foolish enough to accept her story when it's clearly more likely she spread her legs and found herself with child out of wedlock and convinced Ser Gedeon to use his death to some good if he lost his duel? I would far rather make common cause with the Naylands than support such nonsense. |
Lady Cordelya Flint Another dear friend, found during the strain of the Greyjoy Rebellion. Lady Cordelya can be a little strange, but she is a woman of spirit, and one who is also wed, and to an heir. It is nice to have a friend who understands one's station in life. |
Lady Tiaryn Flint The survivor of the Oaks. I wish Elinor had done as Lady Tiaryn did. She is a kind woman, and I am interested to see how she runs her own life as a widow of an empty house. |
Faith and Spirituality |
A crutch. Faith and religion have their uses, but it's foolish to expect divine intervention. The Gods help those who help themselves. If there is any of the Seven in whom I truly trust, it is the Stranger, for he comes to all men in time. |
War for the Throne |
King Robert's Rebellion touched only lightly on the Banefort, but as he had the good sense to make common cause with the Lannisters afterwards, he cannot be a complete loss. |
Greyjoy Rebellion |
Squids. If the Riverlands had been as alert and prepared as the Banefort has always been, this wouldn't have been worthy of the name of rebellion. Instead, the Roost finds itself in difficult straights. |
Stonebridge |
Yet another instance of one woman's weakness casting an entire region into instability. Isolde and Jaremy both put their own desires above their duty. Lord Tywin never would have let such a thing get this far out of hand. I can't understand why Lord Tully never took more direct action. |